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"诗中有诗"现象是指在诗篇结构内部组合有其他的既成诗篇。《诗经》的这一现象根源于当时诗篇在单位形态上具有的灵活性、相对性特点,并且关系到《诗经》诗篇在形成、编制过程中存在的复杂情形。"诗中有诗"现象与《诗经》学史上的"赋诗断章"、正考父校《商颂》、《武》诗篇章构成、"孔子删诗"等问题密切相关,关注这一现象有助于推进对这些问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

正聚焦弃婴安全岛弃婴安全岛,即婴儿安全岛,是一种为弃婴提供的室内庇护场所,里面不仅有保温箱、排气扇、被褥等,还保持了适宜的温度、湿度和充足的氧气。来者只需要在离开前按一个延时按键,几分钟后,就会有专人将弃婴送到福利中心,纳入收养程序。  相似文献   

秦汉时期,曾经发生"驿道多虎灾,行旅不通"的现象。这是史籍记载所谓"虎暴"、"虎害"的重要表现,值得交通史和生态史学者注意。"驿道"、"虎灾"在汉代图像中亦有体现。有关画面可以帮助我们了解这种历史现象的真实情状。对于这些图像的主题,以往有"田猎"、"畋猎"等误释,应当予以澄清。  相似文献   

庙会是一种集宗教、商贸、游艺于一体的民间聚会。据资料记载,庙会的渊源始于轩辕皇帝。在上古时期,"庙"是帝王、贵族用来祭祀祖先的场所。"会"指的是天子与诸侯之间的会见。"庙会"在当时是帝王、贵族们舞乐祭神的重要政治活动,平民百姓是不能参与的。东汉时期,庙会发生演变,成为集祭祀、宗教、游玩于一身的定期不定期举行的民间聚会。  相似文献   

湖南道县历史悠久,"关仙"现象在当地比较普遍。"关仙"现象对信众个体的精神慰藉、心理调适、娱乐消遣等有重要作用。所谓"关仙"就是一种民众向某个神灵附体者(仙娘婆)进行"咨询"的活动。通过非结构式访谈与参与观察等方法调查得知,整个"关仙"过程包括四个部分:采花、关灶神、关病、关死魂,由仪式专家"仙娘婆"实施。民众的信仰需求与仪式专家的持续再生产是"关仙"仪式得以存在的内因,"灵性产品"竞争者的稀少与政府管制的宽松是其存在的外因。认为"关仙"现象是一种有巫术倾向的民间信仰,本质上属于宗教。"关仙"现象是民间信仰中的一种特定形式,若要达成提高国家文化软实力的目标,必须要面对民间信仰的重构问题。  相似文献   

汉代民间存在比较发达的借贷行为,主要可分为民间的互助型借贷和商业借贷两类。在具体的做法上,汉代的民间借贷有信用借贷和抵押借贷两种方式,其中商业借贷以抵押借贷为主。借贷过程中要签订契约,由此在长期实践中逐步发展出一定的规范契约格式。这些民间借贷的习俗被官方秩序认可并吸纳后,以法律法规的形式反馈民间。这个过程中,既有对民间习俗的稳固与强化,同时也不可避免地与民间习俗产生了矛盾与冲突。汉代的民间借贷习俗中,体现出汉代社会重视契约、重视公平公正的观念,这与现代"契约精神"相类似,是当时社会进步的表现。但同时也存在着重"情"甚于重"法"的倾向。  相似文献   

1970年中国留美学生发起的海外"保钓运动"是中国民间"保钓运动"的开端。海外"保钓运动"在美国兴起并扩展到世界各地有其深刻的历史背景,其兴起与发展是当时冷战国际环境、亚太地区错综复杂的国家与地区关系、留美学生个人经历等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

有关福建溺婴习俗的记载,可追溯到唐代《全唐诗》顾况的《囝一章》。民国时期普遍存在的溺弃婴现象已成为严重的社会问题,引起民国政府和民间组织的极大关注。福建政府为救助溺弃婴作了不少努力,具体表现在禁令溺婴、设立育婴机构、开展救济等方面。  相似文献   

1971年中国恢复联合国席位之后,和资本主义 经济的两大支柱--世界银行和国际货币基金组织立 刻建立了关系,之所以与关贸总协定接触迟缓则与台 湾问题息息相关。在"文革"时期有一句口号"政治挂 帅".经济为政治服务,外贸要服从外交。当时中国在世 界银行和国际货币基金组织的席位均被台湾占据。在 国际组织中"驱台"就成为当时的一项政治任务。 在关贸总协定中,中国是关贸总协定生效时的创  相似文献   

在20世纪40年代的上海滩, 有一位与张爱玲齐名的女作家苏 青,当时有"苏张"之称。 冯家有女过目成诵 苏青本名冯和仪,字允壮, 1914年生于浙江宁波城西浣锦乡。 祖父是清末举人,父亲是庚子赔 款留美学生,母亲是教育工作者, 可谓出身"书香门第"。 苏青自幼聪颖过人,过目成 诵。在中小学读书时,酷爱文学, 曾多次跳级,但仍名列前茅,深得 师生爱戴。在中学学习时,她就在 当地报刊上发表习作。当时语文 老师曾给予很高的评价:"不独为 宁中(指浙江宁波中学)之秀,抑  相似文献   

亚当·斯密的帝国理论的核心是其殖民地自由贸易理论.他认为,殖民地是母国的负担,对母国没有益处,主张放弃对殖民地的贸易垄断;改革英国对殖民地的统治政策,让殖民地按其人口比例选派代表参加帝国议会.  相似文献   

In recent years the term empire has been used to describe an oppressive global situation. Empires are marked by their efforts to control all of life, not only politics and economics, but also society, culture, and religion. Since their inception, liberation theologies have addressed this oppressive global situation by focusing on its various manifestations in terms of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexuality, and class. As the oppressive global situation tightens and contemporary liberation movements increasingly bring together its various manifestations, liberation theologies need to devise common strategies and models for resistance without abandoning their diverse legacies.  相似文献   

本文通过对比中原地区中商时期的陶器材料,将盘龙城废弃的年代下限推定在中商三期。此外,本文还进一步考察了与盘龙城关系密切的荆南寺、铜鼓山等遗址废弃的时间,并运用文化因素分析的方法,对盘龙城的废弃与周边地区文化面貌发生变动的关联性进行了探讨。本文的讨论或许可为我们研究盘龙城的性质问题提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

左、李塞防与海防之争新论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
清同治、光绪年间,统治阶级内部在国防部署上曾有过一次塞防与海防之争.海防派以李鸿章为首,认为东南沿海千里海防是国防重点,主张弃新疆,专注海防.塞防派以左宗棠为首,主张塞防、海防并重,强调新疆在国防上的重要地位,坚决要求收复新疆.这场争论的实质是国防前线的战略部署和国家有限的财力如何分配;争论的焦点则是收复新疆还是放弃新疆.这场争论是公开的、正常的,其主张有正确与错误之分,其见解有高低之别,但不是爱国与卖国之争,不应因此给李鸿章戴上卖国或投降主义的帽子.  相似文献   

In one of history’s ironies, the republic that arose in Rome out of Europe’s revolutionary wave in 1848 was crushed by the new republic that had formed in France at the same time. In an additional irony, the destruction of the Roman Republic and the restoration of the papal theocracy were overseen by the internationally renowned champion of constitutional rights and freedom, Alexis de Tocqueville, then France’s foreign minister. This article sheds new light on this dramatic series of events through an examination of the French diplomatic correspondence, which reveals growing dismay at the direction in which events were unfolding. The correspondence also gives a sense of how close the French came to abandoning the pope, a decision that could have changed the course of Italian and French, as well as Church history.  相似文献   

Abandoning a child was no rare deed in European towns in the nineteenth century, mostly among single women in underprivileged environments. On the other hand, taking this same child back was more unusual. By analyzing the registers of the Lyon hospitals, it is possible to determine the percentage of children taken back by their mothers, how this was actually achieved, and to examine the family status of the mothers at the time of both events. Both of these acts -- abandoning a child and then taking it back -- can be put back in their context in these women's lives, for instance, by looking into the length of time separating the two procedures. To finish with, it appears that the 'Hospices civils de Lyon' encouraged mothers to take the children back and generally had a conciliatory attitude toward them, supposedly in the children's interest.  相似文献   

Carl Levy 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):103-104
The recent argument that the notion of ‘transition’ should be set aside in attempting to explain the trajectory of Italian politics in the past two decades is to be welcomed, but does not go far enough in explaining why we, as Italianists, got our case wrong and how exactly we might get our case right today. The transitional ‘myth’ was born and maintained despite growing evidence of its inherently problematic nature, in both conceptual and empirical terms. The concept of ‘transition’ needs more serious conceptual treatment and empirical application, but even with this work it is unlikely to be concluded that Italy is in transition. Freeing Italy and Italianists from this conventional wisdom, while, at the same time, not abandoning the idea that something exceptional happened to Italian politics in the early 1990s will help enrich the debate on the nature of the political change that Italy has experienced in the past 17 years.  相似文献   

Teaching economic geography is not a matter of replicating textbook models. It requires engagement with the ever-changing global economy, which often puts the lie to existing theory. It demands that the teacher break down the economy into its major parts, in a way that students can grasp. This does not mean abandoning theory; on the contrary, it means getting beyond static exchange models to grasp the dynamics of commodity systems, divisions of labour, technology and capital flows. To this, add how geography matters to the way economies work. And always maintain a critical stance toward the world and toward received wisdom.  相似文献   

梁启超《过渡时代论》与当代"过渡期历史观"的构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对梁启超历史观的评价一般有两种意见,一种观点认为梁启超是中国现代史学的开创者,其主要贡献是把中国历史纳入到世界史的解释框架之内,用线性的因果关系替代了王朝更替的历史观。另一种观点认为梁启超从欧洲归来后完全放弃了他所倡导的“进步史观”,而成为了一个文化保守主义者。实际上,梁启超所采取的是一种过渡期的历史观,这种历史观既强调历史的进步是不可阻挡的一种趋势,又主张解释历史不能仅仅依赖于纯粹科学方法,而尚需运用直觉的手段,同时他又强调文化积淀而不仅仅是物质更新在文明演进中的作用,这样的阐释方法使我们有可能超越西方历史观对我们思维的长期制约,也可避免“现代”与“后现代”两种极端解释取向所造成的偏颇后果。  相似文献   

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