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The activity of China Guangcai Program in Tibet, jointly organized by China Guangcai Society and the government of Tibet Autonomous Region, was held in Lhasa from August 4 to 5, 2013. More than 600 enterprises from 30 provinces all over the country took part in the activity. o During the activity, 229 contracts were signed with a total investment of 361.31 billion Yuan. China Guangcai Founda tion donated 18 million Yuan for the construction of Senior's House in Chushur County. China Minsheng Bank donated 40 million Yuan in the next four years for the treatment of children with congenital heart disease in Tibet. Qizheng Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd donated 11 million Yuan to build a cultural institute in Lhundrup County and two Tibetan clinics respectively in Nagqu and Nyingchi.  相似文献   

正The photo exhibition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Qinghai-Tibet railway open to traffic was held in Beijing from July 1 st to 16th.Sponsored by China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited,the exhibition collected more than 300 photos and painting works,showing the construction achievement of the Qinghai-Tibet railway and the social and economic development it brings to the snowy plateau.  相似文献   

On 13th of July,2007,the new campus of Tibet University was built and put into operation.The campus maintenance and expansion project of the university was setup on Nov.8,2004 with total investment of 540 million Yuan.Expansion area in this project covers 135 thousand sq.meters.In this project,the new campus which could accommodation with 4350 students is funded with 480 million Yuan and covers the area of 120 thousand sq.meters.  相似文献   

Nagqu City,with an average elevation around 4,500 meters above sea level,can most certainly be said a "high"land.Generation after generation has stepped upon the frozen soilhere,marveled at the snow-capped peaks,and taken the brutal climate and lack of oxygen head-on.Today,though,a new and previously unwritten chapter is being written.Never before has there been sucha prosperous economy spread throughout the land;never has the ecology been more harmonious;and never have the local people been provided with such happy and peaceful living.  相似文献   

On 13th of July,2007,the new campus of Tibet University was built and put into operation.The campus maintenance and expansion project of the university was setup on Nov.8,2004 with total investment of 540 million Yuan.Expansion area in this project covers 135 thousand sq.meters.In this project,the new campus which could accommodation with 4350 students is funded with 480 million Yuan and covers the area of 120 thousand sq.meters.  相似文献   

In Tibet today, visitorsfrom the West arenumerous in number.Many of them haveblonde hair and have actuallybecome"scenic spots"in theremote city, tucked away onthe"roof of the world."Veryoften,they love to visit the  相似文献   


The handicrafts of ethnic groups embody their culture and aesthetics. The workmanship not only reflects the developmental situation of the local crafts industry, but  相似文献   

正On January 28th, a series of religious ceremonies to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the pass away of the 10th Panchen Lama were held respectively in the Guangji Temple,the Xihuang Monastery, and the Yonghegong Lamasery in Beijing, the Jokhang Temple of Lhasa and the Tashilhunpo Monastery of Shigatse in the Tibet Autonomous Region and the Kumbum  相似文献   

The Qomolongma Cultural Festival, held from August 26 to September 1,2001 in Xigaze, was a grand gathering. Complete with a theatrical performance, tour, commodities fair and trade talks, it displayed the progress Xigaze Prefecture has had made in the past 50 years, especially during the ongoing reform and opening program.  相似文献   

EDITOR'SNOTE:AccordngtothePRCStateCommissionforBewControl,"Chinaenforcesabedcontrolpolicyevenamongtheethnicminorthes,butpeoPletherecanhavemorechildrenthanintheHanareas.Inethnicminortyareasinremot6regions,womencanhavemorethan3chiden.ForfarmersandherdersintheTibetAutonomousRegion,thereisnorestric-tionwithregardtobirths." ItwasreportedoverseasthatTibetispressinqaheadwiththebirthcontrolpolicyenforcedhytheChineseGovern-mentiallegedIV,womenwhohavealreadyhadtWochiIdrenareforcedtoabortwhen…  相似文献   

When I first saw a Mani stone mound fromafar, it impressed me as a Tibetan mansitting in mediation. Piled up with stonescarved with images of Buddha and sutralines, it is surrounded by fluttering, colorful sutrastreamers.l thought of pilgrims who prostrated themselves allalong the way to their goal. From the fluttering sutrastreamers above that Mani stone mound came thechanting of the Six syllable Charm:Om Mani PadmeHum!!!!!!!Blanched by wind and rain, the Mani stone moundhas turned a dul…  相似文献   

黑颈鹤,是唯一生活在高原上的鹤类,曾经是我国的特有物种.近些年,由于环境、气候等原因,有部分黑颈鹤在尼泊尔、不丹等国被发现. 历史上,在交通尚不发达、信息较为闭塞的我国西部地区,春日里从天而降、秋日里无影无踪的黑颈鹤,让藏族同胞充满好奇.同样,黑颈鹤的这种"青藏高原繁育、云贵高原越冬"的迁徙习性,也给越冬地——云贵高原的人们描绘了许多神秘色彩.有关黑颈鹤的传说,在云南、四川、青海、西藏,有各种版本的故事.  相似文献   

Tangka (a Tibetan word meaning"silk, satin or cloth painting scroll")have been in vogue in Tibet for centuries, but no one knows when andwhere they evolved. Archaeologistswho found pottery bearing patternsin the Karub Site dating back some5,000 years came to the conclusionthey were the embryo of the Tibetanpainting art.FRESCOES. In Tibetan, "tang"means "unfolding" or "displaying".Tangka is created with the intentionof showing the painting art to thepublic. This shows the importance offre…  相似文献   

InJuly1957,thereactionary"fourriversandsixmountainranges"movementdemandedthe14thDalaiLamaexerciseruleoverallTibetanareasinChina.Rightatterthat,ringleadersofthemovementgatheredinZhegutang,Shannan,organizingrebeltroopscalledthe"religionprotectionarmy"whichstagedharassingactivitiesinareasoutsideLhasa.InDecember1958,therebelarmyseizedallweaponsandmunitionsinNamlingandplottedtomovethe14thDalaiLamatoanewareaandchallengethePLAtroopsStationedinLhasa.OnMarch10,1959,takingadvantageofthe14thDalai…  相似文献   

<正>龙武镇地处云南省石屏县北部山区,主要居住着彝、汉、哈尼等民族,这里以欢快的民族民间歌舞和精美的民族手工刺绣、服饰和剪纸艺术而著称。每年逢农历正月十六后的第一个街天,小镇的人们都要自发地举行迎春会活动,活动中最精彩的当数踩高跷了。  相似文献   

阿瑜  吕静波 《旅游纵览》2009,(11):74-79
<正>昆明天湖岛,地处中国西南边陲城市昆明东70公里处,由于过去信息相对闭塞,交通不便,"养在深闺人未识",是几年前这里留给世人的遗憾。可如今,当吕静波老师踏上这块被称作是"云南省最大的世界级生态旅游度假村"的神秘土地时,她被震撼了——这里有摄影家一生都拍不完的风景!  相似文献   

<正>In the vast rural areas of Tibet there are many simple religious shrines.Though these sites are not as splendid and their Buddha statues are not as elaborate...  相似文献   

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