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Summary. Part I discusses the problem of the introduction of the claw chisel in stone masonry and sculpture. This tool was thought to have been invented in 6th-century Greece for the needs of marble carving. The detection of its traces on a tomb of 7th-century Egypt in soft limestone, however, now suggests not only that the Greeks borrowed it from the Egyptians but also that it was not originally a marbleworker's tool. Part II deals with both the tomb and career of an Egyptian official designated Nespeqashuty D in order to place into a chronological framework one of the earliest securely dated attestations for the use of the claw chisel in Egyptian art. Both parts are intended to place the impact of Egypt on Greece into sharper focus.  相似文献   

Over the past four years, taxes levied by states on energy production have become a source of contention between the “energy have” and “energy have–not” regions of the nation. The popular notion that the taxes are shifted forward to consumers has gone virtually unchallenged in the policy debate. This paper examines the incidence and burden of severance taxes and also assesses the impact of severance taxation on production, investment, and land use. The author concludes that severance taxes are not shifted forward to consumers but are borne by producers and resources owners in the form of reduced profits and rents.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines why smart cities are growing by investigating who moves to smart cities and who stays. Smart cities are often centers of higher education, so students moving to pursue higher education may play an important role. I find that the greater in‐migration to smart cities is mostly due to persons enrolled in higher education. Smart cities are growing in part because in‐migrants often stay in the city after completing their education. The growth of smart cities is also mostly attributable to population redistribution within the same state and has little effect on population growth at the state level.  相似文献   

Gyaincain Norbo was determined as the soul boy of the late 10th Panchen Erdeni through the method of drawing lot from the gold urn. He was later enthroned as the 11th Panchen Erdeni. Courtesy of Xinhua News Agencyoqen Benba, an abbot of the Tashilhungpo Monastery Tantric Zacang, led a delegation several times to secretly search for the soul boy of the late 10th Panchen Erdeni. On a winter evening in 1995, we visited him, and were informed of the real facts related to the work. On Januar…  相似文献   

The roots of our modern critical historical attitude are usually set in one of the following phenomena: (1) the Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns; (2) the establishment of historiography as a scientific discipline; and (3) the newly gained awareness of anachronism. However, these accounts either neglect the normative character of the above‐mentioned phenomena or operate with an a priori definition of “critical history,” which leads them to retrospectively attribute the concept of “critique” to historical realities that have not used the term to denote their attitude toward or their treatment of the past. Rather than starting from an a priori definition of what “critical history” is, I propose to inquire into what “critical history” was at the moment when it was first conceived as such—namely in Richard Simon's Histoire critique du Vieux Testament. I will begin by presenting Simon's conception of critique, which entailed: (a) a grammatical and philological treatment of the text in question; (b) a historical and cultural contextualization of this text; and (c) a specific type of judgment to be applied to what is written therein. Since this last aspect constitutes the key to understanding critique's attitude toward the past, I will, in the second part, focus my attention on the notion that plays a pivotal role in the exercise of “critical judgment,” that is, on the concept of tradition. Last, I will propose that since Simon's critical history does not seem to be completely autonomous in relation to its object, the roots of our modern call for normative autonomy vis‐à‐vis the past should be sought with the authors whom Simon opposed in his work, but from whom nonetheless he inherited the term critique: Protestant authors such as Scaliger, Casaubon, and Cappel.  相似文献   

This article discusses the legal context in which health research of undocumented Mexicans takes place. Two lines of inquiry are brought together: the national debate on undocumented immigration and the maturing research on the health of Mexican Americans. Because of the politicized nature of immigration status, “immigration” is ignored as an explanatory variable. Several potential outcomes are examined, such as “ghost” programming and increased public health risks.  相似文献   

Was the crisis of historicism an exclusively German affair? Or was it a “narrowly academic crisis,” as is sometimes assumed? Answering both questions in the negative, this paper argues that crises of historicism affected not merely intellectual elites, but even working‐class people, not only in Germany, but also in the Netherlands. With an elaborated case study, the article shows that Dutch “neo‐Calvinist” Protestants from the 1930s onward experienced their own crisis of historicism. For a variety of reasons, this religious subgroup came to experience a collapse of its “historicist” worldview. Following recent German scholarship, the paper argues that this historicism was not a matter of Rankean historical methods, but of “historical identifications,” or modes of identity formation in which historical narratives played crucial roles. Based on this Dutch case study, then, the article develops two arguments. In a quantitative mode, it argues that more and different people suffered from the crisis of historicism than is usually assumed. In addition, it offers a qualitative argument: that the crisis was located especially among groups that derived their identity from “historical identifications.” Those who suffered most from the crisis of historicism were those who understood themselves as embedded in narratives that connected past, present, and future in such a way as to offer identity in historical terms.  相似文献   

WHOEXNIBITSTHEGREATESTCARE:TheCentralGovernmentortheDalaiLama?¥HUAZIWhileTibetansareoverjoyedwithallthechanges,theDalaiLamacr...  相似文献   

葡萄是酸的,还是甜的?吃到的人说是甜的。想吃并认为自己也能吃到的人说是甜的(或者即使吃不到葡萄,但可以吃到其他美味的水果)——这是羡慕。想吃却担心吃不到的人说是酸的——这是嫉妒。想吃却根本吃不到的人会说是苦的,  相似文献   

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2000年5月1日 ,某旅行社组团广州、深圳.澳门环岛双飞五日豪华游,收费5760元 ,双方于4月22日签订了旅游协议书。协议约定房、餐、车及服务标准见团队行程。行程安排从北京乘CDA501航班赴佛山。游妈祖庙.旅行社发给游客的出团通知上也有“赴佛山游妈祖庙”字样。 但游客返京后投诉旅行社:“根据行程内容和出团通知都安排游妈祖庙。而实际游的是祖庙, 根本没有妈祖庙, 这是一种欺骗误导游客的骗钱行为.如果不去妈祖庙。我们根本不会报名.因此我们要求赔偿团款的 1/2和精神损失费 1000元.” 旅行社辩称:…  相似文献   

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