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Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Past Meets Present: Essays about Historic Interpretation and Public Audiences. Edited by Jo Blatti. Selvages and Biases: The Fabric of History in American Culture. By Michael Kammen. Morbid Appearances: The Anatomy of Pathology in the Early Nineteenth Century. By Russell C. Maulitz. Combat Sports in the Ancient World: Competition, Violence and Culture. [Sport and History Series.] By Michael B. Poliakoff. Poets and Emperors: Frankish Politics and Carolingian Poetry. By Peter Godman. The Origins of Medieval Jurisprudence: Pavia and Bologna, 850–1150. By Charles M. Radding. Henry the Lion: A Biography. By Karl Jordan. Translated by P. S. Falla. Khubilai Khan: His Life and Times. By Morris Rossabi. The Kingdom of Armenia. By M. Chahin. Politics and Society in Reformation Europe: Essays for Sir Geoffrey Elton on his Sixty Fifth Birthday. Edited by E. I. Kouri and Tom Scott. Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment. Edited by G. S. Rousseau and Roy Porter. The Poor in Western Europe in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. By Stuart Woolf. Social Change and the Labouring Poor: Antwerp, 1770–1860. By Catharina Lis. The Forced Loan and English Politics, 1626–1628. By Richard Cust. Democracy and Religion: Gladstone and the Liberal Party, 1867–1875. By J. P. Parry. The Rise of English Nationalism: A Cultural History, 1740–1830. By Gerald Newman. Parliament, Party and the Art of Politics in Britain. By Angus Hawkins. Lord Lloyd and the Decline of the British Empire. By John Charmley. The Political Culture of Modern Britain: Essays in Memory of Stephen Koss. Edited by J. M. W. Bean. The Jacobin Clubs in the French Revolution: The Middle Years. By Michael L. Kennedy. Joseph II: In the Shadow of Maria Theresa, 1741–1780. By Derek Beales. Dreams and Delusions: The Drama of German History. By Fritz Stern. The Holocaust in History. By Michael R. Marrus. The Origins of the Boxer Uprising. By Joseph W. Esherick. Empire of Fortune: Crowns, Colonies, and Tribes in the Seven Years: War in America. By Francis Jennings. The Townshend Duties Crisis: The Second Phase of the American Revolution, 1767–1773. By Peter D. G. Thomas. The Forging of the Union, 1781–1789. [New American Nation Series.] By Richard B Morris. Sacred Feathers: The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians. By Donald B. Smith. The Road to Mobocracy: Popular Disorder in New York City, 1763–1834. By Paul A. Gilje. The Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the Social Order in the Connecticut River Valley of Vermont, 1791–1850. By Randolph A. Roth. Economic Growth and the Ending of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. By David Eltis. Slave Culture: Nationalist Theory and the Foundations of Black America. By Sterling Stuckey. The Plundering Generation: Corruption and the Crisis of the Union, 1849–1861. By Mark W. Summers. American Medical Schools and the Practice of Medicine: A History. By William G. Rothstein. Lee's Tarnished Lieutenant: James Longstreet and His Place in Southern History. By William Garrett Piston. Visions of Harmony: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Millenarianism. By Anne Taylor. Able-Bodied Womanhood, Personal Health and Social Change in Nineteenth-Century Boston. By Martha H. Verbrugge. Enterprising Elite: The Boston Associates and the World They Made. [Volume 40 of the Harvard Studies in Business History. Edited by Alfred D. Chandler Jr.] By Robert F. Dalzell Jr. The Christian Home in Victorian America, 1840–1900. [Religion in North America Series.] By Colleen McDannell. The Tenant Movement in New York City, 1904–1984. Edited by Ronald Lawson. The Progressive Yankees: Republican Reformers in New Hampshire, 1906–1916. By James Wright. Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars. Edited by Margaret Randolph Higonnet et al. The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, The State, and American Labor Activism, 1865–1925. By David Montgomery. American Automobile Workers, 1900–1933. By Joyce Shaw Peterson. Standing at Armageddon: The United States, 1877–1919. By Nell Irvin Painter. The Collapse of the Grand Alliance, 1945–48. By James L. Gormly. Mormons at the Missouri, 1846–1852: “And Should We Die.” By Richard E. Bennett. Oklahoma Populism: A History of the People Party in the Oklahoma Territory. By Worth Robert Miller. The Cheyenne Nation: A Social and Demographic History. By John Moore. America Through Russian Eyes, 1874–1926. Edited and translated by Olga Peters Hasty and Susanne Fusso. Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism. By Stephen G. Rabe. Klaus Fuchs, Atom Spy. By Robert C. Williams. Slave Life in Rio de Janeiro, 1808–1850. By Mary C. Karasch.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Rome and the Friendly King: The Character of the Client Kingship. By David C. Braund. A History of the Ostrogoths. By Thomas S. Burns. Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity, 400–1000. By Roger Collins. The Age of Abbot Desiderius: Montecassino, the Papacy, and the Normans in the Eleventh and Early Twelfth Centuries. By H. E. J. Cowdrey. Capetian France, 987–1328. By Elizabeth M. Hallam. Renaissances before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Edited by Warren Treadgold. The Military Organization of a Renaissance State—Venice c. 1400–1617. [Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History]. By M. E. Mallett and J. R. Hale. The History Men: The Historical Profession in England since the Renaissance. By John Kenyon. The Last Popular Rebellion: The Western Rising of 1685. By Robin Clifton. The Last Stuarts: British Royalty in Exile. By James Lees-Milne. The Moth and the Candle: A Life of James Boswell. By Iain Finlayson. The Chartists: Popular Politics in the Industrial Revolution. By Dorothy Thompson. Prince Albert: A Biography. By Robert Rhodes James. Gladstone: Volume I, 1809–1865. By Richard Shannon. Redesigning the World: William Morris, the 1880s, and the Arts and Crafts. By Peter Stansky. Irish Peasants: Violence & Political Unrest, 1780–1914. Edited by Samuel Clark and James S. Donnelly, Jr. For the Sake of Example, Capital Courts Martial 1914–1918, The Truth. By Arthur Babington. Anglo-American Relations and Colonialism in East Asia, 1941–1945. By John J. Sbrega. The French Revolution in Miniature. Section Droits-de-l'Homme, 1789–1795. By Morris Slavin. The Fashoda Incident of 1898: Encounter on the Nile. By Darrell Bates. Liberty and Utility: The French Idéologues and the Transformation of Liberalism. By Cheryl B. Welch France and the Origins of the First World War. [Making of the Twentieth Century Series.] By John F. V. Keiger. Land and Society in Golden Age Castile. By David E. Vassberg. The Spanish Civil War. By Anthony Beevor. The Making of a State: Württemberg, 1593–1793. By James Allen Vann. Hitler and the Final Solution. By Gerald Fleming. Political Repression in 19th Century Europe. By Robert J. Goldstein. Europe Transformed, 1878–1919. By Norman stone. The Resistance in Austria, 1938–1945. By Radomir Luza. The Falcon and the Eagle: Montenegro and Austria-Hungary, 1908–1914. By John D. Treadway. The Guarantee of Belgian Independence and Neutrality in European Diplomacy, 1830's-1930's. By Daniel H. Thomas. History of the Balkans. Volume I, Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries; Volume II, Twentieth Century. By Barbara Jelavich. The Lust for Power: Nationalism, Slovakia, and the Communists, 1918–1948. By Yeshayahu A. Jelinek. Feminism in Russia, 1900–1917. By Linda Edmondson. The Walled Kingdom: A History of China from Antiquity to the Present. By Witold Rodzinski. Seeds of Destruction: Nationalist China in War and Revolution, 1937–1949. By Lloyd E. Eastman. Discovering History in China American Historical Writing on the Recent Chinese Past. By Paul A. Cohen. George Washington: A Biography. By John R. Alden. Brigham Young: American Moses. By Leonard J. Arrington. The Black Press in the South, 1865–1979. Edited by Henry Lewis Suggs. The Road to Redemption: Southern Politics, 1869–1879. By Michael Perman. Chants Democratic. By Sean Wilentz. Railroad Development Programs in the Twentieth Century. By Roy V. Scott. Sergeant York: An American Hero. By David D. Lee. American Tough: The Tough-Guy Tradition and American Character. By Rupert Wilkinson. Women and the American Experience. By Nancy Woloch. Without God, Without Creek The Origins of Unbelief in America. By James Turner. Making Something of Ourselves: On Culture and Politics in the United States. By Richard M. Merelman. JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy. By Herbert S. Parmet. The United States and Germany: A Diplomatic History. By Manfred Jonas. Dogs of the Conquest. By John G. Varner and Jeannette J. Varner. Modern Latin America. [Oxford University Latin America Series.] By Thomas E. Skidmore and Peter H. Smith.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: The Invention of Athens: The Funeral Oration in the Classical City. By Nicole Loraux. Translated by Alan Sheridan. The Avignon Papacy and the Crusades, 1305–1378. By Norman Housley. The Hussite Revolution. 1424.1437. By F. M. Barto?. Edited and translated by John M. Klassen. Edward Stafford: Third Duke of Buckingham, 1478–1521. By Barbara J. Harris. Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Europe and America in Comparative Perspective. By Hartmut Kaelble. Tories and Democrats: British Diplomats in Pre-Jacksonian America. By William H. Masterson. The Growth of Working Class Reformism in Mid-Victorian England. By Neville Kirk. Patrons, Brokers, and Clients in Seventeenth-Century France. By Sharon Kettering. The Third Republic Defended: Bourgeois Reform in France, 1880–1914. By Sanford Elwitt. The Military Life of Frederick the Great. By Christopher Duffy. Workers in Imperial Germany: The Miners of the Ruhr. By S. H. F. Hickey. A History of Ukraine. By Michael Hrushevsky. Edited by O. J. Frederiksen. The Day They Almost Bombed Moscow: The Allied War in Russia 1918–1920, By Christopher Dobson and John Miller. Utopia In Power: The History of the Soviet Union from 1917 to the Present. By Mikhail Heller and Aleksandr Nekrich. Translated by Phyllis B. Carlos. Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early-Modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825. [Harvard East Asian Monographs, no. 126.1 By Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi. The New England Soul: Preaching and Religious Culture in Colonial New England. By Harry S. Stout. Anthony Wayne: Soldier of the Early Republic. By Paul David Nelson. Thomas Jefferson, Lawyer. By Frank L. Dewey. A Machine That Would Go of Itself. By Michael Kammen. Foreign Policy in the Early Republic: The Law of Nations and the Balance of Power. By Daniel George Lang. Toleration and the Constitution. By David A. J. Richards. Educating Republicans: The College in the Era of the American Revolution, 1750–1800. By David W. Robson. “Let the Eagle Soar!” The Foreign Policy of Andrew Jackson., By John M. Belohlavek. Indian Traders of the Southeastern Spanish Borderlands: Panton, Leslie & Company and John Forbes & Company, 1783–1847. By William S. Coker and Thomas D. Watson. A City in the Republic: Antebellum New York and the Origins of Machine Politics. By Amy Bridges. “The best school in the world”: West Point, the pre-Civil War years, 1833–1866. By James L. Morrison Jr. Abraham Lincoln and the American Political Tradition. Edited by John L. Thomas. The Insanity File: The Case of Mary Todd Lincoln. By Mark E. Neely Jr. and R. Gerald McMurtry. Lincoln's Lee: The Life of Samuel Phillips Lee, United States Navy, 1812–1897. By Dudley Taylor Cornish and Virginia Jeans Laas. Chattanooga: A Death Grip on the Confederacy. By James Lee McDonough. The Legal Fraternity and the Making of a New South Community, 1848–1882. By Gail Williams O'Brien. The Party Period and Public Policy: American Polities from the Age of Jackson to the Progressive Era. By Richard L. McCormick. “The Last of American Freemen”: Studies in the Political Culture of the Colonial and Revolutionary South. By Robert M. Weir. Slavery and Race in American Popular Culture. By William L. Van Deburg. Strength for the Fight: A History of Black Americans in the Military. By Bernard C. Nalty. The World of Marcus Garvey: Race and Class in Modern Society. By Judith Stein. Killings: Folk Justice in the Upper South. By William Lynwood Montell. Reform in America: The Continuing Frontier. By Robert H. Walker. Railroads and the Character of America, 1820–1887. By James A. Ward. Memphis in the Great Depression. By Roger Biles. The US. Economy in World War II. By Harold G. Vatter. The Life and Times of James Willard Schultz (Apikuni). By Warren L. Hanna. Paper Medicine Man: John Gregory Bourke and His American West. By Joseph C. Porter. An American Odyssey: The Autobiography of Robert Brownlee. Edited by Patricia A. Etter. Land Fever: Dispossession and the Frontier Myth. By James M. Marshall. At Home on the Range: Essays on the History of Western Social and Domestic Life. [Contributions in American History, No. 108.1 Edited by John R. Wunder. Prime Cut: Livestock Raising and Meatpacking in the United States, 1607–1983. By Jimmy M. Skaggs. The Chief: Ernest Thompson Seton and the Changing West. By H. Allen Anderson. The Pathless Way: John Muir and American Wilderness. By Michael P. Cohen. New School: A History of the New School for Social Research. By Peter M. Rutkoff and William B. Scott. Imperialism and Idealism: American Diplomats in China, 1861–1898. By David L. Anderson. Woodrow Wilson and World War I, 1917–1921. [New American Nation Series.] By Robert H. Ferrell. The Korean War: Challenges in Crisis, Credibility and Command. By Burton I. Kaufman. The Myth of the Revolution: Hero Cults and the Institutionalization of the Mexican State, 1920–1940. [Contributions to the Study of World History, Number 1.] By Ilene V. O'Malley. National Geographic: Behind America's Lens on the World. By Howard Abramson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Awkward Dominion: American Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations with Europe, 1919–1933. By Frank Costigliola St. Martin and His Hagiographer: History and Miracle in Sulpicius Severus. By Claire Stancliffe St. James's Catapult: The Life and Times of Diego Gelmírez of Santiago de Compostela. By R. A. Fletcher The Boundaries of Eros: Sex Crime and Sexuality in Renaissance Venice. By Guido Ruggiero Verdict According to Conscience: Perspectives on the English Criminal Trial Jury, 1200–1800. By Thomas A. Green Robin Hood: An Historical Enquiry. By John Bellamy Policing Victorian London: Political Policing, Public Order, and the London Metropolitan Police Force. By Phillip Thurmond Smith From Irving to Olivier: A Social History of the Acting Profession in England 1880–1983. By Michael Sanderson Church and University in the Scottish Enlightenment: The Moderate Literati of Edinburgh. By Richard B. Sher Elections, Politics, and Society in Ireland, 1832–1885. By K. Theodore Hoppen KingGeorge V. By Kenneth Rose Colbert. By Inès Murat Church, State, and Society Under the Bourbon Kings of France. Edited by Richard M. Golden Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour Trade During the Eighteenth Century. By Steven Laurence Kaplan Populist Religion and Left-wing Politics in France, 1830–1852. By Edward Berenson Victors and Vanquished: The German Influence on Army and Church in France after 1870. By Allan Mitchell Cavour. By Denis Mack Smith Church, Politics, and Society in Spain, 1750–1874. [Harvard Historical Monographs.] By William J. Callahan Economy and Foreign Policy: The Struggle of the Great Powers for Hegemony in the Danube Valley, 1919–1939. By György Ránki Shopkeepers and Master Artisans in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Edited by Geoffrey Crossick and Heinz-Gerhard Haupt The French Revolution in Germany; Occupation and Resistance in the Rhineland, 1792–1802 by T. C. W. Blanning The Alternative Culture: Socialist Labor in Imperial Germany. By Vernon L. Lidtke Revisionism and Empire: Socialist Imperialism in Germany 1897–1914. By Roger Fletcher Communism in Germany Under the Weimar Republic. By Ben Fowkes Germany and Republican China. By William C. Kirby A Refuge From Darkness. Wilfrid Israel and the Rescue of the Jews. By Naomi Shepherd The Nuremberg Trial. By Ann Tusa and John Tusa Significant Sisters: The Grassroots of Active Feminism, 1839–1939. By Margaret Forster Set Fair for Roanoke: Voyages and Colonies, 1584–1606. By David Beers Quinn Society and Economy in Colonial Connecticut. By Jackson Turner Main Mechanical Metamorphosis: Technological Change in Revolutionary America. By Neil Longley York An Uncivil War: The Southern Backcountry During the American Revolution. [Perspectives on the American Revolution Series.] Edited by Ronald Hoffman, Thad W. Tate and Peter J. Albert To Starve the Army at Pleasure: Continental Army Administration and American Political Culture, 1775–1783. By E. Wayne Carp The Last Rising: The Newport Insurrection of 1839. By David J. V. Jones The Web of Progress: Private Values and Public Styles in Boston and Charleston, 1828–1843. By William H. Pease and Jane H. Pease Boston 1700–1980: The Evolution of Urban Politics. Edited by Ronald P. Formisano and Constance K. Burns The First Suburbs: Residential Communities on the Boston Periphery, 1815–1860. By Henry C. Binford Shaky Palaces: Homeownership and Social Mobility in Boston's Suburbanization. [Columbia History of Urban Life Series.] By Matthew Edel, Elliott D. Sclar, and Daniel Luria Martin Van Buren and the American Political System. By Donald B. Cole The Presidency of Martin Van Buren. By Major L. Wilson Slavery and Freedom on the Middle Ground: Maryland During the Nineteenth Century. By Barbara Jean Fields The Confederate Governors. Edited with an introduction by W. Buck Yearns Massachusetts in the Gilded Age: Selected Essays. Edited by Jack Tager and John W. Ifkovic Vigilantes in Gold Rush San Francisco. By Robert M. Senkewicz, S.J. Tribal Dispossession and the Ottawa Indian University Fraud. By William E. Unrau and H. Craig Miner As Long as the River Shall Run: An Ethnohistory of Pyramid Lake River Reservation. By Martha C. Knack and Omer C. Stewart The First World War. By Keith Robbins Before the Trumpet: Young Franklin Roosevelt, 1882–1905. By Geoffrey C. Ward The Eisenhower Administration and Black Civil Rights. By Robert Fredrick Burk In Pursuit of Power: Southern Blacks and Electoral Politics, 1965–1982. [Contemporary American History Series.] By Steven F. Lawson Caring for the Retarded in America: A History. [Contributions in Medical History, Number 16.] By Peter L. Tyor and Leland V. Bell Walking to Work: Tramps in America, 1790–1935. Edited by Eric H. Monkkonen America's Business. By James Oliver Robertson In the American Province: Studies in the History and Historiography of Ideas. By David A. Hollinger Man, Land, and Water: Mexico's Farmlands Irrigation Policies, 1885–1911. By Clifton B. Kroeber  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article From Arrian to Alexander: Studies in Historical Interpretation. By A. B. Bosworth. The Jews in the Greek Age. By Elias J. Bickerman. Greeks, Romans and Barbarians. By Barry Cunliffe. On Pagans, Jews, and Christians. By Arnaldo Momigliano. The Crusades: A Short History. By Jonathan Riley-Smith. Searches for an Imaginary Kingdom: The Legend of the Kingdom of Prester John. By L. N. Gumilev. Translated by R. E. F. Smith. The Papal Prince, One Body and Two Souls: The Papal Monarchy in Early Modern Europe. By Paolo Prodi. Translated by Susan Haskins. Britannia: A History of Roman Britain. By Sheppard Frere. The English: A Social History, 1066–1945. By Christopher Hibbert. Suffolk and the Tudors: Politics and Religion in an English County, 1500–1600. By Barmaid MacCulloch. Village Revolts: Social Protest and Popular Disturbances in England, 1509–1640. By Roger B. Manning. The Civil Wars of England. By J. P. Kenyon. Politics, Society and Civil War in Warwickshire, 1620–1660. By Ann Hughes. Charles I and Oliver Cromwell: A Study in Contrasts and Comparisons. By Maurice Ashley. Criticism and Compliment. The Politics of Literature in the England of Charles I. By Kevin Sharpe. London Crowds in the Reign of Charles II: Propaganda and Politics from the Restoration until the Exclusion Crisis. By Tim Harris. The Quakers and the English Legal System, 1660–1688. By Craig W. Horle. Ladies Elect: Women in English Local Government, 1865–1914. By Patricia Hollis. Nobles in Nineteenth-Century France. The Practice of Inegalitarianism. By David Higgs. The Search for Social Peace: Reform Legislation in France, 1890–1914. By Judith F. Stone. The Reluctant Empress: A Biography of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. By Brigitte Hamann. Translated by Ruth Hein. Philip IV and the Government of Spain, 1621–1665. By R. A. Stradling. Jewish High Society in Old Regime Berlin. By Deborah Hertz. Rethinking German History: Nineteenth-Century Germany and the Origins of the Third Reich. By Richard J. Evans. Germany and Europe in the Era of the Two World Wars: Essays in Honor of Oron James Hale. Edited by F. X. J. Homer and Larry D. Wilcox. The Making of Three Russian Revolutionaries: Voices from the Menshevik Past. By Leopold H. Haimson in collaboration with Ziva Galilii y Garcia and Richard Wortman. Stalin: Man and Ruler. By Robert H. McNeal. Soviet Succession Struggles: Kremlinology and the Russian Question from Lenin to Gorbachev. By Anthony D'Agostino. Cecil Rhodes: Flawed Colossus. By Brian Roberta. Foundations of Representative Government in Maryland, 1632–1715. By David W. Jordan. “To Serve Well and Faithfully”: Labor and Indentured Servants in Pennsylvania, 1682–1800. By Sharon V. Salinger. The Concept of Liberty in the Age of the American Revolution. By John Phillip Reid. Rhetoric and History in Revolutionary New England. By Donald Weber. Greatness in The White House: Rating the Presidents, Washington Through Carter. By Robert K. Murray and Tim H. Blessing. Towards a Christian Republic: Antimasonry and the Great Transition in New England, 1826–1836. By Paul Goodman. The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, 1776–1848. By Robin Blackburn. Paupers and Poor Relief in New York City and Its Rural Environs, 1700–1830. By Robert E. Cray Jr. A House Divided: Sectionalism and Ciuil War, 1848–1865. [The American Moment Series.] By Richard H. Sewell. Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War. By Gerald F. Linderman. The Transformation of American Quakerism: Orthodox Friends, 1800–1907. By Thomas D. Hamm. Feud: Hatfields. McCoys, and Social Change in Appalachia, 1860–1900. By Altina L. Waller. Gilded Age Cato: The Life of Walter Q. Gresham. By Charles W. Calhoun. Badge and Buckshot: Lawlessness in Old California. By John Boessenecker. No Step Backward: Women and Family on the Rocky Mountain Mining Frontier, Helena, Montana, 1865–1900. By Paula Petrik. Heartland: Comparative Histories of the Midwestern States. [Midwestern History and Culture Series.] Edited by James H. Madison. The Presidencies of Grover Cleveland. [American Presidency Series.] By Richard E. Welch Jr. A History of Neglect: Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South. By Edward H. Beardsley. Toward a New Deal in Baltimore: People and Government in the Great Depression. By Jo Ann E. Argersinger. Black Coal Miners in America: Race, Class, and Community Conflict, 1780–1980. By Ronald L. Lewis. Oliver Heaviside: Sage in Solitude. By Paul J. Nahin. Commander in Chief: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, His Lieutenants, and Their War. By Eric Larrabee. William Fulbright and the Vietnam War. By William C. Berman. The Cold War Begins in Asia. [Contemporary American History Series.] By Marc S. Gallicchio. Mexico through Russian Eyes, 1806–1940. By William Harrison Richardson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this articles: The Classical Age of Greece. By N. G. L. Hammond. Early Rome and the Etruscans. By Robert M. Ogilvie. Education in Ancient Rome: From the Elder Cato to the Younger Pliny. By Stanley F. Bonner. The Church in Italy in the Fifteenth Centnny: The Birkbeck Lectures, 1971. By Denys Hay. The Roman Inquisition and the Venetian Press, 1540–1605. By Paul F. Grendler. Life in Renaissance France. Edited and translated by Marian Rothstein. European Landed Elites in the Nineteenth Century. [Volume VIII of The Johns Hopkins Symposia in Comparative History.] Edited, with an introductory chapter, by David Spring. The Age of the Masses: Ideas and Society in Europe since 1870. By Michael D. Biddiss. English Politics and the American Revolution. By John Derry. Early Victorian Government 1830–1870. By Oliver MacDonagh. The Gentry: The Rise and Fall of a Ruling Class. By Gordon E. Mingay. The Lower Middle Class in Britain 1870–1914. Edited by Geoffrey Crossick. British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey. Edited by Francis H. Hinsley. Interwar Britain: A Social and Economic History. By Sean Glynn and John Oxborrow. Nationalism and Socialism in Twentieth-Century Ireland. By Erhard Rumpf and Anthony C. Hepburn. Foreword by Basil Chubb. France 1870–1914: Politics and Society. By Robert David Anderson. French Imperialism in the Middle East: The Failure of Policy in Syria and Lebanon, 1900–1914. By William I. Shorrock. The FLN in Algeria: Party Development in a Revolutionary Society. By Henry Jackson. Economic Interest, Militarism, and Foreign Policy: Essays on German History. By Eckart Kehr. Edited with an introduction by Gordon A. Craig. Translated by Grete Heinz. Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich. By Alan D. Beyerchen. Inside East Germany: The State that Came in from the Cold. By Jonathan Steele. Poland and the Coming of the Second World War. The Diplomatic Papers of A.J. Drexel Biddle, Jr., United States Ambassador to Poland, 1937–1939. Edited with an introduction by Philip V. Cannistraro, Edward D. Wynot, Jr., and Theodore P. Kovaleff. Orthodoxy and Nationality: Andreiu Saguna and the Rumanians of Transylvania, 1848–1873. By Keith Hitchins. Tradition versus Revolution: Russia and the Balkans in 1917. By Robert H. Johnston. The Anatomy of a Small War: The Soviet-Japanese Struggle for Changkufeng/Khasan, 1938. By Alvin D. Coox, with a foreword by Edwin O. Reischauer. Stalinism: Essays in Historical Interpretation. Edited with an introduction by Robert C. Tucker. Hagarism: The Making of the Islamic World. By Patricia Crone and Michael Cook. Egypt 1798–1952. By J.C.B. Richmond. Plantation Slavery on the East Coast of Africa. By Frederick Cooper. The African Diaspora: Interpretive Essays. Edited by Martin L. Kilson and Robert I. Rotberg. Japan in the Muromachi Age. Edited by John Whitney Hall and Toyoda Takeshi. Contemporary Australia. By Tony Griffiths. 1777: The Year of the Hangman. By John S. Pancake. Lafayette in the Age of the American Revolution, Selected Letters and Papers, 1776–1790. Volume I: December 7, 1776—March 30, 1778. Edited by Stanley J. Idzerda. The Dorr. War: Republicanism on Trial, 1831–1861. By George M. Dennison. Black over White: Negro Political Leadership in South Carolina during Reconstruction. By Thomas Holt. A Right to the Land. Essays on the Freedmen's Community. By Edward Magdol. History of Public Works in the United States, 1776–1976. Edited by Ellis L. Armstrong, Michael C. Robinson, and Suellen M. Hoy. Bosses, Machines, and Urban Voters: An American Symbiosis. [Interdisciplinary Urban Series.] By John M. Allswang. The Man Who Would Be Perfect: John Humphrey Noyes and the Utopian Impulse. By Robert David Thomas. The Emergence of Professional Social Science: The American Social Science Association and the Crisis of Authority. By Thomas L. Haskell. Culture and the City. Cultural Philanthropy in Chicago from the 1880s to 1917. By Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz. Chapters in My Life. By Frederick Taylor Gates. With the Frederick Taylor Gates Lectures by Robert Swain Morison, M.D. Family and Community: Italian Immigrants in Buffalo, 1880–1930. By Virginia Yans-McLaughlin. The Age of Urban Reform: New Perspectives on the Progressive Era. Edited by Michael H. Ebner and Eugene M. Tobin. [National University Publications.] The Damned and the Beautiful. By Paula S. Fass. A Guide to Political Platforms. By Edward W. Chester. The United States and the Second Hague Peace Conference: American Diplomacy and International Organization, 1899–1914. By Calvin DeArmond Davis. Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Brains Trust: From Depression to New Deal. By Elliot A. Rosen. The Politics of the Second Front: American Military Planning and Diplomacy in Coalition Warfare, 1941–1943. [Contributions in Military History, number 12.] By Mark A. Stoler. The Origins of the Marshall Plan. By John Gimbel. Roots of Tragedy: The United States and the Struggle for Asia, 1945–1953. By Lisle A. Rose. John F. Kennedy and the Second Reconstruction. By Carl M. Brauer. United States—Comanche Relations: The Reservation Years. By William T. Hagan. Blacks in the West. By W. Sherman Savage. Life in Custer's Cavalry: Diaries and Letters of Albert and Jennie Barnitz, 1867–1868. Edited by Robert M. Utley. Dodge City: The Most Western Town of All. By Odle B. Faulk. The Twentieth-Century American West: A Potpourri. By Gene M. Gressley. Canada and the Transition to Commonwealth: British-Canadian Relations 1917–1926. By Philip G. Wigley.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Ideas in History: Essays Presented to Louis Gottschalk by his former Students. Edited by Richard Herr and Harold T. Parker. Men of Ideas, A Sociologist's View. By Lewis A. Coser. Catholics in Colonial America. By John Tracy Ellis. Toward Lexington: The Role of the British Army in the Coming of the American Revolution. By John Shy. Naval Documents of the American Revolution, I (1774–1775). Edited by William Bell Clark. Introduction by Rear Admiral Ernest M. Eller. Empire and Independence: The International History of the American Revolution. By Richard W. Van Alstyne. [America in Crisis.] A Nation on Trial: America and the War of 1812. By Patrick C. T. White. [America in Crisis.] Horace Mann on the Crisis in Education. Edited with an Introduction by Louis Filler. The Crisis of fhe Union, 1860–1861. Edited by George Harmon Knoles. Agriculture and the Civil War. By Paul W. Gates. [The Impact of the Civil War series.] Hayes of the Twenty-third: The Civil War Volunteer Oficer. By T. Harry Williams. The Climax of Popuhsm: The Election of 1896. By Robert F. Durden. John Muir and the Sierra Club: The Battle for Yosemite. By Holway R. Jones, with a Foreword by Roderick Nash. Negro Mecca: A History of the Negro in New York City, 1865–1920. By Seth M. Scheiner. The Ku Klux Klan in the Southwest. By Charles C. Alexander. The High Ministry of Government: The Political Career of Frank Murphy. By Richard D. Lunt. The History of Rocket Technology: Essays on Research, Development, and Utility. Edited with an Introduction by Eugene M. Emme. Education in Renaissance England. By Kenneth Charlton. North Country Life in the Eighteenth Century, Volume II, “Cumberland and Westmoreland 1700–1830”. By Edward Hughes. The Politics of Repeal: A Study in the Relations Between Great Britain and Ireland, 1841-50. By Kevin B. Nowlan. The Critical Years: The Union of British North America, 1857–1873. By W. L. Morton. [The Canadian Centenary Series. A History of Canada, Volume XII.] Urban Civilization in Pre-Crusade Europe: a Study of Organized Town-Life in Northwestern Europe during the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries Based on the Responsa Literature. By Irving A. Agus. The Laws of War in the Late Middle Ages. By M. H. Keen. [Studies in Political History.] The Fall of Constantinople, 1453. By Steven Runciman. History of Modern France, 1715–1962. By Alfred Cobban. The French Revolution, from 1793 to 1799. By Georges Lefebvre. Translated from the French by John Hall Stewart and James Friguglietti. Community of Fate; German-Soviet Diplomatic Relations, 1922–1928. By Kurt Rosenbaum. South and East Asia Since 1800. By Victor Purcell. The Federalists: A Study in Administrative History, 1789–1801. By Leonard D. White. The Jeffersonians: A Study in Administrative History, 1801–1829. By Leonard D. White. The Republican Era: A Study in Administrative History, 1869–1901. By Leonard D. White. The Divine Right of Kings. By John Neville Figgis. Introduction by G. R. Elton. The Ageless Chinese, A History. By Dun J. Li. (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1965. A History of Scotland. By J. D. Mackie. The Origins of Modern Consciousness. Edited with an introduction by John Weiss. The English Reform Tradition, 1790–1910. Edited by Sydney W. Jackman. Modern Historical and Social Philosophies (formerly titled Social Philosophies in an Age of Crisis). By Pitirim A. Sorokin. History of the Expedition Under the Command of Lewis and Clark. Edited by Elliott Coues. Fly and Fly-Bottle: Encounters with British Intellectuals. By Ved Mehta. Under Pressure: The Writer in Society, Eastern Europe and the USA. By A. Alvarez. The Evolution of American Foreign Policy. By Dexter Perkins.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article Suetonius: The Scholar and his Caesars. By Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. The Frankish Church. By J. M. Wallace-Hadrill. The Whilton Dispute, 1264–1380: A Social-Legal Study of Dispute Settlement in Medieval England. By Robert C. Palmer. William Rufus. [English Monarchs Series.] By Frank Barlow. Politics, Finance, and the Church in the Reign of Edward II: Walter Stapeldon, Treasurer of England. By Mark Buck. Eminent Elizabethans. By A. L. Rowse, Renaissance Humanism in Papal Rome: Humanists and Churchmen on the Eve of the Reformation. By John F. D'Amico. Citizen Machiavelli. By Mark Hulliung. Tide of Empires: Decisive Naval Campaigns in the Rise of the West. Volume Two, 1654–1763. By Peter Padfield. Peaceable Kingdom: Stability and Change in Modern Britain. By Brian Harrison. The Second British Empire: Trade, Philanthropy, and Good Government, 1820–1890. [Contributions in Comparative Colonial Studies, No. 14. Edited by Robin W. Winks.] By John P. Halstead. Science and Social Change in Britain and Europe, 1700–1900. By Colin Russell. Landlord and Tenant in Urban Britain, 1838–1918. By David Englander. The Dukeries Transformed: The Social and Political Development of a Twentieth-Century Coalfield. By Robert J. Waller. Public Schools in Renaissance France. By George Huppert. Servants and Masters in Eighteenth-Century France: The Uses of Loyalty, By Sarah C. Maza. French Writers and Their Society, 1715–1800. By Haydn Mason. The Modernization of Rural France: Communications Networks and Agricultural Market Structures in Nineteenth-Century France. By Roger Price. Alba: A Biography of Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Third Duke of Alba, 1507–1582. By William S. Maltby. Comintern Army: The International Brigades and the Spanish Civil War. By R. Dan Richardson. The Black Corps: The Structure and Power Struggles of the Nazi SS. By Robert Lewis Koehl. The Road to Berlin. By John Erickson. The Marshall Plan Revisited: The European Recovery Program in Economic Perspective. By Imanuel Wexler. The Transfer of Power in Africa: Decolonization, 1940–1960. Edited, with an introduction, by Prosser Gifford and William Roger Louis. The Gospel of Gentility: American Women Missionaries in Turn-of-the-Century China. By Jane Hunter. Japan and Western Civilization: Essays on Comparative Culture. By Kuwabara Takeo. Edited by Kat Hidetoshi. Translated by Kano Tsutomu and Patricia Murray, The Fighting Ships of the Rising Sun: The Drama of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1895–1945. By Stephen Howarth. Social Control and the State. Edited by Stanley Cohen and Andrew Scull. Roanoke Island: The Beginnings of English America. By David Stick. Criminal Justice in Colonial America, 1603–1660. By Bradley Chapin. Presidents Above Party: The First American Presidency, 1789–1829, By Ralph Ketchum. Samuel L. Southard: Jeffersonian Whig. By Michael Birkner. Capitalism and a New Social Order: The Republican Vision of the 1790s. [Anson G. Phelps Lectureship on Early American History.] By Joyce Appleby. Urban Growth in Colonial Rhode Island: Newport and Providence in the Eighteenth Century. By Lynne Withey. New England and Foreign Relations, 1789–1850. By Paul A. Varg. The Roots of Southern Populism: Yeoman Farmers and the Transformation of the Georgia Upcountry, 1850–1890. By Steven Hahn. The Southern Enigma: Essays on Race, Class, and Folk Culture. Edited by Walter J. Fraser, Jr., and Winfred B. Moore, Jr. The Rise and Decline of the American Cut Nail Industry: A Study of the lnterrelationships of Technology, Business Organization, and Management Techniques. By Amos J. Loveday. Martin Van Buren: The Romantic Age of American Politics. By John Niven. America in the Gilded Age: From the Death of Lincoln to the Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. By Sean Dennis Cashman. The Development of Law on the Rocky Mountain Frontier: Civil Law and Society, 1850–1912. By Gordon Morris Bakken. First Rival of the Metropolitan Opera. By John Frederick Cone. Saving the Waifs: Reformers and Dependent Children, 1890–1917, By LeRoy Ashby. Cotton Crisis. By Robert E. Snyder. Outgrowing Democracy: A History of the United States in the Twentieth Century. By John Lukacs, Intellectual Life in America: A History, By Lewis Perry. Mighty Casey: All American. [Contributions to the Study of Popular Culture, No. 7.] By Eugene C. Murdock. Cotton Fields No More: Southern Agriculture, 1865–1980. [New Perspectives on the South Series.] By Gilbert C. Fite. The World Beyond the Hudson: Alfred E. Smith and National Politics, 1918–1928. By Donn C. Neal. Patterns of Political Economy in America: The Failure to Develop a Democratic Left Synthesis, 1933–1950. By Theodore Rosenof. American Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century. By Robert D. Schulzinger. Mabel Walker Willebrandt; A Study of Power, Loyalty, and Law. By Dorothy M. Brown.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. By Jonathan Riley-Smith. The English Judiciary in the Age of Glanvill and Bracton, c. 1176–1239. By Ralph Turner. Robert Grosseteste: The Growth of an English Mind in Medieval Europe. By R. W. Southern. Crown and Nobility, 1271–1461. By Anthony Tuck. The Royal Household and the King's Affinity: Service, Politics and Finance in England, 1360–1413. By Chris Given-Wilson. Doctors and Medicine in Medieval England, 1340–1530. By Robert S. Gottfried. Renaissance Reviuals: City Comedy and Revenge Tragedy in the London Theatre, 1576–1980. By Wendy Griswold. The Quakers and the English Revolution. By Barry bay. Let Your Words Be Few. Symbolism of Speaking and Silence among Seventeenth-Century Quakers. By Richard Bauman. A Woman's Life in the Court of the Sun King: Letters of Liselotte von der Pfalz, 1652–1722. Elisabeth Charlotte, Duchesse d‘Orléans. Trans. and introduced by Elborg Forster. The French Army and Politics, 1870–1970. By Alistair Horne. The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe during the Second World War. By Martin Gilbert. Industry and Politics in the Third Reich: Ruhr Coal, Hitler and Europe. By John Gillingham. The Wedemeyer Mission: American Politics and Foreign Policy during the Cold War. By William Stueck. Uncertain Victory: Social Democracy and Progressivism in European and American Thought, 1870–1920. By James T. Kloppenberg. China Through the Ages: History of a Civilization. By Franz Michael. The Bakufu in Japanese History. Edited by Jeffrey P. Mass and William B. Hauser. The Invasion Within: The Contest of Cultures in Colonial North America. By James Axtell. Colonial Augusta: “Key to the Indian Country.” Edited by Edward J. Cashin. The Southern Indians and Benjamin Hawkins, 1796–1816. By Florette Henri. Smugglers & Patriots: Boston Merchants and the Advent of the American Revolution. By John W. Tyler. Joel Barlow: A Connecticut Yankee in an Age of Revolution. By Samuel Bernstein. George Washington and the American Military Tradition. By Don Higginbotham. A Son of Thunder: Patrick Henry and the American Republic. By Henry Mayer. Loosening the Bonds: Mid-Atlantic Farm Women, 1750–1850. By Joan M. Jensen. Zachary Taylor: soldier, Planter, Statesman of the Old Southwest. [Southern Biography Series.] By K. Jack Bauer. Kit Carson: A Pattern for Heroes. By Thelma S. Guild and Harvey L. Carter. Daughters of the State: A Social Portrait of the First Reform School for Girls in North America, 1856–1905. By Barbara M. Brenzel. Farming the Frontier: The Agricultural Opening of the Oregon Country, 1786–1846. By James R. Gibson. New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth Stampp. Edited by Robert H. Abzug and Stephen E. Maizlish. Branches Without Roots: Genesis of the Black Working Class in the American South, 1862–1882. By Gerald David Jaynes. John A. Quitman: Old South Crusader. [Southern Biography Series.] By Robert E. May. Into The Wilderness With The Army of The Potomac. By Robert Garth Smith. Chinese in the Post-Civil War South: A People Without A History. By Lucy M. Cohen. The “Spider Web.” Congress and Lobbying in the Age of Grant. By Margaret Susan Thompson. Dreams and Visions: A Study of American Utopias, 1865–1917. By Charles J. Rooney Jr. When the War Was Over: The Failure of Self-Reconstruction in the South, 1865–1867. By Dan T. Carter (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1865. Pp. xiii, 285. $12.95.) Coxey's Army: An American Odyssey. By Carlos A. Schwantes. The Unheralded Triumph: City Government in America, 1870–1900. [Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science.] By John C. Teaford. Welfare and the Poor in the Nineteenth-Century City, Philadelphia, 1800–1854. By Priscilla Ferguson Clement. Roots of Violence in Black Philadelphia, 1860–1900. By Roger Lane. The Life and Legend of Jay Gould. By Maury Klein. The Morality of Spending: Attitudes Toward the Consumer Society in America, 1875–1940. By Daniel Horowitz. Spirit of Vengeance: Nativism and Louisiana Justice, 1921–1924. By John V. Baiamonte Jr. Reaping the Whirlwind: The Civil Rights Movement in Tuskegee. By Robert J. Norrell. The Kansas City Monarchs: Champions of Black Baseball. By Janet Bruce. Hard Times & New Deal in Kentucky: 1929–1939. By George T. Blakey. Bluegrass: A History. By Neil V. Rosenberg. Economic Security and the Origins of the Cold War, 1945–1950. By Robert A. Pollard. Cold War and Black Liberation: The United States and White Rule in Africa, 1948–1968. By Thomas J. Noer. Social Change in the United States, 1945–1983. By William Issel. By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age. By Paul Boyer. Anatomy of a War: Vietnam, The United States, and the Modern Historical Experience. By Gabriel Kolko.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this articles: The New History and the Old: Critical Essays and Appraisals. By Gertrude Himmelfarb. Hellenistic Religions: An Introduction. By Luther H. Martin. The, Age of Exubrance, 1500–1700. [Vol. 3 of The Making of Britain, 1066–1939. Edited By Andrew Wheatcroft.] By Michael Reed. Emergence of a Bureaucracy: The Florentine Patricians, 1530–1790. By R. Burr Litchfield Court and Country: Studies in Tudor Social History. By A. L. Rowse. Deliver us from Evil: The Radical Underground in Britain, 1660–1663. By Richard L. Greaves. Crown and Calumet: British-Indian Relations, 1783–1815. By Colin G. Calloway. John Fielden and the Politics of Popular Radicalism, 1832–1847. By Stewart Angas Weaver. The Mediterranean Passion: Victorians and Edwardians in the South. By John Pemble. Sex and Suffrage in Britain, 1860–1914. By Susan Kingsley Kent. Mammon and the Pursuit of Empire: The Political Economy of British Imperialism, 1860–1912. By Lance E. Davis and Robert A. Huttenback. English Laundresses: A Social History, 1850–1930. By Patricia E. Malcolmson. Aneurin Bevan and The Mirage of British Socialism. By John Campbell. Diary of a Disaster: British Aid to Greece, 1940–1941, By Robin Higham. The Other Desert War: British Special Forces in North Africa, 1940–1943. By John W. Gordon. The Vision of Anglo-America: The US-UK Alliance and the Emerging Cold War, 1943–1946. By Henry Butterfield Ryan. Setting the Mould: The United States and Britain, 1945–1950. By Robin Edmonds. Philosophers and Pamphleteers: Political Theorists of the Enlightenment. By Maurice Cranston. Press and Politics in Pre-Revolutionary France. Edited by Jack R. Censer and Jeremy D. Popkin. The Canada Merchants, 1713–1763. By J. F. Bosher. The Seven Years War and the Old Regime in France: The Economic and Financial Toll. By James C. Riley. Charles Fourier: The Visionary and His World. By Jonathan Beecher. The French Generation of 1820. By Alan B. Spitzer. France, 1815–1914: The Bourgeois Century. By Roger Magraw. Workers on Strike. France, 1871–1890. By Michelle Perrot. Translated by Chris Turner. Paris Shopkeepers and the Politics of Resentment. By Philip G. Nord. Authority, Liberty and Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europe. By Otto Mayr. Democracy Italian Style. By Joseph La Palombara. The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780–1840. [Studies in Jewish History. Edited by Jehuda Reinharz.] By David Sorkin. Jews in the German Economy: The German-Jewish Economic Elite, 1820–1935. By W. E. Mosse. Germans in Brazil: A Comparative History of Cultural Conflict During World War I. By Frederick C. Luebke. Under the Shadow of War: Fascism, Anti-Fascism, and Marxists, 1918–1939. By Larry Ceplair. The “Hitler Myth”: Image and Reality in the Third Reich. By Ian Kershaw. Odessa: A History, 1794–1914. By Patricia Herlihy. Alexander Kerensky. The First Love of the Revolution. By Richard Abraham. The Birth of Stalinism: The USSR on the Eve of the “Second Revolution.” By Michal Reiman. Translated by George Saunders. Religions of China: The World as a Living System. By Daniel L. Overmeyer. Printers and Press Freedom: The Ideology of Early American Journalism. By Jeffery A. Smith. Salmon P. Chase: A Life in Politics. By Frederick J. Blue. The Anglo-American Crisis of the Mid-Nineteenth Century: The Times and America, 1850–1862. By Martin Crawford. The Presidency of Benjamin Harrison. [American Presidency Series.] By Homer E. Socolofsky and Allan B. Spetter. Ideology and U.S. Foreign Policy. By Michael H. Hunt. Ladies and Gentlemen of the Civil Service: Middle-Class Workers in Victorian America. By Cindy Sondik Aron. Lucy Sprague Mitchell: The Making of a Modern Woman. By Joyce Antler. The Poisonous Cloud: Chemical Warfare in the First World War. By L. F. Haber. FDR's Utopian: Arthur Morgan of the TVA. By Roy Talbert Jr. George C. Marshall: Statesman, 1945–1959. By Forrest C. Pogue. The Marshall Plan: America, Britain, and the Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1947–1952. By Michael J. Hogan. Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics, Profits, and Propaganda Shaped World War II Movies. By Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D. Black. Independent: A Biography of Lewis W. Douglas. By Robert Paul Browder and Thomas G. Smith. Federal Law and Southern Order: Racial Violence and Constitutional Conflict in the Post-Brown South. By Michal R. Belknap. Women and American Foreign Policy: Lobbyists, Critics and Insiders. Edited by Edward P. Crapol. Arrogant Diplomacy: US. Policy toward Colombia, 1903–1922. By Richard L. Lael.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article The Historian invites scholars who wish to prepare book reviews for the journal to write to Dr. Phillip D. Thomas Medieval Medicus A Social History of Anglo Norman Medicine By Edward J. Kealey. The Friars and the Jews: The Evolution of Medieval Anti-Judaism. By Jeremy Cohen. The Knights Templar. By Stephen Howarth. Literature as Recreation in the Later Middle Ages. By Glending Olson. A History of Venice. By John Julius Norwich. Bury St. Edmunds and the Urban Crisis: 1290-1539. By Robert S. Gottfried. English Lordship in Ireland, 1318-1361. By Robin Frame. The Outbreak of the English Civil War. By Anthony Fletcher. A Woman to Deliver Her People: Joanna Southcott and English Millenarianism in an Era of Revolution. By James K. Hopkins. For the Cause of Truth: Radicalism in London, 1796-1821. By J. Ann Hone. Madhouse, Mad-Doctors and Madmen: The Social History of Psychiatry in the Victorian Era. Edited by Andrew Scull. Trial by Medicine: Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trials. By Roger Smith. Gladstone: Church, State, and Tractarianism. By Perry Butler. Davitt and Irish Revolution. By T. W. Moody. Toward A Programme of Imperial Life: The British Empire at the Turn of the Century. (Contirbutions in Comparative Colonial Studies, no. 9.) By H. John Field. Alanbrooke. By David Fraser. G.P.Gooch: A Study in History and Politics. By Frank Eyck. The King's Debts: Finance and Politics in France, 1589-1661. By Richard Bonney. The Philosophes and Post-Revolutionary France. By John Lough. The Making of Technological Man: The Social Origins of French Engineering Education.By John Hubbel Weiss. France in Greece during World War I: A Study in the Politics of Power. By Alexander S. Mitrakos. The Reluctant Ally: France and Atlantic Security. By Michael M. Harrison. Mussolini. By Denis Mack Smith. Windthorst: A Political Biography. By Margaret Lavinia Anderson. Zabern 1913: Consensus Politics in Imperial Germany. By David Schoenbaum. Redemption by War: The Intellectuals and 1914. By Ronals N. Stromberg. Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World. By Elisabeth Young-Bruchi. The Rise of Colleges: Institutions of Learning in Islam and the West. By George Makdisi. The Politics of Eastern Cape Separatism, 1820-1854. By Basil A. LeCordeur. The Glory and Fall of the Ming Dynasty. By Albert Chan, S.J. China: A Political History, 1917-1980. By Richard C. Thornton. Unconditional Democracy: Education and Politics in Occupied Japan, 1945-1952. (Education and Society Series. Edited by Paul R. Hanna.) The Transformation of Virginia, 1740-1790. By Rhys Isaac. The Glorious Cause: The American Revolution, 1763-1789. [The Oxford History of the United States. Edited by C. Vann Woodward. Vol. 2.] By Robert Middlekauff. The New Metropolis: New York City, 1840-1857. [Columbia History of Urban Life series. Edited by Kenneth T. Jackson.] By Edward K. Spann. The Ruling Race: A History of American Slaveholders. By James Oakes. Black Messiahs and Uncle Toms: Social and Literary Manipulations of a Religious Myth. By Wilson Jeremiah Moses. A Rock in a Weary Land: The African Methodist Episcopal Church during the Civil War and Reconstruction. By Clarence E. Walker. The Earnest Men: Republicans of the Civil War Senate. By Allan G. Bogue. The Imperiled Union, 1861-1865, vol.1, The Deep Waters of the Proud. By William C. Davis. Army Generals and Reconstructions: Louisiana, 1862-1877. By Joseph G. Dawson III. The Vanishing American: White Attitudes and U.S. Indian Policy. By Brian W. Dippie. Muscles and Morals: Organized Playgrounds and Urban Reform, 1880-1920. By Dominick Cavallo. Vision or Villainy: Origins of the Owens Valley-Los Angeles Water Controversy. [Environmental History Series, number 3.] By Abraham Hoffman. John W. Foster: Politics and Diplomacy in the Imperial Era, 1873-1917. By Michael J. Devine. European Direct Investment in the USA before World War I. By Peter J. Buckley and Brian R. Roberts. Herbert Hoover as Secretary of Commerce: Studies in New Era Thought and Practice. Edited, with an introduction, by Ellis W. Hawley. Garden Cities for America: The Radburn Experience. By Daniel Schaffer. Black Leaders of the Twentieth Century. Edited by John Hope Franklin and August Meier. The Brandeis Frankfurter Connection: The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court. By Bruce Allen Murphy. The Road to OPEC: United States Relations with Venezuela, 1919-1976. By Stephen G. Rabe.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: The Past Recaptured. Great Historians and the History of History. By M. A. Fitzsimons. The Ideal City: Its Architectural Evolution in Europe. By Helen Rosenau. Third Edition. Roman Gaul: The Three Provinces, 58 B.C.-A.D. 260. By J. F. Drinkwater. Barbarians and Romans: The Birth Struggle of Europe A.D. 400–700. By Justine Davis Randers-Pehrson. City, Town, and Countyside in the Early Byzantine Era. [East European Monogaphs, CXX; Ryzantine Series, No. 1]. Edited by Robert L. Hohlfelder. Rupert of Deutz. By John H. Van Engen. The Kingdom of Leon-Castilla Under Queen Urraca, 1109–1126. By Bernard F. Reilly. The Holy Greyhound: Guinefort, Healer of Children from the Thirteenth Century. By Jean-Claude Schmitt. Translated by M. Thom. Seven-Headed Luther: Essays in Commemoration of a Quincentenary 1483–1983. Edited by Peter Newman Brooks (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.) Paolo Sarpi Between Renaissance and Enlightenment. By David Wootton. Maximilian I (1459–1519): An Analytical Biography. By Gerhard Benecke. Women of the English Renaissance and Reformation. By Retha M. Warnicke. Regional Transformation and Industrial Revolution: A Geography of the Yorkshire Woollen Industry. By Derek Gregory. Beyond Liberty and Property: The Process of Self-Recognition in Eighteenth-Century Political Thought. By J. A. W. Gunn. Britain, Europe and The World 1850–1982; Delusions of Grandeur. By Bernard Porter. Thomas Carlyle: A Biography. By Fred Kaplan. Man of Wars: William Howard Russell of The Times. By Alan Hankinson. Making Histories: Studies in History Writing and Politics. Edited by Richard Johnson, Gregor McLennan, Bill Schwarz, and David Sutton, with a foreward by Mary Jo Maynes. The French Council of Commerce 1700–1715: A Study of Mercantilism after Colbert. By Thomas J. Schaeper. Thomas-Robert Bugeaud, France and Algeria 1784–1849. Politics, Power and the Good Society. By Antony Thrall Sullivan. The Well-ordered Police State: Social and Institutional Change through Law in the Germanies and Russia, 1600–1800. By Marc Raeff. Gregor Strasser and the Rise of Nazism. By Peter D. Stachura. The Nazi Machtergrezfung. Edited by Peter D. Stachura. Popular Opinion and Political Dissent in the Third Reich: Bavaria 1933–1945. By Ian Kershaw. Nazi Propaganda: The Power and the Limitations. Edited by David Welth. Explaining Hitler's Germany: Historians and the Third Reich. By John Hiden and John Farquharson. The Balkan City, 1400–1900. By Nikolai Todorov. Society in Change: Studies in Honor of Béla K. Király. The Habsburg Monarchy as a Customs Union: Economic Development in Austria-Hungary in the Nineteenth Century. By John Komlos. The Effects of World War I: The Class War after the Great War: The Rise of Communist Parties an East Central Europe, 1918–1921. Warsaw Between the World Wars: Profile of the Capital City in a Developing Land, 1918–1939. By Edward D. Wynot, Jr. Red Petrograd: Revolution in the Factories, 1917–1918. By S. A. Smith. The Sultan's Servants: The Transformation of Ottoman Provincial Government, 1550–1650. By I. Metin Kunt. The Afghan Connection: The Extraordinary Adventures of Major Eldred Pottinger. By George Pottinger. Peasant Movements in India, 1920–1950. By D. N. Dhanagare. Monopolists and Freebooters. The China Quagmire: Japan's Expansion on the Asian Continent, 1933–1941. Edited by James William Morley. The Great Leap Forward, 1958–1960. Archival Theory and Practice in the United States: A Historical Analysis. By Richard C. Berner. Black Personalities in the Era of the Slave Trade. Edited by Paul Edwards and James Walvin. Renato Beluche: Smuggler, Privateer, and Patriot. By Jane Lucas De Grummond. Working for the Railroad: The Organization of Work in the Nineteenth Century. By Walter Licht. The Games They Played: Sports in American History, 1845–1980. By Douglas A. Noverr and Lawrence Ziewacz. Workingmen's Democracy: The Knights of Labor and American Politics. By Leon Fink. The End of Arcadia: Gordon Browning and Tennessee Politics. By William R. Majors. American Profile, 1900–1909. By Edward Wagenknecht. Brandeis. By Lewis J. Paper. Crossroads of Decision: The State Department and Foreign Policy, 1933–1937. By Howard Jablon. G-Men: Homer's FBI in American Popular Culture. By Richard Gid Powers. The Limits of Liberalism. By Larry G. Gerber. Urban Workers and Labor Unions in Chile, 1902–1927. By Peter De Shazo.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book review in this Article Reliving the Past: The Worlds of Social History. Edited by Olivier Zunz. Revolution: A History of the ldea. Edited by David Close and Carl Bridge. Nero: The End of a Dynasty. By Miriam Griffin. Women in Roman Law and society. By Jane F. Gardner. The Fall of the Roman Empire: The Military Explanation. By Arthur Ferrill. The Romans in Central Europe. By Herbert Schutz. German Knighthood, 1050–1300. By Benjamin Arnold. The Worlds of Alfonso the Learned and James the Conqueror: Intellect and Force an the Middle Ages. Edited by Robert I. Burns, S.J. Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities. By Martha C. Howell. Saint Jerome in the Renaissance. By Eugene F. Rice Jr. Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy. By Christiane Klapisch-Zuber. Translated by Lydia Cochrane. Tuscans and their Families: A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427. By David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber. Statesmen and Politicians of the Stuart Age. Edited by Timothy Eustace. Carlyle and the Burden of History. By John D. Rosenberg. Léger Félicité Sonthonax. The Lost Sentinel of the Republic. By Robert Louis Stein. Napoleon And Iberia: The Twin Sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida, 1810. By Donald D. Horward. The Red City: Limoges and the French Nineteenth Century. By John M. Merriman. The German Empire, 1871–1918. By Hans-Ulrich Wehler. Translated by Kim Traynor. Liberal Democrats in the Weimar Republic: The History of the German Democratic Party and the German State Party. By Bruce B. Frye. The Change in the European Balance of Power, 1938–1939: The Path to Ruin. By Williamson Murray. Modern India The Origins of an Asian Democracy. By Judith M. Brown. The Soong Dynasty. By Sterling Seagrave. 1676: The End of American Independence. By Stephen Saunders Webb. Neighbors, Friends, or Madmen: The Puritan Adjustment to Quakerism in Seventeenth-Century Massachusetts Bay. By Jonathan M. Chu. The Bells of Victory: The Pitt-Newcastle Ministry and the Conduct of the Seven Years’ War, 2757–2762. By Richard Middleton. A People's Army: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years’ War. By Fred Anderson. The Reformation of American Quakerism, 1748–1783. By Jack D. Marietta. The French Enlightenment in America: Essays on the Times of the Founding Fathers. By Paul Merrill Spurlin. This Destructive War: The British Campaign in the Carolinas, 1780–1782. By John S. Pancake. The Whiskey Rebellion: Past and Present Perspectives. Edited by Steven R. Boyd. Tecumseh's Last Stand. By John Sugden. Samuel Slater and the origins of the American Textile Industry, 1790–1860. By Barbara M. Tucker. North Carolina Planters and Their Children, 1800–1860. By Jane Turner Censer. The Line of Duty: Maverick Congressmen and the Development of American Political Culture, 1836–1860. By Johanna Nicol Shields. Those Who Stayed Behind Rural Society in Nineteenth-Century New England. By Hal S. Barron. George Washington Williams: A Biography. By John Hope Franklin. Abolitionists and Working-Class Problems in the Age of Industrialization. By Betty Fladeland. Presbyterian Missionary Attitudes toward American Indians, 1838–1893. By Michael C. Coleman. The Web of Southern Social Relations: Women, Family, & Education. Edited by Walter J. Fraser Jr., R. Frank Saunders Jr. and Jon L. Wakelyn. Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale smith. By Linda King Newell and Valeen Tippetts Avery. Investigation and Responsibility: Public Responsibility in the United States, 1864–1900. By William R. Brock. The Underground Reservation: Osage Oil. By Terry P. Wilson Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century, 1870–1914. Vol. 2. By Claude Welch. The American Churches in World War 1. By John F. Piper Jr. Hoover, Blacks, & Lily-Whites: A Study of Southern Strategies. By Donald J. Lisio. Organized for Prohibition: A New History of the Anti-Saloon League. By K. Austin Kerr. Propaganda in an Open Society: The Roosevelt Administration and the Media, 193–1941. By Richard W. Steele. Big Business and Presidential Power: From FDR to Reagan. By Kim McQuaid. Triumph and Disaster 1945–1964. [Vol. 3 of The Years of MacArthur.] By D. Clayton James. The United States and Mexico. By Josefina Zoraida Vázquez and Lorenzo Meyer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Magistrates of the Sacred: Priests and Parishioners in Eighteenth-Century Mexico. By William B. Taylor. Democratization of Old Dominion: Virginia and the Second Party System, 1824–1861. By William G. Shade. Mastered by the Clock: Time, Slavery, and Freedom in the American South. By Mark M. Smith. The Ancient Near East, c. 3,000–330 B.C. 2 vols. By Amelie Kuhrt. Palestinian Citizens in an Ethnic Jewish State. By Nadim N. Rouhana. Palestine and the Palestinians. By Samih K. Farsoun with Christina E. Zacharia. Pivot of the Universe: Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the Iranian Monarchy, 1831–1896. By Abbas Amanat. African Women: A Modern History. By Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch. The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise of the Fatimids. By Heinz Halm. Life in the Ancient Near East: 3100–332 B.C.E. By Daniel C. Snell. Mountain Farmers: Moral Economies of Land and Agricultural Development in Arusha and Meru. By Thomas Spear. South Africa's Alternative Press: Voices of Protest and Resistance. Edited by Les Switzer. Ancient Civilizations of the New World. By Richard E. W. Adams. The Empire City: New York and Its People, 1624–1996. By Selma Berrol. Angel in the Whirlwind: The Triumph of the American Revolution. By Benson Bobrick. The New Federalist Papers: Essays in Defense of the Constitution. By Alan Brinkley, Nelson W. Polsby, and Kathleen M. Sullivan. Under Sentence of Death: Lynching in the South. Edited by W. Fitzhugh Brundage. Reel Patriotism: The Movies and World War I. By Leslie Midkiff DeBauche. The War in American Culture: Society and Consciousness During World War II. Edited by Lewis A. Erenberg and Susan E. Hirsch. Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: Region & State in Honduras, 1870–1972. By Dario A. Euraque. Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy. By Annette Gordon-Reed. Bounded Lives, Bounded Places: Free Black Society in Colonial New Orleans, 1769–1803. By Kimberly S. Hanger. With Charity for All: Lincoln and the Restoration of the Union. By William C. Harris. Robert Kennedy: Brother Protector. By James W. Hilty. The End of the American Avant Garde. By Stuart D. Hobbs. FDR and the Creation of the U.N. By Townsend Hoopes and Douglas Brinkley. From Fort Laramie to Wounded Knee in the West That Was. By Charles W. Allen. Edited and with an introduction by Richard E. Jensen. Giants in the Cornfield: The 27th Indiana Infantry. By Wilbur D. Jones Jr. Not of Pure Blood: The Free People of Color and Racial Prejudice in Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rico. By Jay Kinsbruner. Mexico, Biography of Power: A History of Modern Mexico, 1810–1996. By Enrique Krauze. Homicide, Race, and Justice in the American West, 1880–1920. By Clare V. McKanna Jr. Idolatry and Its Enemies: Colonial Andean Religion and Extirpation, 1640–1750. By Kenneth Mills. Welfare as We Knew It: A Political History of the American Welfare State. By Charles Noble. Fevered Lives: Tuberculosis in American Culture Since 1870. By Katherine Ott. Making the World Safe for Democracy: A Century of Wilsonianism and Its Totalitarian Challengers. By Amos Perlmutter. Wandering Peoples: Colonialism, Ethnic Spaces, and Ecological Frontiers in Northwestern Mexico, 1700–1850. By Cynthia Radding. Black Movements in America. By Cedric J. Robinson. Socializing Capital: The Rise of the Large Industrial Corporation in America. By William C. Roy. Slaves, Peasants, and Rebels: Reconsidering Brazilian Slavery. By Stuart B. Schwartz. A Mythic Land Apart: Reassessing Southerners and Their History. Edited by John David Smith and Thomas H. Appleton Jr. Tradition Transformed: The Jewish Experience in America. By Gerald Sorin. From the Outside In: World War II and the American State. By Bartholomew H. Sparrow. Celebrating the Fourth: Independence Day and the Rites of Nationalism in the Early Republic. By Len Travers. Shadows of Vietnam: Lyndon Johnson's Wars. By Frank E. Vandiver. Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs Against Japan. By J. Samuel Walker. Rethinking Race: Franz Boas and His Contemporaries. By Vernon J. Williams Jr. A Voice of Thunder: The Civil War Letters of George E. Stephens. By Donald Yacovone. Voices From Indenture: Experiences of Indian Migrants in the British Empire. By Marina Carter. Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History. By Bruce Cumings. Multicultural Japan, Palaeolithic to Postmodern. Edited by Donald Denoon, Mark Hudson, Gavan McCormack, and Tessa Morris-Suzuki. The Japanese Discovery of America: A Brief History with Documents. By Peter Duus. Women in Modern India. Volume IV.2 of The New Cambridge History of India. By Geraldine Forbes Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror. By Ata-Malik Juvaini. Translated by J. A. Boyle. Revolution and Subjectivity in Postwar Japan. By J. Victor Koschmann. Europe : Visions and Revisions of Eighteenth-Century France. Edited by Christine Adams, Jack R. Censer, and Lisa Jane Graham. Government, Religion and Society in Northern England 1000–1700. Edited by John C. Appleby and Paul Dalton. The British Abroad: The Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century. By Jeremy Black. Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoeroticism. By Bernadette J. Brooten. The Revolution in Provincial France, Aquitaine 1789–1799. By Alan Forrest. Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work and Schooling. By Meg Gomersall. Raymond Poincaré. By J. F. V. Keiger. Stalinism and Nazism: Dictatorship in Comparison. Edited by Ian Kershaw and Moshe Lewin. Autocracy in the Provinces: The Muscovite Gentry and Political Culture in the Seventeenth Century. By Valerie A. Kivelson. The First Punic War. By J. F. Lazenby. Giant of the Grand Siécle: The French Army, 1610–1715. By John A. Lynn. Jewish Emancipation in a German City: Cologne, 1798–1871. By Shulamit S. Magnus. The Wars of the Bruces: Scotland, England and Ireland, 1306–1328. By Colm McNamee. Germany, 1870–1945: Politics, State Formation, and War. By Peter Pulzer. The Invisible Code: Honor and Sentiment in Postrevolutionary France, 1814–1848. By William M. Reddy. Growing Old in the Middle Ages: “Winter Clothes us in Shadow and Pain”. By Shulamith Shahar. Trans. By Yael Lotan. Adapting to Capitalism: Working Women in the English Economy, 1700–1850. By Pamela Sharpe. Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918–1920. By Jonathan D. Smele. The Art of Warfare in Western Europe During the Middle Ages from the Eighth Century to 1340. By J. F. Verbruggen. Second edition, translated by Sumner Williard and Mrs. R. W. Southern. Creating German Communism, 1890–1990: From Popular Protests to Socialist State. By Eric D. Weitz. Passchendaele and the Royal Navy. By Andrew Wiest. Elections Before Democracy: The History of Elections in Europe and Latin America. Edited by Eduardo Posada Carbhe The Western Medical Tradition: 800 B.C. to A.D. 1800. By Lawrence I. Conrad, Michael Neve, Vivian Nutton, Roy Porter, and Andrew Wear. Canals and Inland Navigation. Edited by Gerald Crompton. The Soldiers' Tale: Bearing Witness to Modern War. By Samuel Hynes. The Comintern: A History of International Communism from Lenin to Stalin. By Kevin McDermott and Jeremy Agnew.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviewed in this article: Women in Hellenistic Egypt from Alexander to Cleopatra. By Sara B. Pomeroy. Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family. By Judith P. Hallett. The Christians as the Romans Saw Them. By Robert L. Wilken. Les troupes auxiliares de l'armée romaine en Maurétanie Céarienne sous le Haut-Empire. By Nacéra Benseddik. The Roman Army in Britain. By P. A. Holder. The Governance of Anglo-Saxon England, 500–1087. By H. R. Loyn. Old Age in Preindustrial Society. Edited by Peter N. Stearns. TheBritish Empire,1558–1983. By T. O. Lloyd. Augustan England Professions, State and Society. 1680–1730. By Geoffrey Holmes. The Younger Pitt: The Reluctant Transition. By John Ehrman. Archetypes and Ancestors: Palaeontology in Victorian London 1850–1875. By Adrian Desmond. The English Catholic Church in the Nineteenth Century. By Edward Norman. The Origins of Anglo-American Radicalism. Edited by Margaret and James Jacob. The Making of British Colonial Development Policy, 1914–1940, By Stephen Constantine. Political Violence in Ireland: Government and Resistance Since 1848. By Charles Townshend. Republicans and Imperialists: Anglo-Irish Relations in the 1930s. By Deirdre McMahon. Vive le Roi: A History of the French Coronation from Charles V to Charles X. By Richard A. Jackson. Money and Power in Fifteenth-Century France. By Harry A. Miskimin. Church and Community in the Diocese of Lyon, 1500–1789. By Philip T. Hoffman. Historians and the Law in Postrevolutionary France. By Donald R. Kelley. The Conquest of the Sahara. By Douglas Porch. Crime, Madness, and Politics in Modern France: The Medical Concept of National Decline. By Robert A. Nye. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and the Rise of French Republican Socialism. By K. Steven Vincent. The Casablanca Connection: French Colonial Policy, 1936–1943. By William A. Hoisington, Jr. Political Violence and the Rise of Nazism: The Storm Troopers in Eastern Germany, 1925–1934. By Richard Bessel. Women's Suffrage and Social Politics in the French Third Republic. By Steven C. Hause with Anne R. Kenney. We Men Who Feel Most German: A Cultural Study of the Pan-German League, 1886–1914. By Roger Chickering. Women, Nazis and Universities: Female University Students in the Third Reich, 1933–1945. [Contributions in Women's Studies, No. 54.] By Jacques R. Pauwels. Bread and salt: A Social and Economic History of Food and Drink in Russia. By R. E. F. Smith and David Christian. Understanding Imperial Russia: State and Society in the Old Regime. By Marc Raeff. The Soviet Union and the struggle for Collective Security in Europe, 1933–39. By Jonathan Haslam. China and the. Overseas Chinese in the United States, 1868–1911. By Shih-shan Henry Tsai. The Great Father: The United States Government and the American Indians. By Francis Paul Prucha. Liberty a Better Husband. Single Women in America: The Generations of 1780–1840. By Lee Virginia Chambers-Schiller. The Public Lands in Jacksonian Politics. By Daniel Feller. Immigrants in the Valler: Irish, Germans, and Americans in the Upper Mississippi Country, 1830–1860. By Mark Wyman. The Civil War Party System: The Case of Massachusetts, 1848–1876. By Dale Baum. Three Who Dared. Prudence Crandall, Margaret Douglass, Myrtilla Miner: Champions of Antebellum Black Education. By Philip S. Foner and Josephine F. Pacheco. War, Foreign Affairs, and Constitutional Power: 1829–1901. By Henry Bartholomew Cox. Industrialization and Southern Society, 1877–1984. [New Perspectives on the South Series.] By James C. Cobb. Children of the City, At Work and At Play. By David Nasaw. Actors and American Culture, 1880–1920. By Benjamin McArthur. Railroads, Reconstruction, and the Gospel of Prosperity. By Mark W. Summers. American Enterprise in Foreign Markets: Studies of Singer and International Harvester in Imperial Russia. By Fred V. Carstensen. The Stars and Stripes: Doughboy Journalism in World War I. [Contributions in Military History, No. 37.] By Alfred E. Cornebise. Hood, Bonnet Q Little Brown Jug: Texas Politics, 1921–1928. By Norman D. Brown. Dubious Alliance: The Making of Minnesota's DFL Party. By John Earl Haynes. The Great “Red Menace”: United States Prosecution of American Communists, 1947–1952. By Peter L. Steinberg. The Presidency of Harry S. Truman. [American Presidency Series.] By Donald R. McCoy. The Truman Scandals and the Politics of Morality. By Andrew J. Dunar. America's Forgotten Wars: The Counterrevolutionary Past and Lessons for the Future. By Sam C. Sarkesian. Economics and World Power: An Assessment of American Diplomacy Since 1789. Edited by William H. Becker and Samuel F. Wells, Jr.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviwed in this article The Impact of Illness on World Leaders. By Bert Edward Park. At the Nexus of Philosophy and History. Edited by Bernard P. Dauenhauer. Bede the Venerable. [Twayne's English Authors Series, No. 443.1 By George Hardin Brown. The Poor in the Middle Ages: An Essay in Social History. By Michel Mollat. Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. Kings and Nobles in the Later Middle Ages: A Tribute to Charles Ross. Edited by Ralph A. Griffiths and James Sherborne. The Anglo-Russian Entente Cordiale of 1697–1698: Peter I and William III at Utrecht. By George Barany. Lancashire: A Social History, 1558–1939. By John K. Walton. Rebellion or Revolution? England 1640–1660. By G. E. Aylmer. Solidarity or Survival?’American Labor and European Immigrants, 1830–1924. [Contributions in Labor Studies, No. 21] By A. T. Lane. Victorian Divorce. By Allen Horstman. Before the Suffragettes: Women's Emancipation in the 1890s. By David Rubinstein. Renaissance and Revolt: Essays in the Intellectual and Social History of Early Modern France. By J. H. M. Salmon. Damning the Innocent. A History of the Persecution of the Impotent in Pre-Revolutionary France. By Pierre Darmon. Translated by Paul Keegan. The Making of an Insurrection: Parisian Sections and the Gironde. By Morns Slavin. Thiers, 1797–1877: A Political Life. By J. P. T. Bury and R. P. Tombs. The Superstitious Mind: French Peasants and the Supernatural in the Nineteenth Century. By Judith Devlin. The Contentious French: Four Centuries of Popular Struggle. By Charles Tilly. Christopher Columbus. By Gianni Granzotto. Translated by Stephen Sartarelli. Nietzsche: “The Last Antipolitical German.” By Peter Bergmann. German Women in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries: A Social and Literary History. Edited by Ruth-Ellen B. Joeres and Mary Jo Maynes. Breaking the Silence: The Story of Eduard Schulte. By Walter Laqueur and Richard Breitman. German History in Marxist Perspective: The East German Approach. By Andreas Dorpalen. The Dutch Gentry, 1500–1650: Family, Faith, and Fortune. By Sherrin D. Marshall. “Zolotoe Runo” and Russian Modernism. By William Richardson. The Best Sons of the Fatherland: Workers in the Vanguard of Soviet Collectivization. By Lynne Viola. Government and Bureaucracy in India, 1947–1976. By B. B. Misra. Mao's China and After: A History of the People's Republic. By Maurice Meisner. Japan: The Dutch Experience. By Grant K. Goodman. Five Political Leaders of Modern Japan. By Yoshitake Oka. Translated by Andrew Fraser and Patricia Murray. Government From Reflection and Choice: Constitutional Essays on War, Foreign Relations, and Federalism. By Charles A. Lofgren. Spheres of Liberty: Changing Perceptions of Liberty in American Culture. By Michael Kammen. President Washington's Indian War: The Struggle for the Old Northwest, 1790–1795. By Wiley Sword. The Life and Times of Little Turtle: The First Sagamore of the Wabash. By Harvey Lewis Carter. The Frontier Republic: Ideology and Politics in the Ohio Country, 1780–1825. By Andrew R. L. Cayton. To Their Own Soil: Agriculture in the Antebellum North. By Jeremy Atack and Fred Bateman. From Homicide to Slavery: Studies in American Culture. By David Brion Davis. The Money Game In Old New York: Daniel Drew and His Times. By Clifford Browder. New York City Cartmen, 2667–1850. By Graham Russell Hodges. The Inland Empire, Unfolding Years, 1879–1929. By John Fahey. War, Revolution and the Ku Klux Klan: A Study of Intolerance in a Border City. By Shawn Lay. Chicago's Pride: The Stockyards, Packingtown, and Environs in the Nineteenth Century. By Louise Carroll Wade. A Response to Progressivism: The Democratic Party and New York Politics, 1902–1918. By Robert F. Wesser. From Equal Suffrage to Equal Rights: Alice Paul and the National Woman's Party, 1910–1928. By Christine A. Lundardini. W. E. B. Du Bois: Black Radical Democrat. [Twayne's Twentieth-Century Biography Series, No. 3.1 By Manning Marable. Pershing: General of the Armies. By Donald Smythe. The Lyrical Left: Randolph Bourne, Alfred Stieglitz, and the Origins of Cultural Radicalism in America. By Edward Abrahams. Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr., and The Southern Christian Leadership Conference. By David Garrow. The Cautious Diplomat: Charles E. Bohlen and the Soviet Union, 1929–1969. By T. Michael Ruddy. Big Daddy from the Pedernales: Lyndon Baines Johnson. [Twayne's Twentieth-Century American Biography Series No. 1.] By Paul K. Conkin. Entrepreneurs of the Old West. By David Dary. The Character Factory: Baden-Powell and the Origins of the Boy Scout Movement. By Michael Rosenthal. Gathering Rare Ores: The Diplomacy of Uranium Acquisitions, 1943–1954. By Jonathan Helmreich. Irredeemable America. Edited by Imre Sutton.  相似文献   

《Parliamentary History》1982,1(1):233-281
Book reviewed in this article: Parliamentary History, Libraries and Records: Essays Presented to Maurice Bond. Edited by H. S. Cobb. London: House of Lords Record Office A History of the County of Chester: Volume II (The Victoria History of the Counties of England). Edited by B. E. Harris. London: Oxford University Press for the Institute of Historical Research Kingship and Unity: Scotland 1000–1306. By G. W. S. Barrow. (The New History of Scotland, Volume 2.) London: Edward Arnold. 1981 Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294–1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty. By Jeffrey H. Denton. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought. Third series, Volume 14.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press John Russell, First Earl of Bedford: One of the King's Men. By Diane Willen. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 23; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd The Lisle Letters. Edited by Muriel St Clare Byrne. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press The Irish Constitutional Revolution of the Sixteenth Century. By Brendan Bradshaw. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press King Charles I. By Pauline Gregg. London: Dent Denzil Holles 1598–1680: A Study of his Political Career. By Patricia Crawford. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 16; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 1. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department A Register of Parliamentary Lists 1660–1761: A Supplement. Edited by David Hayton and Clyve Jones. University of Leicester History Department Occasional Publication No. 3. Leicester: University of Leicester History Department The Correspondence of John Locke. Edited by E. S. de Beer. (The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke.) Volume VI: Letters Nos. 2119–2664. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Whig Ascendancy: Colloquies on Hanoverian England. Edited by John Cannon. London: Edward Arnold Ireland in the Age of Imperialism and Revolution 1760–1801. By R. B. McDowell. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke. General Editor: Paul Langford. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Volume II: Party, Parliament and the American Crisis 1766–1774. Edited by Paul Langford The English Administrative System 1780–1870. By Sir Norman Chester. Oxford: Clarendon Press Order and Equipoise: The Peerage and the House of Lords 1783–1806. By Michael W. McCahill. London: Royal Historical Society, Studies in History series No. 11; published for the Royal Historical Society by Swift Printers (Publishers) Ltd. Castlereagh. By Wendy Hinde. London: Collins The Seventh Earl of Shaftesbury. By Geoffrey B. A. M. Finlayson. London: Eyre Methuen British Interparty Conferences: A Study of the Procedure of Conciliation in British Politics 1867–1921. By John D. Fair. Oxford: Clarendon Press The Campaign for Prohibition in Victorian England: The United Kingdom Alliance 1872–1895. By A. E. Dingle. London: Croom Helm Joseph Chamberlain: A Political Study. By Richard Jay. Oxford: Clarendon Press Colne Valley: Radicalism to Socialism. The Portrait of a Northern Constituency in the Formative Years of the Labour Party 1890–1910. By David Clark. London: Longman The People's Budget 1909/10: Lloyd George and Liberal Politics. By Bruce K. Murray. Oxford: Clarendon Press Baldwin Thwarts the Opposition: The British General Election of 1935. By Tom Stannage. London: Croom Helm The Commons in Perspective. By Philip Norton. Oxford: Martin Robertson Works of Art in the House of Lords. Edited by Maurice Bond. London: H. M. S. O.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book Reviews in this articles: A Theoy of Histoy. By Agnes Heller. The Super-Historians: Makers of Our Past. By John Barker. Mirrors of Mortality: Studies in the Social History of Death. Edited by Joachim Whaley. Basileus: The Evidence for Kingship in Geometric Greece. [Yale Classical Monographs, 4.] By Robert Drews. Accountability in Athenian Government. By Jennifer Tolbert Roberts. Three Christian Capitals: Topography and Politics. By Richard Krautheimer. The Renaissance. Essays in Interpretation. By André Chastel et al. The World of a Renaissance Jew: The Life and Thought of Abraham ben Mordecai Farissol. By David D. Ruderman. The Transformation of Higher Learning, 1860–1930. Edited, with an introduction, by Konrad H. Jarausch. A History of European Socialism. By Albert S. Lindemann. Modern Times: The World from the Twenties to the Eighties. By Paul Johnson. King Charles I. By Pauline Gregg. Political and Constitutional Ideas of the Court Whigs. By Reed Browning. The Whale's Wake. By Harry Morgan. The British Wool Textile Industry, 1770–1914. By D. T. Jenkins and K. G. Ponting. Making Ends Meet: Pawnbroking and Working-Class Credit. By Melanie Tebbutt. Paradoxical Harvest: Energy and Explanation in British History, 1870–1914. By Richard N. Adams. The Burthen, the Risk, and the Glory: A Biography of Sir James Brooke. By Nicholas Tarling. Francis I. By R. J. Knecht. Paris City Councillors in the Sixteenth Century: The Politics of Patrimony. By Barbara B. Diefendorf. En Prison sous la Terreur. Souvenirs de J. B. Billecocq A History of Italy, 1700–1860: The Social Constraints of Change. By Stuart Woolf. Penal Servitude in Early Modern Spain. By Ruth Pike. Spain and the Loss of America. By Timothy E. Anna. Propaganda and the German Cinema, 1933–1945. By David Welch. Justice at Nuremberg. By Robert E. Conot. From Hitler to Ulbricht: The Communist Reconstruction of East Germany, 1945–46. By Gregory W. Sandford. Austria's Eastern Question, 1700–1790. By Karl A. Roider, Jr., The End of the Russian Land Commune, 1905–1930. By Dorothy Atkinson. Moscow, 1905: Working-Class Organization and Political Conflict. By Laura Engelstein. The Shaping of South African Society, 1652–1820. Edited by Richard Elphick and Herman Giliomee. Rulers, Townsmen, and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British Expansion, 1780–1870. [Vol. 28, Cambridge South Asian Studies.] By C. A. Bayly. Prelude to Partition: The Indian Muslims and the Imperial System of Control 1920–1932. By David Page. A History of Cambodia. By David P. Chandler A Calculating People: The Spread of Numeracy in Early America. By Patricia Cline Cohen. Benjamin Franklin: A Biography. By Ronald W. Clark. Parties and Politics in North Carolina, 1836–1865. By Marc W. Kruman. History of Black Americans: From the Emergence of the Cotton Kingdom to the Eve of the Compromise of 1850. By Philip S. Foner. Grant and Lee: The Virginia Campaigns, 1864–1865. By William A. Frassanito. The Calhoun Family and Thomas Green Clemson: Decline of a Southern Patriarchy. By Ernest M. Lander, Jr. The Occult in America: New Historical Perspectives. Edited by Howard Kerr and Charles L. Crow. From Colonia to Community: The History of Puerto Ricans in New York City, 1917–1948. By Virginia E. Sánchez Korrol. American Diplomatic History: Two Centuries of Changing Interpretations. By Jerald A. Combs. Patterns in the Dust: Chinese-American Relations and the Recognition Controversy, 1949–1950. By Nancy Bernkopf Tucker. The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School 1881–1981. By Steven A. Sass. Sarah Winnemucca of the Northern Paiutes. By Gae Whitney Canfield. Damned Indians: The Pick-Sloan Plan and the Missouri River Sioux. By Michael L. Lawson. Foreword by Vine Deloria, Jr. Alaskan John G. Brady: Missionary, Businessman, Judge, and Governor. By Ted C. Hinckley. Tarnished Expansion: The Alaska Scandal, the Press, and Congress, 1867–1871. By Paul S. Holbo. The Mexican University and the State: Student Conflicts, 1910–1971. By Donald J. Mabry. Soldiers of Perón; Argentina's Montoneros. By Richard Gillespie.  相似文献   

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