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孔庆山 《史学月刊》2008,(10):70-77
村镇制度是美国历史上的一个重要问题。村镇制度经历了一个长期的历史嬗变过程,在不同时期和不同领域,它具有不同的含义。在英国早期历史上,它是一种具有有限民事职能的自治组织;在殖民地时期的新英格兰,它具有“村镇移植”的含义,主要是一种土地分配和处理以及人口移植制度;依据美国1785年《土地法令》确定的土地测量制度,村镇完全成为一种土地测量单位;随着美国西部的开发与领地和州的组建,村镇又成为西部某些州的基层政治组织单位。综观美国村镇制度的整个演变过程,它既有明显的演变阶段性,又有各种制度相互交叉和平行存在的特征。  相似文献   

洪前兵 《神州》2012,(15):11-12
在漫长的社会里,农业经济是社会的支柱,而土地制度又是农业经济制度的根基。我国农村社会经济的长期发展过程,也就是一部我国土地制度不断变更的历史。而土地制度的变更,都会对农业经济产生不同的作用。近年来,土地流转是农村土地制度改革的基本方向。因而对我国土地制度长期发展过程的探讨,有助于对当下我国农村土地流转改革提供有益的借鉴启示。  相似文献   

马珣 《神州》2014,(9):253-253
通过探讨土地整理过程中各要素的组合规律,并依此进行模式的划分,可以为政府的土地整理决策提供技术支持,为完善国家的土地整理技术规程和制定相关政策奠定科学基础。在分析土地整理模式内涵与特征的基础上,应用层次指标分类法,分别采用土地整理地域特征指标、待整理土地利用类型指标、土地整理目标指标和土地整理运作方式指标对土地整理模式进行了划分,并依此对我国的土地整理模式进行了分类。  相似文献   

付宗平 《神州》2012,(26):231-232
论文从我国当前的土地流转中存在的问题出发,以成都市土地流转为例,剖析成都土地流转中的动力机制、极度创新特点,从制度经济学角度分析了成都市土地流转的动力,从创新的系统性分析了制度创新特点。  相似文献   

简论美国土地处理制度中的救济法案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
救济法案在美国土地制度史上占有十分重要的地位。它为处于困境中的拓荒者提供了及时的帮助 ,稳定了拓荒队伍 ,促进了西部的快速开发。救济立法同时也反映出不同土地处理思想、不同政治利益集团和不同区域之间激烈的政治经济思想斗争。救济法案乃是在西部强大压力下制订的。救济法案的演变过程折射出美国土地制度不断走向民主的历程  相似文献   

《宅地农场法》是美国历史上最重要的一项土地法令,它深深植根于美国悠久的免费分配土地的历史传统之中。“宅地农场议案”在国会的辩论成为美国历史上最激烈和最感情化的一次漫长辩论。它同美国南、北、西三大地理区域关系、奴隶制与反奴隶制的斗争紧密地交织在一起。这一议案的通过,标志着西部和北部争取民主自由、反对奴隶制斗争的胜利,使美国的土地制度进一步民主化。  相似文献   

土地征收制度是社会经济发展到一定时期的产物,尤其是随着公共利益问题的日益突出而得以产生并逐步完善。我国土地征用制度始于清朝末期,到南京国民政府统治时期,土地征收制度在政策、法律制度和实践中不断得到完善。章在叙述南京国民政府时期土地征收立法概况的基础上,分析了土地征收的目的范围、用途及补偿、程序、审批管理和特点等。  相似文献   

明清之际曾多次清丈土地,形成了多种形制、编号方式不同的鱼鳞图册。清前期所编鱼鳞图册基本延续明万历九年土地清丈,其中积步、四至等记载,既有得自撮抄旧册,也有通过纠纷、协商议定,难以视作经实地测量得来。多次清丈导致不同时期的多种土地字号并存、共用于乡村土地市场。土地交易依据鱼鳞图册确认土地权利时,必须与赋税册籍、契约文书、家谱等相互匹配,地权才能得到保障。这意味着清代乡村土地市场中,土地权利由不同来源的多种文献所形成的证据链共同确认。支撑这样的土地市场及其运作原则的,是由赋役制度与民间惯习共同嵌合、演化的社会秩序。  相似文献   

用经济学中的资源配置理论解释城镇土地非均衡扩张,根据城镇土地扩张的机理不同,把城镇土地分为工业用地、居住用地、基础设施用地,并分别考察了其非均衡扩张路径,在此基础上,从"制度环境-政绩目标-政策工具"三方面提出了非均衡扩张的治理策略。结果认为:招商引资过程中竞相以低地价供地导致了工业用地非均衡扩张;对土地财政的过分追逐导致了居住用地非均衡扩张;地方政府为攫取政治晋升资本,大兴城市基础设施建设导致了基础设施用地非均衡扩张;为系统控制城镇土地非均衡扩张,应在"制度环境-政绩目标-政策工具"三个层次上制定相关治理策略。  相似文献   

本文对用计算机系统协助设计、制作土地定级系列图进行了尝试。利用编制的辅助绘图程序,加速了成图周期,提高了制图质量。并对不同CAD系统间图形相互转换进行了分析,实现了土地定级系列图从TekniCAD到AutoCAD系统中的移植。对机助制图的优势进行了阐述。  相似文献   

付成双 《史学集刊》2021,(2):56-71,85
在白人殖民者到来前,北美印第安人已经在美洲大陆上生活了数万年,并对周围的环境产生了重要的影响。白人殖民者来到美洲后,一方面出于欧洲种族主义的文化偏见,一方面出于剥夺印第安人土地的现实利益需要,建构出处女地假说,并根据自身需要将北美大陆上的原住民简单形容为高贵的印第安人和嗜血的野蛮人两种非此即彼的刻板形象。处女地假说成为白人殖民者向西部边疆扩张、驱逐和剥削印第安人的理论工具。对于美洲白人来说,该假说意味着机会和希望,而对于北美印第安人来说,该假说则代表了种族主义偏见和殖民主义的罪恶。随着现代环境主义的兴起,处女地假说和印第安人的传统生态智慧受到热捧,印第安人也试图利用这一工具为其当前争取资源控制权的斗争服务,但收效不大。  相似文献   

柴荣  柴英 《史学月刊》2007,(8):37-42
唐代土地所有权经历了从公有到私有的动态演变过程。唐代土地私有权的形态包括永业田、园宅墓田、寺院土地。在国家法律逐渐放宽对土地买卖限制的背景下,唐代土地私有权的扩张主要是通过土地买卖实现的。唐代中后期土地私有权极度发展,地主庄园成为土地高度私有化的典型体现。  相似文献   

毛蒋兴  闫小培 《人文地理》2005,20(3):107-111,116
城市土地利用模式与交通模式间客观存在互动机制,土地利用模式是交通模式形成的基础,交通模式的选择将会改变土地利用模式,因此土地利用模式特征是影响城市可持续交通模式选择的至关因素。本文在全面分析广州城市土地利用模式特征基础上,综合考虑汽车产业政策、能源及环境等影响因素提出了广州可持续交通模式:公共交通优先,小汽车、自行车适度发展,交通方式合理分工的高效化、节能化和环保化绿色交通模式。  相似文献   

A large proportion of American Indian reservation lands are owned by non‐Indian entities. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a powerful tool for visualising land tenure changes, and public participation GIS (PPGIS) is one approach for using spatial technologies to facilitate the identification and reacquisition of reservation lands by tribes. While some tribes have successfully harnessed GIS for land management and for systematically identifying lands for reacquisition, others struggle to implement land management systems such as GIS for these purposes. This paper situates PPGIS in relation to other forms of participatory action research and outlines our use of a PPGIS framework to engage undergraduate geography students in the mapping of land tenure status on ten rural Minnesota Indian reservations as part of a collaborative partnership with the Indian Land Tenure Foundation (ILTF). A PPGIS framework allowed us to collaboratively define research goals in response to tribal community needs and provided structure for student work with partner reservations to develop and implement tailored mapping and analysis techniques. Two sets of findings are significant. First, the assembly of a standardised set of maps for American Indian reservations in Minnesota provides a tremendous visual and analytical resource for ILTF and individual tribes to pursue land reacquisition within reservation boundaries. Second, from a PPGIS perspective, we found that working with a coordinating or ‘bridging’ organisation provided key benefits by enabling education of both the student–faculty partners and the individual tribes. The PPGIS model empowered both partners by allowing tribes to harness a powerful technology to assist in visualising land‐based assets and allowing students to contribute to native land reacquisition efforts through application of their GIS skills. This mapping helps facilitate economic and cultural viability in tribal communities by providing an important visual catalogue of existing land‐based assets, in support of future land acquisition and economic development planning.  相似文献   

城市绿地景观格局研究——以徐州市为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
运用遥感和地理信息系统技术,以徐州市为例,选用美国的"快鸟"(Quick Bird-2)卫星图像为主要信息源,建立徐州市城市绿地信息系统。在此基础上,以景观生态学理论为指导,选取了绿地景观构成、景观多样性指数、景观优势度指数、景观均匀度指数、斑块密度、斑块数破碎化指数、最小距离指数、景观连通度等景观生态指标对城市绿地景观的结构和格局进行了分析。结果表明,徐州市建成区城市绿地存在着景观结构不合理、破碎度高、景观类型分布不平衡、斑块连通度较低等问题,针对这些问题,提出了徐州市绿地景观建设对策。  相似文献   

Drawing upon an innovative program of surveys in Russia and Eastern Europe, a prominent Western public policy specialist and Russian geographer present an important empirical study demonstrating a wide diffusion of subsistence food production by both urban and rural households in Eastern Europe and by urban households in Russia. With access to land, rather than occupational specialization, determining who grows food in the stressful 1990s, the paper, based on an extensive survey in 1991 and 1992 with 3,550 Bulgarian, Czechoslovak, and Polish respondents and 2,100 Russian, reveals that most people in the post-Soviet realm consume the food that they produce. 1 diagram, 7 tables, 25 references.  相似文献   


Archaeological survey data from the northern interior of Banks Island in Canada’s western Arctic builds upon traditional interpretations of past land use to explore the ways in which this landscape was perceived by different groups. The data confirm earlier archaeological, ethnographic, and oral history work which suggest that the area was occupied primarily in the summer months at two separate times in the past: the Palaeoeskimo period and the Inuinnait (Copper Inuit) period. The earlier occupation was less intensive than the latter and both were focused on muskox hunting. Drawing on ethnographic studies of the Inuit in both the early and late 20th centuries, and on the distribution of archaeological camp sites versus hunting sites, a reconstruction is made of the different ways in which men and women experienced and understood the survey area during Inuinnait times. It suggests that the main drainages formed important travel routes, and that while women’s knowledge of the region was concentrated along these corridors and in favorite camping places, men’s knowledge extended into hunting areas beyond their peripheries.  相似文献   


The Survey of Western Palestine, carried out from 1871 to 1878 by the Palestine Exploration Fund, has become one of the central pieces of scientific research for this region. From its outset, it was conceived as one half of a two-fold project, the other being a survey conducted in the same manner in Transjordan. The Society that was to undertake this, in collaboration with the PEF and their work in Western Palestine, was the American Palestine Exploration Society (APES), founded in 1870. However, by the autumn of 1877, the APES had ceased to exist, and their survey was never widely published. As the first American Society to focus on the Levant as an area of study, the APES is significant, despite its failure to produce a map of lasting value. Many of the founding members went on to be significant players in later, more successful American ventures, notably the American School of Oriental Research. The PEF's archives hold a record of the relationship between the APES in New York, and the PEF in London, and chart the fortunes of the two societies, and their endeavours to map the region east of the Jordan.  相似文献   

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