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With an annual average temperature of 8.7degrees Centigrade, Nyingchi in southeastChina enjoys an annual precipitation of665mm, along with an average of 2,022.2hours a year and an annual frost-free period of about 180days.In Nyingchi, there are 3.74 million hectares of forestland, including 2.64 million hectares of forestry offering882 million cubic meters of timber reserves. Trees cover46 percent of the land in the prefecture, and make up 65percent of the forests in Tibet as a whole.For the…  相似文献   

It was drizzling when LiLindui and Ireached Bayi Town,capital of Nyingchi Prefecture.on May 25, 2000, for a survey ofancient tombs. Late May was therainy season.In the past year since our lastvisit, the town had added many newbuildings and roads.It was four in the afternoonwhen we got to the town, but we stillwent direct to the Cultural Bureau.People there briefed us on theancient tombs and showedus three pieces of pottery. Finding thesewere from the earlyand middle Tubo period, we immed…  相似文献   

<正>Nyingchi City situated at the southeast of Tibet is known for its Tibetan pigs,selling pork contributes a key part of the villagers'family income.The pork of the Tibetan pigs is more expensive than the common pork in the markets,because it is believed with better taste and good for health.In many Tibetan farming areas and especially in the eastern Nyingchi,normally,each family raises ten to fifteen Tibetan pigs.It is called the Tibetan pigs,because the pig breed was said to be domesticated from wild boar,according to local Tibetans.  相似文献   

In the summer of 1998,Nyingchi Prefecture wasexposed to historically rareflooding and waterlogging. Avast expanse of land was underwater However, the prefecture wasable to minimize its losses largelydue to an accurate weather forecastin March: "Drought in early summer,delayed rainy season, and floodingand waterlogging in the summer"."My headache is to cope withfloods and forest fires," exclaimedCewang Bandian, Commissioner ofNyingchidsefecture. "Our prefecturelies in the southeastern part …  相似文献   

教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本着重讨论教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展的内在逻辑。  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(6):687-703

The authors quantitatively analyze the effect of railroad construction on agricultural land values in the often overlooked, agriculturally oriented, trans-Mississippi West. This region is unique in American history in that, at the end of the nineteenth century, the railroad itself preceded widespread settlement. Using a hedonic model, they show that railroad transport increased agricultural land values in this region by more than 20 percent, which had a larger impact than recent studies have found for other regions. Moreover, the authors found that the addition of a railroad to a county significantly increased its growth in land values. This finding is contrary to that of existing studies. Finally, the authors show statistically that the railroad and land values were not endogenously determined, lending credibility to the causality of the results presented in their hedonic and growth models. These results indicate a valuable alternative approach to use in the historical analysis of transportation infrastructure and its impact on land prices.  相似文献   

InJuly1957,thereactionary"fourriversandsixmountainranges"movementdemandedthe14thDalaiLamaexerciseruleoverallTibetanareasinChina.Rightatterthat,ringleadersofthemovementgatheredinZhegutang,Shannan,organizingrebeltroopscalledthe"religionprotectionarmy"whichstagedharassingactivitiesinareasoutsideLhasa.InDecember1958,therebelarmyseizedallweaponsandmunitionsinNamlingandplottedtomovethe14thDalaiLamatoanewareaandchallengethePLAtroopsStationedinLhasa.OnMarch10,1959,takingadvantageofthe14thDalai…  相似文献   

教育的目的就是要开发、塑造学生的智慧、潜能,发挥学生的主体作用,完善和全面提高学生整体素质,而情感教育是一种伴随知识输入而又融进学生的美好的教育方式。因此,教师的情感教育在教学中有着不可低估的作用。情感教育可以激发学生的学习激情  相似文献   

This paper measures the degree of inequality in child mortality rates across districts in India using data from the 1981, 1991 and 2001 Indian population censuses. Results show that child mortality is more concentrated in less developed districts in all three census years. Furthermore, between 1981 and 2001, the inequality in child mortality seems to have increased to the advantage of the more developed districts. In the decomposition analysis, it is found that while a more equitable distribution of medical facilities and safe drinking water across districts has contributed to reducing inequality in child mortality between 1981 and 1991, different levels of structural change among districts have been responsible for a very large part of the inequality in child mortality to the advantage of the more developed districts in all three census years. The paper concludes with some brief comments on the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Lhastse County in Shigatse Prefecture is well-known by multiple names such as the “North Entrance of theQ omolangma,““Food Grains Storage,““Hometown of Tibetan Knives,““Hometown of Dorxic (a kind of Tibetan music)“ and also “the Way to Pilgrim“. “Lhastse“, in Tibetan, refers to the “Summit of Manitou“. Int he secular world, it is called “Laxog“ meaning “the holy place where the sunlight first touches“ Naturally, some scholars prefer to dub “Lhastse“ as“a place suffering from drought“.  相似文献   

Here we focus particularly upon some implications of the symposium articles for future research agendas and priorities in environmental policy. First, however, we return to the central question posed by this symposium: “How can environmental policies achieve a combination of democracy with legitimacy and adequacy with effectiveness under conditions of great uncertainty?” In different ways, all articles addressed this problem in reconciling democracy with competent environmental management under conditions of uncertainty. Together, they provide the rudiments of an answer.  相似文献   

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