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O. WERNER  F. WILLETT 《Archaeometry》1975,17(2):141-156
Brass alloys from Ife are compared with a selection of brasses from Benin. Four sources of mixed zinc and lead ore were used in Ife. In Benin lead and copper from different sources were added to these four alloys, which may represent the melting down of older castings. Comparisons are made with analyses from Europe and other parts of Africa.  相似文献   

文本、冲突与展演视角下的西方记忆地理研究评述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄维  梁璐  李凡 《人文地理》2016,31(4):17-25
本文尝试从文本、冲突与展演视角评述近年来西方人文地理学领域发表的记忆研究论文,研究发现,尽管研究议题趋于多样化,但都表达对记忆政治性、叙事本质以及展演性的关注,具体表现在对纪念景观空间叙事的文本政治学分析,大尺度记忆场域中的记忆构建主体多元化、空间占有与反抗以及记忆创伤等记忆政治议题,个体记忆如何被身体贮存、携带甚至时空迁移并通过身体实践而被再次激活等方面。在社会转型时期城市空间与人口结构剧烈变化背景下,如何借鉴与应用西方记忆地理学相关理论,更深入地剖析具有本土特色的案例素材,应成为我国记忆地理学未来发展方向。  相似文献   

'Mediterranean polyculture'(the systematic exploitation of olives and vines in addition to cereals from the beginning of the Bronze Age) has been considered as one of the main factors which led to the development of palatial institutions in Bronze Age Crete and mainland Greece. This paper reviews all the available, direct archaeological evidence for olive and vine exploitation and oil and wine production and use from Bronze Age Crete (microbotanical, macrobotanical, artefactual, epigraphic), discussing at the same time their taphonomic, analytical and interpretative problems. It is suggested that, at present, there is no reliable direct archaeological evidence to substantiate the 'Mediterranean polyculture'model. More significantly, research on wine and oil, if disconnected from the discourse of subsistence and the cultural-evolutionary models such as that of subsistence-redistribution and viewed within the framework of the anthropology of consumption, can more fruitfully illuminate important issues related to the dialects of power such as establishment and legitimation of authority, exploitation of labour and factional competition.  相似文献   

Oswald's thesis posits that homeowners should have longer unemployment spells than renters due to restricted mobility, but repeatedly the reverse is found. I contribute to solve this puzzle analyzing both job search intensity and unemployment duration. First, I show that homeowner's mobility constraints have a negative impact on search. Theoretically, it is shown in a search model with moving costs. Using U.K. Labour Force Survey (LFS) data, it is confirmed when considering outright owners, while leveraged owners have the highest search. Second, I find evidence that homeowners select search methods associated with shorter unemployment spells, suggesting that they search more efficiently.  相似文献   

Many accounts of the Caroline Islands have called the people in them non-violent. This paper uses early ethnographies, more recent ethnohistories, and new recollections on the part of the people of Ifaluk to reconstruct the extent of conflict on Caroline Islands and between them. Culture on Ifaluk in precontact times, and even in recent times, was violent in many respects. The evidence presented here contradicts several earlier arguments, among them: that the balance in the tribute relationship with Yap favoured outer islanders; that the balance in the tribute relationship between Ifaluk chiefs and commoners favoured commoners; and that sorcery and aggression were rare or absent on Ifaluk. Legends of wars between Ifaluk and other islands are also retold.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  An example in Miernyk (1977) presented a rather counterintuitive result, namely, that introducing accurate exogenous information into an RAS matrix estimating procedure could lead to an estimate that was worse than one generated by RAS using no exogenous information at all. This became an oft-cited black mark against RAS. Miller and Blair (1985) included a different (and small) illustration of the same possibility. It was recently pointed out by one of us that the Miller–Blair numerical results are wrong. For that reason, we decided to reexamine all the empirical evidence we could find on the subject. While figures in both Miernyk and Miller–Blair appear to be wrong, more recent published examples seem to have it right. In short, it is possible to identify examples in which additional (correct) information leads to poorer RAS estimates, at least under several fairly common metrics for comparing "closeness" of matrices. However, the overwhelming majority of the evidence is to the contrary. As a general rule, introduction of accurate exogenous information into RAS improves the resulting estimates, and counterexamples should probably not be taken too seriously.  相似文献   

Until recently it has been commonly assumed that the Roman army made relatively little use of pre-exising fortifications such as hillforts and oppida. The accumulation of evidence over the past twent years suggests that this view is to be modified. The informastion now available from Gaul, Germany and especially from southern Britain indicates that military use of prehistoric strongholds was widespread and probably far from rare, notably in he early phases of occupation. Such use might reflect political control in the case of large oppida like the Titelberg, Camulodunum and perhaps Maiden Castle, or the securing of supplies, or possibly on occasion the use of native levies.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper examines the detailed condition of 55 Early Bronze Age daggers from central southern England. It appears that the more elaborate weapons had remained in circulation for a longer period than other examples.  相似文献   

就业稳定性是影响城市外来人口工作生活状况和市民化意愿的重要因素之一。本文利用大样本调查数据,分析了城市外来务工人员就业稳定性的基本特征和影响因素。研究发现:外来务工者工作变更频繁、首份工作持续时间短,劳动合同签订率普遍不高且期限短;外来务工人员中非农户籍群体稳定性略强;年龄、婚姻、受教育情况、社会阅历、老家关系、工资差异、劳动合同等因素对务工人员就业稳定性有显著影响;1978-2009年不同时期进城的务工人员工作稳定性具有波动性,但近年来稳定性有提高的趋势;就业稳定性的地域特征有一定差异性。2006年以来,个人阅历、职业培训、社会网络、劳动合同等因素的影响作用有所增强。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper concerns the nature and extent of error introduced to regional input-output multipliers by errors associated with the estimation of regional purchase coefficients (rpc's). Using the Washington State input-output model and computer simulations, estimates of multiplier error are generated for two distinct sources of rpc error. The results indicate that multiplier error from both rpc sources may be significant and support the findings of previous studies which highlight the importance of error introduced to the household purchases column for multiplier accuracy.  相似文献   

New evidence is reported here using transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and laser reflectance for the nature of the black glossy decoration layer present on the Attic black or red figure vases of the sixth to fourth century BC. The black layer, of total thickness about 20 μm, consists mainly of poly crystalline magnetite (Fe3O4) particles of dimensions from 0.2 μm down to extremely fine sizes embodied in an amorphous vitreous matrix. On the outer surface of the black paint we discovered for the first time a thin clear glassy film of approximate thickness 0.1 μm which is rich in Al and Fe and poor in Si. This film must be responsible for the characteristic sheen of the surface. This is verified with the reflection of laser light mostly in specular direction, a unique property compared with black paints of other areas and other periods.  相似文献   

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