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Summary. Recent writers here, on routes by sea to ancient Britain, have revived the quest for Ictis, recorded as a port for the trade in its tin. Apart from Caesar's De Bello Gallico, nearly all the relevant sources are in Greek, and one of the few in Latin is from previous Greek. The relevant archaeology, marine technology and natural sciences, should still be advantaged by attention to these texts, in their wording and their contexts and chronology. They comprise three groups: Pytheas and Timaeus, before and after 300 BC, Polybius and Posidonius, before and after 100, Diodorus in the middle first century and Strabo near its end. Pliny, after the middle first century AD, quotes Timaeus. Each of the three groups throws light on the trade, Diodorus almost certainly, and nearly always Strabo, reflecting what had been shed by writers before them. It is Diodorus, expected here to be using Posidonius, who tells us of Ictis. But the various dates of the evidence altogether, when compared with the archaeological and scientific findings, let routes for the trade be distinguished not only in geography, but also in the chronology of their use. This essay takes account of all relevant work done hitherto, but advances beyond it wherever this is seen to be feasible. It disentangles the location of Ictis from persistent error, though doing so cannot yet fix it with final probability; but putting all the ancient sources for the trade to a critical scrutiny, with exact translations, enhances their accord with archaeology.  相似文献   

It seems possible to formulate broad characterizations of the British and European policy processes in terms of the relationship between government and interest groups. There is a preferred type of machinery in Britain, reflecting normative values, which is to avoid electoral politics and public conflict in order to reach consensus or “accommodation” in the labyrinth of consultative machinery. This style is aptly labelled “bureaucratic accommodation” and is a system in which the dominant actors are groups and government departments. Departments readily recognize the “relevant” groups in a given policy area and seek to mobilize the community around agreed policies. The predilection for the avoidance of conflict seems equally apparent in other Western European nations.  相似文献   

Summary. The famous sword exhibited in the British Museum is to date still the sole example known of the Sea People's weapons. Although its archaeological context is not known and its dating is purely typological, it is still accepted among scholars as a Shardanian weapon also used by the Philistines, from Beth-Dagon, near Jaffa. The aim of this article is to examine these 'facts' in the light of a combined typological and technological study.  相似文献   

田田 《世界》2011,(10):202-207
尽管只有100多年历史,柯达胶卷的出现却彻底改变了旅行者的世界。眼前的美丽风光在小小一片的啡色塑片里凝固甚至升华,  相似文献   

乡村旅游发展与西部城镇化的互动关系初探   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
西部大开发,旅游业是重点,城镇化建设也是重点。乡村旅游是旅游业的新分支,也是西部旅游开发的重要方面。本文界定了乡村旅游的内涵,并在分析西部乡村旅游资源和西部城镇化进程的基础上,对乡村旅游发展与城镇化的关系进行了研究,认为乡村旅游的开展促进了西部城镇化的进程,而西部城镇化的进程又为发展乡村旅游开拓了空间,二者之间是作用与反作用的互动关系。为了保持性村旅游于西部城镇化良性关系的协调发展,作者提出了促进二者良性互动的建议。  相似文献   

火车站及其周边地区空间结构国内外研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张凯  曹小曙 《人文地理》2007,22(6):6-10
工业化背景下,世界铁路运输发展迅速,各种大型火车站在城市迅速崛起,以火车站为中心的城市次中心区域逐渐形成,对火车站的区域影响研究日益引起国内外城市和交通学界的重视。文章首先总结了当前火车站与周边环境关系研究的主要方向和动向,并对国外学者关于火车站地区的土地利用和空间结构、火车站与地区经济发展以及火车站对周边地区的社会影响等研究的主要观点作了较详细的介绍和综述。接着概括和分析了国内学者在火车站与周边环境关系研究的主要方面和内容。最后,针对我国的火车站地区建设和发展提出一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

<正>In 1952,my father,Xia Chuan,followed the march of the 18th Corps of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) into Tibet where he developed a deep friendship with t...  相似文献   

Summary. This article discusses the problem of how to relate a special grave construction to a particular settlement site. An example from the West Swedish Bronze Age is presented to pinpoint the difficulties of the chronological criteria and the drawbacks of using 'nearness' as a criterion.
The idea presented is that a relationship between a grave monument and a settlement site may be reflected in areas where the building material, the stones, were picked up. Such areas can be demonstrated in a test example from West Sweden, which showed that, under special circumstances, such a link may be valuable for solving the problem of how to relate a cairn to a settlement site.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT There is a strong connection between per‐worker productivity and metropolitan area population, which is commonly interpreted as evidence for the existence of agglomeration economies. This correlation is particularly strong in cities with higher levels of skill and virtually nonexistent in less skilled metropolitan areas. This fact is particularly compatible with the view that urban density is important because proximity spreads knowledge, which either makes workers more skilled or entrepreneurs more productive. Bigger cities certainly attract more skilled workers, and there is some evidence suggesting that human capital accumulates more quickly in urban areas.  相似文献   

中国传统文化与环境保护关系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马玫 《人文地理》1995,10(2):62-66
加强环境保护是世界各国面临的一项迫切任务。中国传统文化中"天人合一"的观点促进了环境的保护,但"多子多福"、"不孝有三、无后为大"等观念又强烈统治着人们的思想,人口的膨胀导致人们不得不以牺牲环境为代价来满足生活的基本需求。因此,正确认识和评价传统文化对环境保护正反两方面的影响,吸收古文化的精髓,剔除糟粕,对我国环境保护的改善有重要意义。  相似文献   

正Lhari County is situated in a special part of Nagqu in the Tibet Autonomous Region. People living in the valley of southern Tibet often refer to it as north Lhari, and it is recognized as part of the area where north Tibetan culture continues to prevail. Nevertheless, the people of Nagqu itself like to call it south Lhari and believe it to be the place with the best  相似文献   

Government control of colleges and universities has been increasing in recent years. The challenge for higher education is how to make institutions properly accountable but less controlled by government. The experience in this regard in the United Kingdom and the United States is compared. The danger in both nations is that left unchecked, control will leave universities resembling regulated public utilities. American and British academics can learn from each other on how to avoid such a fate.  相似文献   

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