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By the end of October1999, there were 276schools in the NyingchiPrefecture, with 22,868students of the Tibetan, Han, Moinbaand Lhoba ethnic groups.They include one high school,nine middle schools and one polytechnic secondary school, with atotal of 2,377 students; 66 primaryschools and 198 study classes, with20,491 pupils.More than 95 percent of theschoolage children are attendingschools.INCREASED INVESTMENT.Such achievement was made as aresult partly of increased governmentallocatio…  相似文献   

It was drizzling when LiLindui and Ireached Bayi Town,capital of Nyingchi Prefecture.on May 25, 2000, for a survey ofancient tombs. Late May was therainy season.In the past year since our lastvisit, the town had added many newbuildings and roads.It was four in the afternoonwhen we got to the town, but we stillwent direct to the Cultural Bureau.People there briefed us on theancient tombs and showedus three pieces of pottery. Finding thesewere from the earlyand middle Tubo period, we immed…  相似文献   

<正>Nyingchi City situated at the southeast of Tibet is known for its Tibetan pigs,selling pork contributes a key part of the villagers'family income.The pork of the Tibetan pigs is more expensive than the common pork in the markets,because it is believed with better taste and good for health.In many Tibetan farming areas and especially in the eastern Nyingchi,normally,each family raises ten to fifteen Tibetan pigs.It is called the Tibetan pigs,because the pig breed was said to be domesticated from wild boar,according to local Tibetans.  相似文献   

NatureReservesontheRoofoftheWorldLIMINGSENAltogether,13naturereserveshavebensetupintheTibetAutonomousRegion,anaturallabforres...  相似文献   

In the summer of 1998,Nyingchi Prefecture wasexposed to historically rareflooding and waterlogging. Avast expanse of land was underwater However, the prefecture wasable to minimize its losses largelydue to an accurate weather forecastin March: "Drought in early summer,delayed rainy season, and floodingand waterlogging in the summer"."My headache is to cope withfloods and forest fires," exclaimedCewang Bandian, Commissioner ofNyingchidsefecture. "Our prefecturelies in the southeastern part …  相似文献   


This article is devoted to the study of Russian nature reserves, which are now changing their form and status as all organizations have done since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The author is mostly concerned with the study of the professional ethos of the ranger. The similarity of the rangers’ ethos is determined by their common experience of work in the forest. The variability is explained by the difference in the environments of nature reserves, such as the proximity of a city or state border. The attempt to integrate this study in the corpus of works about social effects of nature reserves is made in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Evictions have been shown to be a mechanism of primitive accumulation in nature conservation. This paper adds an historical analysis to the discussion on primitive accumulation in conservation by exploring the seemingly innocuous mechanism of White belonging to land in South Africa's private nature reserves. Contemporary articulations of White belonging are replete with stories and images of White male “pioneers” from the colonial era who, upon arrival in “empty lands”, were able to create economies out of nothing. Such representations of history on private nature reserve websites and other promotional material invisibilise Black belonging and legitimise private conservation. By illuminating the inconsistencies in the empty lands narrative and the legacies of three championed conservation pioneers from the 19th century, this paper argues that White belonging is a mechanism of primitive accumulation, while Black belonging continues to be expressed in various ways in contemporary South Africa.  相似文献   

王婧  钟林生  陈田 《旅游科学》2014,28(5):20-30
标识牌是目前被运用最为广泛的解说媒介之一,但我国现阶段对自然保护区标识牌的研究偏重于规划设计方法与内容,对其解说效果的研究明显不足。本文基于以上背景,选择具有代表性的北京松山国家级自然保护区为研究区,从游客视角出发对标识牌解说效果进行研究。运用因子分析法,构建了研究区标识牌评估指标体系,包括标识牌外型、解说技巧和解说内容等三个方面共21项因子。并采用多层次模糊评价法,定量评价了研究区标识牌的解说效果。评估结果表明,研究区标识牌外型因子和解说内容因子解说效果中等,解说技巧因子解说效果较差。  相似文献   

Four Transcripts     

日子 很多年以后才明白,生活其实是一个接一个的日子。 草长莺飞的日子,我可以立在三月的桃花雨里聆听一个悄无声息的故事;蛙声如鼓的日子,我可以就着朦胧的星光在杨柳堆烟的山道上独享宁静;落叶满地的日子,我可以为一缕久远的乡魂而迎风长吟。  相似文献   

浸在橄榄中 在安达卢西亚,不论正式餐厅还是小酒馆,只要有当地人吃饭.定会看见他们拿着细长尖嘴的橄榄油壶,往面包上、餐盘里大量浇淋橄榄油;而每一道佳肴,不论是凉拌还是热炒,也都可以吃出浓浓的橄榄油香……在安达卢西亚,一路狂吃的结果就是在某日突然觉得血液骨髓仿佛都被橄榄油浸透了。  相似文献   

日本是世界第3大石油消费国,而且石油对外依存度高达99%以上,作为确保石油供应安全的重要一环,自20世纪60年代初开始,日本逐步建立起了官民并举的石油储备制度。2006年石油、LPG的储备规模分别为172天和78天。本文首先从基地布局和储备数量两个方面介绍了日本石油及LPG储备的现状,在此基础上,从立法、管理体制和政府扶持3个角度阐述了日本建立石油储备的政策措施,最后在借鉴的基础上提出了完善我国石油储备体系建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

神农架是我国唯一以“架”命名的华中地区最高山——华中屋脊。神农架自然保护区始建于1982年,1986年经国务院批准为国家级森林和野生动物类型自然保护区;  相似文献   

Man And Nature     
In an introductory lecture to freshmen of Moscow University's Geography Faculty, the man-nature relationship is analyzed in terms of the interplay of entropic and negentropic processes. Entropy is used in the sense of a leveling trend or degradation, and involves the dissemination of materials and goods. Negentropy refers to accumulation, concentration, enhancing of diversity and contrasts. In the original world of inert nature, entropy was dominant. With the appearance of life on earth, the negentropic process assumed significance as living matter accumulated the sun's energy and concentrated it in the form of fossil fuels, forests, etc. In the present man-altered environment, termed the noosphere (sphere of the mind), both entropic and negentropic trends are apparent. First, man concentrates chemical elements for processing; then, he disseminates them to users or, in the case of waste products, into the air and water. The dissemination of radioactive materials through fallout and waste disposal is the most hazardous form of the entropic process. The pollution danger may be reduced by adding to the present sequence of “concentration—dissemination” an additional element, namely “reconcentration,” meaning the recovery of useful products from wastes.  相似文献   

徐建霞 《收藏家》2009,(4):77-82
在翻阅古籍时,经常能看见白文方印“四经四史之斋”(图1),或者朱文方印“古东郡四经四史斋”(图2)。这两方印是海源阁阁主杨以增的藏书印。  相似文献   

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