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天水放马滩1号秦墓出土的年代为战国时期的木板地图,可以提供重要的历史文化信息,对于中国古代地图史、测量学史和地理学研究的进步各有重要意义,从中我们也可以发现反映生态环境面貌的内容。放马滩地图突出显示"材"及其"大"中"小"以及是否已"刊"等,都应理解为林业史料。有关秦人先祖"养育草木"的历史记忆,说明林业在秦早期经济形式中也曾经具有相当重要的地位。关于某种"材"运程若干"里",以及如何"道最"等与运输方式有关的信息,乃至"闭"的设置等,均体现林区交通开发的记录和导引的图示。  相似文献   

关于构筑中国边疆学的断想   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
2001年初,我曾为《中国边疆史地研究》的笔谈专栏“面向21世纪的中国边疆研究”写过一篇专稿:《思考与行动——以边疆研究深化与边疆中心发展为中心》,在该的结尾我提出:“我们将努力用一种更为恢弘的化视野来挖掘和整理先辈边疆治理的遗产和前人的研究成  相似文献   

Historians and anthropologists are confronted with a persistent problem for which there is no clear solution: the conceptual tools which we use to attempt to understand cultures are themselves products of (often) the very cultures we are attempting to understand. Take “religion”. Boyarin ([2004]. “The Christian Invention of Judaism: The Theodosian Empire and the Rabbinic Refusal of Religion.” Representations 85: 21–57) has argued that the very concept of “religion” as we know it was a product of the fourth and fifth centuries, as bishops and emperors constructed Christianity as a religion (the true one, of course), and in counterdistinction constructed “Judaism” and “Hellenism” (or paganism) as “false” religions. For Boyarin, Judaism only becomes a “religion” when Christian authorities define it as one. The same could be said for the jumble of texts, beliefs and rituals that the English, upon arriving in India, lump together under the name “Hinduism”, which they turn into a religion. Building, defining and policing borders between confessional groups has been an important part of constructing identities—or visions of community—in various societies, in particular those ruled by Christians or Muslims, from the time of the fourth-century Christian Roman emperors. In this article, I examine how Christian and Muslim jurists of the fourth to eleventh centuries use law to define and police confessional boundaries, in particular how they attempt to limit interactions that could transgress or blur those boundaries: shared meals, sexual contact, syncretic practices.  相似文献   

As with many other ethnic groups in Africa, Senufo identity was the creation of the French colonial administration during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In spite of some similarities, those subgroups collectively named Senufo by the French do not share the same artistic and traditional forms and values. For example, while the Poro association and the art related to it are the core of the socio-religious organization of the central and southern Senufo, northern Senufo groups do not have Poro or its associated arts. Northern Senufo groups are invested in the Komo men’s society and its associated objects like their Mande-speaking neighbours. This is particularly true for the subgroup known as the Tagwa, which has a Komo male secret association. The Komo is a sacred mask society with great power and authority, inaccessible to the general public, women and non-circumcised males. This is the most important religious cult of the Tagwa, who have shaped the Komo for their own tradition and customs. This paper describes my experience as a researcher working on sensitive topics such as secrecy and sacred objects among my own people: the Tagwa of Burkina Faso.  相似文献   

Although the close association of word and image in medieval cartography is widely acknowledged, the significance of the relationship after the rediscovery of Ptolemy's Geography and throughout the Renaissance has been overlooked, despite Abraham Ortelius's choice of the term ‘Reader’ for users of the Theatrum orbis terrarum (1570). In this paper, the map of the world, which (as in Ptolemy's Geography) opens Ortelius's Theatrum, is analysed to show how Ortelius's concept of space was very different from Ptolemy's. Attention is drawn to the content of the texts on the map, to Ortelius's notion of geography as the eye of history, and to the importance in the Renaissance of the emblem as a conceit, or device, in the system of acquisition and transmission of knowledge. As in emblems, the words on Ortelius's map are not there to explain or to comment on what is seen but to give the image meaning; the purpose of the map is to invite contemplation of God's world. The map is contradictory, however; for Ortelius's accurate and up‐to‐date presentation of the physical world is qualified by a verbal statement that the world is ‘nothing’, a mere pinpoint in the immensity of the universe. It is concluded that Ortelius was not a geographer in the same way Ptolemy was, and that Ortelius was using geography as a philosopher and his world map as an illustration of his moral and religious thinking.  相似文献   

Gathering digital data is a twenty-first-century research concern. Working in the previously undocumented region of the Eastern Cape’s former 'Transkei' homeland presents several data collection opportunities and obstacles. Local community collectives can vastly enhance the data collection process, aiding in administration, field walking, translation and—as trained archaeologists—excavation and rock art documentation. In the last 7 years, the Matatiele Archaeology Rock Art (MARA) team has discovered over 240 archaeological sites, the vast majority of which contain rock art. The principal investigator (PI), postdoctoral fellows, technical skills specialists and students have all engaged with, helped train and benefitted from field technicians chosen by the local communities to work with us. With their help, we have undertaken excavations and taken thousands of documentary photographs. We have documented oral traditions and the indigenous knowledge of local healers, all of which research is produced, and stored, digitally and requires preservation in perpetuity. The present contribution outlines some of the many and varied ways in which this programme has undertaken these tasks, in the endeavour to redress the imbalance in this region’s history.  相似文献   

英国皇家地理学会收藏的一张开埠早期上海英租界的地图没有标注绘制时间。一种观点认为,该地图绘制于1846—1847年,另一种认为绘制于1844—1847年。两种观点均属推测。根据地图上的信息,结合当时英租界的测绘情况,可以推出该地图大致绘制于1846年10月1—19日。该地图为目前所见近代上海英租界最早的一幅城市地图,为早期上海英租界城市发展史提供了有力证据,并弥补了《上海道契》记载的不足,具有十分重要的史料价值。  相似文献   

朱志浩 《攀登》2011,30(4):39-44
重视学习、勤于学习、善于学习是中国共产党的一大优良传统,也是党的事业兴旺发达的一条重要经验。回顾90年来中国共产党建设马克思主义学习型政党的历程,可以总结出许多宝贵经验。90年来,中国共产党通过明晰学习目的、健全学习制度、丰富学习内容、创新学习方法、营造学习环境、拓宽学习途径、搭建学习平台等方式方法,极大地推进了马克思主义学习型政党建设。  相似文献   

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory - During the age of sail-powered ships, the maritime trade networks of Southeast Asia were highly cyclical in nature due to the biannually switching wind...  相似文献   

This article provides an analytical framework in which to understand the new approach to the Israel–Palestine conflict that has been developing over the last two years. It discusses this new agenda: how it operates, and what arenas it operates in. It looks at the ways this new approach is being implemented through various processes and common understandings by the officials, experts, diplomats, and academics who make up the international community involved in the Middle East Peace Process.  相似文献   

继中共十六大提出和谐社会新概念后,中共十六届六中全会又在党的历史上首次将“和谐”与“富强民主文明”联系起来,提出要“建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家”,并明确指出“构建社会主义和谐社会是一个不断化解社会矛盾的持续过程”(《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,人民出版社2006年版,第4页)。构建社会主义和谐社会这一战略目标的提出和对这一目标本质的认识,是我党深入总结历史经验、全面分析  相似文献   

This paper examines the Roman boat, buried beneath Guys Hospital in London, UK. A small part was discovered in 1958, and has been carefully left free of disturbance since that date. In 2009, a proposal was made to construct a 14-storey building above the boat; clearly raising challenges for preservation, not to mention the philosophy of burying or excavating and entire ancient monument. A trial pit was opened to see if any remains of the boat survived and uncovered well-preserved timber planks and nails preserved five metres below ground level. Consequently, archaeologists worked closely with the entire design team, determined that more was required than the usual scheme of preserving and monitoring the boat. A legal agreement was secured, making this one of the few projects in the world to have a clearly structured and enforceable plan, if the monitoring data show demonstrable deterioration.  相似文献   

苏多杰 《攀登》2010,29(2):86-91
调查数据显示,我国区域发展政策、战略实施所产生的效应是明显的,它培育了经济发展的重点区域,促进了欠发达地区的发展。区域发展增速差距趋于缩小,和谐社会建设取得了不小的成绩,但也存在不少影响社会和谐的矛盾和问题,如何将社会资源在空间上进行有效的配置,合理组织东西部区域协调发展,是构建和谐社会的重大战略任务。  相似文献   

马大正研究员的新著《中国边疆研究论稿》(以下简称《论稿》),已由黑龙江教育社出版。这是大正研究中国边疆问题的系列成果之一。他不仅具体研究古近代直至当代的中国边疆问题,也从理论上探索并构建中国边疆学的学术框架。《论稿》实则是对中国边疆学的一次重要的科学实践,代表了国内边疆学研究最新的学术水平,具有开创的意义。  相似文献   

Residual spatial autocorrelation is a situation frequently encountered in regression analysis of spatial data. The statistical problems arising due to this phenomenon are well‐understood. Original developments in the field of statistical analysis of spatial data were meant to detect spatial pattern, in order to assess whether corrective measures were required. An early development was the use of residual autocorrelation as an exploratory tool to improve regression analysis of spatial data. In this note, we propose the use of spatial filtering and exploratory data analysis as a way to identify omitted but potentially relevant independent variables. We use an example of blood donation patterns in Toronto, Canada, to demonstrate the proposed approach. In particular, we show how an initial filter used to rectify autocorrelation problems can be progressively replaced by substantive variables. In the present case, the variables so retrieved reveal the impact of urban form, travel habits, and demographic and socio‐economic attributes on donation rates. The approach is particularly appealing for model formulations that do not easily accommodate positive spatial autocorrelation, but should be of interest as well for the case of continuous variables in linear regression.  相似文献   

乾隆帝在位期间。曾下令编纂并亲自审定出版了《西域同文志》和《西域图志》两部巨著。他还写了《西域地名考证叙概》和《阳关考》两文。乾隆帝还曾派官员新疆实地测量。编绘了《乾隆内府铜版地图》。成为当时我国最完整的疆域地图。也是世界上最完整的亚洲大地图。在乾隆帝重视新疆地名研究和编写全图地图的影响下。促成了西北舆地学的形成。  相似文献   

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