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本文从原定为木刻版本水书的行款、字数、版式、书口等鉴定版本最基本的元素入手考证,并通过比对汉文古籍雕刻的工序,认定这本水书系手抄本而非木刻本。但因其深受汉文化的影响,且进行了很多创造性的艺术加工,的确为手抄水书中的精品。  相似文献   

In Bielefeld, Germany in April, 1997 an author conference was devoted to Arthur C. Danto's 1995 Mellon Lectures After the End of Art: Contemporary Art and the Pale of History (Princeton,1997). This essay provides an introduction to seven essays given at that conference and expanded for this Theme Issue of History and Theory . Danto presented his view of the nature of art in The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (1981). He then added in the Mellon lectures a sociological perspective on the current situation of the visual arts, and an Hegelian historiography. The history of art has ended, Danto claims, and we now live in a posthistorical era. Since in his well-known book on historiography, Analytical Philosophy of History (1965), Danto is unsympathetic to Hegel's speculative ways of thinking about history, his adaptation of this Hegelian framework is surprising. Danto's strategy in After the End of Art is best understood by grasping the way in which he transformed the purely philosophical account of The Transfiguration into a historical account. Recognizing that his philosophical analysis provided a good way of explaining the development of art in the modern period, Danto radically changed the context of his argument. In this process, he opened up discussion of some serious but as yet unanswered questions about his original thesis, and about the plausibility of Hegel's claim that the history of art has ended.
Hegel . . . did not declare that modern art had ended or would disintegrate. . . . his attitude towards future art was optimistic, not pessimistic. . . . According to his dialectic . . . art . . . has no end but will evolve forever with time.  相似文献   

《高丽史》为迄今为止较为全面系统记载10-14世纪高丽王朝政治、军事、外交和经济、社会、文化的纪传体史书,其历经五次修纂,先后有甲寅字本、乙亥字本和木刻本以及手抄本,但存世不多,流传不广。现存最早的《高丽史》版本,为韩国首尔大学奎章阁收藏的乙亥字铜铸字本,然已残缺不全。其所藏太白山史库本等和韩国东亚大学收藏的《高丽史》,则是以乙亥字本为蓝本雕版印刷的木刻本,并非活字本,但为现存较早的全本和善本。英国剑桥大学收藏的《高丽史》是流布海外抄本中唯一的全本。  相似文献   

方之光、毛晓玲与潘旭澜商榷的文章不仅有不少漏洞,而且所采用的商榷及研究方法背离了历史学的实事求是和求真的原则。潘文从史实出发,对太平天国提出了较全面的批评意见,这些意见与史学界的普遍看法基本一致。方文则无视史实,也无视史学界的公论,认为太平天国推动了历史的前进。方文坚持几十年不变的传统理论,沿用陈旧的解释话语,反映出传统农战史专题封闭性和保守性的特征。方文与潘文的这场论争,对于在当前史学转型中如何改造农战史专题以及改进历史学的研究方法,有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   


This paper surveys the career of Benedetto Bordon as a miniaturist, designer of woodcuts, and cartographer. Although from Padua, Bordon worked primarily in Venice where he illuminated religious and classical texts and official ducal documents destined for Venetian noblemen. The writer argues that Bordon designed woodcut illustrations for books printed by Aldus Manutius and others, in addition to the woodcut maps in his 1528 book on islands in the MediteiTanean, Atlantic, and Caribbean. Bordon's lost world map of 1508 is discussed in relation to the map‐making activities of Francesco Rosselli, the Florentine miniaturist and engraver who was in Venice in 1504 and 1508, and in relation to a circle of Venetian scholars and patricians interested in Ptolemy's Cosmographia and in the mapping of the New World.  相似文献   

在20世纪的中国史学中,钱穆的史学独树一帜,是文化民族主义史学的代表人物。钱穆的文化民族主义思想,发轫于30年代中期,形成于30年代末,以《国史大纲》的完成为其标志。以考据起家的钱穆最终转向对考据学风的批评,是因为他认识到一味埋首考据,不利于民族精神的张扬,所以他站在民族文化的立场上对新考据派作不遗余力的批评,这是他文化民族主义思想产生的内在动因;基于民族危机的刺激而产生的救亡意识是他文化民族主义思想产生的现实动因。自《国史大纲》完成后,钱穆学问研究的重心发生了转变,由历史研究转向文化研究,为中国文化招魂、续命遂成为他一生的志业所在。  相似文献   


The map of Tenochtitlan published along with a Latin version of Hernán Cortés's letters (Nuremberg, 1524) was the first picture Europeans had of the Culhua‐Mexica city, the capital of the Aztec empire. The source of this woodcut map is unknown, and the author argues here that it was based on an indigenous map of the city. Once published in Europe, the city map and its companion map of the Gulf Coast, while certainly documentary, also assumed a symbolic function in supporting Cortés's (and thereby Spain's) just conquest of the Amerindian empire.  相似文献   

Post‐Processualism's influence is waning in Britain, linked to the decline of its parent Post‐Modernism. Both lost credibility through attempting to dominate discourse, and their negative implications for human rights. Modernism and its offspring Processualism had reflected the scientism and socio‐economic centralism that dominated the 20th century up until the 1970s. Jameson and Harvey have exposed their Post‐Modernism as a superficial aesthetic movement spawned by Post‐Fordist economics. Perceived from the History of Ideas this temporal succession is the recurrent opposition between Positivist and Idealist philosophies. Wittgenstein's philosophy shows a ‘third way’ where objective and subjective approaches are complementary tools for scholarship. In Cognitive Processual archaeology a pragmatic merger arises from these formerly competing traditions.  相似文献   

论浮田和民《史学通论》与梁启超新史学思想的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
日本史学家浮田和民所著《史学通论》,是一部广征博引西方诸家之说,同时又有自己识断的;以进化史观为指导的较为系统的新史学理论著作。梁启超在《新史学》等专论中所阐述的基本史学理论,实际上主要是从浮田和民的《史学通论》中有选择地移植过来的。20世纪初的梁启超在新史学的理论建设方面,基本上没有自己的创见,因此,将其视为中国新史学理论的奠基人或创立者,是不准确的。当然,梁氏的移植并非完全照搬照抄,而是有所归纳,并结合中国旧史弊病有所演绎,这就使其《新史学》等专论所宣传的新史学思想更条理、更易为中国学界所接受,并且有了针对性。正因为如此,梁氏在中国新史学发展史上,有着无人能够取代的地位。  相似文献   

《后汉书》与《史记》、《汉书》一样,也深受《周易》的影响。它不仅以《周易》思想作为评论历史人物和历史事件的理论根据,而且推崇其"顺天应人"说、"物穷则变"说、"变通趋时"说,崇敬并倡导谦卦之德,提倡节俭,重视道德生活和风俗习惯对社会历史的作用。  相似文献   

中国现代史学科体系是在与党史和革命史体系逐渐区别开来的过程中初步确立和发展起来的。李新等人主编的《中国新民主主义革命时期通史》奠定了中国现代史的基本框架。王桧林主编的北京师大版《中国现代史》继承和发展了这一框架。它的撰写、修改、趋向完备是和中国现代史学科的形成密切结合着的,它所提出的“三条道路、两个斗争、一个结局”的中国社会的演变规律为史学界所公认,它为中国现代史学科体系的初步建立和发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   

李凡  朱竑 《人文地理》2009,24(1):41-47
通过对国外文献的分析,总结了GIS应用于历史地理学、文化地理学、考古和文化资源管理方面的研究进展,介绍了国外主要的历史文化地理信息系统的建设实践。从中看出,GIS已经应用在历史地理学和文化地理学的很多层面上,正日益成为国外社会科学研究发展的一个新趋势。文章总结国外该领域发展的情况,结合国内研究的实际,认为国内的历史、文化地理研究中GIS应用拥有巨大的发展潜力。为此,国内历史和文化地理学者应该重新认识GIS的作用,开发适合的GIS应用软件,搭建跨学科的合作研究平台,积极争取将GIS在历史文化研究中的应用纳入到数字城市计划之中。  相似文献   

冷战主宰了20世纪后半期的国际政治。在后冷战时期,许多国家的学者利用新获得的档案资料来仔细考察和重新评估冷战史。自从冷战国际史项目于1991年在伍德罗.威尔逊国际学者中心建立以来,冷战国际史这一概念,已经被广为接受。根据相关英文文献,对过去十年美英两国冷战史研究新发展、新动向以及冷战史研究现状,做一总结归纳。主要涉及以下几个方面:美国的主要冷战研究中心、研究冷战的资料来源和新的研究方法、学者们关注的热点问题及最新研究成果的介绍、英国冷战研究概况等。  相似文献   

本文举出了<尚书·尧典>中四处缺讹现象,并予以分析和辨正,解决了该篇中几处文句不能通读的问题,证明今文<尚书>二十八篇中确有由于口传造成的文字错误,同时证明卫宏<诏定古文尚书序>具有一定的可信性,不能全都否定.  相似文献   


Recent thinking about Intellectual History has moved beyond studying only verbal texts, to encompass other kinds of visual and aural texts that can be vehicles for generative thought. Where might music fit into this expanded conception? If ideas are defined purely as concepts that can be expressed in words, music can be no more than an “epiphenomenon”, a consequence or representation of ideas that lie behind it, but not capable of embodying those ideas in itself. Yet to many musicians, it seems obvious that music can function as a way in which ideas are developed and worked out. What kinds of knowledge might be embodied in music, then, and how do its meanings change over time? In this paper, I examine some of these issues through consideration of one of the key texts of Western art music, J.S. Bach’s St. Matthew Passion, exploring how it was conceived in a liturgical context in Bach’s time, how its meaning changed when transposed to the very different milieus of concert performance in nineteenth-century Berlin and colonial Sydney, and as it has been re-imagined in a variety of recent staged and recorded versions.  相似文献   

This is one of a number of talks given on 23 May 2008 in the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge, on the occasion of Quentin Skinner's retirement from the Regius Professorship of Modern History. No attempt has been made to disguise the origins of this piece, or its festal tone, and any statistics quoted reflect the position as of 1 May 2008.  相似文献   

“以史为鉴”是历史学被高度政治化的1体现。结合中国古代史的发展轨迹做考察,就必须承认,“以史为鉴”可以导致两种不同的社会效用。正面效用,用作前车之鉴,直接导致了周、西汉、唐盛世的出现;负面效用,以防弊致弱的方式,影响到东汉、西晋、北宋等朝代的立制不良。对造成这两种不同效用的原因,应该正视和探讨。  相似文献   

This article begins to examine the history of economic and social ideas launched or nurtured by the United Nations (UN). In 1999, the United Nations Intellectual History Project was initiated, to analyse the UN as an intellectual actor, and to shed light on the role of the UN system in creating knowledge and in influencing international policy‐making: this article is based on the first five books and the oral histories from that Project. The starting point is that ideas may be the most important legacy of the UN for human rights, economic and social development, as well as for peace and security. For the authors, this ‘intellectual history’ provides a way to explore the origins of particular ideas; trace their course within institutions, scholarship, and discourse; and in some cases evaluate the impact of ideas on policy and action.  相似文献   

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