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We have sought to identify an aspect of the repression of Enlightenment cosmopolitanism complementary to the creation of national identities in XIXth-century Europe and the intervening war period. The idea of a common civilization would be maintained by the reciprocal capacity of translating national languages, because of their Indo-European common origins. The utopia of the language would replace the material route of the Enlightenment. It is the failure of the construction of European Indianist myth and not its success which explains the ideological diverting of the relations between language and nation. The missed promotion of the Gypsy language in the academic world illustrates this failure perfectly. After the First World War, the transformation of the principle of nationalities in ethnopolitics removed even the memory of this common ambition.  相似文献   

It is known that, according to Rousseau, the voice of conscience speaks instantaneously, and immediately ratifies the good that reason presents to it. The ferocious corruption that strengthens the progress of knowledge, the tumult of conversations or spectacles, however, prevent modern man from listening to his conscience, at the moment when society requires its engagement: the actuality of corrupted relations that enclose the individual gains ground against the presence of moral imperatives in his heart. Therefore Rousseau’s moral philosophy cannot dispense with a theory of memory: the latter permits thedictamen of the conscience to be disengaged from the transitory passions that subject us to contemporaries; it disengages the horizon of an authentic freedom and a responsibility that creates the person’s permanence, in regard to the soul’s immortality. In sum, we show here that in Rousseau’s eyes, reform is accomplished in a conversion narrative.  相似文献   

This paper tries to understand how «lineage» became a key-notion by medievalists when dealing with the field of kinship about the medieval aristocracy, although it is quite an unsuitable notion. Beside the role given to medieval kinship by the social and scientific imagination which prevailed when the historical sciences were formed in the XIXth century, an important part is played by the creation of a discourse on «lineage» in late medieval aristocracy, linked to a redefinition of the modes of reproduction of seigniorial power, a vector of which must be found by means of representation portraying a durable kin-group, especially through the formation and transmission of «family archives». Historians submitted to the reality-effect of documentary bodies, which were transmitted and were but a historical social construction, did not pay enough attention to the genuine meaning of the archivistic structure. They believed they had found the «reality» of a social organization while they had merely perceived its ideational aspect- and thus, they contributed to the social construction of «lineage».  相似文献   

Partant des termes très tranchés de la polémique qui s'est récemment élevée autour du cas Pierre Rivière, jeune parricide du XIXème siècle, révélé en 1973 par l'équipe de chercheurs réunis auprès de Michel Foucault au Collège de France, il s'agit de considérer une difficulté majeure posée à la discipline historique par l'oeuvre du penseur disparu : les conditions et les limites d'une activité interprétative. La méthode archéologique professée par Foucault prétendait surmonter les impasses évidentes de l'histoire des idées, traditionnellement entendue, sa naïve confiance en la continuité apparente des vocables, notamment ; elle ne parvient cependant à ses fins qu'au seul prix de l'oubli de ses propres conditions de possibilité, s'exposant ainsi au scepticisme qu'elle a elle‐même suscité. La question récurrente—et pourtant jamais abordée de front—du pouvoir atteste l'impossibilité ultime de la méthode foucaldienne de dépasser le point aveugle de sa propre légitimité. Loin qu'il faille tenir ses interpellations pour nulles et non avenues, “l'archéologie du savoir” ne peut, à ce compte, que fonctionner comme un puissant stimulant de l'opération historienne.  相似文献   

The activities of jurists, they may be judges, lawyers or university teachers, occupy a central role in the maintenance of the political and social order of modern societies. In Germany the confrontation of the recent past provoked in the early 1960’s a large debate about the real foundations of the modern state and his role in the crisis of the modernity which have been pursuit in the course of the eighties issuing in the beginning of the century in the discussions about integration and a general order of values to be recognized by everybody.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a reconstruction of the Wolffian debate on Leibniz’s idealism arising from the initial response to Leibniz’s Monadology. This reconstruction requires us to revisit some problems central to the debate: an inaccurate translation of a term in the latin Monadology («le composé» is translated as «substantia composita»); status of body as composed substance; status of elements as simple substances from which bodies result (which goes against the Cartesian conception of substance); status of Leibnizian notions of perception, force and pre-established harmony; status of experience as a holistic and systematic process (which goes against its conception and the tabula rasa in Locke) in the Wolffian response and system. A thorough examination of the founding texts of the response (Bilfinger and Wolff) allows us to reconsider the relation between Leibniz and Wolff from a new perspective.  相似文献   

The market constitutes the crucial point in the debate which prevailed since the xviiith century in the history of antique economy. Became particularly complex for the Greek world because many historians and anthropologists (like Karl Polanyi) place there the liberty of the market economy as a break with the previous period. History must abandon too dogmatic a position on this emergence of the market and consider first the levels of the constitution of a market place, the agora, beginning with the end of the archaic period. The Greek city intervenes in the way in the exchanges. In this article, we study these interventions on the conditions of the sale and purchase, the practices, the values and the prices, the supplies, so as to understand the real innovation which that represents.  相似文献   

During the years he was involved in French parliamentary politics, Alexis de Tocqueville was obsessed with the issue of political corruption. This article presents the first sustained analysis of Tocqueville’s speeches and writings on French corruption. It examines Tocqueville’s initial encounter with corruption during his run for parliamentary office, his sophisticated account of the sources of corruption, and his strategies for reforming French politics. The article contends that taking seriously Tocqueville’s struggle against corruption has the effect of complicating several conventional interpretations of his thought. In his speeches and writings on corruption Tocqueville shows himself remarkably willing to compromise with, even to work with, centralisation. And he argues that in a nation like France which lacks substantial local self-government, a vibrant parliamentary politics could be an effective means for promoting energetic civic participation.  相似文献   

In the 15(th) century, political negotiations were conceived as "treaties" or "dialogues", but also as work. The study of the missions sent by Barcelona to the court of king of Aragon Alfonso the Magnanimous reveals how significant this terminology was for the naming of the various practices used in the negotiation process. It also sheds light of the efforts made by the men sent by the city of Barcelona to speak in one, efficient voice. The written testimonies left by these officials about their reflections reveal the existence, at the time, of a pragmatic expertise in the field of negotiation.  相似文献   

This article aims to reconstruct the history of the term “racial democracy” in Brazilian sociological literature. This term, usually associated with the idea of “myth”, is used in many studies of race relations without little definition or clarity. This article retraces its origins, in particular by showing that the concept is not the invention of Gilberto Freyre. It then examines the evolution of its use with particular emphasis on Unesco’s research in the 1950s and the texts of Florestan Fernandes in the 1960s.  相似文献   

Unlike L'Illustration, with which it competed under the Second Empire, the weekly Le Monde illustré, which first appeared in 1857 and which was protected by the imperial government, did not count among the political newspapers overtaxed under Napoléon the Third's repressive regime. For this reason, it made great strides thanks to its blind allegiance to a French imperialism that had asserted its authority during the Crimean war, but which spent itself during the war against Juárez and his republican partisans in Mexico. While the French liberal press criticized the Second Empire foreign policy, Le Monde illustré persisted in turning the Mexican war into an antijuarist pacification favorable to a new Latin colonial empire, as well as to an application of the Saint-Simonian doctrine on Mexican industry and economy. In order to achieve this, the illustrated reports on the expeditionary force, military operations, and French victories were a warmongering that aimed to place this campaign in the afterglow of the conquistadors' era, as well as to idealize the imperial army as a symbol of the French nation.  相似文献   


The remarkable survival of considerable elements of a large rose window at Elgin Cathedral allows an accurate reconstruction of its form. The design can be shown to be from the mainstream of rose window tracery patterns in northern Britain and can be related to the pre-1390 west front of the cathedral. When reconstructed the design of the front shows close affinities with the west front of Arbroath Abbey which also featured a large circular window. Certain elements of the tracery also show similarities with the eastern rose window reconstructed at Fountains Abbey and indicate strong links with sources in northern England.  相似文献   

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