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All the ethnic groups of China together have created Chinese culture as a whole over its long historical development. This rich and colourful culture now spread before our eyes is the result of the distinctive cultures of various ethnic groups gradually merging.Without cultural exchange and cross influence between  相似文献   

<正>"每个人心底或许都有一片孤独而自由的大海,我们往往在深夜,独自潜入其中,有时又因为潜入得太深,而思念陆地上的灯火。大多数人一生都在这两者间穿梭。"——电影《碧海蓝天》2018年,第90届奥斯卡金像奖选出了最佳影片——《水形物语》,影片讲述了人与水中生物的一段奇缘。人类对海洋的向往,从古至今,颇有几分愈演愈烈的趋势。古希腊神话中海神波塞冬掌握着海洋的力量,北欧神话中的尼约  相似文献   

Villages of relocated buildings now constitute a phenomenon of the world’s repertoire of heritage. They go by a multitude of names depending on particular inflection: open air museum, folk museum, living history museum, heritage village, museum village and so forth. 1 [1] On the range of villages, see Thompson, ‘The Social Significance of Folk Museums’; Marshall, ‘Folklife and the Rise of American Folk Museums’; Leon and Piatt, ‘Living History Museums’; Shafernich, ‘On‐site Museums, Open‐air Museums, Museum Villages and Living History Museums’; Moolman, ‘Site Museums’; de Jong, ‘Approaches and Concepts’; Chappell, ‘Open‐air Museums’; Corbin, ‘Representations of an Imagined Past’. This paper reviews the context of the form of the genre’s manifestation in Australia, where it is often known as the ‘pioneer village’. They are the fruit of a populist vision of national history which celebrates white rural settlement as its central theme. In practice, the villages manifest a deep commitment to collecting and saving old buildings as the meaningful construction of a favourite historical identity. But the generation that established Australia’s villages has been overtaken. Today, the intersection of museum villages with the managerialist pressures of local economy enhancement and modern professional standards of heritage management challenge most villages’ survival.  相似文献   

在大众文化的冲击下,学生作文写作在语言上突破了传统语法规范、词语超常搭配、句式随意组合、新词语大胆创造,在内容上冲破了学生作文的传统观念,在结构上打破了记叙文、议论文、说明文、应用文各类文体的写作规范。这些都给写作带来了令人担忧的负面影响。因此,我们急需从学校、教师、社会的角度出发,提出有效的对策。  相似文献   

流行于高等院校的大众文化,以充满青春激情、追逐时尚潮流的年轻人为主要消费对象,深受许多大学生的欢迎和喜爱。大众文化正以特有的功能影响着当代大学生的生活方式、价值观念和审美情趣。正确认识高校学生大众文化表象及其对大学生的积极影响和消极影响,建立高校学生大众文化引导和管理的长效机制,提高大学生的审美情趣、审美能力和审美理想,才能消解其负面功能,让先进文化思想和活动形式占领校园文化阵地。  相似文献   

Christian Democracy is often championed as a romantic means of bringing ethical considerations for the common good into the daily life of politics. Public choice theory, on the other hand, reveals that the search for the common good is quixotic amidst divergent policy preferences within a nation. While there may be a handful of values that are accepted by nearly all citizens (e.g., prohibitions on murder), more mundane policy choices will likely promote differences of opinion. Given the often arbitrary nature of voting procedures, the ability of one faction to manipulate the vote choice, and the self-interested behavior of politicians to be re-elected, political parties will inevitably alienate some portion of the citizenry. Attaching Christianity to short-term political outcomes serves to undermine its long-term goal of promoting God's mission. Nonetheless, the Catholic concept of subsidiarity is congruent with many of the findings of public choice theory and offers a way for Christians to engage in public life without tainting themselves in the political partisan arena of political partisanship.  相似文献   

浅谈当代中国电视剧的大众文化思潮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李海颖 《攀登》2010,29(6):121-124
电视剧是一种非主流意识的大众文化形态。随着中国社会文明进程的演变,它已融入广大民众真实生动的生活中,成为社会生活不可或缺的一个重要内容,具有了更广阔的社会文化品格。  相似文献   

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