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幸晓峰  王方 《文物》2012,(5):63-67,73
2006年6月,成都文物考古研究所对成都金沙遗址祭祀区进行了考古发掘,共选择祭祀区的4个地点,其中在祭祀区西北角的1个探方内发掘出土了2件石磬(图一),是此次发掘工作中的重要收获之一。同年11~12月,成都文物考古研究所、成都金沙遗址博物馆与四川省社会科学  相似文献   

2015年,郑州市文物考古研究院为配合河南省体育场网球馆项目建设,对该区域勘探所见的古代遗址进行了考古发掘。清理出环壕、夯土墙、建筑基址、祭祀场、祭祀坑、灰坑、墓葬等丰富的商代文化遗迹,出土了铜器、玉器、石器、陶器、骨器等重要遗物。河南省体育场商代遗址的祭祀遗存是近年来郑州商城最重要的新发现之一,这一祭祀遗址的发现为郑州商城的研究提供了非常重要的新资料。  相似文献   

高密度电阻率法是在传统电阻率法的基础上发展起来的电探方法,它在考古勘探中具有一定的应用前景。本文采用高密度电阻率法对江苏省无锡市后宅乡4个土墩墓进行了探测实验,探讨了高密度电阻法探测土墩墓的可行性。  相似文献   

郑韩故城位于今河南省新郑市,是东周时期郑国和韩国的故都,为全国第一批重点文物保护单位。1963年3月,河南省文化局文物工作队(河南省文物考古研究所的前身)在郑韩故城正式设立文物工作站,长期对郑韩故城进行勘探调查、考古发掘与研究工作。数十年来,重要发现接连不断,但最使人难忘的是郑国祭祀遗址的发掘。  相似文献   

洹北商城一号宫殿基址初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国社会科学院考古研究所对河南安阳洹北商城一号宫殿建筑基址分别于2001、2002年进行了考古发掘。两次发掘共揭露面积约8000平方米 ,清理出一座大型建筑基址的中、西部(约占该建筑的三分之二) ,包括主殿、耳庑、廪台、南庑、门塾和中庭等建筑基址。根据该基址在宫殿区的位置、宫殿建筑的结构、基址上的若干祭祀遗存、地层关系和出土遗物 ,可推定为商代中期的宗庙建筑基址。  相似文献   

王克飞  霍强  何汉生 《江汉考古》2012,(2):23-32,135,137
江苏镇江花山湾古城遗址位于镇江市区东北花山湾的丘陵土岗上,城垣依山加筑夯土而成,1984、1991年曾先后两次对该城址进行了考古发掘。2010年,镇江博物馆再次对其进行了考古勘探和发掘,发掘面积114平方米,分为东城垣和城内2个发掘区域,在东城垣发现了1处城门遗迹,推断其为史料记载的唐宋罗城"新开门",并判断城门始建于唐代晚期,宋代加筑,南宋时废弃。  相似文献   

<正>2014年福建省文物保护与考古工作取得重大成果,主要体现在抢救性考古调查与发掘、主动性考古调查与发掘、水下考古调查、文物保护工程维修设计与保护规划等多方面。全年共完成田野考古调查、勘探与发掘项目14项,发掘面积4780平方米,勘探面积13.1万平方米;完成和正在开展的水下考古项目以及相关课题研究7项、文物保护工程维修设计10项、保护规划10项、资料整理和考古发掘报告出版  相似文献   

2007年4月~6月,北京市文物研究所为配合北京亦庄新城实业有限公司建设工程,对亦庄X10号地进行了文物勘探和考古发掘,发掘面积2000余平方米,发掘汉代水井1眼,汉代窑址8座,汉墓58座,出土遗物丰富,为研究北京地区汉代窑址、墓葬及当时社会经济发展状况提供了难得的实物资料。  相似文献   

广东省水下考古自1986年筹备开展以来,开展了“南海Ⅰ号”、西沙群岛、崖门内海沉船遗址以及其它一些小型水下考古遗址的勘探和发掘工作,建立了中国水下考古科研与培训基地,培养了一批年轻的水下考古工作者。广东省水下考古的发展和人才的培养,对推动全国水下考古事业的发展有举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

二里头遗址在第二期考古工作中,进行了近60次(项)考古发掘,发掘地点分布在遗址的10个工作区域,主要考古成果包括青铜冶铸作坊遗址、制骨手工业遗存、祭祀遗址和大量墓葬的发掘与研究,以及对二里头遗址内涵与分期、范围与布局、性质与价值的新认识。  相似文献   

We carried out a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) study at specific sites around the Nysa city (western Turkey) to assess the potential of detection method and imaging of buried archaeological features. As a major educational and cultural Aegean city during the Hellenistic and Roman times, Nysa has been the focus of archaeological investigations for the last 100 yrs. Past and ongoing excavations have revealed major ancient buildings such as theatres, amphitheatres, a library and shops. However, it is suspected that the original city may have extended further and reached a larger size.  相似文献   

In this work we present and discuss the results of a novel and timely GPR-2D and GPR-3D survey performed at an archaeological rock shelter site, Lapa do Santo, localized in the karstic region of Lagoa Santa, central Brazil. A total of 113 ground-penetrating radar profiles were acquired with 200 MHz and 400 MHz shielded antennas aiming in identifying geological and archaeological anomalies in order to assist archaeologists in an excavation program. The GPR results indicated clear geophysical anomalies characterized by hyperbolic reflections and areas with high amplitude sub-horizontal electromagnetic waves. The anomalies observed by GPR were confirmed by the excavation of test units, allowing the identification anthropogenic features such as a fire-hearth structure and wooden artifact, and natural features, such as, tree roots and rocky bodies such as speleothems, boulders and bedrock. The results showed the efficiency of GPR method in identifying potential buried archaeological targets in cave sites within a karstic area, and they oriented to archaeological excavations, reducing costs and increasing the probability of finding archaeological targets in the initial stages of a project.  相似文献   

In Archaeology, geophysical methods had been applied usually in a qualitative form, limited only to the use of filters that enhance the data display. The main objective in this work is the implementation of a modelling technique that allows us to reconstruct the geometry of buried bodies and the determination of their depths. This is done by means of the estimation of the magnetic moments of archaeological objects using a three-dimensional mesh of individual magnetic dipoles using the least squares method and the singular value decomposition of a weighted matrix to solve the linear problem. The distribution and shape of the underlying archaeological remains can be inferred. This methodology was applied to an archaeological site called Los Teteles de Ocotitla, in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico. A high-resolution magnetic prospection was carried out in three selected areas (terraces). The most important total field anomalies found on each area were inverted, obtaining results that were corroborated by archaeological excavations. This investigation demonstrates the potential of quantitative geophysical methods for the characterization of archaeological structures, in extension and in depth.  相似文献   

Mapungubwe (AD 1220–1290) is generally regarded as the first urban centre in southern Africa, functioning as the seat of power for an extensive but short-lived polity. More than 80 years of excavations here, and at its nearby predecessor K2 (c. AD 1000–1220), resulted in a substantial assemblage of material remains from elite and commoner contexts. This assemblage includes a large collection of worked bone objects, such as needles, awls, tubes and objects of personal adornment. Of particular interest are the bone arrowheads and link-shafts, of which a significant number of specimens were found complete and intact. Such quantities of well-preserved worked bone objects are unique in the archaeological record of the region. The worked bone assemblages from these two sites provide a rare opportunity to study multiple components of the production process as well as the use context of bone objects. In this paper, we characterise the K2 and Mapungubwe worked bone industries through various morphological, technological, use-trace and contextual approaches and discuss the significance of these aspects in terms of raw material selection and manufacture and archaeological use context. In particular, this study shows the complexity of these worked bone industries over time.  相似文献   

Summary.   Through much of the world there is a move towards policies of in situ preservation of the buried archaeological heritage, typically supported by small-scale investigative excavations (often called 'evaluations'). In this review we attempt to judge the success of these policies in England and Wales, from the standpoint of bioarchaeology. We consider particularly the value of data for plant and insect macrofossils from trial excavations associated with development (a) in producing information which contributes towards research agendas, and (b) as a guide to the preservational condition of organic archaeological deposits.  相似文献   

Fish bones from pits near Odino-type human burials at Preobrazhenka-6, the Baraba forest-steppe, are described with regard to methodological issues involved in the analysis of ichthyofauna from archaeological excavations. The bones are diagnosed in terms of age, species, number, and season of ?shing. Artifacts found in pits together with ?sh bones and the arrangement of pits suggest that ? sh were part of ritual practices of the Odino people.  相似文献   

Multi-sensor airborne remote sensing has been applied to the Itanos area of eastern Crete to assess its potential for locating exposed and known buried archaeological remains, and to delineate subsurface remains beyond the current limits of ground geophysical data in order to permit future targeted geophysical surveys and archaeological excavations. A range of processing techniques (e.g., Reed–Xiaoli anomaly detection) have been applied to the CASI, ATM and lidar data in order to detect anomalies based on the premise that buried remains are likely to alter the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil compared with those of the surroundings due to variations in soil depth and drainage. Through a combination of CASI, ATM and lidar data, surface remains have been classified and mapped effectively using an object-oriented approach. The detection of subsurface remains is more problematic; however, the thermal data is most promising in this respect. The value of capturing multi- or hyperspectral data at a high spatial resolution has been demonstrated as well as the additional benefits of combining these with airborne lidar.  相似文献   

由中国社会科学院考古研究所、陕西省考古研究所、北京大学考古文博学院联合组成的周原考古队自1999年9月对周原遗址齐家村东北西周遗址发掘以来,先后发掘了云塘、齐镇大型夯土建筑基址、王家嘴先周、西周遗址和齐家村西北玉石作坊遗址等,基本解  相似文献   

In this article, GPR – Ground Penetrating Radar and inductive electromagnetic (EM38 equipment) results are presented for three archaeological sites of shell mounds located between Laguna and Jaguaruna cities, mid-southern coast of Santa Catarina state, Brazil. The Jabuticabeira II, Santa Marta IV, and Encantada III sites were studied. These sites consist of carbonate shell mounds built by societies that inhabited this region during the pre-colonial period (7.5–1.3 ky BP). Geophysical responses obtained in these archaeological sites had allowed the identification of anomalous regions related to archaeological point targets as well as continuous targets, correlated to the shell mound's structure and buried geologic features. GPR numerical modelling studies were done in order to evaluate the performance of the GPR method in relation to materials found in that environment, besides helping interpretations of real results. The synthetic GPR model was a good match with real data obtained in the field. So, the real and synthetic results serve as a reference guide to direct excavation activities in these archaeological and geological structures. In the Jabuticabeira II shell mound, lithic materials and burials were found amidst archaeological layers characterized by sediment rich in organic material, ferruginous concretions, and loose shells. In the Santa Marta IV archaeological site, a concentration of ceramic materials, burials and fireplaces were found. In the Encantada III site, a strong anomaly characterized by a hyperbolic reflection was related to the presence of a silicified tree root; a great example of ambiguity in shallow geophysics interpretation in archaeological applications. Results functioned as a guide to archaeological excavations, allowing cost and time reduction as well as contributing to improve the knowledge of these archaeological sites situated in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

2008年和2009年,山西省考古所等对山西右玉汉中陵故城进行了考古钻探、调查和发掘,了解了城墙、马面、瓮城、护城河的概况。在西城内探出一条南北向道路和部分夯土建筑基址,并发现了十几座窑址和部分灰坑。东城内也发现少量夯土建筑基址、窑址和灰坑。城内采集到了瓦当、砖、瓦等建筑材料和陶片。  相似文献   

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