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“西南”区域地理概念及范围的历史演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"西南"区域地理概念及范围经历了长期的发展演变历程。先秦时期的"西南"主要包括巴和蜀。汉晋时期,"西南"区域概念正式确立,包括巴蜀和西南夷地区。唐宋时期,狭义的西南是指唐、宋王朝疆域内的西南地区,即唐代的剑南道、山南西道、黔中道,宋代的川峡四路;广义的西南还包括疆域外的南诏(大理)以及其它一些民族和王国。明清时期疆域内的"西南"出现了三种主要观点,较之前代范围有所扩大。近现代的"西南"概念发生了重大变化,只包括国家疆域内的西南各地。"西南"概念及范围受地理方位、地理环境、行政区划等因素的影响,具有动态性、模糊性、相对稳定性等特征,还有民族、边疆、政区、经济等多重含义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates the regional variations in the impact of technological change and in gains from consolidation among U.S. commercial banks. We estimate a multiproduct translog cost function with the appropriate regional dummy variables. Technological change, ray scale economies and scale biases in technological change are estimated for each region. Furthermore, pairwise expansion path economies between all the regions are calculated to evaluate the potential gains from interregional consolidation. In general Southwest banks had the worst and Southeast the best technological change. There is substantial disparity across regions. It also appears that technological change increased the efficient size in the Midwest and Southwest regions and reduced it in the West, Northeast and Southeast. Banks in all regions show ray economies of scale, affirming the need for larger banks if output mix remains constant. Finally, the results support takeover of regional banks by the Money Center banks but not vice-versa, and favor consolidation among regional banks. The biggest potential gains accrue from mergers of Southeast banks with either Midwest or Southwest banks and the least gains are derived from mergers between Midwest and Southwest banks.  相似文献   

陈雪羽 《旅游科学》2004,18(3):32-34
“十一五”期间,上海酒店业健康有序地发展要遵循四个方面的原则:酒店的总体供应要适量发展,区域布建要适度集聚,项目引进要适配环境,设计建造要适用专业标准。本文就此作了阐述。  相似文献   

Working in a discrete location choice framework, we develop a model of migration that allows the identification of heterogeneity in state-of-birth effects across states. We employ a novel method for using aggregate data to estimate the role of birth state on migration choices. This approach reveals considerable heterogeneity and some regional clustering in birth-state inertia effects across states, with strong attachments in California, the Southwest, and the upper Midwest. The weakest attachments are in the mountain states and New York.  相似文献   

Tourism is a major economic activity with significant social, political and environmental repercussions that affect people and places in virtually every corner of the contemporary world. This study focuses on tourism development in Puerto Vallarta (PV), Jalisco, Mexico. The region has been almost completely transformed by this industry in a relatively short period of time since the development of the first major hotel in 1948. The article begins by discussing the development of PV as a place, as a coastal tourist resort and also as a set of quite different cultural landscapes. Building on this we specifically identify, describe and discuss some of the major cultural imprints of tourism upon PV, including hotels, restaurants, the gay community, art galleries and Internet cafes as well as ecological imprints of  相似文献   

商务客人的酒店需求特征及其在酒店规划设计中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蔡晓梅 《旅游科学》2005,19(2):48-53
本文通过对广州、深圳、东莞等地的高星级商务酒店的住客调查,总结出商务客人对酒店设施与服务产品的需求特征,即重视酒店地理位置与商务设施、强调酒店的豪华与文化相结合、喜欢客房商务功能完善与装饰富有特色、喜欢酒店内康体娱乐设施多样化等,并根据这些需求特征,对商务酒店规划设计过程中的文化定位、功能规划、建筑设计、装饰设计提出了包括选址、商务设施配备、大堂与客房装饰格调、客房商务功能设计以及客房的房型比例、康体娱乐项目安排等方面的具体建议。  相似文献   

From the early 1920s through the 1930s, an important yet forgotten avant-garde architectural phenomenon developed in the Zionist community of British Mandate Palestine. In cities and resort regions across the country, several dozen modernist hotels were built for a new type of visitor: the Zionist tourist. Often the most architecturally significant structures in their locales and designed by leading local architects educated in some of Europe's most progressive schools, these hotels were conceived along ideological lines and represented a synthesis of social requirements, cutting-edge aesthetics, and utopian national ideals. They responded to a complex mixture of sentiments, including European standards of modern comfort and the longing to remake Palestine, the historical homeland of the Jewish people, for a newly liberated, progressive nation. This article focuses on Jerusalem's most ambitious modernist hotel, the Eden Hotel, to evaluate how the architecture of tourism became a political and aesthetic tool in the promotion of Zionist Palestine.  相似文献   

Within the body of literature addressing tourism imprints upon the cultural landscape, the recreational business district (RBD) has been identified as a key component of a resort area, and the seaside has been no exception. Comprised of tourist-oriented businesses and historically focused upon the beach, incipient RBDs evolved at seaside termini of railroads, highways, and footpaths. Construction of bathhouses, casinos or beach hotels at these sites was followed by nearby clustering of secondary and tertiary recreational enterprises. Lateral expansion of coastal roads often led to RBD elongation, but RBD core areas usually remained as the central focus of tourist activity. Variations in RBD development have resulted from shifts in beach access corridors and/or ‘redevelopment’ of older resort landscapes. Along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the RBD persists as an artifact of the touristic landscape.  相似文献   

If economic growth elsewhere raises an individual's earning prospects relative to his present location, then the individual will move. However, if the individual can exploit economic growth elsewhere by commuting, he will not need to move to gain from the expansion. County-level data from eight states in the Midwest over the period 1969–1994 are used to show that local county population responds positively to own-county economic growth, economic growth in the adjacent county, and economic growth two counties away. The magnitude of the effect decreases as distance from the county increases, and turns negative beyond a three county radius.  相似文献   

This article seeks to contribute to debates about the mobile nature of contemporary economic practice, through a discussion of some key themes in the evolution of airport hotels as business spaces. It argues that despite being emblematic of a hypermobile business elite, the nature of hotels as business spaces requires careful unpacking. The article begins by discussing the evolution of the airport hotel, charting the shift from basic lodging standards to recent developments of five star airport hotels. It then seeks to explain the locational geographies of airport hotel development, in response to these new trends. Finally, the article describes how the business traveller is conceived of and (speculatively) catered for by airport hotel operators and designers within a discourse of connectivity, before providing some counter-examples of how such claims fail to address the hotel's place within the complexity of airport spatial organization.  相似文献   

旅游者空间行为规律在宾馆选址中的意义初探   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
保继刚 《人文地理》1991,6(3):36-41
本文应用旅游者大中小尺度的空间行为规律,探讨旅游宾馆的宏观选址,提出了4种选址模式。  相似文献   

Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to improving ways of assessing the effectiveness of development interventions. This is to be welcomed, especially with regard to community‐based or participatory aid projects, since considerable resources are currently being earmarked for these by almost all types of donor agencies, including large international organizations. Such projects are vulnerable to elite capture at local level, and this problem must be mitigated if most of the aid funds thus disbursed are to reach the intended beneficiaries. This article discusses several methods available to achieve that objective. In particular, it argues that the sequential and conditional release of aid funds may not be sufficient to keep elite capture well under control, making it necessary to resort to co‐ordination mechanisms among aid agencies, such as multilateral reputation mechanisms. Even these are not going to be effective enough, however. In the end, an active role will have to be played by the ultimate purveyors of aid money, whether the taxpayers or the contributors in fund‐raising campaigns.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the political thought of Cesare Balbo (1789–1853), a leading Risorgimento moderate liberal and politician, in the context of the efforts by the Piedmontese political elite to support and legitimise the constitutional regime introduced by King Charles Albert in 1848. Revising current interpretations of Risorgimento moderate liberalism as backward and provincial, it seeks to locate the political thought of Balbo and his colleagues at the heart of contemporary European, and particularly French, debates regarding liberty and aristocracy. In particular, it argues that the views of Balbo and more broadly Piedmontese moderate liberals on centralisation, the importance of a social elite to defend freedom, and equalisation, were conversant with the ideas of Guizot, Chateaubriand, Burke and Tocqueville. Their harsh condemnation of republican virtue, on the other hand, rendered their liberalism peculiar in the Italian context, where Tuscan moderate liberals continued to resort to the language of civic humanism after 1848 to defend their political and social model.  相似文献   

中国星级酒店相对效率集聚的空间分析及提升策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方叶林  黄震方  王坤  涂玮 《人文地理》2013,28(1):121-127
选取大陆31个省级区域2000-2009年的面板数据,基于改进的DEA模型,对省际星级酒店的相对效率进行测算,进一步对相对效率的空间集聚态势及影响机理进行分析。大陆星级酒店相对效率的变动主要受规模效率驱动,大部分省份星级酒店的规模效率处于递减状态,这种粗放型的增长方式从长远角度看,不利于星级酒店业的健康良性发展。中国星级酒店相对效率及其空间集聚态势都表现出与经济发展水平负相关的态势,各项效率的影响机理不同。最后基于波士顿矩阵分析法,对提高星级酒店相对效率提出相应的策略。  相似文献   

刘蓉 《史学月刊》2007,(10):27-33
汉末名士群体与外戚宦官及其所代表的皇权的抗争,是汉末政治的重要内容。这期间,李固、杜乔在立桓帝问题上与梁冀的对立,李云、杜众对于桓帝封五侯外家的指责,李膺、杜密在桓、灵之际党锢事件中的表现,均具有典型意义。三"李杜"在汉末名士群体中乃至在民众间都产生了极大影响,他们的行为、气节鼓舞着当时的士大夫们立身持正,与黑暗政治作斗争。三"李杜"最终都死于非命,预示着东汉皇权与作为政治精英的名士群体的背离,从而也预示着东汉政权的崩解覆亡。同时,三"李杜"树立的道德价值理念,在名士阶层的形成中也起着重要作用。  相似文献   

霍云霈  杨新军  张兴国 《人文地理》2006,21(2):28-31,27
文章运用地理集中指数和洛仑兹曲线,分析了1997和2002年我国五星级宾馆的空间分布特征及其变化规律。并根据我国入境旅游业空间格局演变状况,借助二次项回归和等级相关性指数,探讨了五星级宾馆供给状况与我国入境旅游业发展的内在关联性,结论显示:我国五星级宾馆受入境旅游业影响明显,空间供给变化趋势与入境旅游业发展态势相似,北京、广东、上海三大入境口岸高档旅游饭店供给的绝对优势地位正在改变,初步形成东南沿海高供给带;最后,以各省区五星级宾馆数为基础,借助国际旅游外汇收入和入境旅游人数,建立了五星级宾馆建设的经济函数,为宾馆建设、化配置提供理论基础。  相似文献   

The last decade has seen the greatest increase in archaeological research in western Mexico since the 1940s. Unlike previously heralded renewals, this one is accompanied by widespread skepticism of the dominant culture-historical paradigm linking west Mexico to the rest of Mesoamerica, to the American Southwest, and to South America. Current research offers substantive new data and interpretations bearing on issues such as the definition of Mesoamerica, the role of South American long distance contacts, the human ecology of highland lakes, the role of river systems in Mesoamerican prehistory, and the nature/role of prehispanic elite exchanges.  相似文献   


The period from A.D. 800 to 1200 was a time of marked cultural transitions across the Midwest which featured the Mississippian emergence in the west and development of sedentary, tribal societies to the north and east. Recent salvage excavations at the Danbury site, a terminal Late Woodland habitation and cemetery in northwestern Ohio, document the intensified exploitation and storage of aquatic faunal resources and maize and the creation of a large corporate cemetery. Whelk shell ornaments accompanying certain burials point to long-distance interaction with southeastern societies as well as new forms of social differentiation. Preserved fibers of cotton (Gossypium spp.) in the dental calculus of several important individuals reveal previously unrecognized social or economic linkages with societies as distant as the Southwest or northern Mexico. The combined evidence for subsistence intensification, specialized mortuary treatments, and long-distance material exchange at Danbury represent unique local responses to pan-regional socio-cultural transformations.  相似文献   

Hotels and hotel chains are responding to globalization and increased competition through new marketing initiatives, employment practices, and restructuring decisions that are intensifying the work of cleaners. In this paper, we report on how such work intensification at two hotels in Montréal, Canada, is changing the nature of cleaners’ jobs. Specifically, we found that the numbers of operations to be completed, the numbers and weights of items to be cleaned, and the effort involved have all increased. “Flexible” employment relationships and outsourcing have also worsened cleaners’ workloads. In response to our research, the labour union representing cleaners has negotiated a lower number of room assignments per cleaner, as well as an improved way of taking into account the variability of work when determining the quota of rooms to be cleaned. Despite this, new marketing strategies continue to intensify work. We conclude that standards and regulation on a governmental level are a necessary complement to union actions.  相似文献   

Focusing on the cultural influence of the cigarette, this paper synthesizes a wide range of evidence to argue that the cigarette was a fundamental primer for Iran's encounter with modernity, especially as understood in the context of western influence. Applying the dramaturgical theories of sociologist Erving Goffman, it is argued that the cigarette is an instantiation of the “sign-equipment” of modernization used to refashion the identity and subjectivity of Iranian men and women. This refashioning has occurred in three distinct periods. In the first period (1860–1930), cigarette smoking was a habit adopted by the Persian elite in an attempt to mediate the encounter with European colonial figures. In the second period (1930–70), cigarettes were leveraged by Iranians who wished to be seen as upwardly mobile. In the final and contemporary period (1970–present), cigarettes have become ubiquitous among the adult population, but smoking itself has become the act of youth rebellion as experimentation occurs at increasingly young ages.  相似文献   

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