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Catchments (watersheds) are integrated through water movements. Water moves sediments; and the translocation of materials has geomorphic and pedological responses. Fertiliser and pesticide residues and other toxic substances are also transported by water, in solution and attached to sediment particles, affecting various ecological components of catchments. The insertion of pollutants is directly caused by land‐use practices. In turn, land uses are influenced by the pedo‐geomorphology of the catchments (uplands, valley sides, flood plains and terraces, spurs and hollows, convexities and concavities; position in the upper, middle or lower catchment; and by catenary relationships). Therefore catchment management must deal with interrelationships amongst human activities and various geomorphic elements. Several case study examples from southwestern Australia demonstrate the importance of geomorphology in catchment management. They include: rates of hillslope erosion and translocation of P in micro‐catchments within a drainage basin context; stream salinisation; accumulation of heavy metals in stream sediments; geomorphic elements influencing the spread of weeds and the erosion of access tracks; and some relationships between valley‐side land uses and stream morphology. The incorporation of these and other issues in a management strategy is then illustrated. Complex skills are involved in producing and implementing a management strategy, including but extending well beyond those of the geomorphologist.  相似文献   

Lake Nuga Nuga is a levee‐dammed lake in the dry sub‐humid tropics of the Fitzroy Basin in Central Queensland, Australia, that has expanded significantly since it was first mapped in 1866. 210Pb dating of a sediment core from the lake indicates that the rate of sedimentation has been constant for the past 67 years at 3 mm yr?1 despite widespread clearing and land use intensification in the catchment during that time. Pollen analysis confirms this and shows that there was little change in vegetation during the early settlement period (1863–1962), but the intensification of land use that started in the early 1960s brought about a dramatic change in the vegetation communities. This study demonstrates that while sediment production may be significantly impacted by land‐use activities, sediment delivery is primarily controlled by topography.  相似文献   

This study uses GIS techniques to examine the spatial distribution of stream power along major streamlines in the Lane Cove catchment in northern Sydney, Australia. Channel gradient estimates derived from a 5 m resolution digital elevation model (DEM) are combined with streamflow data to estimate stream power along river courses. Stream power and its constituent components are then related to a detailed field‐based assessment of sediment storage along the trunk stream and primary tributaries. At the catchment scale, sediment storage per unit length decreases as channel gradient and gross stream power increase. However, local controls such as variability in valley width and occurrence of confluence zones exert a greater influence upon sediment storage, disrupting systematic catchment‐wide relationships. The total volume of storage along each streamline has a strong linear relationship to the area of the subcatchment, but the distribution of sediment along streamlines varies between subcatchments. The GIS framework employed in this project allows generation of continuous, empirical data, thereby providing catchment‐specific predictive capacity that can accompany theoretical approaches to stream power modelling.  相似文献   

The Illawarra Region some 80 kilometres south of Sydney is characterised by a prominent coastal escarpment that rises to 700 m within 12 km of the coast and forms a locus for frequent, high intensity rainfall events. One of the most recent recorded events occurred on 17 August 1998 with rainfall intensities at several pluviometers exceeding 120 mm hr‐1 over a duration of one hour, with up to 249 mm falling in 3.5 hours during the main storm burst. Detailed pluviometer data indicate that the storm was non‐stationary and moved down catchment producing a widespread zone of 120 mm hr‐1 intensity rainfall over a 30 minute duration across mid‐lower catchment areas after similar intensity but longer duration rainfall in catchment headwaters. Slope‐area reconstructions of peak discharge indicate that small catchments on the escarpment within the zone of maximum intensity experienced close to 100% rainfall‐runoff relationships, with peak discharges correlated to short duration (<1 hr) peak rainfall intensities. Widespread erosion occurred particularly where urban development had encroached on natural water courses. Debris/hyperconcentrated flows originating from both anthropogenic and natural sediment sources caused damage to urban areas. This paper provides an overview of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the 17 August 1998 storm, the hydrologic and geomorphic response of the streams, and the nature of damage to urban areas. It reassesses the frequency of recent high‐magnitude rainfall/flood events in the region, discussing the relationships between rainfall intensities, estimates of flood magnitudes and stormwater channel capacities.  相似文献   

The 137Cs (caesium‐137) method was used to investigate medium‐term rates of sediment deposition on the floodplain of the Labasa River, on Vanua Levu island in northern Fiji. The Labasa basin is commercially important for sugarcane farming, which provides much revenue and sustains the economy in the greater Labasa area. Alluvium was sampled at three riverbank sites in vertical increments of 30 mm. Measured net vertical accretion rates, based on analysis of depth‐profiles of 137Cs activity, ranged from 10 mm yr?1 at a low‐lying site near a tributary confluence with the main river, to 60 mm yr?1 on a levée that was elevated slightly above the adjacent floodplain. These rates of accretion are high, but in general agreement with rates recorded using similar methods in other tropical Pacific island river systems. Soil erosion under sugarcane on hilly parts of the lower Labasa basin is an important factor in rapid floodplain development. Observations made during Cyclone Ami, which traversed Vanua Levu island in early 2003, illustrate the major contribution of severe storm events to floodplain sediment supply, by triggering numerous landslides on catchment slopes and in‐channel debris floods, and by generating large‐magnitude overbank floods.  相似文献   

On the 19th and 20th September 1981 heavy rain fell throughout Scotland. Almost 140mm was recorded for the 24 hours up to 9.00 am on the 20th at Dundonnell in Wester Ross, an event with a recurrence interval of approximately 120 years. The storm generated a peak discharge of c.60m3 s‐1 on the Ardessie Burn which drains a 13.3km2 catchment on the northwestern slopes of An Teallach. The resulting flood caused severe localised bank erosion and partially destroyed a fish farm. The total volume of measured flood deposits exceeded 1800 tonnes, approximately equal to 14 years normal average annual non‐dissolved sediment output. The identification of specific sediment source areas and deposition sites allows an assessment of geomorphic work in terms of direct landscape adjustment in response to extreme rainfall. The flood stresses the importance of rare events in the landscape evolution of upland environments and the influence of antecedent catchment conditions.  相似文献   

Rivers play a dominant role in supplying sediment to the mainly siliceous sandy north-east Queensland coast. The interaction of geology and the seasonally wet tropical climate in the coastal catchments results under natural conditions in a high, but seasonally variable river discharge and sediment yield. These are examined in the sample catchments of the Barron, Mulgrave-Russell and Burdekin Rivers Peak sediment delivery occurs with major river floods produced by tropical cyclones. The initial erosive impact of these floods and subsequent constructional effects are examined along the Burdekin and Barron delta coasts. Human interference in the coastal catchments has caused increased sediment yield especially with extensive clearance of tropical rainforest and with some agricultural practices; but when dams and weirs trap sediment and sand is extracted from river beds a decrease occurs.  相似文献   

To help improve the well‐being of the local people, a joint Vietnamese‐UK team set out to establish a way of estimating soil and nutrient losses under different land management scenarios, using field data extrapolated through remote sensing and GIS, to obtain catchment‐wide estimates of the impact of land cover change. Immigration from remote provinces to the Dong Phu District of Binh Phuóc Province, about 120 km north of Ho Chi Minh City, has led to disruption of soil surface stability on easily eroded clayey sandstones, creating rapid nutrient depletion that affects crop yields and siltation in the channel of the Rach Rat river downstream. The poor farmers of the areas see crop yields drop dramatically after two or three years of cultivation due to the fertility decline. Soil loss varies dramatically between wet season and dry season and with ground cover. Erosion bridge measurements showed a mean loss of 85.2 t ha?1 y?1 under cassava saplings with cashew nuts, 43.3 t ha?1 y?1 on uncultivated land and 41.7 t ha?1 y?1 under mature cassava. The rates of erosion were higher than those reported in many other parts of Vietnam, reflecting the high erodibility of the friable sandy soils on the steep side‐slopes of the Rach Rat catchment. However, although the actual measurements provide better soil loss data than estimates based on the parameters of soil loss equations, a large number of measurement sites is needed to provide adequate coverage of the crop and slope combinations in this dissected terrain for good prediction using GIS and remote sensing.  相似文献   


Semi-arid landscapes are vulnerable to cultivation, overgrazing and climate variability, although it is difficult to identify the relative significance of these three factors. In the South African Karoo, the ‘desertification debate' seeks to explain a change to more shrubby vegetation in heavily grazed areas. We examine these issues in catchments where farm reservoirs provide sediment stores with 137Cs, 210Pb, geochemical and mineral magnetic signatures. Rainfall data and stocking numbers are reported and current erosion rates are estimated. Sediment accumulation in the reservoirs increases between 1935 and 1940, probably due to rises in the frequency of rainfall events of >25mm day. Significant increases in sedimentation rates (×8) occur during rain-fed wheat cultivation. In an uncultivated catchment, sediment yields remain relatively high and reflect increases in erosion from hillslopes, colluvial storage, and cultivated land sources. Gully systems have acted as transport routes rather than sediment sources over the last ~70 years. Badland erosion rates average ca. 50t ha?1 yr?1. At Ganora, their development in the 1920s strongly influences peak sedimentation between 1970 and 1980. Any delay between badland initiation and increased sediment yield appears to be a function of landscape connectivity. Recovery following disturbance is occurring slowly and is likely to take >100 years. De-stocking and better management systems are reducing erosion rates but may be offset by increases in rainfall intensity.  相似文献   

Emerging and future climatic change across the Australian continent has been identified as a significant threat to the successful sustainable management of the nation's water resources. However, the impacts of climate change must be viewed within the context of past, present and future climatic variability and human agency. A qualitative screening‐level risk assessment was undertaken for Australia's 325 surface water management areas by aggregating a suite of six relevant risk indicators. Four indicators addressed the antecedent conditions upon which future climate change will act. These included 50‐year trends in rainfall, the status of surface and groundwater development, and catchment condition. Two indicators addressed future drivers of supply and demand; specifically, projected changes in runoff and population. The results indicate that the management challenges currently experienced in Australia's population centres and key agricultural areas such as the Murray‐Darling Basin are likely to increase in future decades. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of net risk, inclusive of multiple biophysical and socioeconomic drivers, is more extensive than is suggested by consideration of surface water development and availability alone. Comparison of at‐risk catchments with the spatial distribution of various social and environmental assets identified a high degree of overlap among catchment risk and human populations, water storages, irrigated agricultural land, and wetlands of international significance. This suggests that the catchments of the greatest value are also those judged to be at greatest risk. Though considerable work remains in evaluating the security of Australia's water resources to climatic and other stressors, this study provides a first‐order scheme for prioritising the risks to which catchments are exposed and an assessment of how some key drivers are likely to interact to drive risk.  相似文献   

This study uses GIS and spatial modelling to relate voting outcomes at the 2001 federal election for polling booths across Australia with the socio‐economic characteristics of polling booth catchment areas. The data and analysis used are more detailed and comprehensive than previous studies. It is conducted at a fine level of spatial disaggregation across the whole nation to examine voting outcomes for both major and minor political parties. Because the aim of the paper is to distinguish voting outcomes between political parties rather than to predict voting outcomes for particular political parties, a discriminant analysis is used rather than regression analysis. The statistical discriminant analysis identifies two main socio‐economic dimensions that are able to predict polling booth outcomes with a relatively high degree of accuracy. That analysis shows how, at the 2001 federal election, the middle ground, in terms of socio‐economic characteristics, was being claimed by the Liberal Party, Country Liberal Party, The Greens, and, to a lesser extent, by the Australian Labor Party. However, the Australian Democrats, National Party and One Nation had more distinctive constituencies, with the National Party and One Nation Party competing for areas with similar socio‐economic characteristics. Using GIS mapping tools, examples of actual and predicted polling booth voting outcomes are given, along with selected socio‐economic characteristics of booth catchments.  相似文献   

An assessment of slope erosion at Tin Camp Creek catchment, Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Australia, was carried out using the fallout environmental radioisotope caesium‐137 (137Cs) as an indicator of soil erosion status, two numerical models (SIBERIA and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)) and erosion pins. This undisturbed drainage basin is situated in the seasonally wet‐dry tropics, with high energy storms and a mean annual rainfall of 1389 mm. Tin Camp Creek catchment is unaffected by European agriculture or pastoral activities, but often experiences fire during the dry season. Two transects were sampled for 137Cs in 2002 and 2004, and two models were used to convert 137Cs measurements into soil loss estimates. Two methods using the theoretical Profile Distribution Model (PDM) gave net soil redistribution rates between +2.72 and –22.19 t ha?1 yr?1 and +2.95 and –24.06 t ha?1 yr?1, respectively, while an Australian empirical model (AEM) for uncultivated soils produced estimates between +1.84 and –7.00 t ha?1 yr?1 (negative values indicate soil erosion, positive, deposition). The RUSLE gave estimated soil losses for the two transects of approximately 10 t ha?1 yr?1, while the SIBERIA model produced values between 0.5 and 2 t ha?1 yr?1 for the transects and between 3.5 and 11 t ha?1 yr?1 for the total catchment. Average net soil losses of 14 and 15 t ha?1 yr?1 for the total catchment and slopes, respectively, were measured by erosion pins. The soil losses in the catchment are similar to those for some other transects in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley region of Western Australia (measured by the 137Cs AEM), even though these areas are affected by pastoral activities. This may be at least partly explained by erosion in Tin Camp Creek catchment during high intensity rainstorms at the commencement of the wet season, especially if the slopes have been affected by fire during the previous dry season.  相似文献   

本文分析了学区房和学区的不同意义,进而对学区的正负外部性进行了解析,认为学区、学校、个人、政府间复杂的博弈关系最终导致了城市中的社会空间分异和居住空间分异的加强。在梳理发达国家主要城市经验、对比北京市与剑桥市的学区发展基础上,指出当前的划区政策增强了学区的稀缺性,却没有增加公平性,从而助推房价的高涨。为了更好地促进教育均等化实现,政府应努力提高优质教育学校的数量;形成资本性收入在学校和市场间的合理流动与分配;废弃以学区为主实施优质学区管理的办法,实施学校分层化管理,从而促进教育公平性和对人力资源开发这一综合目标的实现。  相似文献   

U‐series dating was used to determine the growth rate of a feldspar‐to‐clay weathering rind in a mid‐Holocene Cascade–Olcott tradition andesite core, and luminescence dating (last exposure to sunlight) was used to date fine‐grained feldspars scraped from the surfaces of similar buried artefacts from a 14C‐sediment‐dated archaeological site (45KI464) on the wet western slope of the Cascade Mountains of Washington. For U‐series dating, we measured 226Ra excess (226Ra excess =226Ra –230Th) in five stratigraphic depth controlled rind scrapings. 238U, 232Th and 230Th were counted by alpha spectrometry, and 226Ra and 210Pb were counted by gamma spectrometry on each sub‐sample.  相似文献   

Basin‐wide sediment transport affects estimates of basin sediment yield, which is a fundamental scientific issue in drainage basin studies. Many studies have been conducted to examine erosion and deposition rates in drainage networks. In this study, we proposed a new approach using grain‐size standard deviation model of sedimentary samples from different geomorphological units for numerical analysis and paleo‐climate interpretation in the Shiyang River drainage basin, arid China. 1043 sedimentary samples were obtained from the upper reaches, the midstream alluvial plain and the terminal lake area; chronological frames were established based on 58 radiocarbon ages. Grain‐size standard deviation model was introduced to examine sediment components according to grain‐size and transport forces. In addition, transient paleo‐climate simulations, including the Community Climate System Model version 3 and the Kiel models, were synthesized, as well as the results from PMIP 3.0 project, to detect the long‐term climate backgrounds. Totally, we found four major common components, including fine particulates (<2 μm), fine silt (2–20 μm), sandy silt (20–200 μm), coarse sand (>200 μm), from basin‐wide sedimentary samples. The fine particulates and fine silt components exist in all the sedimentary facies, showing long‐term airborne aerosol changes and its transport by suspended load. There are some differences in ranges of sandy silt and coarse sand components, due to lake and river hydrodynamics, as well as the distance with the Gobi Desert. Paleo‐climate simulations have shown that the strong Asian summer monsoon during the transition of the Last Deglaciation and Holocene was conducive to erosion and transport of basin‐wide suspended load, also enhancing sediment sorting effects due to strong lake hydrodynamics. Our findings provide a new approach in research of long‐term basin‐wide sediment transport processes.  相似文献   

The influence of altered fire regimes on the denudation of a catchment is determined from alluvial deposits of the last 10,000 yrs and by monitoring runoff and erosion before and after a wildfire. An increase in fire frequency beginning at 3,000–4,000 yrs BP, as a result of intensified Aboriginal burning, did not change the mechanisms or rates of denudation nor did it cause widespread alluviation as suggested by others. The results of monitoring show that before and after mild fires there is insufficient runoff on most slopes to entrain sediment. Only after intense fires are runoff and erodibility increased enough to significantly accelerate erosion. Conditions are then identified which are most likely to lead to accelerated erosion from altered fire regimes in other catchments.  相似文献   

A classification of natural landscapes based on a combination of historical-genetic and structural criteria is offered. The classificatory categories of a higher order are based on genetic and spatial associations of landscapes; the lower taxonomic entities are based largely on internal landscape structure. The taxonomic entities range from division to subspecies. The earth's landscape sphere is first broken down into divisions of terrestrial and water landscapes. Divisions fall into systems based on zonal differences in the heat and water balance (subarctic, boreal, subboreal, etc.). Systems fall into classes (plains and mountain landscapes), and classes break down into groups of landscapes based on geochemical and moisture criteria (eluvial, hydromorphic, etc.). Groups fall into types on the basis of bioclimatic and soils criteria (wooded steppe, steppe, desert etc.). Types break down into genera on the basis of genetic landform types (alluvial plains, colian landforms, etc.). Finally, the genera fall into species and subspecies on the basis of dominant and subordinated morphologic units known in Russian as urochishche. Examples of steppe plains genera might be gently rolling sandy plains with feathergrass on dark chestnut soils, or level plateau with a mantle of loam and fascue grass on dark chestnut carbonate soils.  相似文献   

Since the 1960s the analysis of small-scale surface processes has been the dominant approach in geomorphology, the previous focus on regional-scale landscape evolution having been largely abandoned as a result of the lack of knowledge of processes and process rates at the relevant temporal and spatial scales. It has recently been acknowledged that small-scale, surface process geomorphology alone is unable to provide an understanding of long-term landscape development, both because of the significance of tectonics, and because of the important role of contingency at the large temporal and spatial scales involved. But the major advances in geochronological techniques and numerical modelling of landscape evolution that are now revolutionizing our understanding of long-standing questions of landscape evolution have been largely developed and applied by researchers from outside the traditional geomorphology community. As a result, two distinct communities of researchers have emerged concerned with different scales of landform analysis, but the progress of geomorphology will be best served by greater interaction between them.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of prehistoric sites on their local environment is difficult to accomplish with standard archaeological methods. Simulation modeling offers a solution to this issue, but it is first necessary to delimit a site catchment, or “zone of impact”, around archaeological sites in which to carry out human–environment interaction modeling. To that end, I have developed a new method for GIS-based catchment reconstruction and distilled it into a custom module (r.catchment) for GRASS GIS, which calculates catchments of a given area based on anisotropic travel costs from a point of origin. One method of applying this new module in exploratory catchment modeling is discussed using the pastoral economy of the Late Neolithic period in Wadi Ziqlâb, Northern Jordan as a test case. A model of Late Neolithic herding economy and ecology is constructed, which combines data from archaeology, phytogeography, range science, agronomy, and ethnohistory. Four sizes of pastoral catchments are then derived using r.catchment, and the herd ecology model is used to estimate the stocking-rate (carrying capacity) of mixed goat and sheep herds for each catchment. The human populations these herd numbers could support (between 3 and 630 people in the Wadi) are then compared with human population estimates derived from household architectural analyses (between 18 and 54 people in the Wadi) to determine the most probable catchment configurations. The results indicate that the most probable zone of impact around the known Late Neolithic sites in Wadi Ziqlâb was somewhere between 9 and 20 square kilometers, delineated by 3 and 4.5 km pasture radii respectively.  相似文献   

The drainage of Lake Hula and its swamps in the 1950s created a new landform and changed the hydrological and sedimentological regime in the Hula valley. The affected area extended over 40 km2 and the work basically improved the drainage conditions of another 20 km2 that were periodically affected by flooding. This man‐made project marked the termination of one of the oldest documented lakes and surrounding wetlands in history, with a rich and diverse aquatic biota. The reclaimed swampy land started to settle immediately upon drainage, mainly due to the compaction of the peat layers. The mean yearly settling rate was 8 cm yr–1. Agricultural development of the reclaimed land was unsuccessful, and soils were affected by continuous underground fires. Weathered peat soils, without a vegetation cover, were eroded by wind. Another ecological effect was the release of nutrients by the decomposing peat, with the nutrients carried by the Jordan river floods into the eutrophic Lake Kinneret. To prevent the natural subsidence a small shallow lake, 110 ha in area, and a network of canals were created in the 1990s. This new wetland and the adjacent agricultural areas are the targets of a multidisciplinary monitoring program. An eco‐tourism development project is currently being planned. Almost 50 years after starting the drainage project the present trend is to restore at least a small fragment of the previous landscape and ecosystem.  相似文献   

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