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The history of urban life in Southern Italy during the eleventh and twelfth centuries was particularly disjointed. At varying points many of the regions' cities were subject to the domination of petty Lombard princes, Byzantine emperors, Norman dukes and, as one passes into the twelfth century, Sicilian kings and German emperors. This paper uses the case of the northern Apulian city of Troia to show that, below this surface of political discontinuity, it is possible to discern a different understanding of an urban history. In highlighting the significance of the economic development of Troia's surrounding territory and the manner in which this created a damaging rivalry with the neighbouring settlement of Foggia, this essay emphasises the need to take into account local (and not only wider-ranging political) influences on the shaping of medieval south Italian urban life. In this context the paper also considers the importance of the development of a stable local government and a burgeoning civic conscience at Troia.  相似文献   

Paying attention to the research of Daniel Hanbury (1825–75), whose scientific practice revolved around names, languages and their translations of Chinese materia medica, this article discusses the centrality of names development of drug knowledge in nineteenth-century Britain. Along with the collection of material specimens, names both in transliteration and in Chinese characters were gathered locally through correspondence networks. On the other hand, names within older texts that had hitherto remained disparate were reclaimed by the nineteenth-century effort to consult and collate earlier accounts of each item. As such, the collection, identification and translation of names constituted an integral part of the process of making Chinese materia medica recognizable within a new system of universal scientific knowledge. Hanbury’s extensive efforts collating and streamlining numerous names demonstrates that the early makings of scientific drug knowledge relied heavily upon a series of textual practices and peculiar modes of knowledge brokerage that straddled distant points of time and space.  相似文献   

Transnationalism tends to be seen as a late twentieth century development associated with advanced capitalism, flexible production and post-modernism. However, if, as many claim, nationalism emerged in the era of capitalism, then it surely had to deal with the boundary-crossing and globalizing impetus of capitalism from its inception. This article explores how nationalist regimes and spokesmen dealt with the transnational flows, demands, and ideals generated not only by capitalism, but by historical forces such as universalizing religions and the distribution and movement of populations across territorial nations. Focusing on East Asia in the first half of the twentieth century, three cases are studied: the convergence of Chinese and Japanese ideals of pan-Asianism; the Chinese republican regime's effort to incorporate the non-Chinese peoples of the vast peripheries into the territorial nation-state; and this regime's efforts to cultivate the loyalty of overseas Chinese to the nation-state. Mobilizing and deploying these transterritorial phenomena was crucial to the nation-state's internal power, yet such a mobilization tended to transgress the conception of territorial sovereignty upon which the nation-state was equally dependent both domestically and internationally. The recent signs of a tendency for the territorially sovereign nation to develop into a deterritorialized nation has consequences that can only be understood in the context of the nation's relationship to transnational forces in this earlier period.  相似文献   

Song, J., Crasquin, S. & Gong, Y., September 2016. Ostracods of the Late Devonian Frasnian/Famennian transition from western Junggar, Xinjiang, NW China. Alcheringa 41, xxx–xxx. ISSN 0311-5518.

Ostracods are described for the first time from the Late Devonian of western Junggar in Xinjiang, NW China. Fifty-two species belonging to 30 genera are recognized, and seven are new: Arcuaria hebukesarensis sp. nov., Bairdia shaerbuertiensis sp. nov., Cribroconcha honggulelengensis sp. nov., Microchelinella bulongourensis sp. nov., M. hoxtolgayensis sp. nov., Pribylites wulankeshunensis sp. nov. and P. junggarensis sp. nov. The ostracod fauna indicates a probable late Frasnian age for the lower member of the Hongguleleng Formation, and the Frasnian/Famennian boundary may exist in the basal part of the formation. The ostracod assemblages are referable to the Eifelian Mega-Assemblage, incorporating both the palaeocopid and smooth-podocopid associations. The fauna implies deposition in a nearshore–offshore environment during a transgression when the lower member of the Hongguleleng Formation was being deposited in western Junggar.

Junjun Song [], State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, PR China; CR2P, MNHN-UPMC- CNRS, Sorbonne Universités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, T46-56, E.5, case 104, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France; Sylvie Crasquin [], CR2P, MNHN-UPMC-CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Universités Pierre et Marie Curie, T46-56, E.5, case 104, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France; Yiming Gong* [], State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology, School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, PR China.  相似文献   

Miike Takashi’s Sukiyaki Western Django is a contemporary remake of Sergio Corbucci’s Spaghetti Western Django. In this updated Japanese version all of the characters speak English and there is a notable cameo appearance by Quentin Tarantino that references the continuous series of filmic exchanges that have taken place between Asia and the West, most notably in the context of action cinema. Rather than conceiving of the various movements and exchanges between the two films (and their predecessors) in terms of the search for an “original” or for the conceptualisation of good or bad copies, this paper focuses on the question of genre and what it can bring to a discussion of cross-cultural value in cinema. In particular, the paper explores what the recurring turn to Westerns in Asia reveals about the search for new frontiers of value and aesthetics in global cinema. From the serious to the self-conscious to the downright “bad” (and bad-ass) Western, Sukiyaki Western Django is a notable recent example of how the “Asian Western” both localises and globalises a peculiarly American genre, and at once de-values and re-values the “original”.  相似文献   

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