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今天,由经济和信息通讯所带来的全球化的范围和深度是前所未有的。全球化具有把各个社会向一个方向归并的倾向,但其结果却不会把各个社会汇聚一处,因为尽管各种文化之间会相互融合,但各个社会的文化发展是按照平行线的方向独立进行的。全球化的发展会给每个地区带来地域经济的新变化,所以,创造地域独立性与传统价值观相协调的新文化,是今天所有国家共同面对的任务。  相似文献   

大陆居民赴台旅游影响研究——基于台湾居民感知的视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
两岸直航开通促使两岸往来更加密切,开放大陆居民赴台旅游使前往台湾的游客日益增多,这是台湾旅游发展历程中的一个重要里程碑。本文以大陆居民赴台旅游的影响为研究对象,探究台湾居民对大批大陆游客访台所造成影响的感知,以及未来台湾进一步发展旅游的对策和建议。研究旨在探讨台湾居民对台湾开放大陆旅游市场后,台湾旅游发展正面及负面影响的感知,并从居民性别,年龄,旅游正、负面影响相互关系以及对旅游发展的支持度等方面,进行相互关联性的实证研究。  相似文献   

Majed Akhter 《对极》2015,47(4):849-870
Large‐scale infrastructures are often understood by state planners as fulfilling a national integrative function. This paper challenges the idea of infrastructures as national integrators by engaging theories of state/nation formation and infrastructure in a postcolonial context. Specifically, I put Lefebvre's characterization of the production of state space as a homogenization‐differentiation dialectic in conversation with Gramsci's understanding of hegemony, bureaucracy, and nationalism to analyze the controversy surrounding the giant Tarbela Dam in Pakistan in the 1960s. I use the Tarbela controversy as a case study to elaborate a theory of postcolonial nation‐formation through state‐led infrastructural projects. I argue that in a postcolonial context the failure to articulate a hegemonic nationalist ideology to accompany the production of large‐scale infrastructure results in a fragmentation of state space in some ways, even as state space is homogenized and integrated in other ways. The paper also offers a “hydraulic lens” on the politics of regionalism in Pakistan.  相似文献   


In a recent SJOT article, Gregory Wong set out to “[reexamine] the evidence for the alleged pro-Judah polemic in Judges.” His conclusion is that “even though the body of evidence commonly cited in support of a direct pro-Judah polemic [in Judges] seems impressive at first glance, a case-by-case examination seems to suggest that it is, unfortunately, a case of all smoke but no fire.” As a member of the rapidly growing group of scholars who believe otherwise, I would like, in my turn, to examine the arguments presented by Wong in support of this conclusion. I will demonstrate that although some of these arguments, mainly those having to do with Judah’s presentation in Judges 1, are valid and rightfully refute certain vulnerable interpretations, overall Wong’s case against seeing Judges as a profoundly pro-Judah text is extremely weak.  相似文献   

本文依托会展研究、资源基础论和创业研究等理论研究成果,通过文献分析和理论推导,揭示会展经济效应的作用机制,提出了基于创业活动的会展产业经济效应作用过程概念模型。研究发现,会展产业的资源集聚和流动特性满足了创业活动的资源需求,使得新创企业克服新进入缺陷而提高存活率和绩效水平,即会展产业通过影响创业活动进而产生巨大经济效应。在这条具体的传导路径中,资源成为重要传导手段。  相似文献   


The 1758 return of Halley's comet confirmed the standing of Newton's law of gravity and initiated the decline of a catastrophist view of Earth history. There is no good reason why one should have implied the other, but three returns later, the implication appears still to be quite entrenched. This is evidenced in part by reactions over the past three decades to Velikovskian claims. Recent discoveries, however, have thrown new light on old catastrophist conjectures. It now appears that the Galaxy may well control terrestrial evolution, and that it does so catastrophically through the agency of successive giant comets. The most recent of these appears to have left a dense swathe of debris in Earth-crossing orbits; on the time scale of human civilisation, this material constitutes an appreciable and hitherto unrecognised hazard. Such findings now seem likely to affect materially our understanding of recorded history and our quest for survival on this planet.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):395-414

The author of The Desire of the Nations (DN) and The Ways of Judgment (WJ) responds to the criticisms and questions of the eight other contributors, defending his concept of government-as-judgment and exploring questions about international law and contemporary pluralism.  相似文献   

[On March 5, 1992, three Palestinian delegates to the peace talks in Washington, D.C., spoke at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee: Dr. Samir Saleh Abdullah, professor of economics at An-Najah University; Dr. Jaba Fada, lecturer in English and education at the Islamic University of Gaza and school supervisor for United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA); and Sharhabeel Y. al-Zaeem, attorney and legal adviser for UNRWA in Gaza, head of the defense committee which defends Palestinian detainees in the Israeli military courts in the Gaza Strip, and a consultant on the delegation. Afterwards, they were interviewed by Dr. Mohammed M. Aman, editor of DOMES.]  相似文献   

[Dr. Fayez Tarawneh is a senior member of the Jordanian delegation to the Middle East peace talks recently held in Washington, D.C. Dr. Tarawneh, an economist, is the former minister of supply and assistant chief of royal protocol in Jordan. This interview was conducted by Dr. Mohammed M. Aman, editor of DOMES, on February 28, 1992, after Dr. Tarawneh spoke at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.]  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):717-720

Building on the other papers in this issue, I offer a theological critique of economic globalization. The theory, or "theology" that supports it leads people of good will, despite the many negative consequences of the globalized pursuit of growth, to pursue such growth, as measured by GDP, as the goal of economic policy. This economistic theology takes no account of human community or ecological sustainability. Until it is changed economists will continue to direct us toward catastrophe.  相似文献   

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