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The rise in colonial tourism in the post-uprising decades propelled the need for tourist infrastructure in the Indian Subcontinent. This need was met by appropriating historic monuments and reusing them as tourist rest houses, called Dak Bungalows – a common occurrence in Agra and Delhi, former Mughal capitals and popular tourist destinations. Even as the state established the Archaeological Survey of India to safeguard the Subcontinent’s monuments, the transformation carried out by colonial engineers undermined their historic worth in the absence of guidelines. Critical of the engineers’ undertaking, Viceroy Curzon, took up the challenge of ridding monuments, particularly Mughal monuments, of modern interventions. While being instrumental in providing monuments with statutory protection, Curzon appropriated these monuments to legitimize the colonial state’s authority. This paper examines the seventeenth century Mughal city, Fatehpur Sikri, a popular tourist destination in the nineteenth century, where three historic buildings were appropriated and transformed into Dak Bungalows prior to the building of a new Dak Buangalow at Curzon’s behest. Examining these developments against the backdrop of the colonial state’s post-uprising political dispensation, through the prism of monument conservation and colonial tourism, it argues that all forms of engagement with monuments operated within the colonial framework.  相似文献   

纳兰性德是清代著名满族词人,他通过自身的努力熟练的掌握了汉语及汉民族的文学样式,在此基础上。他又积极创新,在词的创作上取得了极高的成就。这种善于学习其他民族优秀文化而又勇于创新的文学创作精神,是满族的优秀文化遗产,也是中华民族的优秀遗产。  相似文献   

田亮 《抗日战争研究》2007,5(4):107-132
作为抗战文化的重要组成部分,抗战时期的中国史学受爱国主义、民族主义思潮的强烈影响,在培育国民的民族意识、弘扬民族抗战精神等方面为民族抗战事业做出了杰出贡献;尽管受到客观条件的限制,抗战史学依然取得很高的学术成就;当然由于治史目的存在一定的偏颇,其局限性也无庸讳言。  相似文献   

Values of honourable courtship are expressed in dance and this paper is an ethnographic reconstruction of a Greek island dance called the sousta practised on the Dodecanesian island of Rhodes during the interwar period (1925–1940). Its performance was a dynamic interplay of gender roles that mediated romance and moved the performers toward the resolution of marriage. The aim of the paper is to elaborate on values ascribed to men and women during the occasion of dancing at a village wedding in southern Rhodes. The interplay of grace (hari) and honour (timi) will locate why and how men reveal through hari and why women are concealed through timi during the dance performance.  相似文献   

阿咪  白由祥 《旅游纵览》2012,(7):100-103
<正>山有几种:名山大川是为名山,黄山、华山是也;佛道之山是为仙山,峨眉、武当是也;藏地雪山是为神山,梅里、冈仁波齐是也。太行山则属于是中国的精神之山。它耸立于山西、河北、河南之间,横枕华夏,古老雄伟,人文厚积,从《愚公移山》到曹操的《苦寒行.北上太行山》,从民间传说到艰难惨烈的抗日战争,从林州的红旗渠到郭亮的绝  相似文献   

战后日本文化演进与大冈小说精神   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管就理论意义而言,文学当归属在文化之列;然二者之间的默契,却委实不敢恭维。既有的文学理论与批评实践中,小视、甚至无视文化的存在与作用的偏颇,可以说是显而易见的,在讨论文学风格的档案里,我  相似文献   

在世界史学的发展中,最早提出人类精神史概念的当属18世纪法国启蒙思想家伏尔泰的《论各民族的精神风俗》。这部著作展现了人性、理性的文明史观,开创了人类精神文明史之先河,在西方的史学发展中产生了巨大的影响。近年来,在我国的世界史研究中,除了传统的世界通史著作外,世界文化史或世界文明史著作不断出版,  相似文献   

陈扬勇 《史学月刊》2004,(10):66-70
美国独立战争作为争取民族独立解放、追求民主自由的象征,在近代中国的传播是在鸦片战争之后。抗日战争时期,中国人民又一次从华盛顿及其领导的美国独立战争寻求民族独立与解放、民主与自由的思想资源。尽管不同的阶段、不同的党派、不同的群体,有自己不同的观照视角与价值指向,但如何争取民族独立与解放,求得民主与自由,是这一时期美国独立战争精神在中国传播的主旋律。  相似文献   

从漫水湾回到西昌稍事休整,10月22日,州民族研究所派车送郝瑞去喜德米市,随行的有民族研究所的研究人员诺布伙机和我.米市在彝族中很出名,一是因为50年代末60年代初,这里是如雷贯耳的土匪罗洪木嘎的叛乱之地,二是因为彝语规范文字的标准音点就选在这里.到米市调查一方面我感到比较轻松,因为有诺布伙机,他是喜德人,在喜德和米市有很多熟人亲戚,选点和安排调查对象不用我操心;但另一方面我又感到有些担心和好奇.担心的是米市与处于安宁河谷的漫水湾不同,不知道郝瑞能不能走山路、吃不吃得惯坨坨肉,另外还有语言的问题.米市是彝族聚居地,那里的彝人可不象漫水湾的彝人,他们大都不懂汉语.尽管马尔子给我说过郝瑞日常的彝语口语可以对付,平素郝瑞也时不时冒出几句彝语来,并且在给我的信中常常出现一小段彝文或用彝文在信的末尾写上"吉祥平安"的字样.好奇的是,为什么郝瑞做民族关系的田野要到没有民族关系的地方.因为米市是彝族聚居地,这里有的恐怕只是家庭关系、家支与家支的关系、等级与等级的关系,哪有民族与民族的关系,去调查什么呢?我当时想.  相似文献   

The rise of local theaters during the latter half of the 19th century was due to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic causes. The decline of Kunqu opera as a performing art tailored to the taste of the gentry society, artistic innovations in regional theaters – particularly that of Jingju opera – as well as a more commercialized economy all contributed to this development. Moreover, reformist impulses among many literati-playwrights at the turn of the 20th century provided momentum, leading to the formation of the reform movement in Chinese theater (xiqu). Although influence from Japan and the West played an important part in the process, Yu Zhi (1809–1874) can be regarded as a “forerunner,” who promoted regional theaters as a tool for social reform. Through an examination of him and his “benevolent plays” in the Shuji tang jinyue collection, this study sheds light on his effort to reform society through xiqu, as well as possible connections with the later xiqu reform movement.  相似文献   

在五代政治中,士人进行适应性转变的同时,也让渡了儒家文化的价值取向,并主要表现为士大夫精神的缺失.从科举的角度来探讨,这种现象与五代科举的客观环境、士人的文化状况和士林风气密切相关,从而使北宋士大夫精神的重建成为必要.  相似文献   

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