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In this comment, we critique a recent paper by Wadley, Lombard and Williamson entitled ‘The first residue analysis blind tests: results and lessons learnt’ (Journal of Archaeological Science 31 (2004) 1491–1501) as a means of assessing the role and utility of such blind tests. We find that apart from not being the first residue analysis blind tests, the tests conducted by Wadley et al. exhibit problems at each stage of experimental design. Most of the issues identified can be attributed to loss of experimental control, including lack of documentation of residues prior to blind testing and contamination of their samples. We suggest possible means of avoiding these issues in future microscopic residue analysis blind tests.  相似文献   

This article examines the effectiveness of UNIDO in addressing the challenges of environmental degradation and in helping developing countries promote sustainable development paths. The analysis suggests that the slow process of integrating environmental concerns in UNIDO's activities was affected both by internal organizational factors, such as the shared professional values in UNIDO's institutional culture and its organizational flexibility and responsiveness, and by factors relating to the external context, including financial constraints and interagency conflicts. In contrast to studies of successful persuasion of ‘epistemic communities’ in international negotiations, this article looks at the factors which have impeded the process of persuasion. At the theoretical level, it seeks to analyse the difficulties of changing the policy agenda in a specific international organization.  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(中)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
25、杨杰致蒋介石等电稿(1939年3月5日)重庆。委员长蒋:○密。并转孔院长。甲、合同草案原文……[下略]。乙、甲项括弧内之文字系职所加之说明,祈裁夺示遵。若蒙准办,请派专家随带职之全权证书及密电本多种,飞法协助。并请将欲订购军械之种类、数量详示,以便转告前途预备。丙、职在法进行借款,由张侃与黄正(驻巴黎总领事)密助,得到成功,拟请派为职之随员,继续工作,期底于成,请饬外交部密告顾大使妥为保证。丁、职本晨抵莫,进行担保,详情另呈。再职与阿氏约定于文日前确实答复,如有变更,彼便安排款项,以防损失…  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(下)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
51、黄正等致杨杰电 (1939年7月12日) 巴黎电 廿八、七、十二日到 阿氏准十三日来巴,面定数量、价格及起运日期.职黄正、张侃叩.  相似文献   

Summary. Following an abrupt change in climatic conditions, the Middle Bronze Age northern Alpine lake‐dwellers were forced to abandon their settlements. As a result, the archaeological record shows a gap of occupation from the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the twelfth century BC. Where did those groups go during that period? Recent studies show that some Middle Bronze Age sites hitherto regarded as traditional dry‐land dwellings might represent constructions by former lacustrine people. Typological analyses of pottery assemblages and house structure remains found on these sites have made it possible to trace them back to an origin in the lacustrine tradition. The MBA lake‐dwelling occupational hiatus could finally be bridged and the process of cultural continuity reconstructed. The MBA lake‐dwellers certainly did not disappear; they just temporarily adapted to a drier environment until the lake shores became ‘safe’ again for re‐settlement.  相似文献   

抗战初期杨杰等赴法寻求军援与孔祥熙等来往文电选(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1、王宠惠致李石曾电 (1937年8月9日) 介公意:为便于接洽计,拟由政府予公特使名义,如赞成,乞电示。宠惠。佳。 2、李石曾致宋子文、王宠惠电 (1937年8月30日) 文公并转亮公:前两公电,介公使弟与霍等接洽,又拟授弟特使或相当名谊[义],弟已随时与霍等进行。霍参加国联文化合作,弟若参加,与霍同其性质,表面似甚自然,内容可收相当之效,避去特使名谊[义],免敌人注意,致碍行动。且庸公留欧,则特使名谊[义]尤不宜重复。故弟为此建议,若兄等谓然,乞陈介公决定。瀛。卅。  相似文献   

Recent survey (AES and ISSP) data and public opinion polls show an interesting dynamic at work in public opinion on environmental issues in Australia. Environmental concerns lose urgency, detach themselves from environmental groups, their established issue-carriers, and further bifurcate into distinct 'green' and 'brown' issue clusters. These shifts in patterns of concern accompany changes in forms of public expression and in the diffusion of concerns. However, public concerns about the environment in Australia do not simply wane, but become 'routinised', that is, increasingly differentiated, independent of green groups, and linked with conventional institutional issue carriers.  相似文献   

This article is about public toilets for women. Drawing on data provided by the textual material posted in women's toilets in Victoria, Australia, it is argued that in western nations, toilets represent more than instrumental facilities for the disposal of waste products. Because they also serve as repositories of social anxieties about bodies, gender, cultural and religious differences and health/death, public toilets are sites used to order the disorder of women's bodies and activities. Cultural intolerances have problematised differences in ablution practices and ‘correct’ toilet behaviours are frequently prescribed. As unique examples in the west of cultural and gendered practice, women's toilets offer rich material on the discipline and meaning of gendered space in a range of different environmental settings.  相似文献   

杨奎松 《史学月刊》2001,6(6):25-35
军事科学院历史研究部出版的150万字的新著《抗美援朝战争史》较之1982年该院军史部撰写的同类著作,在撰写方法和内容上一改以往以志愿军五大战役和谈判期间历次战役的作战经过为主的模式,而把主要内容放在战争背景、外交斗争似及后方支持等方面,这一尝试和努力理应肯定。另一方面,其学术上的欠缺与不足也十分明显,有些问题也值得再作商榷。  相似文献   

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