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2007年12月底,海南。几个中国政府官员围在2006年诺贝尔和平奖得主、孟加拉国乡村银行创始人穆罕默德·尤努斯博士身边,向他请教"小额信贷与扶贫"的经验。突然,尤努斯停下讲话,开心地向远处招手,一个身材瘦削的学者正快步向这边走来,他就是被誉为"中国小额信贷之父"的杜晓山。这两位相识十几年的老朋  相似文献   

正吴国宝,男,江西修水人,1963年12月生,经济学博士。1980-1984年在江西财经大学计划统计系统计专业学习;1984-1987年在中国社会科学院研究生院农业经济系学习;1987年至今在中国社会科学院农村发展研究所工作,先后为助理研究员、副研究员和研究员。研究专长:贫困测量、贫困成因分析、反贫困理论和政策分析、扶贫项目评价;小额信贷理论与政策分析、小额信贷项目评价。曾获"五个一工程"著作奖(作者之一)、农业部软科学课题二等奖、中国  相似文献   

为深入推进精准扶贫,麻阳成功探索创新了以"一授二免三优惠四防控五落地"为主要特征的扶贫小额信贷模式,该模式得到国家、省、市高度肯定,并在全国推广,基本做法被吸纳进《中共中央国务院关于打赢脱贫攻坚战的决定》(第五条和第十九条),湖南《省政府通报》2015年第28期专门推介。  相似文献   

由于历史上的原因,麦积山石窟现行管理体制属于多头管理,分属于不同政府部门的多家管理机构明显存在权力交叉和重叠现象,极大地制约了麦积山石窟的保护和管理工作。文章分析了麦积山石窟现行管理体制形成的原因及存在的问题,并从工作实践的角度出发,提出了解决现行管理体制弊端的有效途径。  相似文献   

严维青  李延明 《攀登》2003,22(3):88-90
财政扶贫资金对改善青海贫困地区生产、生活条件起到了举足轻重的作用。但由于诸多因素的影响,扶贫工作仍存在不少问题,尤其是在扶贫资金的投向方面存在着比较突出的问题。本拟通过对青海省财政扶贫资金投向问题的分析,提出优化财政扶贫资金投向的对策思考。  相似文献   

扶贫档案工作是开展扶贫工作的基础;是实施帮扶措施的有力依据;是扶贫资金得到监管的有效保障;以及体现扶贫成效的重要手段。  相似文献   

重点小额信贷或引入孟加拉模式小额信贷,在我国主要是针对中低收入者提供的总额在5000元以下的贷款。近日,中国银监会的有关负责人表示,是否引入孟加拉乡村银行的模式目前正在研究当中。孟加拉国乡村银行模式是一种非政府组织从事小额信贷的模式。创建于1974年,80年代在政府支持下转化为一个独立的银行。孟加拉国乡村银行贷款给以小组为基础的农户组织,要求同一社区内社会经济地位相近的贫闲人口在自愿的基础上组成贷款小  相似文献   

2006年初,西藏自治区启动安居工程,决定整合财政资金、社会资金、民间资金和援藏资金,加快实施农房改造、游牧定居和扶贫搬迁,力争用5年的时间使全区80%的农牧民住上安全适用住房,逐步实现“生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主”的社会主义新农村目标。  相似文献   

我国政府多年来一直致力于贫困地区的脱贫致富。“民政扶贫”“信贷扶贫”“科技扶贫”等扶贫渠道,为解决农村贫困人口的温饱问题、支持贫困地区社会经济的发展收到了良好的效果。近些年来,开发农村旅游作为一种新的扶贫方式倍受许多贫困地区欢迎。“开发一方景区,繁荣一方经济,致富一方百姓,丰富一方生活”的农村旅游硕果,显示了其他扶贫手段所不具有的独特优势和不可替代的作用。然而,旅游扶贫毕竟是一件新事物,人们对它的认识还存在高低深浅程度的不同。从各贫困地区旅游扶贫实践中暴露出来的种种现象分析,当前,有一些问题亟须解决,旅游扶贫的内在运行规律更有待于我们去进一步探索和深入认识。  相似文献   

宋乃平 《人文地理》2000,15(5):47-50,42
扶贫移民是宁夏实施反贫困战略的重要组成部分,对脱贫致富起到了积极的作用。其主要经验是:采取了"吊庄"移民的方式并辅之以相应政策,多渠道的资金筹措方式,以水资源管理为核心的社区组织方式,多元化的开发模式。但也存在着规划方面的一些失误、生态环境问题突出、农业生产效益低下、行政区划和隶属关系不确定、文化类型单一层次低等问题,限制扶贫移民的成效。为此,要通过推行节水灌溉技术创建节水社会、调整农业结构建立现代市场农业、走多元化开发的道路、创建文明有序的移民社区等措施促使扶贫移民吊庄走出停滞,积极发展。  相似文献   

This article examines the development of expanding support for worker ownership in the United States. The authors provide a brief review of the various types of legislation, both at the state and federal levels, drafted on worker ownership. They also provide a discussion of the problems in establishing and maintaining a worker-owned firm such as worker access to the idea of worker ownership, time to evaluate, discuss, and learn about the proposal, and judge if it is applicable to their situation. Other problems include training workers for new skills, such as management, and improving productivity. Finally, the authors present various requirements for implementation of wide-scale workers ownership. The requirements include consulting groups which can help workers design, establish, and evolve participation in worker-owned firms, the development of worker ownership programs in all unions to identify ownership opportunities, and the development of federations of worker-owned firms to identify common problems, work to loosen credit sources and even evolve their own banks for capital.  相似文献   

略论20世纪50年代中国的商业信用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国初期,我国商品交易中广泛存在着商业信用,商业信用制度是信用制度的重要组成部分。在建立苏联式的计划经济体制过程中,国家为了对资金流通与商品交易实行计划管理, 从1954年起强制取消了国营经济的商业信用,试图以国家银行信用制度取代商业信用制度。取消商业信用制度后,我国的信用制度出现缺失,虽然大量“非法”商业信用形式依然暗中存在,但信用制度的功能受到抑制,严重阻滞了社会资金的正常运行。  相似文献   

清代前期不但有资本规模较大,主要针对商号及官员放贷的大账局,也有资本规模较小,可能针对小商人、小手工业者甚至地主农民放贷的放账铺。至少从乾隆年间开始,账局、放账铺已经比较普遍地运用合伙制的方式筹措资本。账局的重要业务之一就是对官员放京债,这种放贷利率高、数额大,但风险也甚高。与此同时,账局也开始大规模地对商号商人放贷,每家较大型的账局至少可能对三十至五十家以上的商号放贷,放贷数额常到一千两以上,最少也有一百两。这种放贷,直至道光年间还很兴盛。账局、放账铺已经具有了商业银行的功能,但是否够得上商业银行,还须进一步探讨。  相似文献   


This article reframes our understanding of the pre-Gulf War U.S. policy toward Iraq away from the issue of why the Bush administration ignored evidence that Saddam Hussein was not reciprocating U.S. efforts to moderate his behavior. Rather, it asks why the Bush administration did not consider Saddam’s abuse of U.S. export credit programs as relevant for evaluating Iraqi intentions and the efficacy of the engagement policy. It traces debates among federal agencies about two export credit programs to show that strategic considerations drove decisions to preserve or suspend these programs even though Iraq’s financial behavior offered insights earlier in time about its strategic intentions. While the Bush administration intended for engagement to reward or punish Saddam depending on his behavior, my examination of export credit controversies shows that it did not establish a rationale for deciding when and how to punish Iraq for threatening or abusive behavior.  相似文献   

Regional studies of colonial Mexico have focused on economic, sociological and political themes that largely neglect developing relationships between urban centers and their regions. Understanding these relationships is necessary for a clearer determination of the beginning of dependency and underdevelopment. Data for this study come from loan and mortgage documents contained in the Libros de Hipotecas for Guadalajara, Mexico from 1721 through 1820. The records show that most of the credit necessary for rural economies to function came from creditors in the capital city of Guadalajara. Credit flows through the countryside corresponded to the distributional patterns of population, economic activities, and social networks. Districts with larger populations consumed greater amounts of credit in part because of the presence of many potential borrowers. Those areas involved primarily in trade and agriculture also needed much urban credit, particularly at critical stages in their economic development. Districts in which the region's wealthiest families resided also received more credit through the system of personal and business contacts which channelled the distribution of credit. The net flow of credit from city to region, however, does not necessarily indicate unilateral dependence of rural districts on the capital city. An analysis of the relative benefits to creditor and debtor indicates that the relationship between city and region was characterized by mutual dependence rather than urban exploitation of rural districts.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of directed credit programmes as an instrument for economic development is the subject of considerable debate. However, the focus of this debate is almost exclusively on the intra‐sectoral effects of directed credit and its adverse effects on financial sector performance, neglecting possible spillover effects on demand, production and investment in the rest of the economy. This article tries to fill this gap by examining the macro‐economic effects of directed credit in India with the help of a novel real‐financial computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Focusing on credit rather than money, the model goes beyond earlier modelling approaches by (1) incorporating directed credit policy and credit rationing; (2) recognizing the dual role of credit for working capital and investment; and (3) allowing for switches between credit‐constrained, capacity‐constrained and demand‐constrained regimes. The results from short‐ and medium‐term simulation experiments with the model indicate that, when credit market failures result in rationing as in India’s agricultural and small‐scale industrial sectors, the macro‐economic effects of directed credit are likely to be significant and positive.  相似文献   

This article probes what I call the emergent global regime for controlling tax competition. Since at least the early 1990s, states have perceived that competition for investment, whether through direct subsidies or tax incentives, threatens to undermine the fiscal underpinnings of the modern state, particularly in terms of its provision of social welfare programs. As states have provided financial or fiscal subsidies to capital (especially mobile capital), they have had to compensate through some combination of imposing higher levels of taxation on other actors, running higher deficits, and cutting spending. Each has shown itself to have substantial problems, and the response of states has now come full circle: to reconsider the competition for investment that causes the fiscal problems in the first place.  相似文献   

Enormous attention has been devoted recently to the contributions of human capital in the strategic and competitive success of different regions. These advances by macroeconomists and trade theorists have important implications for understanding the influence of economic development programs in a rural environment. Drawing upon this research we argue that human capital concepts may offer a more effective basis for assessment of strategic resource needs and use within a rural setting. An approach using direct elicitation methods is outlined for developing human capital measures. One significant advantage of a human capital approach is the potential for creating indicators that bridge the interests of economic development and environmental programs.  相似文献   

Proponents of charter schools credit them with many advantages over traditional schools. One claim is that school choice yields increased parental participation in voluntary school activities—which we shall call education‐related social capital. In this article we test for the independent effect of school choice on education‐related social capital, controlling for general social capital and other potentially confounding variables. Studies of school choice invariably show that choosing parents have a greater level of general social capital than non‐choosing parents. Consequently, any increase in education‐related social capital could be spurious—due to the fact that choice parents start with atypically high levels of general social capital. We find under controlled conditions that school choice has a small but statistically significant effect on education‐related social capital. However, its effect is considerably smaller than for general social capital, as well as for other traditional predictors such as parental education and the school‐related home resources that parents may provide.  相似文献   

工业化前中英乡村借贷比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工业化前中国与英国乡村经济中普遍存在着经常性的借贷活动 ,乡村借贷成为农村经济中不可或缺的要素。然而 ,它们历史背景、表现方式、发展状况、功能流向多有不同 ,2 0世纪上半叶中国农村为生存而借贷的传统高利贷市场 ,与工业革命前英国乡村为投资生产而借贷的现代信贷市场形成了鲜明对照。这从一个侧面反映了工业化前中英乡村社会转型的实况  相似文献   

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