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宋祁《景文集》有一百卷本、二百卷本、七十八卷本和一百五十卷本四种版本,清代又有辑自《永乐大典》的六十二卷聚珍本,其流传颇为复杂。本文通过考察,认为一百卷本和一百五十卷本是《景文集》宋元明时期流传的主要版本,陈之强所序的嘉定本实为一百五十卷本,现存《景文集》则源自四库馆臣所辑的聚珍本以及日本佚存本。  相似文献   

This article reviews two edited volumes on fear, important contributions to the newly developing field of the history of emotions. The question at the center of Jan Plamper and Benjamin Lazier's volume is how fear is constituted as an object; this question is investigated in an interdisciplinary dialogue. Focusing on the twentieth century, the editors bring together psychologists, historians of science and of emotions, and specialists in literature studies, politics, and film. Taking the dialogue beyond the social sciences is certainly an exciting and necessary exercise, but it also raises the question whether both sides are really talking about the same object. Michael Laffan and Max Weiss place fear in a global history perspective. They cover a wide scope, from early modernity to the present, and geographically including the Americas and Indonesia. Taken together, both volumes not only give an impressive overview of the field of fear studies, and add to it through a number of case studies, but also raise the question “what object is fear?” in a new way. If this object is as fluid as appears from the two volumes—not only with respect to the different events that trigger fear, the different uses it was put to, and the politics it allowed, but as a felt emotion—this calls for further investigation notably into the words and concepts used to make sense of the experience.  相似文献   

唐人所编大型总集《馆词林》在中国亡佚已久,日本则藏有若干古抄本;到清代由日本陆续传回若干,学们从中辑得诗甚夥,但过去国内印行的各本《馆词林》皆未能包括日本所存之全部,新近由中华书局出版的《日藏弘仁本馆词林校证》以日本古典研究会推出的30卷本为底本,又经过很好的加工整理,乃是该书存世遗最丰富也最好的本子:此本提供了大量的信息,大大有助于将中古学研究推向深入。可惜该校证本立下了这样一条凡例:“只以载有《馆词林》所存篇目的其他典籍作比勘。所谓比勘,只是交待其他献的刊载情况,个别残脱字据之补入,并不予以通校。”这样就不免留下了若干遗憾,降低了整理的水准。  相似文献   


This article is a re-examination of the first complete printed edition of Ptolemy’s Cosmographia (Bologna, de Lapis, 1477), hitherto considered flawed and defective. An investigation of the status and priorities of the team of court astrologers responsible for this edition, and an examination of the alterations they made to Ptolemy’s maps, suggests that their aim was a redaction intentionally different from existing versions of the Geography. It is suggested that the editors sought to adjust the arrangement of provinces from that recommended in Ptolemy’s Geography (book VIII) to the astrological arrangement detailed in his Tetrabiblos (book II) and that they modified the content of the key regional maps accordingly. In this light, the Bologna 1477 edition underlines the importance of assessing the reception of Ptolemy’s geographical work against a cultural background in which astrology prevailed as an integrated system of knowledge, practices and beliefs.  相似文献   

《旧唐书》通行本文字讹脱甚多。今存宋刻又残缺严重,学者无以据校。而新发现的叶石君原校本,乃据明常熟陈察至乐楼抄宋本对校,态度极为严谨,其中有六十五卷为残宋本所无,正可补宋本残缺之不足,可正通行本之讹误。本文对至乐楼抄本及叶石君校本的流传进行了详细考察,得知清初至乐楼抄本已多有残缺,其后则不知下落;而原以为可能亡佚的叶石君校本则幸存于湖南图书馆。对叶石君校本之价值则进行了举例性质的说明,认为其最有校勘价值的是本纪部分:有点校本已校改而此本可补确证者;有点校本已疑误而未校改,此本适可补证者;而可补点校本漏校者为最多。  相似文献   

宋末元初蔡正孙所撰<诗林广记>自问世后,元、明、清刊板不绝,并远播朝鲜、日本,现存十余种版本,主要为20卷本、4卷本之别,并可大体归纳为元刻八行本、元刻十行本、明王瑛本、明王圻本四种系统.  相似文献   

F.A. Wolf (1759-1824) published two editions of the Homeric Hymns, once in 1784 and again in 1807. We find 770 differences between the two editions. A closer look at the differences reveals that the editorial guidelines of the 1784 edition and those of the 1807 edition differ in several places; the seven guidelines differ between the two editions. The guidelines are related to the movable ?, to accent and to orthography. Nearly half of the 770 differences result from differences between the guidelines. The purpose of this paper is comprised of the following two points: first, the author will introduce the differences between the editorial guidelines of the 1784 edition and those of the 1807 edition. An investigation into the differences will show us how Wolf established new guidelines. Secondly, it will be shown why Wolf adopted two different guidelines in these two editions and how former editors treated the guidelines.  相似文献   

《困学纪闻》是宋末元初学者王应麟撰写的札记考证之文,在我国古文献学史上占有重要地位。此书在元代有两种刻本,一种是有明确时间记载的、序跋完备的元泰定二年刻本,一种是没有明确时间记载的、序跋不完备的刻本。清代藏书家多怀疑他们手中的元泰定二年刻本为明刻本,而无序跋本才是真正的元泰定刻本。但是通过考察、分析中日藏书家的藏书志,《困学纪闻》在元代确有前述两种刻本,二者在内容上是一致的,只是刊刻时间、版本形式不同,真正的元泰定刻本现藏日本,国内所藏元本只有无序跋本,而所谓的“元泰定本”其实是明翻刻本。  相似文献   

李致忠 《收藏家》2012,(4):21-25
1989年,辽宁省图书馆韩锡铎、王清源二同志在清理他们的普通古籍时,发现了一部《春秋集注》,怀疑是宋刻本,并疑其与国家图书馆所藏宋刻本此书为相同版本,于是他们来函描述他们所藏此书的版式行款及卷前附件,要求与国图所藏进行核对。其时我是国图善本部主任,对兄弟馆要求一向竭尽全力予以满足,因而携函下库给予认真核勘。  相似文献   

The emergence of neurology as a separate specialty from internal medicine and psychiatry took several decades, starting at the end of the nineteenth century. This can be adequately reconstructed by focusing on the establishment of specialized journals, societies, university chairs, the invention and application of specific instruments, medical practices, and certainly also the publication of pivotal textbooks in the field. Particularly around 1900, the German-speaking countries played an integral role in this process. In this article, one aspect is extensively explored, notably the publication (in the twentieth century) of three comprehensive and influential multivolume and multiauthor handbooks entirely devoted to neurology. All available volumes of Max Lewandowsky's Handbuch der Neurologie (1910–1914) and the Handbuch der Neurologie (1935–1937) of Oswald Bumke and Otfrid Foerster were analyzed. The handbooks were then compared with Pierre Vinken's and George Bruyn's Handbook of Clinical Neurology (1968–2002).

Over the span of nearly a century these publications became ever more comprehensive and developed into a global, encompassing project as is reflected in the increasing number of foreign authors. Whereas the first two handbooks were published mainly in German, “Vinken & Bruyn” was eventually published entirely in English, indicating the general changes in the scientific language of neurology after World War II. Distinctions include the uniformity of the series, manner of editorial involvement, thematic comprehensiveness, inclusion of volume editors in “Vinken & Bruyn,” and the provision of index volumes. The increasing use of authorities in various neurological subspecialties is an important factor by which these handbooks contrast with many compact neurological textbooks that were available at the time.

For historiographical purposes, the three neurological handbooks considered here were important sources for the general study of the history of medicine and science and the history of neurology in particular. Moreover, they served as important catalyzers of the emergence of neurology as a new clinical specialty during the first decades of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Poems of Science     

Poems of Science is an anthology which has been edited by Mr J. Heath-Stubbs and Professor P. Salman. Its first edition will be published by Penguin Books Ltd in Spring 1984, and by the kind permission of the two editors and tbe publishers extracts from their Introduction to the anthology as well as a selection of the poems contained in it are reproduced here. These extracts from the Introduction, as well as the choice of poems here printed, were made by the Editor of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. He would like to thank Mr Heath- Stubbs and Professor Salman and Mr MacFarlan of Penguin Books Ltd for the opportunity to present such a wide range of poetry from this remarkable interdisciplinary collection.  相似文献   

论《管子》的早期流传   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘向编定的《管子》就可能是分为十八卷,编排为八组的。这种本子从汉代到北宋的流传从未中断。唐人尹知章注三十卷本北宋中期已残,仅存十九卷。二十四卷之今本正是以十九卷本为基础,并用十八卷本补足其后五卷,同时从《通典》中出杜佑之注加进去,又据杜佑之言改题为房玄龄注。这一合编工作刀“大宋甲申”即宋仁宗庆历四年(1044)杨忱所为。  相似文献   

许宗元 《旅游科学》2004,18(4):73-77
陆游是开创型、集大成的旅游家;是中国文学史上最杰出的大旅游诗人、重要的游记作家、优秀的旅游词人;毕生作出旅游文化重要建树。一部《剑南诗稿》俨为诗化的旅游学原理。陆游以诗的形式阐明“旅游生活是文艺创作源泉之一”的文艺学原理。  相似文献   

日本元禄十二年(1699年)刻本《事林广记》乙集卷一、卷二这二卷图文是被忽视了的宋金交聘文献。它的撰者为南宋出使金朝的使节,且卷一和卷二并不出自同一人之手。卷一和卷二的撰成时间分别限定为1182-1211年、1166-1198年。元人对这二卷内容进行了实用性的改造,使之出现了"不应有"的内容。这二卷内容除了提供给我们交聘行走线路、馆驿、驿程等信息外,还提供了金朝部分宫殿布局、城市风貌、社会生活、军事、地名等内容,应该引起足够的关注。  相似文献   

In this introductory essay the editors suggest that the fieldof the history of sexuality in general and in modern Germanyin particular has been organized around a complex of questionsposed by the discourse theory of Foucault and other post-structuralists.The model proposed by these theorists and elaborated in thehistorical literature of the past twenty years has given usa coherent and widely influential narrative of the developmentof modern sexualities. This model, however, is now being calledinto question by historians who explore the social constructionof sexualities in greater detail and argue that sexuality isconstructed not by sexual experts (e.g., medical, criminological,psychiatric, and psychological experts) but within diverse andparticular social milieux. The papers in this issue exemplifythis trend, focusing their attention on the complexities ofsexual discourse and revealing some of the ways in which constructionsof sexuality were contested, contradictory, and shaped by themicropolitics of other social fields (such as politics, production,and the market). Taken together, they suggest that the historyof sexuality is entering an exciting new creative phase.  相似文献   

通过辨析孙殿起所著<贩书偶记>"子部·释家类·一切经音义二十六卷"条,我们可为之增补两条新的版本信息1.该抄本为高邮王氏家传之书.2.该抄本的底本是最早不超过明英宗正统五年(1440)的永乐北藏本,或是更晚至顺治、康熙间刊刻的嘉兴藏本.  相似文献   

In this editorial I note a type of resistance to the hegemony of English in academic contexts and call for consideration of expanding on this development. In an editors note I go on the credit assistant editors Marcia Bezerra, Julie Holowell and Alexander Hererra who were inadvertently not acknowledged in the volumes to which they contributed.
Resumen En este editorial hago notar una cierta resistencia hacia la hegemonía del idioma inglés en contextos académicos y hago un llamado a considerar la expansión de este desarrollo. En una nota editorial doy crédito a los editores asistentes Marcia Becerra, Julie Hollowell y Alexander Herrera, quienes inadvertidamente no fueron reconocidos en los volúmenes donde ellos contribuyeron.

Résumé Dans cette rédaction, je remarque une résistance à l’hégémonie de l’anglais dans le contexte académique, ce qui demande une certaine réflexion pour nous étendre sur ce sujet. Dans une note de l’éditeur dans laquelle je suis mentionnée, les rédacteurs adjoints Marcia Bezerra, Julie Holowell et Alexander Hererra n’ont pas, par inadvertance, été reconnus dans les publications auxquelles ils ont contribué.

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