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A recreation manager is sensitive to user opinions in deciding upon approaches to the regulation of wilderness use. Different methods of regulation will likely be viewed as resulting in more or less satisfaction for the user. To determine recreational satisfaction with a particular approach, then, it is essential that an appropriate portion of the user population should be sampled. Otherwise, management policy might promote recreational behaviour inappropriate to the management objectives for the setting, while displacing users whose behaviour is more in keeping with that setting.  相似文献   

Rothacker expresses concern about an apparent methodological error that could lead to the possible adoption of inappropriate management policies. Rothacker fears we have neglected the possibility of user displacement, an interpretation that stems largely from our observation that 'interviewing was focused on those areas of the park where recreational use was concentrated.' We trust that the following explanation will clarify the situation and alleviate his concerns.  相似文献   

T ime - distance is defined as the time required to travel a specific distance. Consider the time-distances among n places. They are tabulated in an n by n matrix and it is assumed that each element of the square array represents the minimum travel time to go from one place to another. Usually the matrix will be non-symmetrical with all diagonal elements equal to zero. Imagine a graphic representation of those places in a two-dimensional space. Theoretically it is possible to determine two configurations, one arising from trip i to j , the other from trip j to i , such that the locations of all n points approximate the n ( n -1)/2 time-distance relations.1 In practice, however, the geographer will not be satisfied with a solution that does not preserve geographic neighbourliness. He will argue that geographical order is a necessary ingredient to the understanding of place relations. In most cases, a total solution that reconciles the geography with the metric is unattainable and only segments of the time-distance matrix are mapped. On polar isochronic maps, for instance, places are located according to their geographic azimuth and their time-distance with respect to one single origin. Therefore only one row or one column of the original matrix is plotted. The number of maps required for representing the entire data would be twice as large as the number of observations.  相似文献   

关华  曹康 《人文地理》2008,23(4):123-128
地区高技术园区和工业区原有产业分工功能,随着日益激烈的市场竞争逐渐转变成竞争关系。高技园区与工业区原有规划目标提供企业厂商良好的投资生产环境,但是生产与市场重迭所产生的竞争问题,将降低彼此竞争力。本文经由探讨两岸高技术园区发展经验,指出两类团区应采取整合方式支撑地区经济总体发展,并提出对两类园区整合策略的构思。  相似文献   

姚德荣 《旅游》2006,(1):50-53
6500万年前,河源是恐龙的乐园,也是恐龙的故乡。它们在此繁衍生息,在河源城外的一片山坡上,到处是恐龙留下的 足迹。自1996年发现第一窝恐龙蛋开始,到现在短短的9年时间内,河源共收集10563枚恐龙蛋,博物馆收藏恐龙蛋化 石数量居世界第一,河源因此被誉为“恐龙的产房”。河源还先后发现了具恐龙骨骼化五和168个恐龙脚印化石,成为 世界上罕见的恐龙蛋、恐龙骨骼和恐龙脚印化石“三位一体”的发现地。  相似文献   

正In April every year, the No. 317 is surrounded by verdant hills and blue water as it passes through the beautiful town of Xiangtang on this gorgeous spring day, and the Farmers'Pioneer Park of Gangmuda Village can be found at the entrance to Rangtang County.Upon entering this "park", high-rise structures can be seen everywhere, with signs hanging from shops declaring such things as "Rangbala Stone Carvings","Jonang Tibetan Incense", and"Edible Plateau Fungus"in both  相似文献   

省际边界区域城市化模式研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从边界对基础设施、经济要素、产业扩张、市场、生态环境的"切变"效应入手,首次提出我国省际边界区域的"水平城市化模式"。这种模式具有边缘性、断裂性和竞合性等特征,可分为"强强"、"强弱"、"弱弱"等组合类型。通过对苏鲁边界区域的徐州和济宁2市城市化模式的初步探索,验证了水平城市化模式在省际边界区域的客观存在。在边界"切变"效应的作用下,竞争性往往大于合作性,甚至会引起恶性竞争,通过区域管治等措施,可以促进省际边界区域城市一体化目标的实现。  相似文献   

太平天国农民革命战争期间,清政府财政拮据,企图靠滥发官票、宝钞和滥铸大钱、铁钱来摆脱困境。咸丰三年(1853)二月二十日,上谕:准左都御史花沙纳、陕西道御使王茂荫会同户部堂官妥议钞法。“著即照所请,定为官票名目,先于京师行用,俟流通渐广,再颁发各省一律遵办。”①此类官票即是以银两为单位的“户部官票”。九月十八日,又谕令户部颁行钱钞。“著即照所议,由户部制造钱钞,颁发中外,与见行银票相辅通行。其应如何搭收搭放、酌定成数以昭限制,总期官民两便,出纳均平。”②此类钱钞即是以制钱为单位的“大清宝钞”。自咸丰三至十年,户部官…  相似文献   

Following the growth of nature‐based tourism, national parks and other protected areas have become important tourist attractions. This article examines the legislative process of revising the Act on Pallas‐Yllästunturi National Park, located in northern Finland, to enable the renovation and enlargement of the old hotel. The first draft of the government bill published in 2008 led to widespread public opposition, and thus, construction rights were reduced substantially before the new Act was passed in 2010. The main question of this article is why the Finnish government changed its policy on national park governance that had existed for decades. We assess the extent to which the changes in park governance can be interpreted as part of the worldwide neoliberalization of nature, as well as what kind of forces and values work against neoliberal management ideologies. We examine how the process of revising the Act proceeded in the Parliament and analyse on what grounds the hotel construction was defended and opposed in the discussions. Finally we ponder how the political disagreements are explained by neoliberal frames. We conclude that the neoliberal element was one part of the process, but it intertwined with local political reality creating results hardly resembling textbook definitions of neoliberal or classic liberal ideals. Mixed ideological principles, contextual economic conditions, and complex dependencies between individual actors create cases which must be analysed carefully to find out if neoliberal elements really exist and how they are transformed. Close relations between economic and political actors and creation of economic monopolies should raise doubts if vocabulary of liberalization is just a disguise of actions supporting hidden political and economic interests.  相似文献   

Recent petrochemical developments in Alberta are part of a global redistribution of the industry toward raw material locations. A small group of companies has secured control of these raw materials within Alberta and, as a consequence, the power to determine the future pattern of petrochemical development within the province. This pattern will reflect the requirements of the companies rather than the economic policy objectives of the Alberta government.
Les développements récents dans ľindustrie de la pétrochimie en Alberta font partie ďune redistribution globale de ľindustrie vers ses sources de matières premières. Un petit groupe de sociétés a réussi à prendre le contrle de ces matières premières en Alberta, et, par conséquent, le pouvoir de déterminer les directions dans lesquelles ľindustrie pétrochimique évoluera dans cette province. Dans une telle situation, la politique économique du gouvernement de ľAlberta cèdra la place aux besoins prioritaires déterminés par les sociétés elles-měmes.  相似文献   

本文将主客观评价法相结合,对北京市紫竹院公园视觉景观质量影响因素进行分析。课题组实地评价并拍摄照片,室内请评判者给照片打分评出美景度分值,请专家对主观性因子评价,与实地评价结果做一致性检验;对两种方式获取的数据进行方差分析、相关分析,并建立线型回归模型。结果表明:主观性因子的实地评价和室内问卷评价结果具有一致性;专业背景不同不影响评判者对景观美景度的评判结果;美景度与区内因子呈正相关,与区外因子呈负相关;区内的3个因子更能影响对景观的评判,其中,自然景观所占比例影响最为显著。  相似文献   

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