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正During the day,she bustles around the operation table in her thick antiradiation vest.At night,she has to go to sleep on a chair due to her pulmonary edema.On the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,where congenital heart disease occurs at a high rate,she sustains a hope of survival for the children with congenital heart disease by working hard.Parents call her"a living Buddha",and her colleagues think her a  相似文献   

正Tibetan opera is divided into four different schools:Gyangkhar, Junpa, Shambha and Jomulung.Although Jomulung originated in Lhasa, the other three come from Shigatse. In my view, there had to be something special about these places for something such as Tibetan opera  相似文献   

每个人看大佛,都会有不同的感受。在画家眼里,它是石雕的画;在诗人眼里,它是凝固的诗;在艺术家眼里,它是一座艺术殿堂;在哲人眼里,它是思考生命意义的书……  相似文献   

Origin-Ancient India I was shocked by its beauty and mysterious attraction at my first sight on a Zhazha from a documentary broad- casted by CCTV.I had never imaged that so many kinds of pattern and Buddha embossment can be con-  相似文献   

Many important cultural and religious objects from Asia consist of outer metallic shapes, usually bronze, which fully enclose inner contents made of organic materials such as wood, bark, paper, textile, plants and others. Bronze and other metallic materials, such as copper and silver, are generally more transparent to neutrons than to X‐rays. However, organic materials are less transparent to neutrons than to X‐rays and therefore organic materials, enclosed by metallic materials, can be made visible with neutrons. Therefore, neutron imaging (radiography and tomography) was found to be an ideal tool for the inspection of objects that consist of metal outside and organic materials inside. This has been successfully demonstrated here with four metallic Tibetan Buddha statues, providing archaeometry with a powerful new tool. The first successful applications of this novel technique are described in this article. Further possible and useful applications of neutron imaging of cultural objects are outlined.  相似文献   

It is argued that although this book will be of interest to any scholar interested in Croce, Gentile, or de Ruggiero, it will be of particular interest to those interested in R. G. Collingwood, for the ultimate focus of the book is upon Collingwood's philosophy and how it developed in relation to the work of the Italian idealists. This is a subject that has not previously been investigated in any depth. Peters argues that the basic idea that unites all four philosophers is that “the past is not dead, but living”; but what distinguishes Collingwood's philosophy from the Italians' is the idea, and its justification, that “the past can live on even if we are not aware of it.” Collingwood explored and developed this idea in reaction to the “presentism” of the Italians, a position that is most obvious in the philosophy of Gentile but that is also to be found, albeit less obviously, in the philosophies of Croce and de Ruggiero. Without casting doubt upon the influence of the Italian idealists on Collingwood, it is suggested in this review that, as well as explaining that influence, Peters's book also throws Collingwood's similarities with Oakeshott into relief; by contrast with Collingwood, there is no evidence that Oakeshott ever read the Italian idealists.  相似文献   

本文采用因子生态分析方法剖析多伦多都市区的居住空间结构。主成分分析表明,家庭构成、年龄构成、职业构成是形成城市居住分异的主要因素。聚类分析表明,家庭构成和年龄构成的分异呈同心园格局,职业构成的分异呈扇形格局。形成这种居住分异格局的机制包括动力机制、管理机制和行为机制三个方面。  相似文献   

April 2005 was the charming spring season in China's hinterland, but the snowflakes still flew in the air along the section of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway in the northern plateau of Tibet.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies show strong association between lack/inadequate family support with increased mortality and poor health among the elderly. This study examined the effect of living arrangement on elderly health status by analysing the data of 39,694 persons aged 60 and above included in India's second National Family Health Survey conducted in 1998–1999. Results indicate that elderly who are living alone are likely to suffer more from both chronic illnesses, such as asthma and tuberculosis, and acute illnesses, such as malaria and jaundice, than those elderly who are living with their family, even after controlling for the effects of a number of socio-economic, demographic, environmental and behavioural confounders. The findings have important programme and policy implications for countries such as India, which has the second largest elderly population in the world. There is a strong need for the implementation of specific public support systems and health care strategies focused on the elderly population in general and elderly living alone in particular.  相似文献   

城市生活质量与生活空间质量研究评介与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今的社会-文化进程阶段,新人本主义强调人与社会(文化)和谐的可持续发展观,其目标体现在人们的生活质量上,其焦点是城市(社会)生活质量构成与城市(社会)生活质量空间耦合的建构。从新人本主义理念出发探讨城市(社会)生活质量与其对应(社会)生活空间质量对政府部门和学术界都是全新的课题。二者在不同领域,不同学科之间的研究并行不悖。对前者的研究是人文社会与管理学科聚焦的方向,对后者的探讨是区域与城市诸学科聚焦的方向。它们充分体现学科融合的新理念/原理及其前沿性。本文从研究源起、研究意义、研究阶段以及评价指标体系的构建等不同角度对二者的国内外研究动态及方向进行了评介与展望,目的在于明晰二者的研究方法,理论框架与研究趋势,为社会与城市发展及其规划指明方向,提供理论基础与科学依据。  相似文献   

正Tsusum, a border village some 2,000 kilometers east of Lhasa and 6,000 kilometers from Beijing, is in the Tsosisumkyi Township of Zanda County in Ngari Prefecture. The road to the village is both longer and tougher than even the well-known difficult road leading to the Metok County.Tsusum means"dried-up lake"in Tibetan. With an elevation of 4,000  相似文献   

This paper examines the emergence of a distinctly “modern” style of history and some of its uses as applied to Buddhism by Buddhist scholars within the early Meiji period (late nineteenth century) in Japan. After a discussion of the importance of “area studies” in the formation of conceptions germane to history as practiced in Japan, the paper proposes a new category of the “non‐modern” as a means to counter the historiographical dominance of modern categories in the formation of the historical discipline, especially as formulated in Japanese studies. As a case study, the emergence of the discourse dealing with the quest for the historical Buddha is examined. By showing the methods and accomplishments of modernist historians, and the concomitant slippage of non‐modern categories in their work, this paper sketches a method of analysis particularly applicable to the intersection of religion and history.  相似文献   

Three different historical mortars, one from the 18th–19th centuries and two from the 12th century, were crushed and sieved to give eight fractions between less than 0.063 mm and 4 mm for each sample. Each fraction was chemically analysed for the amount of calcium carbonate binder, using the reactions with HCl and EDTA and by means of atomic absorption spectroscopy. The samples were also characterized by X‐ray diffraction (XRD) and by low‐temperature nitrogen adsorption isotherms. The limitations and advantages of each of the various methodologies for the determination of the binder are discussed. Reactions with HCl and XRD were shown to be the methods that gave the more coherent results.  相似文献   

岭南文化对广东外省人群体影响之探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从文化地理学的角度,以文化问卷调查为基础,采用定量与定性分析相结合的方法,探讨了岭南文化对广东外省人群体的影响特征。笔者发现:岭南文化影响广东外省人群体的总体特征呈中间型,南方群体、男性群体比北方群体、女性群体易于接受岭南文化。并得出几点结论:在文化扩散的早期阶段,等势文化之间的影响排斥性较明显,表层文化相对于深层文化接受大于排斥,文化距离对深层文化的扩散起决定影响,经济条件对表层文化的传播起关键作用。  相似文献   

乡村振兴视角下传统村落活态性特征及作用机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于传统村落活态性内涵,从村落人口、物质遗产以及非物质遗产3个方面构建传统村落活态性评价指标体系。通过访谈问卷、实地踏勘、文献查阅等方法获取数据,根据发展路径的差异划分传统村落类型,对分属旅游发展型、传统技艺型、综合开发型和生活服务型的湖南省永州市4个传统村落活态性进行测度。结果表明:①失活现象在各类型传统村落中较为普遍;②不同类型传统村落人口活态情况差异明显,其中旅游发展型村落人口活态性最好,生活服务型村落人口活态性最差;③不同类型传统村落物质遗产失活程度相对较轻;④不同类型传统村落非物质遗产失活程度整体较高。  相似文献   

There is a need for a new rationale to guide American security policy, including arms control and disarmament. In light of fundamental changes in the external and internal environment, American security policy would appear to have to rest on the following four assumptions: (1) the multiplication of threats, allies, and adversaries; (2) the disparity between greater absolute military power at the disposal of the United States and greater relative impotence in wielding it to influence events abroad; (3) the globalization yet divisibility of American and international security, economic, and political regime interests; and (4) the persistence of divided domestic consensus as the shaky basis from which to project American military power to shape the international environment in ways congenial to often conflicting American preferences.  相似文献   

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