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This is a picturesque herders' village, flanked by high mountains and a river. On the western slope grow pine trees, while grasslands cover the slope to the east. The office of the Toba township government sits in the gully between them.  相似文献   

Richly Endowed Qamdo Area In East TibetRichlyEndowedQamdoAreaInEastTibet¥LIMINGSENEastTibetboaststhreeriversfamousinAsia:theJ...  相似文献   

EDRROR's NOTE: During our interview with Director Celo,the Kamba man told us he used to be a road maintenance workerI was born in 1956 in the rural areain Zayu. My hometown was inaccessible by highway. It took me sixdays to walk to Zugong Countyseat, where, however, I still did not findan automobile.When I graduated from primaryschool, I passed examinations to be amember of the County Literary Propaganda Troupe. It was an easy jobbecause we Tibetans are born singersand dancers.When …  相似文献   

While Man recently celebratedthe 50th anniversary of dwarfingQomolangmo, the world's high-est peak suffered from environ-mental pollution. Statistics show,from May 1953 to the 1990s, themountaineers left behind morethan 50 tons of garbage. Over the past,decade or more,efforts were doubled and redou-bled to clean the environment.However, an increasing number  相似文献   

李霞 《神州》2014,(8):2-3
The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin on April 19,1894,and originally published in Vogue on December 6,1894.By describing series of emotions that Louise Mallard endures after hearing of the death of her husband,it reveals the heroine——Mallard's pursuit of freedom and enlightenment of feminist thought.The Story of an Hour successfully created a female image of desiring for freedom,longing for a new life even at the expense of life in a patriarchal society.  相似文献   

A solo concert was held to mark the 50th singing career of Cedain Zholma on December 22,2003.The next day,she went to Hunan at the head of the Tibet Song and Dance Troupe where she sang in a concert held by Shaoshan and Xiantan, hometown of Mao Zedong. Upon invitation of Yunnan, she went to Yunnan for solo performance. On this basis, the TAR Federation for Literaturary and Art Circles published a pictorial titled Highland Soul: Cedain Zholma and a book entitled Music of Snowland: Biography of Cedain Zholma, which were first sold in Xiantan of Hunan Province on December 26.  相似文献   

Since its peaceful liberation, Tibet, at the roof of the world, has been keeping abreast with the motherland to constantly renew its progress.  相似文献   

AgroupofChinesescientistssur-veyedtheQinghai-TibetPIateauinthe1960s,andretumedwithaston-ishinadiscoveries.SURVEYOfMUD-STONEFLOW.In1958,ShiYafengheadedagroupofscientistswhosurveyedglaciersontheQiliangshanMoun-tains.Thereafter,hecreatedtheLanzhouGlacierandPermafrostResearchInstituteoftheChineseAcademyofSciences,ThismarksthebeginningofhisassociationwiththeQinghai-TibetPlateau.In1963,ShienteredTibetforthefirsttime.HewenttoinspecttheworkofthePer-mafrostStudyoffice,setupattheTumen-…  相似文献   

TheZhigungSectwasfoundedbyRenqenbei(1143-1217)fromDainmaintheKnamarea(inpresent-dayDengkeinSichuanProvince).RenqenbeicamefromtheChurabclanwhichworshippedtheNyingmaSect.WhenRenqenbeiwas25yearsold,hewenttovisitPagmoZhuba(1110-1170)inhisresidencemonasteryofDainsati(inpresentdayNedongCountyineasternTibet),andbroughthimgiftsincludingteaandhorsesRenqenbeistudiedBuddhistdoctrinesfromPagmoZhubaintheDainsatiMonasteryforoneandahalfyearsuntilthelaterdiedofoldage.HewentonpracticingBuddhisminmoun…  相似文献   

EDITOR'SNOTE:SpringcameandweepingwillowsatthefootofthePotalaPalacebeganbudding.However,itsnowedallofasudden,turningtheareaaroundthePalaceintowhitesheet.At4:35ontheafternoonofMarch25,Yamzin,aTibetanjournalist,diedatthetenderageof36tothedeepgriefofXinhuaNewsAgency,journalistsinTibetandallthosewhoknewher.YamzinwasbornintoapoorpeasantfamilyinXigaze.In1978,shebecameoneof40TibetanstudentswhopassedtheexaminationsforstudyintheMiddleSchoolAttachedtotheCentralEthnicinstituteinBeijing.Plantin…  相似文献   

FollowingascientificsurveyoftheYarlungZangboRiverGrandCanyonin1998,ChinaplungedintosurveyingthesourceoftheLancangjiangRiver.Thesurveybeganinthesummerof1999inZhaduCounty,YushuTibetanEthnicGroupAutonomousPrefecture,QinghaiProvince.Tibetansthereliveonanimalhusbandry.ApressconferencewasheldonApril28intheGreatHallofthePeopleinBeijing.Andthe19-membersurveyteamsetoffinlateJune.TheteamwascomposedofpeoplefromtheComprehensiveSurveyCommitteeoftheChineseAcademyofSciences,theLanzhouGlaciersRe…  相似文献   

The Parhla Manor, whichbelonged to a noble in oldTibet, has experienced enor-Democratic Reform in 1959.Pharla Clan In 1618 Tibetan King Garma Dun-join Wangbo allied with the 10thGarmaba Yindo and overthrew thePagmo Zhuba Regime. Garma Dunjoinstyled himself Tsangdui Khan andfounded the Garma Gagyu Regime. Inorder to better rule Bhutan, he sent sev-eral lamas with a monastery belongingto the Gagyu Sect to a monastery called  相似文献   

Giventheharshenvironmentatanelevationofover4,OOOmeters,especiallycoldandoxygenscarcitv,theOinrhai-TibetPlateauhassinceancienttimebeenvirtuallyinaccessible.Itisinsuchanenvironment,however,thatitsinhabitantshavecreatedabrilliantcivilization.Outofneedforsocialandeconomicdevelopment,itwasalsothepeopletherewhosoughtclosetieswithChina'shinterland.ThisexplainswhytheycanbepartoftheChinesenationtoday.ArchaeologistssaytheyhavefoundartifactsintheTibetPlateaushowingthetiesthatexistedbetweenTibetandth…  相似文献   

Much resarch has been carried out on the threeCombined Pacification Commissions and Chief Mili-tary Commands (宣慰使司都元帅府),and on the Com-mission for Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs (宣政院)sincepublication of the essay,How the Tuan Central Govern-ment Managed Tibetan LocalAffairs written by Han Rulinsome forty years ago.However,owing to the areas in-habited by Tibetans having being large,due to the greatdifferences in social customs,history,and religiousactivities,that existed,and because many Yuan Dy-  相似文献   

My last interview of Mr.Leque was when he was the Chairman of the Government of Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).As time went by,Mr.Leque became the Chairman of the People's Congress of TAR.Following the custom,I paid my respects by presenting a delicate Karta whereupon,he gracefully gifted me another in return.Talking and laughing between us put me at ease and then led naturally into my questions.  相似文献   

LHASA CHENGGUAN DISTRICT ANTIQUE BUILDINGS CO.In 1980 the CPC Central Committee and the State Council held its firstnational conference on work in Tibet,raising the curtain on reform andopening-up in Tibet.When the news reached theLhasa Chengguan District WheatFlour Mill, its 35 workers were ecstatic. As the city was oversupplied withwheat flour and the Mill was operatingwell under its capacity, the local government decided it should halt production and seek new business.…  相似文献   

TheConservationDepartmentofNationalMuseumofChineseHistoryisanorganiza-tionspecializedontheresearchandpracticeofconservationscienceandtechnology.Itcom-prisesthreelaboratoriesofconservation,utensilrestorationandpaintingrestoration,with30scientistsandtechnicians.Thedepartmentwasestablishedin1952.Intheperiodofmorethan40years,thede-partmentcarriedontheworkofconservationscienceandtechnologyinall-roundway,withtheaimofpreservingtheculturalrelicsofhumanbeings,thedispositionoflayingequalstressonbothba…  相似文献   

In the outer circle of the Barkor Street,Lhasa City of Tibet,a gallery named as"Art Gallery of Traditional Handcrafts"is located,specializing by making clay sculptures and masks. Surprisingly,two artisans have the same name as Penpa who are working for this gallery.For the sake of easily identifying them, people are used to calling the elder one as senior Penpa,and the young one as junior Penpa.Their common perspective might be that they both have already worked for making masks for 12 years.They,by  相似文献   

<正>In July of 2005,the holy lake Namtso welcomed several special guests who were subsequently stationed there to start a long-term observation of the Lake.They were to carefully watch changes around the lake,including the glaciers,rivers and plants in the peripheral area.To date,they have been stationed there for about four years and achieved much in terms of collecting valuable information from their observations of Lake Namtso and Mts.Nyangchen Thanglha.  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheConservationGroupofdleDunhuangInstituteofCtilturalPropertywasestablishedin1952andtheGroupwasexpandedintoaConservationDepartmentin1980.In1984theConservationDepartmentwasundedastheConselvationInstitUtewhichhasbeentheeariestinstitutiondesignatedforscientificstudiesongrottositesandlelicsconservation.For40yeare,theInstitutehasbendevelopedtobeoneofthemestimportantmultidisciplinaporganizationinconselvationfieldinChina.TheInstituteconsistsofenvironment,analysis,restoraion,docume…  相似文献   

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