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中国的先秦两汉、古印度、古希腊罗马是世界语言学的发祥地,而作为语言学研究重头戏的语法研究在三个各自封闭的地方迅猛发展起来。但是语法研究的发展体现三个地方共性的同时,其个性也不得不引起我们的重视。  相似文献   

在历史上,撒马尔罕是中亚地区的文化中心,是中亚地区最古老的城市之一,处于中国通往印度的交通要道,是古丝绸之路上的重镇,为14-15世纪帖木儿帝国的首都。古希腊和罗马的史学家和地理学家描述亚历山大远征中亚的著作中,首次提到过撒马尔罕。古希腊和罗马的史学家如阿里安(Arrian)、科文特(Quint Kursiy)、普鲁高尔赫(Plitarch)、  相似文献   

中国是一个亚洲的文明古国,幅员辽阔。中国西南部的云南、西藏等地方与南亚国家山水相依,互为近邻。中国与南亚国家尤其是印度友好交往的历史源远流长,早在先秦的春秋战国时期就有记载。东汉明帝时,印度高僧来中国传经,并在河南洛阳兴建了白马寺;南北朝时期,印度另一位高僧达摩也来到中国传授佛法,开创少林寺;唐太宗时期,中国僧人玄奘赴天竺(古印度)学习求取佛经等。  相似文献   

秦汉番禺的南海交通史,从目前已知的古文献记载看,还是空白。但有论者从引述古籍的某些记述对秦汉南海交通作出一些推论。较常见的引述如下:  相似文献   

一印度币的地位及特色 1众所周知,世界钱币文化有4大体系:以中国为代表的东方钱币文化;以古希腊一罗马为代表的地中海(欧洲)钱币文化;以印度为代表的南亚次大陆钱币文化和以阿拉伯为代表的伊斯兰钱币文化。  相似文献   

中国先秦两汉时期的医学地理学思想   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
中国先秦两汉时期的医学地理学思想龚胜生先秦两汉时期是我国医学和地理学知识从产生经过积累发展成一门学科的时期,在此时期,我国的医学在疾病认识、药物使用、医疗工具、卫生保健等方面都有了相当成就,不仅出现了秦医和、缓,宋医文挚,齐医扁鹊、淳于意,汉医华佗、...  相似文献   

方国瑜与中国西南对外关系史研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国西南对外关系史是方国瑜先生史学研究的起点,并贯穿其整个史学研究生涯。方先生不但从文献资料的整理与研究、人才培养方面奠定了中国西南对外关系史研究的坚实基础,还广泛深入地研究了中缅、中越界务问题,中国西南与东南亚的民族联系与政治关系,中国西南与东南亚及南亚的交通、经济和文化关系,是中国西南对外关系史研究的开拓者和奠基人。  相似文献   

<正>巴克特里亚王国(Kingdom of Bactria)是公元前3世纪中叶从塞琉古帝国独立出来的东方希腊化王国。它位于中亚腹地,其核心区域位于今中亚的土库曼斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和阿富汗,以及南亚的巴基斯坦,处于亚洲大陆交通的十字要冲之地。巴克特里亚王国是中亚地区古希腊文化的中心地区,它不仅保留了古希腊文化,还创造了以希腊文化为主导,同时融合波斯文明、印度文明和北方草原游牧文化因素的多元文化,成为犍陀罗文化的始祖之一[1]。巴克特里亚地区在古代丝绸之路上承担着中转站的重要作用,探究巴克特里亚历史,对中亚历史、丝绸之路和古代文明交流等相关历史议题,都具有独特的意义。  相似文献   

杨雪飞 《收藏家》2014,(1):15-21
佛教起源于公元前6世纪的古印度,两汉之际传入中国,在与中国本土文化水乳交融中不断发展,形成独具特色的中国佛教文化。佛教造像是佛教文化的重要载体,中国古代佛教造像在吸收印度、中亚、西亚等地艺术风格的基础上,融入中国传统的技艺和审美,发展形成中国美术的重要门类。  相似文献   

先秦两汉时期疫灾地理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
疫灾是由传染病大规模流行导致人类健康与生命损失的灾害。先秦两汉时期(公元前771~220年)见于记载的疫灾年份57个,疫灾频度5.74%。其中,春秋战国为1.64%;西汉为7.33%;东汉为15.90%;公元前二世纪为4%,公元前一世纪为9%,公元一世纪为12%,公元二世纪为15%。不排除疫灾记载有近详远略的可能,但从全国范围看,先秦两汉时期疫灾越来越频繁的趋势是客观存在的。疫灾发生的季节除秋季较少外,春、夏、冬季的概率差不多。在周期性规律上,该时期经历了2个大的疫灾稀少期和3个大的疫灾频繁期,第一个波动周期(公元前200~公元前120年)约80年时间,波峰不很明显;第二个波动周期(公元前120~80年)长达2个世纪,其中公元前50~50年的疫灾频度高达17%,为两汉之际的疫灾高峰;第三个波动周期始于80年,东汉灭亡尚未结束,而是下接三国时期的疫灾高峰。在空间分布上,疫灾分布与人口分布有高度相关性,先秦时期仅黄河、长江流域有疫灾发生,西汉时期由于匈奴的介入,蒙新高原开始有疫灾记载,东汉时期南方人口大量增加,东南沿海开始有疫灾记载。总体来说,先秦两汉时期的疫灾是北方甚于南方,但随着时间推移,南方疫灾比重不断提高,反映了南方人口与经济的发展。  相似文献   

During underwater survey around Crotone, Calabria, Italy, in 2005, structures from two harbour phases were located, possibly dating from the Archaic Greek and Roman periods. Both harbours are close to the Greek and Roman architectural remains on Capo Colonna, as well as to underwater deposits of large stone blocks and other, previously-excavated sites. With the discovery of these harbour structures, new hypotheses arise for understanding the building-material deposits and excavated sites. A critical component of these hypotheses is the assessment of local geological data, specifically ancient sea-level, in relation to the archaeological record.
© 2007 Author  相似文献   

罗马起源传说形成于公元前5世纪一前3世纪,其思想渊源可追溯到史前的图腾崇拜、圣火崇拜等原始信仰。罗马古代聚落神话和建城传说的某些内容很可能并非凭空虚构,其中隐含着人们对史前社会演进的历史记忆。本地的和在希腊人中流传的罗马起源传说各不相同,平行发展;很可能由于罗马从奉埃涅阿斯为祖先的拉维尼乌姆城引进双子邦神崇拜(Penates,Dioscuri)为契机,衍生出埃涅阿斯的后代罗穆路斯和雷穆斯兄弟创建罗马的传说,从而使两种罗马起源传说系统实现了整合。  相似文献   

18世纪欧洲的古史研究继承了文艺复兴的遗产,在文献搜集和整理、史实考订、考古学和碑铭学等领域都取得了一定的进展。法国和英国学者在此基础上,撰写了一批多卷本、大部头的古代史、希腊史和罗马史著作。虽然这些著述的质量无法与19世纪专业史学的成果相比,但它们为19世纪的讨论设定了问题的框架,提出了众多值得重视的看法。学者们经世致用的精神,为后世树立了良好榜样,对当时实际的政治生活和思想发展都产生了一定影响。  相似文献   

Non-destructive analysis of the major elements in copper-alloyed artifacts by prompt gamma neutron activation analysis is reported. Copper, zinc, tin and lead were measured in several ancient Roman, Greek and Iranian objects. Good agreement was found in comparison with analysis of similar objects by destructive methods.  相似文献   

阿波罗被认为是最具希腊性的神。然而,他最初并不是一个希腊本土的神。依据古代典籍的记载、结合语源学和考古学的成果来考察,可以得出的结论是:阿波罗是一个多种文化元素融合后塑造成的希腊本族神。阿波罗崇拜形成发展过程中所体现的文化交流和融合,正是希腊文明吸收周边文明的具体体现。对阿波罗崇拜起源和传播路线的考察,一方面是在文明交流的母题下进行的微观考证,另一方面又为文明交流史的研究提供了具体史料的佐证。  相似文献   

In classical antiquity multiple births aroused ambivalent reactions, ranging from acceptance and valuation to rejection and elimination. This paper analyses the reception of twins and multiple births of a higher degree (triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets), healthy or physically abnormal, in Greek and Roman societies, and reviews ancient written and iconographic sources relating to medical, social and religious history.  相似文献   

Ophthalmoi , or ship's eyes, were a common decoration adorning the bows of ancient Greek ships. Athenian naval records and archaeological finds from Piraeus attest to ophthalmoi taking the form of marble appliqués on Greek warships of the Classical Period. Evidence for the use of marble ophthalmoi on Classical merchantmen has only recently come to light. The Institute of Nautical Archaeology's 1999 and 2000 excavation campaigns at Tektag Burnu yielded two marble discs decorated to resemble eyes. These are the actual ophthalmoi of a Classical Period merchantman: the first known from an ancient shipwreck and the earliest archaeological examples of this decorative element.  相似文献   


The use of ancient theatres for present-day performances was the subject of a colloquium organized by the Council of Europe in September 1995 which gave rise to the ‘Segesta Declaration’ concerning the protection and proper use of ancient places of performance. These include theatres, amphitheatres, stadia, hippodromes and arenas with origins in the Greek and Roman periods. The following note draws upon a summary of the colloquium, held in Trapani, Segesta and Palermo in Sicily, and reproduces the text of the recommendations of the Segesta Declaration.  相似文献   

The aim of the present article is to reconsider the interpretation of the Greek word halourgos (?λουργ??) and its relation to textiles and purple dye by reinvestigating its recordings in Greek epigraphy and the papyri, as well as comparative examples from Greek literary sources, in the period from the fourth century bc to the seventh century ad — thus combining the source material from ancient Greece and the Greek-speaking part of the Roman world. This will illustrate the wealth of information one can get from the exploration of one single word: not only on the significance and appearance of textiles and garments in the ancient world from Greece to Egypt, but also on the diversity of colours and the subtleties in their use and terminology.  相似文献   

Although the ithyphallic deity Priapus was most generally viewed by the Greeks and Romans as a garden fertility god, there is archaeological and textual evidence that those engaged in maritime activity, especially sea-borne trade, also conceived him as a protective deity. The recent discovery of a terracotta phallus in the remains of Pisa Ship E suggests that apotropaic Priapic icons were carried aboard ancient vessels. This finding, along with two related precedents, allows for a new interpretation with regard to the presence of phallic iconography in the assemblages of Greek and Roman wrecks.  相似文献   

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