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地方文献是反映地域的历史资料,这类资料对于文学创作来说,无论在题材上还是在素材上,都是一座取之不尽的宝库。将地方文献用于文学创作,可以促进文化繁荣,同时又能增加地方文献的积累。那些反映地域特色的文献,有时对文学创作能起到意想不到的重要作用。  相似文献   

人类文明的多样性,不仅呈现在当代,同样呈现在过去的历史长河里,因此探究历史上不同文明的特殊性非常重要。西欧文明始于公元5世纪,初步成型于11—15世纪,源于古代日耳曼传统、古典希腊罗马文明和基督教不同质的文化。日耳曼人的马尔克村社制度是欧洲文明的胚胎;古典文明,尤其罗马法促使中世纪个人权利概念逐渐形成并进入公法领域,成为法治社会的广泛基础;基督教的政治哲学及政治斗争结束了神圣王权时代,有助于建构起上层政治框架。经过几个世纪的发展,在一定社会条件下,三要素熔为一炉。逐渐生成西欧文明的雏形。很明显,西欧文明是次生的、混合的文明,其创生过程也是不同文明的融合和嬗变过程;16世纪后衍生为资本主义文明,后者表现了不凡的创造力,冲击了整个人类社会,同时也显现了与生俱来的局限性。  相似文献   

东汉文人的入幕经历对文学的发展产生了重要影响。随着幕府特征的演变,入幕文人的士风发生了从忠君到忠主的变化,这一变化深深地影响到东汉文学精神的变迁。东汉前后期,入幕文人的书写内容经历了从规谏幕主到歌颂武功的变化,写作方式也从依经立义转向了自骋其词。文人入幕是影响东汉文学嬗变的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

胡蓉 《西夏研究》2020,(1):93-97
《述善集》是元代濮阳西夏遗民唐兀崇喜邀其师友为其家族所作的诗文集,作者主要是一些生活于乡村、名不见经传的小人物,他们的创作展示了一个真实生动的濮阳地方文坛。"《述善集》多族士人圈"沟通了京师与地方,濮阳地方文学也因此与元末主流文坛发生了密切关系,成为元末文坛主张关注现实的一派在民间的反响。执教于国子学的张翥、危素,无论是理学思想还是文学思想,都对濮阳小人物创作产生了直接的影响。  相似文献   

《蓝桥》是满族诗人王鸣久创作出版的小说集,包括中短篇及电视小说共计5篇,本对其中的《金葵》、《蓝桥》、《银铐》、《红淤》等4篇分别作了评述。  相似文献   

The book of Genesis opens with the creation of the world by means of speech. “God said: ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Gen 1,3). Scholars have considered this creation through speech a prototypical speech act. However, the recurrence of this motif in later chapters of the book is often overlooked. This article argues that the “speech as a means of creation” paradigm functions as a literary motif in subsequent stories of the Primeval History. The discussion will revolve around the initial appearance of the paradigm, its later manifestations, and the relationship between them, focusing in particular on the formal realization of the linguistic category of the speech act as a literary motif.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):284-303

War has its origins in the clash of socially-constructed identities, interests, and norms of behavior of states and armed nonstate actors. This essay examines the economic, political, and cultural factors that contributed to the construction of such identities, interests, and norms during the Shining Path insurgency and the Peruvian government’s response in the years from 1980 to 2000. Drawing on the three levels of liberation outlined by Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, the essay then describes how theology enriches without replacing socio-political and cultural explanations of the Peruvian conflict. The practices that formed both the Shining Path and the government’s response to it can be described as social sin, whereas the Catholic Church in Peru’s commitment to truth and the creation of community solidarity became practices that, by imitating the self-giving love of Christ, helped overcome violence and build peace.  相似文献   

文明起源在考古学上是一个复杂的问题,牵涉到人类社会的许多方面。其中一个重要方面就是农业。本文试图强调农业对文明起源所起的推动作用,并提出一些有关农业考古的看法,希望对目前正在进行的中华文明探源工程和类似课题有所帮助。  相似文献   

A review of the publications of Hans Creutzfeldt and Alfons Jakob pertaining to the concept which bears their name (CJD) reveals that they described a neuropathological syndrome and were opposed to its classification as a neurological disease. The evidence on which Creutzfeldt and Jakob based their view is reevaluated, and studies by other workers are cited in which a range of environmental and genetic factors generated the CJ syndrome, challenging the proposition that CJD is a disease with a single cause.  相似文献   

A review of the publications of Hans Creutzfeldt and Alfons Jakob pertaining to the concept which bears their name (CJD) reveals that they described a neuropathological syndrome and were opposed to its classi- fication as a neurological disease. The evidence on which Creutzfeldt and Jakob based their view is reevaluated, and studies by other workers are cited in which a range of environmental and genetic factors generated the CJ syndrome, challenging the proposition that CJD is a disease with a single cause..  相似文献   

Renewed research interest in the origins of pottery has illuminated an array of possible precipitating causes and environmental contexts in which pottery began to be made and used. This article is an attempt at synthesizing some of these data in hopes of stimulating further research into this intriguing topic. Following a review of theories on the origins of pottery, discussion proceeds to a survey of geographic and cultural contexts of low-fired or unfired pottery, highlighting the role(s) of pottery among contemporary hunter-gatherers and summarizing data pertaining to varied uses of pottery containers. It is argued that objects of unfired and low-fired clay were created as part of early prestige technologies of material representations beginning in the Upper Paleolithic and are part of an early software horizon. Clay began to be more widely manipulated by nonsedentary, complex hunter-gatherers in the very Late Pleistocene and early Holocene in areas of resource abundance, especially in tropical/subtropical coastal/riverine zones, as part of more general processes of resource and social intensification (such as competitive feasting or communal ritual). Knowledge of making and using pottery containers spread widely as prestige technology and as practical technology, the kind and timing of its adoption or reinvention varying from location to location depending on specific needs and circumstances.  相似文献   

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