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This article examines Newman's communication with others in a variety of modes. It suggests there was a deliberate underlying theme of preaching in whatever he did, not only from the pulpit, where his skills were famous, but in virtually all his other forms of discourse, from letter-writing to his setting up of the "retreat" at Littlemore. He used whatever means were available, including marketing and journalism as well as scholarly work, to bring a concept of public witness to his mission. His social life, as evidenced in his generally scrupulously kept appointments diaries, is analysed to demonstrate that it too was part of his holistic approach. The suggestion is that Newman was much more aggressive and publicly aware than is generally recognized and that he combined an intense personal internalizing with active public performance in a wide range of spheres.  相似文献   

孟列夫博士是俄罗斯科学院东方学研究所圣彼得堡分所主任研究员 ,俄罗斯当代著名汉学家。孟列夫著述颇丰 ,既翻译中国古典文学名著 ,也进行历史研究。尤其在敦煌学研究领域成就巨大。同时 ,孟列夫博士还积极推动、参加与中国的文化交流、合作活动。本文对俄国这位大汉学家做了全面介绍  相似文献   

A small group of Japanese civilian internees from the South Pacific were confined in New Zealand during World War II, with some being subsequently transferred to Australia in readiness for planned civilian exchanges with Japan. Most from Tonga had Japanese wives and children who were also detained in New Zealand. With one exception, all Japanese who had local wives and families were forced to leave them behind in either Tonga or Fiji. These families proved an anomaly to the Fijian authorities who had to provide care for some, even non-Fijians. In defining who was supported in their former island homes and who was ultimately deported to Japan or allowed to return to the islands, racial attitudes of the various administrations emerge, reflecting an antipathy towards Asians not found in regard to other enemy aliens of the time. New Zealand played the role of honest broker but it, too, did not offer any permanent home to displaced Japanese civilians after the war ended, and supported the expulsion of them from the South Pacific.  相似文献   


Very little site-oriented dendrochronology has been undertaken in Scotland, possibly because of the absence of a locally based dendrochronological facility until recently. However, timbers found during the excavations of several medieval burghs in the late 1970s and 1980s were saved for future analysis and had been stored in museums around the country. During a project to locate suitable samples fir a Scottish tree-ring database the potential of these assemblages was recognised. Although relatively small assemblages, their analysis has expanded and strengthened the tree-ring database within Scotland, thus facilitating future work. Evidence fir synchronous development in the early burghs in the late 12th century and the nature of the woodland resource at times during the medieval period is presented. An 'event horizon' in the early 10th century, signalled by the birth dates of marry of the dated timbers, has been recognised and possible causes are discussed. The projects reported on here were all funded by Historic Scotland.  相似文献   

唐纳德·沃斯特和美国的环境史研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
唐纳德·沃斯特是美国著名的环境史学家 ,对世界环境史研究作出了突出贡献。本文分为两部分 :第一部分从环境史理论、环境知识史和新西部史等三个方面介绍沃斯特的主要研究成果 ;第二部分是作者对沃斯特的访谈 ,他就环境史的兴起、农业生态史模式、世界环境主义运动的发展、“9.11事件”后美国环境史研究的新趋向等问题提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

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