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This paper presents an economy of country houses with the ultimate aim of generating a framework for the evolution of country house management theory for the development of management practice and education. Whereas traditional management theory (for large entities) has evolved from the modern and narrow interpretation of economy, this paper employs the old but broader archaic form (oeconomy). This is a device that has previously been used both to generate an alternative understanding of organisations in general as well as for specific types of organisation. When combined with empirical data collected from a range of different country houses, an economy of country houses has emerged. This oeconomy is based on a number of core concepts, each of which has a number of key issues associated with it. The results show that this economy is quite unique, although there are some similarities with the economy of small businesses and the conflict approach of business management theory.  相似文献   

From the 1990s, academia has paid increasing attention to cultural rights and cultural citizenship. This paper reviews existing literature on the construction of cultural rights and cultural citizenship and argues that cultural citizenship expands the concept of ‘citizenship’, promotes citizens’ consciousness, and confirms the content of ‘cultural rights’. The concept of cultural citizenship provides a new perspective from which to examine the challenges of cultural inequality, taste differences, symbolic struggle in cultural participation, and consumption. Based on western theories, this paper discusses the development of cultural citizenship and cultural rights in cultural policy in Taiwan and China, and it finds the tension between control and autonomy and between the government and the civil society in the practice of cultural citizenship. In Taiwan, most cultural policies are developed and implemented by the government, and those affected by them often do not have the necessary critical awareness to judge or examine them. In China, the protection of cultural rights provides a new type of control rather than autonomy from the Chinese Government. In both Taiwan and China, it is important to empower civil society to balance the governments’ control over the practice of cultural citizenship.  相似文献   

This article interrogates the concept of the ‘civilizing process’ by examining cultural change through a micro-study of the policing of cock-fighting and prize-fighting, two phenomena of popular culture, which moved from being tolerated to being prohibited in the nineteenth century. It uses as its empirical base the criminal justice system of Cumbria to examine how this cultural change was negotiated, and shows how ordinary policemen were key to the process. Cock-fighting and prize-fighting were contests that attracted crowds of men who bet heavily on the outcome. However, in Cumbria there were important differences of attitude towards these two activities and their management by the police and courts varied. Prize-fighting was dealt with swiftly and effectively, whereas opinions were divided on cock-fighting and the practice continued well into the twentieth century. Local cultures rather than middle-class opinion at the county or national level, determined whether these activities would survive, for regional traditions and practices shaped the effectiveness of the response to prohibited blood sports. It was at the local level where the elimination or toleration of plebeian sports was negotiated, and in this the police and courts were crucial as agents of social change.  相似文献   

传统民居的家居卫生习俗,既有实用性,又取得了与自然的和谐协调。  相似文献   

This paper explores processes of cultural change by contrasting migration scenarios with in situ cultural development. I argue that a detailed, fine-grained analysis of patterning within the archaeological record provides the means with which to distinguish between these scenarios. The archaeology of the Rice Lake–Trent River region in south-central Ontario provides a case study for the investigation of these processes of cultural change across the Middle to Late Woodland transition and in relation to the origins of Northern Iroquoians. Expectations for ceramic patterning are derived from each cultural change scenario and then evaluated against the regional database. This assessment is facilitated through the use of two statistical techniques: frequency distributions and correspondence analysis. The results clearly demonstrate both continuity and patterned change within the region, thus supporting the in situ hypothesis. I place these findings in a broader context through comparisons with contemporary developments in southern Ontario, southwestern Quebec and northern New York State.  相似文献   

In the last decade, caseloads in AFDC/TANF have shifted dramatically up, then down. Of existing studies based on time series or state panel data, some tend to underplay the role of welfare reform. All say little about what policies drove the decline or about the role of governmental quality. An approach using cross-sectional models explains interstate differences in caseload change rather than the national trend but allows more discussion about the role of policy and government. Results suggest that grant levels, work and child support requirements, and sanctions are important explainers of change, along with some demographic terms and unemployment. These policies in turn are tied to states' political opinion, political culture, and institutional capacity. Moralistic states seem the most capable of transforming welfare in the manner the public wants.  相似文献   

在龙山文化时代,江淮地区河南龙山文化王油坊类型、山东龙山文化、江淮土著遗存以及环太湖流域的良渚文化对宁镇地区产生了影响。夏时期,二里头文化、岳石文化南下成为影响宁镇地区的重要历史事件,催生了本地土著文化因素,同时还传承了部分良渚文化传统,构成了点将台文化的主体。此外,点将台文化中还保留了龙山文化时代的部分遗存,从而表现出了宁镇地区夏时期复杂的考古学文化结构。  相似文献   

大陆居民赴台旅游影响研究——基于台湾居民感知的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
两岸直航开通促使两岸往来更加密切,开放大陆居民赴台旅游使前往台湾的游客日益增多,这是台湾旅游发展历程中的一个重要里程碑。本文以大陆居民赴台旅游的影响为研究对象,探究台湾居民对大批大陆游客访台所造成影响的感知,以及未来台湾进一步发展旅游的对策和建议。研究旨在探讨台湾居民对台湾开放大陆旅游市场后,台湾旅游发展正面及负面影响的感知,并从居民性别,年龄,旅游正、负面影响相互关系以及对旅游发展的支持度等方面,进行相互关联性的实证研究。  相似文献   

Summary. Following an abrupt change in climatic conditions, the Middle Bronze Age northern Alpine lake‐dwellers were forced to abandon their settlements. As a result, the archaeological record shows a gap of occupation from the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twelfth century BC. Where did those groups go during that period? Recent studies show that some Middle Bronze Age sites hitherto regarded as traditional dry‐land dwellings might represent constructions by former lacustrine people. Typological analyses of pottery assemblages and house structure remains found on these sites have made it possible to trace them back to an origin in the lacustrine tradition. The MBA lake‐dwelling occupational hiatus could finally be bridged and the process of cultural continuity reconstructed. The MBA lake‐dwellers certainly did not disappear; they just temporarily adapted to a drier environment until the lake shores became ‘safe’ again for re‐settlement.  相似文献   

台湾地区博物馆发展文化创意产业的理念与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄美贤 《东南文化》2011,(5):109-118
文化创意为近年来发达国家地区竞相发展的经济力,我国台湾在地方政府的鼓励扶持下,利用文化创造活力强、文物资源丰富等优势,积极发展文化创意产业,成果突出,其中台北"故宫博物院"具有台湾地区博物馆发展文创产业指标的地位。台北"故宫博物院"通过精心设计展览内涵、向社会开放文物数字资源、培养民众美学素养等方式,吸引并固定了一大批观众;同时还积极开拓商机,征求厂商合作开发文物衍生商品,并结合典藏文物特色设计餐饮空间,文化创意产业获得了可观的产值和显著的社会效应。  相似文献   

Despite the great progress in increasing public awareness of and attention to the issue of sustainability, the measures taken so far fall dramatically short of halting deleterious cycles. This apparent deficiency can be ascribed to two main factors: insufficient efforts to finding viable and visible alternatives and the failure to thoroughly re-examine dominant cultural paradigms. The widespread resistance to adopting more sustainable habits, in spite of the patent environmental crisis, suggests that there are persisting epistemological substrates so compelling as to be called ‘secular dogmas’. Higher education should undertake to promote both empirical research and applications, and systemic cultural critique. Geographers are among the most apt coordinators for such a complex interdisciplinary task. This paper shows the results of an international survey on some spatial, taxonomic and teleological macro-coordinates that underpin people's perception and representation of reality and thus influence the above-mentioned ‘secular dogmas’, which, if not properly addressed, may inexorably hinder the adoption of sustainable development models.  相似文献   

Despite recent interest in indigenous knowledge, few studies have linked it with indigenous beliefs system and its role in environmental stewardship. This link is important to cultural geographers interested in the study of small-scale cultural groups and how they relate to the environment. It also helps us understand the cultural dimensions of environmental stewardship and resource conservation. Based on a study of a monkey sanctuary in Ghana, West Africa, this paper argues that indigenous belief systems form an essential part of indigenous knowledge and that they can serve as a very effective tool for the protection of sacred groves and isolated patches of rainforests that have fallen victim to development as a result of increasing globalization, population pressures, and the spread of Christianity. The paper concludes that indigenous beliefs are not just a relic of the past but something that is needed today and may be needed in future for the conservation of natural resources in indigenous societies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the construction of modern-world contexts in historical archaeology. To help draw out and understand the social and cultural contexts of capitalism, colonialism, and modernity, and how they may be materially understood, an explanation of the German history of everyday life school (Alltagsgeschichte) is presented. In this approach, the objects of historical study become the everyday cultural interpretations of past people and how these interpretations actively produced and reproduced cultures. This approach is illustrated by a landscape archaeology of the Bordley–Randall site in Annapolis, Maryland.  相似文献   

Communities at the fringe of cities in southeastern Brazil are characterized by rapidly changing social values associated with elements of economic modernization. The economy of the small rural village of Marques, situated near Piracicaba, a city of 500,000 population, has been transformed from one based on local subsistence and cash crop farming to one of diversified urban employment. Migration to the city has been significant. Despite diminished economic output, family and institutional ties have kept many from moving away from Marques and draw former residents back for special occasions.  相似文献   

One purpose of the Advocacy Coalition Framework (ACF) is to explain policy change. Previous holistic reviews of the ACF by Weible, Sabatier, and McQueen (2009) and Pierce, Peterson, Jones, Garrard, and Vu (2017) of the framework have not explicitly analyzed all the concepts and their interactions in a systematic manner. To address this gap and inform scholars and practitioners about past findings, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for future research, this article analyzes how the ACF's theory of policy change is applied to 148 policy processes among 67 journal articles from 2007 to 2014. Similar to Weible et al. (2009), this research finds the frequent use of multiple primary pathways to policy change, infrequent use of many of the ACF's concepts, a plurality of applications in the environment and energy domain, comparison of subsystems, and a need for greater clarity and transparency among applications. Unlike Weible et al. (2009), this article explores associations between primary pathways and policy domains, the frequency of associations between primary pathways and secondary components, policy change and stasis, and identifies threats to internal validity of key ACF concepts.  相似文献   

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