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Urbanization patterns: European versus less developed countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops a model in which the interaction between transport costs, increasing returns to scale, and labor migration across sectors and regions creates a tendency for urban agglomeration. Demand from rural areas favors urban dispersion. European urbanization took place mainly in the 19th century, with higher costs of spatial interaction, weaker economies of scale, and a less-elastic supply of labor to the urban sector than in less developed countries (LDCs) today. These factors could help explain why primate cities dominate in LDCs, whereas a comparatively small share of urban population lives in Europe's largest cities.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of expressway investment in China's counties. By identifying expressway accessibility through toll station locations, we estimate the manufacturing distribution along expressways for 2001–2005. We find that expressway accessibility promotes manufacturing employment for inland counties by around 41 percent; however, for coastal counties that already have high road density and dense manufacturing layouts, the returns from new expressways are small. Furthermore, counties close to large cities benefit more from expressway accessibility than do counties that are far from them. The gap first increases in the period of expressway construction and then decreases as expressway effects are smoothed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT It has long been an article of faith amongst regional economists that increasing returns to scale are necessary to explain the punctiform location of economic activity and population. However, there is no consensus in the empirical literature over whether returns to scale are constant or increasing. A notable example of this lack of agreement is provided by the static‐dynamic Verdoorn law paradox. While the dynamic Verdoorn law (specified using growth rates) yields estimates of substantial increasing returns to scale, the static Verdoorn law (specified using log‐levels) indicates only the presence of constant returns to scale. In this paper, we explain the static‐dynamic Verdoorn law paradox by showing that estimates of returns to scale obtained using the static law are subject to a spatial aggregation bias, which biases the estimates towards constant returns to scale. We illustrate our arguments by means of simulation exercises. The results obtained hold general lessons for applied economic analysis using spatial data.  相似文献   

王磊  付建荣 《人文地理》2015,30(2):97-102
工业化和城市化之间的互动关系体现在都市区尺度上的工业区位上。本文在新经济地理学和城市地理学所揭示的产品差异化和城市集聚效应相互关系的基础上,通过区位熵分析、赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数,对美国工业区位与大都市区间的耦合关系进行实证研究。结果显示:集聚于大都市区核心区的往往是产品个性化和定制化程度较高的行业;位于大都市区外围区的大都是产品依赖于城市市场,但标准化程度较高的行业;传统制造业则往往位于非大都市区。多数都市工业的市场集中度较低,而大部分传统工业的市场集中度较高。这不仅印证了新经济地理学的理论推演和城市地理学的行业分析,而且对包括中国在内的转型国家城市及其产业发展具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates the resource allocational implications of intra-industrial externalities, i.e., variable returns to scale (VRS), in a two-region general equilibrium model of production under uncertainty. It is shown that most standard results concerning changes in the goods price ratio with constant returns to scale (CRS) under uncertainty generalize to VRS. In contrast, standard results concerning changes in factor endowments extend from CRS to decreasing returns to scale, but not to all permissible levels of increasing returns to scale. Thus, such theorems as factor price equalization and Rybczynski do not generalize to all real-world levels of VRS.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new approach to measuring government efficiency, based on the theory that communities that allocate resources efficiently in the local public sector maximize property values. We use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to identify the counties in Minnesota that are characterized by property-value maximization and hence an efficient public sector. The results indicate that the dominant source of public sector inefficiency is an inappropriate scale of operations. It appears that some county jurisdictions are too large to service the population efficiently. The size and concentration of government power are also responsible in part for observed inefficiencies.  相似文献   

女性内部差异性已成为西方女性主义地理学的重要研究领域。本文以广州市下渡村餐饮业和芳村茶叶市场茶艺表演业两个典型行业为例,研究不同行业女性非正规就业者的行为空间差异性及其产生的不同影响。研究发现,餐饮业和茶艺表演业女性非正规就业者具有总体上相类似的行为空间结构,但由于其所从事的工作性质和经济收入不同,该结构在尺度构成、出行活动的距离分布和出行频率等方面存在明显差异。这种差异性进一步对上述两类女性非正规就业者的职业发展分别产生了限制和促进的不同作用。女性非正规就业者所属行业特征、行为空间与职业发展处于一种相互作用的关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper develops a method for studying noninfinitesimal operational units, with the Thünen location and land use model. With constant returns to scale and perfect divisibility of nonland inputs, all operational units would occupy only a point on the landscape. The present model uses increasing returns to scale to generate large operational units, called “plantations” and studies the comparative statics. The setting of the model is an agricultural operation in which some processing of raw crop must be conducted prior to shipment to market. The processing is assumed to have increasing returns to scale.  相似文献   

旅游产业部门结构合理性的SSM分析-以陕西省为例   总被引:39,自引:1,他引:38  
为了寻求省域旅游产业发展的合理部门结构,利用偏离-份额分析法,以旅游统计年鉴提供的数据为基础,对陕西省旅游创汇部门的产业结构进行实证分析。研究表明陕西省各旅游创汇产业部门中,原有基础好,竞争力较强、具有部门优势的增长部门包括商品销售、邮电通讯和市政交通等部门;原有基础差但发展快,竞争力较好,具备一定部门优势的增长部门包括住宿、餐饮业等;基础较好,但竞争力较差的部门则包括长途交通运输业、观光游览、娱乐业等。论文针对各部门实际发展状况分别进行了分析,指出各自发展方向和策略。最后评价了偏离-份额分析法在旅游创汇部门产业结构分析中的应用效果,认为该方法具有较强的综合性和动态性,能够有效揭示旅游创汇各部门产业结构变化的原因和发展机制,是确定未来旅游业创汇部门发展主导方向的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a formal analysis that incorporates returns to transportation into a Ricardian framework to predict trade patterns. The important point gained from this analysis is that increasing returns to transportation, coupled with appropriate distances between trading partners, can be shown to reverse Ricardian predictions even when there are no international differences in tastes, technology, or factor endowments. Additional gains from trade may emerge from reductions in aggregate delivery costs owing to scale economies.  相似文献   

A two-sector dynamic general equilibrium model is developed "to investigate the direction of migration in response to differing demographic and consumption demand behavior, as well as variations in production conditions." The model, which involves a rural sector and an urban sector, incorporates "returns to scale and the natural rate of sectoral population growth as important determinants of the direction of migration, in addition to price and income elasticities, and the sectoral technical change rate with which...previous studies dealt."  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We revisit the influential work of Borjas (1995) on the economic gain to the host population from immigration—“the immigration surplus.” We develop his analysis by using a general equilibrium endogenous growth model with endogenous capital and several sectors, including an R&D sector driving growth. Skilled immigration leads to a bigger R&D sector share resulting in higher long‐term growth. If skilled labor and physical capital are complements, this growth gain increases. Growth effects on the immigration surplus dominate the purely static effects of Borjas, but are not sufficient to eliminate the emergence of losers (skilled natives) within the host population.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of directed credit programmes as an instrument for economic development is the subject of considerable debate. However, the focus of this debate is almost exclusively on the intra‐sectoral effects of directed credit and its adverse effects on financial sector performance, neglecting possible spillover effects on demand, production and investment in the rest of the economy. This article tries to fill this gap by examining the macro‐economic effects of directed credit in India with the help of a novel real‐financial computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. Focusing on credit rather than money, the model goes beyond earlier modelling approaches by (1) incorporating directed credit policy and credit rationing; (2) recognizing the dual role of credit for working capital and investment; and (3) allowing for switches between credit‐constrained, capacity‐constrained and demand‐constrained regimes. The results from short‐ and medium‐term simulation experiments with the model indicate that, when credit market failures result in rationing as in India’s agricultural and small‐scale industrial sectors, the macro‐economic effects of directed credit are likely to be significant and positive.  相似文献   

We analyze a two‐sector model of a trading creative regional economy (TCRE) of the sort studied by Florida. Our analysis focuses on two cases. The first case concerns the impact of faster neutral, whereas the second case concerns the impact of faster nonneutral, productivity growth in the tradable sector on the employment of creative people in each of a TCRE's two sectors. In both cases, the sign of the percentage change in the steady‐state use of creative capital in the nontradable sector is ambiguous. In other words, the potential departure of creative people from the tradable to the nontradable sector does not depend upon whether the faster productivity growth being studied is neutral or nonneutral. In addition, because the effects of faster productivity growth in the tradable sector are not necessarily innocuous, a potential role exists for activist policy designed to countermand the possibly negative effects of faster productivity growth on either the tradable or the nontradable sector. This finding of possible “uneven development” is consistent with Florida's view that TCREs can give rise to externalities such as uneven regional development.  相似文献   

This article assesses the impact of expanding oil revenues on non-oil sectors of the Nigerian economy from 1960 to 1985/6. Emphasis is placed on the effects of exchange rate appreciation during the 1970s on the agricultural, manufacturing and non-traded goods sectors. The analysis is conducted within a Dutch disease context. Two main conclusions are that the decline of Nigerian agriculture during these years can be attributed to a combination of low real producer prices and insufficient government investment, as well as the overvalued Nigerian naira; and that the high real exchange rate may have benefited the manufacturing sector.  相似文献   

A variety of approaches used in Soviet economic geography to define and measure the productive specialization of an economic region are reviewed. In the author's view, a regional activity qualifies as regional specialization if it helps shape the basic character of the regional economy. It is not sufficient for a regional activity merely to represent a major portion of a particular national sector of the economy. For example, the asbestos industry in the Urals represents the major portion of Soviet asbestos output, but asbestos does not shape the basic character of the Urals economy and is therefore not a principal specialization sector. Regional specialization derives from relationships among the various sectors of the regional economy, not from the significance of any particular commodity. A classification of economic sectors is proposed as an aid in analyzing the functioning of a regional economy: (1) the principal specialization sectors; (2) basic raw-material sectors; (3) associated sectors using the wastes and by-products of the principal sectors; (4) complementary specialization sectors, such as asbestos in the Urals; (5) auxiliary sectors, such as metallurgical fluxes for the iron and steel industry; (6) service sectors, including utilities, transportation, construction, trade; (7) local sectors, working for local consumption.  相似文献   

卢梦梦 《东南文化》2011,(5):119-122
当今时代,随着我国经济的快速发展,生活水平不断提高,人们已不再满足于物质生活,提高文化生活需求的呼声已越来越高。作为文化产业的重要部门,博物馆已逐渐强调其开放性与多样性,增加观众的参与和互动。将其与文化创意相融合已成为文化部门当下最主要的任务和挑战,从而使得博物馆对我国的发展起到更加多元化的社会作用。  相似文献   

本文以珠江三洲为研究区域,以顺德市北窑镇为实例,就乡镇工业发展对一个镇域地方经济产生的影响进行了研究。认为在一些乡镇工业部门的发展过程中,可以作为一个"增长极",通过前后项生产联系有效地带动地方农业和第三产业的增长,从而形成地方的多种经济活动空间集聚体。因此,地方政府在选择其经济增长极时需对其与其它经济部门的前后项生产联系作周密的考察。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Simple behavioral assumptions are incorporated into an accounting framework that provides linked budget and balance sheets for sectors of a regional economy. A short-run Keynesian-type model is developed where quantities rather than prices adjust, and where regional prices and interest rates are equal to national levels. The analysis highlights the importance of the financial services sector as an active factor in regional growth. Consumer deposit and debt preferences, and limitations imposed on credit extension by the financial services sector can have important effects on the regional economy as evidenced by changes in the export multiplier.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper expands the literature on agglomeration economies in three ways. It disentangles amenity and productivity effects of agglomeration; it decomposes aggregate scale effects into agglomeration factors of interest to policy makers; and it estimates own effects and spillovers to neighbors. It proposes a spatial simultaneous equations model in a spatial equilibrium framework with three agents—workers, consumers, and producers of traded‐goods and housing. Results for Ohio counties estimate economies resulting from population size, agglomeration causes, and public service quality and cost on each of the three agents in own and neighboring counties.  相似文献   

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