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<正>广袤的国土上,有人类文明起,就有许多心灵感昭大自然的方式。有的山水诗,让人不看景心就醉了;有的地域称谓,让人一听名心就动了。山西省长治市沁县,正是一个这样的地方——寻着县、乡、村的名字走,就会爱上这个把三点水放在心畔的诗意王国。  相似文献   

王巨  沁水 《旅游纵览》2008,(8):8-11
"水城"作为沁县经营特色城市、打造和谐社会的发展思路,究竟与旅游有哪些关系、旅游又会怎样推动"水城"目标的实现?沁县县委书记田志明接受了我们的采访。如下对话是我们推介沁县旅游系列中的"插曲",也是沁县给中国北京奥运月凉爽爽的献礼。  相似文献   

东固革命根据地素有"李文林式"的"东井冈山"称誉,土地革命战争时期,在经济建设方面进行了大胆探索、创新,为东固革命根据地的巩固与发展打下了坚实的物资基础,也为赣西南及中央苏区的各项建设提供了丰富的历史经验。  相似文献   

在全面建设小康社会过程中,解决“三农”问题是关键。立足青海省农牧区的实际情况,理清农村、牧区全 面建设小康社会的基本思路,对于全面建设青海小康社会具有至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

率队南下考察 1984年初,我从华中农学院调到湖北省社会科学院,并兼省委财经领导小组顾问。 湖北省社会科学院是湖北省社会科学的最高学术研究机构.是中共湖北省委、省人民政府领导的,省委宣传部主管的省直属事业单位。社科院的工作是从湖北省经济社会发展的实际出发,研究物质文明、精神文明等社会建设中迫切需要解决的问题,为省委、省政府决策服务,为社会主义现代化建设服务。  相似文献   

当前我国社会发展进程中,坚持科学发展观和“以经济建设为中心”这两项决策无疑是正确的。科学发展观坚持以人为本,强调全面、协调、可持续的发展;“以经济建设为中心”侧重于经济建设在社会发展中的特殊地位。不可否认,二者存在有明显差异,但其本质是一致的,二者关系的实质是发展中的“两点论”和“重点论”的内在统一。正确处理和协调好二者的关系,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

1964年到1980年的16年间,在中国西部13个省、自治区实施的三线建设,投资2052.68亿元人民币,建成星罗棋布的大中型项目1100多个。三线建设,使新中国有了安全的战略后方,为西部地区的经济、社会发展与进步奠定了基础,增强了国防实力、改善了工业布局。三线建设堪称新中国历史上空前的建设规模,它凝聚了以毛  相似文献   

思语 《文史春秋》2008,(12):1-1
今年12月11日,是广西壮族自治区成立50周年纪念日。五十载春华秋实,广西的发展取得了巨大成就,我们在关注广西各方面建设成果的同时,一定不要忽视广西文化建设所取得的喜人成果。众所周知,文化是软实力,对于推动经济社会发展起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的发展,一些经济欠发达地区的新农村建设步伐也在加快。在这些地区的新农村建设中,如何对所在区域的文化遗产进行有效的保护,在传承历史文明的同时提升其底蕴、内涵,进而形成现实生产力,促进这些地区经济的发展,这是值得文化工作者、文博工作者认真研究的课题。本文拟就这方面问题作一些思考。  相似文献   

韩春平 《敦煌学辑刊》2011,3(3):177-183
由甘肃省文物局、敦煌研究院、国家古代壁画保护工程技术研究中心联合主办,敦煌研究院数字中心和古代壁画保护国家文物局重点科研基地共同承办的"2011敦煌论坛:文化遗产与数字化国际学术研讨会"于2011年8月19-22日在敦煌研究院召开。敦煌研究院院长樊锦诗和甘肃省文物局局长杨惠福出席开幕式并发表讲话。来自美国、  相似文献   

<正>由《旅游纵览》杂志社和国际旅游摄影俱乐部共同组织的中国西部摄影采访团8月20日从秦皇岛启程,前往我国西南和西北边疆地区,进行为期一个半月的摄影采访活动。采访团由摄影家和  相似文献   

A growing recognition of the vital role that built space plays in social reproduction has created a need for analytical methods and interpretive frameworks with which to investigate this relationship in archaeological datasets. I address this by developing an integrative approach that emphasizes the role of the built environment as the context for interactions through which social structures are created, transformed and reproduced. This approach uses access analysis to examine how buildings structure patterns of movement and encounter that allow social actors to engage in or avoid particular forms of interaction. With its focus on the topological properties of built space, however, access analysis does not take adequate account of a building’s symbolic aspects, especially architectural characteristics and furnishings that social actors mobilize in the creation of meaningful contexts for interaction. I therefore integrate access analysis with an examination of how built environments encode meanings and nonverbally communicate them to inhabitants and visitors, potentially influencing their actions and interactions. The integrative approach allows determination of probable contexts for various types of social interactions during which social identities could be displayed, negotiated and reified. I conclude by demonstrating the potential of this approach with an analysis of the monumental Ashlar Building from the Late Bronze Age (c. 1650–1100 BC) site of Enkomi, Cyprus.  相似文献   

本文对藏于内蒙古赤峰市博物馆的一份蒙文档案<理藩院行文>进行了汉译和考订,并据此对清代"备指额驸"制度形成时间进行了分析,认为应该是乾隆二年.  相似文献   

刘鹏  紫云 《旅游纵览》2008,(3):26-28
<正>作为北方人,我对于雪并不陌生。打小就是在雪里头滚过来的嘛。记得小时候,嗖嗖的西北风把雪踅得一人多高,上面还有一层硬盖。我就在那上面打过滚的。后些年来,全球气候变暖,冬天也不那么冷了,雪也好像是减少了许多。  相似文献   

Contemporary historiographical ideas have the potential to enrich the history written by practicing neurologists. Neurology is a science, and historians of neurology might profit from considering the experiences of historians of other sciences. An explicit consideration of the range of possible objectives, justifications, sources and methods of historical research may open new and exciting avenues of inquiry. Any plausible answer to the question, “What does a historian do when he or she sits down to write history” helps an historian to develop the structure of his or her project. The selection of sources for a historical study is improved, if also expanded, by understanding its aims.  相似文献   

金海燕 《满族研究》2006,(1):127-128
《满族研究》杂志创刊于1985年5月,如今已走过整整20个年头。2005年12月13日,辽宁省民族研究所在沈阳市召开《满族研究》杂志创刊20周年纪念座谈会,来自北京、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁等地的有关领导和专家学者共40余人出席会议。会议由辽宁省民族研究所所长、《满族研究》杂志主编张佳生主持。原辽宁省副省长、辽宁省人大副主任陈素芝,原辽宁省人大副主任、现辽宁省作家协会主席王充闾出席会议并讲话,向《满族研究》杂志创刊20周年表示祝贺。他们指出,20年来,《满族研究》杂志紧扣时代发展的脉搏,坚持为社会主义服务的舆论导向,紧紧围绕为民族工…  相似文献   

From February 5-25 this year, Chinese Tibetologists visited Canada, the United States andMexico. I was one of them.MEETING TIBETAN COMPATRIOTS IN CALGARYWe left Beijing for Calgary on the afternoon of February 5, but arrived in the Canadian city at noon of thesame day. We told ourselves we have flown from todayto yesterday.Soon after reaching our hotel, we were invited tomeet Tibetan compatriots. Some of them were thosewho left Tibet around 1959, and some others wereborn ab…  相似文献   


The highest number of German scholars and physicians, forced by the National Socialist regime to emigrate for “race” or political reasons, were from Berlin. Language and medical exams were requested differently in their new host country—the United States—leading to a concentration of immigrants in the New York and Boston areas. Very early Emergency Committees in Aid of German Scholars and Physicians were established. Undergraduate students (like F. A. Freyhan, H. Lehmann, and H.-L. Teuber) from Berlin seemed to integrate easily, in contrast to colleagues of more advanced age. Some of the former chiefs and senior assistants of Berlin’s neurological departments could achieve a successful resettlement (C. E. Benda, E. Haase, C. F. List, and F. Quadfasel) and some a minor degree of success (F. H. Lewy and K. Goldstein). A group of neuropsychiatrists from Bonhoeffer’s staff at the Berlin Charité Hospital could rely on the forceful intercession of their former chief. The impact of the émigré colleagues on North American neuroscience is traced in some cases. Apart from the influential field of psychoanalysis, a more diffuse infiltration of German and European neuropsychiatry may be assumed. The contribution to the postwar blossoming of neuropsychology by the émigré neuroscientists K. Goldstein, F. Quadfasel, and H.-L. Teuber is demonstrated in this article.  相似文献   

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