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In recent years Australian nationalism has attracted considerable attention from historians, but most of the literature has been written from a secular standpoint. The present paper focuses on the contribution of the Anglican Church to the development of nationalism in the period between the coming of Federation and the attainment by the church of a new constitution that gave it autonomy. The first part of the paper examines the English character of the church and its attitudes towards empire, monarchy and "White Australia." The second part explores the emergence of a more distinctively Australian identity within the church. Although importannt, this was not strong enough greatly to influence the church whose presence helped perpetuate the hold of British cultural values in ways and to an extent not hitherto fully appreciated.  相似文献   

Since the Second World War, the structure of agriculture in developed nations has undergone a fundamental change toward an industrial mode of production. Much of the literature suggests that trends associated with industrializing agriculture have hurt farm communities, as evidenced by the decline of social and economic opportunities. To examine this notion, a comparative study (1965–86) was carried out on the social participation and interaction rates of farm families in an area of industrializing agriculture in southwestern Ontario. Specific attributes of the farm and farm family were correlated to family participationlinteraction scores. Analysis revealed that participation in the community had not declined despite the effects of quite dramatic agricultural change. It is postulated that the overall social cohesion of the farm community is stronger than has been suggested. Depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, la structure de l'agriculture dam les nations développées a subi un changement fondamental vers un mode de production industrielle. La plus grande partie de la littérature sur ce sujet suggére que le cours des événements associéà I'agriculture industrialisée a eu un effet négatif sur les communautés agricoles. Afin d'examiner plusieurs aspects de cette idée, une étude comparative fur faite (1965–86) pour établir le taux et participation de d'interaction sociale chez les familles rurales dans une région d'agriculture industrialisée du sud-ouest Ontario. Des caractéristiques spécifiques de la ferme et de la famille rurale furent mises en corrélation avec les résultats touchant la participation et l'interaction familiales. L'analyse des données révéla que la participation dans la communauté n'avait pas baissée malgré les effets des changements assez dramatiques dans l'agriculture. On peut donc postuler que la cohésion sociale globale de la communauté agricole est plus forte que l'on pensait.  相似文献   

Statute labour has been neglected in the existing literature on roads in 19th- and early 20th-century Canada, despite its being the fundamental mechanism of township road construction and maintenance. This paper clarifies the operation and role of statute labour, discussing its advantages and disadvantages. Analysis of the historical geography of the declining use of statute labour in later-19th- and early-20th-century Ontario argues that factors of local politics and the increasing strength of regional political institutions such as the Good Roads Association and the provincial government bureaucracy must be placed alongside more obvious technological explanations. Just as statute labour became increasingly inadequate in meeting the local road transport needs of a changing space economy by the turn of the century, individual action and local municipal politics found themselves increasingly constrained by the strengthening of the administrative and financial power of higher levels of government – part of the process by which rural Ontario became integrated into a regional and provincial economy. Parmi les études sur les systèmes routiers au Canada aux 19ème et 20ème siècles il n'existe que très peu de discussions sur la corvée – malgré le fait que la corvée était le mécanisme principal de la construction et de l'entretien des routes municipales. Cet article clarifie le fonctionnement et le rôle de la corvée, par une discussion sur ses avantages et ses désavantages. Nous examinons, du point de vue de la géographie historique, le déclin de la corvée qui est survenu au tournant du 20ème siècle en Ontario, à cause de certains éléments politiques dans les municipalités et à cause de la force croissante d'institutions politiques régionales telles que « The Good Roads Association » et la bureaucratie du gouvernement provincial. Ces facteurs ont eu sur les systèmes routiers un effet aussi important que les changements technologiques. La corvée est devenue de plus en plus insuffisante pour maintenir les routes municipales de l'économie dynamique au début du 20ème siècle, et en même temps, les individus et les conseils municipaux locaux ont perdu beaucoup de leur pouvoir face au pouvoir administratif et financier des échelons supérieurs gouvernementaux. Néanmoins, c'est par ce processus que l'Ontario rurale s'est intégrée aux économies régionales et provinciales.  相似文献   

Specialty crops have risen from being of little to great importance in Saskatchewan agriculture over the past 20 years. Many interrelated factors have contributed to this change. These factors are analysed using a food supply system model that involves inputs, on-farm production variables, research and linkages to farmers, contracting, transportation and processing and market development for specialty crops. Specialty crops, especially the dominant trio of pulse crops, dry field pea, lentil and chickpea, reduce input costs, have proved to be agronomically suitable to fill much of the land made available through the decline of spring wheat and summerfallow in Saskatchewan, have benefited from research and its transfer to farmers and farmers' producer groups, are transported to local or regional processors and have benefited from the development of domestic and foreign markets. Specialty crops as a group tended to be relatively more important in 2001 in the Brown and Dark Brown than the Black and Grey soil zones, although each main specialty crop displayed a distinct geographical pattern.  相似文献   

The parameters of the contemporary abortion debate were established in the pre-Roe period between 1965 and 1972, when groups and forces on the state and manual level competed to redefine the issue in order to pass new policies regulating it. This article traces the abortion politics of New York and Pennsylvania, the two states that led the nation in creating abortion policies before Roe, by looking at the relationship between the discourses created by various groups, the agree of party support they received, and the disparate policies that each state pawed as a result.  相似文献   

This paper explores the lived-in world of gold miners in Rossland, British Columbia. By 1898 Rossland had become the site of highly capitalized industrial mining operations. It will be argued that the experienced world of the employees of these mines went beyond the workplace to include other routinely frequented 'locales.' These locales can be demonstrated to be important to identification as a miner: the mines were part of a common work experience; the home, whether in single-family dwelling or a boarding-house room, reflected the realities of tenuous wage work in a frontier town; and the saloons and union hall provided spaces where opinions and ideologies could be freely articulated and shared. A key concept will be that of 'biography formation' which embeds identity, assumptions, and values in specific time-space settings.
Cet article examine le vécu des mineurs de l'or á Rossland en Colombie-Britannique. En 1898 Rossland était un emplacement des opérations d'industrie á capital élevé. Nous démontrons que l'expérience du monde des employés de ces mines comprenait non seulement le lieu de travail mais d'autres lieux souvent fréquentés. Nous discuterons comment ces lieux sont importants pour l'identité du mineur: les mines faisaient partie d'une expérience de travail commune; le foyer, soit une maison á famille unique soit une chambre en pension, reflétait les réalités d'un travail á salaire discontinu dans une ville frontière; et les saloons et la salle d'ouvriers syndiqués étaient des endroits où on pouvait s'exprimer et partager franchement ses opinions et ses idéologies. Un concept essentiel dans cet article est la formation biographique qui englobe l'identité, les suppositions et les valeurs d'un cadre de temps et d'espace précis.  相似文献   

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