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During the reign of Philip the III, one of the most famous legal proceedings of the 17th century took place. It was conducted against Pedro Franqueza and Alonso Ramírez de Prado, who were charged for taking advantage of the king's trust to obtain personal benefits and in detriment of the Monarchy. Two of the charges were referred to the case of an adviser from Indias: Lic. Francisco Alonso de Villagrá, who might have obtained the position through fraudulent activities with the all-powerful Pedro Franqueza. Based on the analysis of the documents pertaining to this case, the aim of this research is to unravel the events that took place, understand the causes that led Villagrá to become involved and the consequences of the way in which the position was acquired.  相似文献   

This article explores a particular moment in the history of Toronto's gay movement politics when the movements' ideological perspectives on the nature of gay and lesbian identities and associated spaces shifted dramatically from the so-called liberationist stance of the mid-1970s to the so-called ethnic minority approach of the late 1970s. This occurred within the context of a particular series of events that prompted gay activists to rework their conceptualization of gay and lesbian identity in order to be recognized as legitimate participants in certain pivotal, public proceedings. Far from being a well-thought-out and deliberate shift in political strategy, the ‘minority’ argument was, in many ways, a reflexive and unexamined response to unanticipated circumstances. Toronto's gay activists, in representing gays and lesbians as a minority fundamentally altered meanings associated with both gay and lesbian identities and with the spaces dominated or controlled by gay and lesbian interests.

Este artículo explora un momento particular en la historia de las políticas del movimiento de los gays de Toronto cuando sus perspectivas ideológicas sobre la naturaleza de identidades gay y lesbiana y sus espacios respectivos cambiaron dramáticamente, desde la llamada ‘perceptiva liberacionista’ de los mediados de los años setenta hasta la llamada ‘perspectiva de las minorías étnica’ de los últimos años de los setentas. Esta cambio ocurrió dentro del contexto de una serie particular de eventos que incitaron a los activistas gay a revisar sus conceptualizaciónes sobre su identidad gay y lesbiana con el fin de ser reconocidos como participantes legítimos en ciertos procesos públicos. Lejos de ser un cambio bien planeado y deliberado en la estrategia política, el argumento de la ‘minoría’ consistía, de varios maneras, en una repuesta no reflexiva no examinada a circunstancias inesperadas. Los activistas gay de Toronto, al representar a los gays y lesbianas como minorías, alteraron de manera fundamental los significados asociados tanto a las identidades de gays y lesbianas como los espacios dominados o controlados por intereses de gays y lesbianas.  相似文献   

This Latin American Medea plunges us into the well-known classical Greek myth from a novel approach. The Cuban writer Roberto Viña redefines the heroine's voyage with the Argonauts from the moment of her escape from her native Colchis. That is why Viña fragments the myth and focuses his tragedy on the sorcerer's maritime itinerancy that bears another nomination. Thus we identify the ethos of an ambivalent woman, peculiarly shy, and yet able to commit fratricide. Within the framework of the literary reception studies, we will analyze the expressions of extreme violence perpetrated by the characters of this play from very dissimilar perspectives.  相似文献   

En esta investigación se estudia el ejercicio del poder inquisitorial en los territorios virreinales surperuanos, comprendidos por las Gobernaciones del Tucumán y Río de la Plata, durante las primeras cuatro décadas del siglo XVII. En una reducción de la escala de observación, se ha reconstruido la trayectoria de vida del licenciado Antonio Rosillo, primer comisario inquisitorial de Córdoba del Tucumán y dos veces comisario del Río de la Plata. La emergencia de determinados aspectos biográficos de este ministro del Santo Oficio permite vincular, en un juego de escalas, la estructura institucional de la Inquisición y sus mecanismos de control social, con la concreta aplicación de su justicia en la sociedad colonial americana. El estudio de las complejas redes vinculares establecidas por este individuo deja entrever la circularidad de su poder en dinámica relación, de carácter vertical y horizontal, con los principales sectores del poder político y comercial de la época, y a través de la extraordinaria trama formada en el cruce de caminos de innumerables destinos individuales.  相似文献   

This article examines the mythological motifs in the Poema heroico de San Ignacio, by the Colombian poet Hernando Domínguez Camargo, not only as material extracted from a prestigious culture (i.e., classical culture), but as a starting point for the elaborations of wit, which is the main objective in the aesthetics of the wit.  相似文献   

El propósito de este estudio, además de analizar la forma y significado de la decoración al grutesco en los conventos novohispanos del siglo XVI, es mostrar que hasta ahora en la iconografía conventual no se ha dado la debida importancia a este tipo de decoración para determinar su origen prehispánico o europeo. Los investigadores que han querido interpretar el simbolismo de esta decoración no han ahondado lo suficiente tanto en el estudio de los elementos europeos como en las aportaciones de los pintores indígenas.  相似文献   


Space in literary texts has been widely studied but poorly systematized. There is no valid method of analysis that gives space a critical meaning. For instance, critics have eluded the fact that time and space cannot be considered separately. On the other hand, they have used concepts or methods from disciplines aside literature such as anthropology, biology, psychology, or geography that do not help clarify the meaning or signification of a literary text. We begin this article by giving a review of the main theoretical and critical positions regarding space in literature from the second half of the twentieth century. We do this in order to evaluate the main results those studies have attained. Later on, we propose a methodology that may clarify the significance of space in a literary text. The concept topoiesis (as far as we know, it has not been used in the humanities) represents for us a key word. It helps us to distinguish one main process where space can turn from a signification practice to the production of meaning in a literary text.  相似文献   

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