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苏瓦始建于1880年,是斐济的首都,全国最大工业城市和主要港口,面积约20平方公里,人口约7.7万人。苏瓦三面环水,一面靠山,市中心靠海。市内主要是低层的热带建筑,和谐而美丽。街道两旁高大的椰子树、面包果树、芒果树在海风的轻拂下迎风摇曳,扶疏成荫。块块草坪,犹如碧毯,住宅四周鲜花争妍,整个城市犹如富有热带风光的公园。  相似文献   

也许,能开辟出美好天地的人本身就富有诗意。傍晚,索尼部长身着比上午更动人的印度晚装出现在晚会上,带头展示印度服装的美丽。她优雅的晚会致辞脱离备稿,像一朵祥云携来的诗句,完全贴近着两国人民的感情。  相似文献   

This article weaves together analyses of three recent books which, despite their being compiled primarily by scholars outside of the discipline of anthropology, make theoretical and methodological contributions useful to the anthropology of festivals and ritual, both religious and secular. These works demonstrate that spectacle has been ritualized into festive practices of modernity and identity in multiple places, times, and cultural contexts. Greater attention to how this works from a general anthropological perspective is needed.  相似文献   

In the autumn months of 1992 a small team conducted an archaeological survey in southwest Yemen in search of Pleistocene sites dating back to the early colonisation of the Arabian peninsula. The survey focused on those escarpments and terraces with exposed Pleistocene sediments. The team discovered thirty-seven sites, most of them multicomponent, with sixteen having a pebble-tool industry called Mode 1 and twenty-seven with a bifacial industry called Mode 2. Both industries were represented side by side on some sites. These thirty-seven sites, together with others found in northern Arabia and eastern Yemen, contribute to the growing recognition of a Pleistocene occupation of the Arabian peninsula.  相似文献   

In 1984 a Franco-Yemeni Mission excavating a part of the necropolis of Hajar am-Dhaybiyya (Governate of Shabwa, Yemen), unearthed several tombs with a rich inventory. The high quality of silver craftmanship of these objects suggested that the Wâdî Dura'was potentially interesting. Some years later a Franco-American expedition, directed both by J.-F. Breton and D.W. Warburton, started a trench on the mound of Hajar am-Dhaybiyya. A 40 metre-long trench was opened during the first two seasons (1992 and 1993) which revealed an architectural sequence of four main levels. Level IV was dominated by a large'Maison principale'connected with a stone Glacis, dated to the first centuries AD. Level V showed'maisons basses'and earlier structures. For the first time in this area, the trench shows definitively that the principal buildings of the settlement form a nearly continuous defensive line crowning the top of the tell, and that it follows an earlier line.  相似文献   

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