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中国古代小说发生、发展的特殊情态,表现为特定情境下确立的话语方式,深刻地支配着艺术思维。从说话艺术的演出“场头”,到以阅读“话本”为主体的“案头”,原来有着重要作用的“看”和“听”,逐渐退隐到“读”之中,成为艺术构思与表达的重要因素。“用画面思考”和“为听而说”的话语方式,是中国小说民族特色的深层结构。  相似文献   

“以禅喻诗”是一种经验性的类比思维,“禅”与“诗”都是复杂的范畴,难以笼统论之。前者涉及禅语、禅法、禅理、禅趣、禅宗有关宗派、参禅的活动(态度、方法等)、禅家之妙谛和禅宗公案故事等;而后者则涉及诗人、诗派、作品、读者四大方面,进而包容构思、写作、赏析和评论等活动。”所谓“喻”则取譬喻之意,表现为一种通过将“禅”与“诗”进行类比,最后诉诸于“诗”的思维方式。本文主要分“何以以禅论诗”、“何为以禅喻诗”、“如何以禅喻诗”和“从《沧浪诗话》看以禅喻诗”四个部分,分析了“以禅喻诗”的存在原因、意义内涵、思维方法和在严羽《沧浪诗话》中的具体表象,以实现对其较为全面的理解和阐释。  相似文献   

本文就《楚辞》名篇《国殇》中的名句“首身离兮心不惩”阐述了“身首分离”的内容和这一恒语产生的基础以及它在《国殇》中的意义。  相似文献   

傅松雪 《民俗研究》2020,(3):100-109
"长命锁"潜蕴着日用而不知的原初时间经验,现象学为揭示这种原初时间经验提供了方法论意义。追溯"长命锁"时间经验的可能构成,揭示出"长命锁"在时间经验的历史重构中所须承袭的时间经验的原初状态:线性、循环和时机化的时间经验。在日常使用与话语诉说中,透析出"锁"作为器具与话语所能蕴含的时间构想,通过时间蕴含的比对,揭示出"长命锁"在习俗承袭中对原初时间经验的置换与褫夺:时间越来越被当成了现成存在对象。"长命锁"隐含的时间经验,不是现成时间观念的移置,而是时间经验的历史生成,它预示着一种活生生的原发生存时境的开启,对于解决时间"断裂"的谜团、对于中国传统时间美学的研究具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

《革》卦辞义别解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“语出双关,文蕴两意”是《易经》卦辞的特点之一,《革》卦中“革”、“变”、“面”等皆“语出双关,文蕴两意”。本文联系《革》卦宗旨,对其中的“大人虎变”、“君子豹变”、“小人革面”提出了不同于前人的解释。  相似文献   

侨务领域的拨乱反正是"文化大革命"结束后全面拨乱反正中的重要一环。侨务领域的拨乱反正首先从批驳"海外关系复杂论"入手,对"海外关系"重新作出肯定评价,并恢复重建了在"文化大革命"中遭到破坏的侨务机构以及建国初正确的侨务方针政策,继而侨务领域从平反冤、假、错案,落实保障归侨、侨眷合法权益,落实归侨、侨眷知识分子政策,以及落实侨汇政策等方面进行了全面的拨乱反正。侨务领域的拨乱反正为开创新时期侨务工作的新局面作出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

杨军 《历史研究》2012,(3):18-28,189
契丹人的"家"指同一祖父的后裔,"族"指同一高祖的后裔,在契丹建国前,两者都持续发生代际裂变,皆已与特定地域相联系,但各"家"仍可以进入其他"族"的驻牧地内游牧。耶律阿保机在建国过程中,一方面人为中止了皇族的裂变,加强皇族的力量,以维护皇权;另一方面又改革旧俗,脱离季父房另立自己的"家",将皇位继承权限定在其"家"之内,以消除皇族内部对皇权的威胁。通过这种方式,阿保机最终改造了契丹人的部族结构,"变家为国"。  相似文献   

晚清改进、收回领事裁判权的谋划及努力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
晚清时期,由于领事裁判权有着种种弊害,中外双方均感不便,产生了改进这一条约特权的意向。第二次鸦片战争之后,清政府和英国均谋划补救之法。英国提出"混合法庭"方案,为清政府所接受,但这一计划归于流产。"滇案"对领事裁判权制度产生了重要影响,"观审"制度的建立,在某种程度上是"混合法庭"的变通;赫德提出新的方案,亦为清政府和不少官员所关注。甲午战争和八国联军之役,激起了收回领事裁判权的强烈要求。清政府明确地提出了这一问题,采取了改革司法法律制度的实质性行动,但陷入了不易解套的困境。清政府的谋划和努力收效甚微,与日本比较,它存在着种种失误和弱点,它所背负的沉重的传统包袱,限制了它的思路和作为。其局限和教训,对后世无疑是有益的启示。  相似文献   

虢国墓地所出商代有铭玉器共3件,本文主要研究其中一件玉瑗上的铭文:“小臣系害”。“小臣系”是晚商的贵族,“害”字当读为“谒”,是“朝见”之义。玉瑗应是古代文献中的“贽”。  相似文献   

自1992年邓小平发表"南方谈话"以来,国外学术界对之进行了持续的关注和研究。在其研究视野中,"南方谈话"不仅是邓小平革命生涯中的重要事件,而且是"中华人民共和国历史上重要的政治里程碑"。他们的研究范围,从"南方谈话"的背景、南方视察的行程、谈话内容到"南方谈话"的意义和深远影响,越来越宽泛。通过这种全面研究,他们逐渐修正了对"南方谈话"的一些错误认识,对国外社会正确认识中国特色社会主义理论与实践大有裨益。  相似文献   

史桂芳 《安徽史学》2018,(3):117-123
1941年12月,日军偷袭美国海军基地珍珠港,并向美英等国宣战,太平洋战争爆发。日军在太平洋战场"绪战"的胜利,促成其国内新一轮战争狂热。广告作为商品营销的重要手段,也和着战争的节拍,把与民众生活相关的东西和"大东亚共存共荣圈"生拉硬扯地联在一起,形成"战争广告"。报纸是刊登商业广告的重要载体,日本主要报刊的"战争广告"从1941年12月上旬到1942年1月底形成高潮,与战争狂热相始终。本文以号称"不偏不倚"的《朝日新闻》所刊登的"战争广告"为对象,分析这些商业广告的内容、形式、特征等,探究商业广告在鼓动战争情绪、煽动后方支援中的作用,研究太平洋战争初期日本社会实态,进而探讨"举国一致"战争体制的危害。  相似文献   

“读经”问题的讨论往往不仅限于“读经”本身,它所涉及的问题其实更在于思想史。1935年《教育杂志》关于“读经”问题的讨论也不例外。讨论尽管观点不一,但绝大多数都能以“科学”的态度,对传统采取两分法,且反感“尊孔”以及附加于“读经”之上的诸种外在因素,这一点显然是五四新化运动影响的结果。而讨论最终得出的结论,更影响到了今日的教育。  相似文献   

This article advances three arguments. First, that prior to European intrusion in the mid-1800s, "Buganda" and "Mugandaness" were continually contested ideologies whose meanings were not given but discursively constructed and reconstructed in conditions of historical specificity. Second, that "Baganda" as an identity, was first constructed in the early travellers' journals. Later on missionaries and Buganda's leading chiefs appropriated the construct "Buganda" and actively participated in its elaboration and refinement as it was later to be used and popularized in the twentieth century. Third, that Buganda identity was constructed through the active silencing of the disruptive relations of ethnicity, of gender, and of class. In the celebration of an ethnic identity, inequalities and oppression were glossed over. Out of a confrontation with the "other," Buganda identity was carefully and powerfully articulated by the Christian middle-class men who, from 1900, dominated the newly created ruling council of Buganda, called the Lukiiko. These men claimed to speak for the Buganda "nation" and on behalf of others. Their search for a secure identity was built on their assertion of their superiority over the "decadent" sub-nationalities; over all non-royal females and over all others who were not Christians, male and middle class. In examining the historical dynamics of identity, it is important to look beyond the illusion of a Buganda "Christian nation" to investigate articulations and manipulations of class, gender, ethnicity, and nationality.  相似文献   

Gill Valentine 《对极》1997,29(1):65-89
Children's safety is an issue high on the public agenda in both the UK and North America. In particular, the "stranger-danger" discourse plays an important part in constructing children as "vulnerable" and "at risk" in public space. This paper begins by exploring how adults define whether their children are competent to negotiate public space unsupervised and how they control and manage their children's use of space. It then goes on to consider children's own understandings of their ability to negotiate public space safely, exploring how they subvert restrictions placed on them by parents and how they define their parents' levels of competence to make decisions about their spatial ranges. In doing so the paper demonstrates the instability and contested meanings of the binary concepts —"adult" and "child."  相似文献   

从西汉史可见都城长安"千余人"集会,"守阙上书"的情景。"阙下"曾经发生大规模的武装冲突。而宫阙前特殊事件的发生,"吏民聚观者"甚至可达"数万人",也说明这里有规模可观的空间。民众可以比较自由地进行公共活动的空间是"市"。刘据在"巫蛊之祸"时曾经策动"市"的群众"数万人"与丞相军激战。"里巷仟佰"也曾经成为民众"聚会"场所。而礼制建筑区也有相当宽阔的空地。不过这是不允许民间活动使用的空间。总体说来,西汉长安宫殿区的宏大规模,使得普通居民的生存条件受到严重压抑,而公共活动空间相对有限,使得都市功能的实现,不得不以诸陵邑作为补充。考察西汉长安和东汉洛阳的城市规划和城市建设,可以发现公共空间的区别。东汉洛阳已经有空间更为充裕的公众活动场所。城市史进程中都会职能和交往条件的这一重要变化,也体现了汉代都市社会构成形式和社会生活形态的若干历史特征。  相似文献   

虽然陶渊明撰成《桃花源记》后,文人羽士对"桃花源"进行过不同的描述和阐释,且将其附会到武陵地区,但是迄至唐中叶,桃花源仍仅是传说中的意象,并无确指之地。唐宋之际,在道士、当地官员的推动下,桃花源在武陵县渐被塑造成了一个具体的洞天,人们开始有意识的从事桃花源的实体景观构建,此种努力至桃源建县时达到一个高峰。不同时代形塑"桃花源"的主体与背景的差异留下了不同的景观,作为实体的非连续性和作为文化资源的接续性统一于其塑造过程。  相似文献   

Though its life was quite brief (1844–1886), the now-forgotten Gulf Coast port of Indianola, Texas, played a pivotal role in the settlement of the Southwest. This flourishing metropolis was ravaged by an 1875 hurricane, then completely destroyed by an even fiercer storm in 1886. Initial investigations have revealed vestiges of the wharves, a substantial debris field, and two important shipwrecks, proving the site's tremendous archaeological potential. Because of its unique place in Texas and U.S. maritime history, the former Queen City of the West merits further study.  相似文献   

1965年1月公布的"二十三条"是一个包含着许多"纠偏"条文而同时使"左"倾理论有了新发展的重要文件。"二十三条"在曲阜宣传与贯彻的过程中,文件中关于运动的性质特别是运动重点的规定,并未引起重视和关注,而文件中有关"纠偏"的一些具体政策却基本上都落实到位,从而使前一阶段运动中出现的"左"倾偏差有了较大程度的纠正。不过,在当时的时代背景下,"二十三条"毕竟没有也不可能跳出"以阶级斗争为纲"指导思想的窠臼,因此,依据该文件精神进行的纠"左"仍有相当的局限性。  相似文献   

The civilization of the children of the "savages" in the colonial world was seen as a crucial issue from early on was an inherent part of the colonization project in Africa, America and Oceania in the 19th century. The idea of civilizing "the savages," today's South, through children has continued in the post-colonial era with the development of mass-schooling systems and various child-focused development projects. This has led to an export of internationally defined standards for a "good childhood" through various foreign funded development programs in South. While many NGOs, legitimizing their work on the basis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), are genuinely working for an improvement of children's conditions, they have also taken on the role as a second guardian in order to cultivate "proper" children and parents who can live up to the supposedly universal ideals of a "good childhood." The article adopts a critical view on the child rights movement by shedding light on the crucial role, which NGOs play as civilizing institutions in the South. The article specifically draws attention to the double-sided patronization of children and parents, and "infantilization" of nations in South, which implicitly lies beneath CRC and the child rights movement.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to understand an important passage in the history of the sciences of the psyche: starting from the psychiatric problematization - and the consequent emergence - of the concept and the object called "sexuality" in the second half of the 19th century, it attempts to show a series of continuities and discontinuities between this kind of reasoning and the birth of psychoanalysis in the first years of the 20th century. The particular focus is therefore directed on two texts: Krafft-Ebing's "Psychopathia Sexualis" and Freud's "Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality." The argument runs along three intertwined axes: (1) an historico-epistemological analysis of the concepts and their transformations in the field of the science of sexuality; (2) an analysis of the power relationships between patients and physicians; and (3) an account of the psychiatric technologies of the self that have as an effect the emergence of new forms of "objective" knowledge of the subject. The broader goal is to trace a map of the simultaneous and correlate coming into being and transformations both of new forms of objects and of new forms of subjects through the mediation of scientific concepts and techniques.  相似文献   

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