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本文对我国朝鲜族聚居区民族关系和睦的原因进行了探讨。认为作为跨界民族而言,朝鲜族聚居区民族和睦的最根本原因是国家与民族间的双向认同,即中国朝鲜族认同中国为自己的国家,中国承认在华入籍的朝鲜人为中国人,朝鲜族为中国的一个少数民族。而朝鲜族与中国之间双向认同的产生与基本吻合有着历史、文化、政策等众多方面的原因。  相似文献   

After the appearance of agriculture and subsequent increasing population densities and agricultural intensification, some mobile hunters, foragers, and part-time horticulturalists often obtained ceramic vessels from nearby villages. Mobile groups are firmly embedded within regional patterns of interaction and exchange. Certain regional interaction patterns encourage use of vessels made by a sedentary neighbor, and the factors that would discourage it are less significant than previously believed. The vessels made by neighboring agriculturalists may often be as well suited to the tasks and settlement pattern of mobile groups as vessels made by the mobile groups themselves. Given the probable frequency with which mobile groups discarded ceramics made by a neighboring group, archaeologists should consider this scenario when interpreting ceramic frequencies in remote small sites, where some ceramics may be far from the villages in which they were apparently made. Using an archaeological case study from the Western Papaguería of the US Southwest, I propose using vessel techno-function, along with other data, to place individual sites within a broader settlement system. The settlement system, rather than diagnostic ceramic types, may be most useful for assigning these sites to particular cultural traditions and for understanding patterns of landscape use.  相似文献   


Millstone Bluff and Hayes Creek are principal sites in a late Mississippian complex in the upper Bay Creek watershed in southern Illinois. These and other settlements represent a 13th century expansion of Mississippian settlement away from large stream valleys into remote interior locations. Although contemporaneous and very close to one another, these sites are very different and have a complex history. These two sites were explored in six seasons of excavation and here we summarize that work, focusing on commonalities and differences in architectural patterning and community structure. These reveal that the two sites appear to have varied as a function of nature of initial settlement, adherence to a village layout, and respective roles in the larger settlement system.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the site coefficients obtained from site response analyses of Korean soil sites are significantly different from those specified in the current Korean seismic code, especially in the short-period portion of site response. This difference is mainly attributed to the shallow bedrock conditions (bedrock depth usually less than 30 m) in Korea. This study proposes a new site classification system and site coefficients for shallow bedrock sites based on site response analyses of more than 300 sites. The proposed site classification scheme and site coefficients proposed in this study are an improvement over the current seismic code and previous studies.  相似文献   

《War & society》2013,32(2):134-146

Canada's post-war role as a middle power within the UN system and a strong advocate of negotiated settlement of international disputes focuses on Lester Pearson's role in the Suez Crisis of 1956 and dates Canada's new diplomatic stance from that time. This article argues that Canada's emerging diplomatic stance in fact is grounded in the diplomacy surrounding the Korean War at the beginning of that decade.  相似文献   

Neanderthal settlement patterns in Crimea: A landscape approach   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Traditional settlement pattern analysis involves classifying sites within a region using previously established functional categories. Faunal and lithic data are frequently combined as archaeological indicators of site function. The results are interpreted in terms of a settlement system from which inferences about mobility patterns and social organization are drawn. The previously published site of Karabi Tamchin is used here as a spring-point for a discussion of the problems inherent with established site typologies and some of the settlement models that have been proposed in the past. The rich Middle Paleolithic archaeological record of Crimea is used to demonstrate the usefulness of the landscape approach as a means of supplementing existing information about Middle Paleolithic settlement patterns.  相似文献   

论聚落考古中的空间分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间分析在聚落考古研究中占有重要地位。从单座房屋,到整个遗址,再到由若干遗址组成的区域,空间分布和与此相关联的空间分析能够提供同一时间维度上当时人们共同体的聚落结构、社会关系和组织形态的信息。同样,依据这些信息还可以进行不同时间维度社会和文化变迁的研究。因而,空间分析为我们提供了认识古代社会一种方法。  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):121-145

Traditionally overlooked because it lacks hallmarks of material and cultural complexity, Early Woodland in the Southeast is an interval of significant transformation in material culture, settlement, and social organization. Investigations at four sites in northeast Louisiana provide insights into changes taking place at this time. These sites are situated on a crevasse splay created by flooding at the end of the Archaic. This flooding is associated with an occupation hiatus ca. 3000–2500 cal B.P. Evidence suggests a rapid colonization of the crevasse splay by people using Tchefuncte pottery, and there is no evidence at these sites of stratigraphic or cultural continuity from Poverty Point. The Early Woodland occupation in the study area dates ca. 2400–2100 cal B.P., which is later than dates associated with Early Woodland in the Pontchartrain Basin and contemporary with Lake Cormorant culture sites farther north. Early Woodland in northeast Louisiana is marked by a diagnostic Tchefuncte ceramic assemblage and the presence of a settlement system composed of small villages or hamlets nucleated around a conical mound that presumably served as a ceremonial/ritual center. This mound was erected very rapidly; radiocarbon dates suggest it was constructed in no more than 10 years. Although mound building has been suspected, this is the first conclusive evidence it was an aspect of Tchefuncte settlement and ceremonial practices. Data from these sites bear on the question of cultural and demographic continuity and change at the Archaic to Woodland transition. Previous models emphasize continuity of populations with ceramic technology and styles diffusing into the lower Mississippi Valley. In contrast, our data support a model of Early Woodland repopulation of the lower Mississippi Valley from the south and east following a prolonged period of regional abandonment.  相似文献   

本次调查在屈家岭遗址周边新发现8个新石器时代遗址和石器采集点,是一处新石器时代的大型遗址群,其分布范围远远超过以往的认识,其中屈家岭遗址是在遗址群中具有核心地位。调查还发现包括屈家岭遗址、钟家岭遗址、冢子坝遗址的大环壕系统,另外还可能存在仅限于屈家岭遗址南部的小环壕系统,这是继三次发掘后对屈家岭遗址群聚落结构与聚落形态演变的突破性认识。  相似文献   

中原龙山城址的聚落考古学研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
在夏商周文明发祥的中原地区,诸多龙山城址已具早期城市性质,并形成了以城址为中心、明显具有不稳定性和对抗性特点的扇形聚落群布局结构.其中聚落群同盟组织的存在可能是扇形聚落群成立的社会基础,而导致扇形聚落群及其同盟组织发生的原因则应是中原地区居民所面临的巨大生存压力.  相似文献   


This study deals with the unprecedented settlement activity during the Early Bronze Age I that has been recently recorded in the Jordan Valley and the desert fringes of Samaria. The increase in the number of sites primarily characterises the latter part of the period (Early Bronze Age IB), and is accompanied by two other important phenomena: population inroads into new regions, and the first appearance of fortified sites. A profound crisis at the end of the period resulted in the almost complete abandonment of the valley sites and the concentration of settlement along the eastern foothills of Samaria.  相似文献   

A central aim of Neolithic studies in Europe is to understand settlement or domestic activity of the first agriculturalists. In Scotland, the continued absence of unambiguous Neolithic settlement or domestic occupation activities on the mainland remains an unresolved issue. It is proposed that areas attractive for settlement and occupation activities may be identified by constructing GIS-based models of sites believed to be related to settlement or occupation activities, including chambered cairns, timber halls, and sites containing pit-digging episodes. Statistical analyses undertaken in this process suggest new insights into the locations of the chambered cairns, timber halls, and pits. Finalised models are constructed and desktop assessments are conducted to examine model performance. Research priorities for improving significant environmental variables driving the current models are identified.  相似文献   

Summary.   This paper is concerned with the organization of societies in north-eastern Iberia (present-day Catalonia) during the Iron Age, using data provided by domestic architecture and settlement organization. I offer an analysis of the social differences detected in the dwellings based on a sample of houses excavated at different types of settlement. Although many Iberian houses had simple layouts and small surface areas, some larger dwellings at the main sites are distinguished by the shape of their ground plans, their surface areas, architectural features, and central locations; these houses are believed to be the residences of the Iberian elite. Such dwellings are not found at all sites and the data suggest that there was a relationship between the category of the settlement (or its function) and the types of dwelling in it.  相似文献   

The relationship between current interpretations of Natufian settlement and subsistence and available archaeological data are examined in light of recent research, particularly in Jordan. Regional variability in adaptive strategies is discernible, particularly between forest and coastal sites versus steppe and desert sites. Greater evidence of plant processing and more intensive occupation characterize settlement in the former, although year-round occupation has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. Patterned variability also exists between two classes of steppe and desert area settlements. One set of steppe and desert sites is characterized by a broad range of activities and moderate settlement permanence and activity intensity, while less permanent occupation and more specialized activities focused primarily on hunting typify the other set of sites. Evidence for food production in the Natufian is examined and, although the domestication process may have begun, no morphological evidence exists for the domestication of plants or herd animals. Finally, worthwhile areas for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper is a brief investigation of one of the outstanding problems in Chalcolithic archaeology in the Negev desert of Israel: that of the spatial distribution of sites and the possible relationships between these sites that may be inferred. Although the region is rich in archaeological data for the Chalcolithic period, very little work has thus far been undertaken in terms of the quantification of the archaeological data – a necessary prerequisite for complex spatial analysis. Nevertheless, simple analysis of settlement patterns using the data presently available for 403 Chalcolithic sites in the Negev is given as an example. Autocorrelation tests measuring clustering and dispersion of sites show that the overall impression of clustering is a factor of access to farming land, water, grazing and Mediterranean maquis, but that smaller scale analysis suggests that settlement patterns were essentially random. This makes it difficult to argue in favour of settlement hierarchies or structured settlement of any kind.  相似文献   

陈雪香 《华夏考古》2007,(1):102-113
本文考察了山东地区商文化的聚落形态演变过程及其历史背景。商文化聚落形态在山东地区经历了四个阶段的变化:早商时期仅济南大辛庄一处遗址;中商时期遗址数量增加并在泰沂山脉两侧形成了规模较大的聚落群;晚商早期遗址数量保持稳定但等级较高的遗址处于衰落状态;晚商晚期不但遗址总数而且等级较高的遗址数量都明显增加,还出现了像苏埠屯这样的高规格墓地。这一聚落形态的演变反映了商文化在山东地区东扩的连续性与阶段性。  相似文献   

史前聚落与考古遗址   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考察史前聚落必须以史前遗址为依据,但两者在文化内涵、时间和空间概念上存在很大差异,以遗址考察聚落有其它学科不可拟的优势,但也有一定的局限性。  相似文献   

聚落文化遗产是大运河遗产的重要组成部分,与运河兴衰息息相关。宁波段运河聚落文化遗产历史久远,保存类型丰富,历史价值突出。宁波运河的开凿和变迁对运河聚落整体格局的形成、演变和发展关系紧密;同时运河聚落的产生和发展也促进了运河功能的不断完善和运河经济的发展。如何保护好运河聚落文化遗产已经成为重要的研究课题。本文意在梳理宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的构成情况,并对宁波段运河聚落文化遗产的科学保护提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   


The transition from the Neolithic to the Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain (ca. 4500 B.C.) coincides with dramatic changes in house form, settlement layout, settlement distribution, and mortuary customs. These changes affected nearly every aspect of social organization—from the organization of households and villages to the distribution of cultural groups across the landscape. Our current understanding of the various changes that occurred during this important transition is hindered by a lack of systematically excavated settlement sites dating to the Early Copper Age on the Great Hungarian Plain.

The results of three years of excavation at an Early Copper Age settlement located in the Körös River Valley suggest that, in contrast to the Neolithic, craft activities on Early Copper Age sites are segregated in different parts of the settlements. This general pattern of increasing economic specialization occurs throughout SE Europe at the end of the Neolithic and is associated with a tendency towards increased integration of economic and social units in settlements during the Copper Age.  相似文献   

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