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闻黎明 《史学月刊》2007,6(7):49-54
抗日战争期间,日军曾数百次对昆明狂轰乱炸,造成了重大的人员和财产损失,给当地民众的战时生活秩序产生了严重的影响.在对昆明的大轰炸中,当时中国的最高学府--西南联合大学也屡次遭袭,造成多名教职工伤亡,大量校舍和图书、仪器损毁.然而,敌人的轰炸并没有从精神上吓倒联大师生,大家积极采取措施防范空袭,在"跑警报"的过程中,人们的心态逐渐乐观起来.  相似文献   

金秋十月,由云南大学、中国历史文献学会联合主办的"中华文化典籍与云南暨中国历史文献学会第28届年会"在昆明召开。来自全国各地的与会代表近百人齐集一堂,就中华典籍在云南的传播及云南对中  相似文献   

昆明城镇体系空间分布类型及其原因分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在用"D距离内邻点平均数法"定量分析昆明城镇体系空间分布类型的基础上,对造成昆明城镇分布地域差异的原因采用"灰色系统关联分析法"进行了分析,并针对分析结果提出了城镇发展的建议,为昆明市城镇体系规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

听说昆明附近有一个火山温泉,吓了我一跳。我都老昆明了,竟然不知。从昆明出发,走老石安公路过"彩云之南"继续前行,行程约30分钟,蔚蓝宁静的"高原明珠"阳宗海就呈现在了眼前。阳宗海位于汤池镇附近,这里的地热温泉古时候就有了,出水口的温度高达72度,汤池就此得名。云南是个内陆省份,老祖老辈的无缘见过大海,就把高原湖泊叫海子。  相似文献   

昆明市城市商业地域结构探讨与调整对策刍议   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文运用因子生态分析方法,探讨了昆明城市商业地域结构特征及其类型,将昆明城市商业地域结构概括为"四大分布特征"和"六种地域类型";根据城市商业分布的理论,分析了昆明市商业地域结构存在的问题,并提出了初步调整的方向性建议。  相似文献   

段晓林 《文献》2005,(2):228-237
<天方性理>、<天方典礼>是清初伊斯兰教著名学者刘智的重要著作.关于昆明版<天方性理>和<天方典礼>,此前只有白寿彝先生数次撰文提到:"关于回教教义的概要,可看刘智著的<天方性理>、<天方典礼>(有成都、广州、镇江、昆明等处刊本)",①"智所著书,版本最多,广州、镇江、成都、昆明、北平、上海等处均有一种或多种书的刊本或排印本."②"今<天方性理>有成都刊本,昆明刊本,马福祥排印本;<天方典礼>有成都刊本,广州刊本,金陵丛书本,金子云排印本,马福祥排印本,文通书局标点本."③"在这四个本子(指成都刊本、广州刊本、马廷树铅印本和马福祥铅印本--引者)外,听说镇江和昆明都有刊本,但我还没有见到."④  相似文献   

当儿童和柱躲在教室的门后,反复用昆明话练习一种"问候"时,他漂泊的命运就已经注定。几分钟后,他从门里跳出来,对第一个遇见的同伴说:"小杂种!"然后他们和解了。"这是一个神奇的字眼。"30年以后,  相似文献   

在云南昆明南区可见到一种蓝釉带黄彩、绿彩和豆绿釉泛黑斑白点半透明的陶器。选种陶器质地朴实、色釉雅致、造型新颖,当地的人都称这种陶器是昆明灰土窑烧造的"古瓷"。灰土窑烧造陶器的年限所说不一:有的认为是明代烧造,也有的认为是清代烧造。  相似文献   

<正>2016年10月25—26日,由中国明史学会和昆明学院共同主办的"明代云南治理与开发国际学术研讨会"在云南昆明召开。胡凡对明代云南都司陆凉卫的设置时间和设立原因有所考论。王雪莹论述了云南卫所屯粮征收的条鞭化过程。罗勇考察了滇缅边境一个卫所军户家族的流动情况。张金奎对明初舍余制度与云南边地开发关系作了探究。吕杨认为"小云南"人进入山东登莱地区是通过军事迁移和流放两种途径。阿风对嘉靖二十七年云南临安卫董一言等买卖房屋的契约进行了考释。孟凡松探  相似文献   

昆明话对使用者在学习普通话时具有很大的影响,研究昆明话在发音上存在的特点,对昆明话使用者的普通话学习有很大帮助。  相似文献   

随着我国化学工业和公路建设的发展,电石在公路运输中引起的交通事故频繁发生,造成了严重的经济损失和不良的社会影响。建立事故紧急救援预案,提高电石运输事故的救援水平,改善事故的救援状况,对于提高电石运输安全性,减少经济损失具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

A large flux of > 100 MeV electrons were registered in the inner radiation belt on low-altitude satellites. The origin of that flux is discussed. It appears that slow radial diffusion (Do = 10−13 1/s) gives a low probability for penetration of these electrons to small L from the boundary of magnetosphere because of synchrotron radiation energy losses. It is found that they can enter to the inner belt region without such losses after great magnetic storms when high speed radial diffusion sometimes takes place. Two great storms on 8–9 Feb.] 986 and 24 March 1991 are examples when one can directly observe a penetration of energetic electron fluxes into magnetosphere. The assumption about their Jovian origin is discussed.  相似文献   

李晓鹏  许少朋 《攀登》2011,30(3):87-91
现阶段工程建设领域业已成为职务犯罪的高发领域,涉案金额大,后果严重,给国家和人民利益造成了巨大损失,其中以工程建设招投标环节违法违规问题尤为突出。正确认识工程建设招投标环节职务犯罪的特点和规律,有效预防和遏制该领域的职务犯罪活动,是我们必须认真思考和研究的课题。  相似文献   

李锋  孙根年 《人文地理》2006,21(4):102-105
旅游危机事件会给区域旅游业带来一系列的影响,正确地分析评估旅游危机的影响,有助于总结旅游危机的影响规律和科学地制定旅游产业恢复政策。本文运用旅游本底线法对2003年的“SARS”事件给我国入境旅游所造成的影响进行了分析。结果表明,受此影响,我国入境旅游外汇总损失是56.7105亿美元,入境旅游人次损失量是1164.1万人次,入境旅游整体受此影响的周期是一年;我国入境旅游的抗旅游危机事件的冲击能力正逐步增强。  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize an integrated, operational model of losses due to earthquake impacts on transportation and industrial capacity, and how these losses affect the metropolitan economy. The procedure advances the information provided by transportation and activity system analysis techniques in ways that help capture the most important ecomonic implications of earthquakes. Network costs and origin-destination requirements are modeled endogenously and consistently. Indirect and induced losses associated with direct impacts on transportation and industrial capacity are distributed across zones and ecomonic sectors. Preliminary results are summarized for a magnitude 7.1 earthquake on the Elysian Park blind thrust fault in Los Angeles.  相似文献   

The ‘destruction of the English country house’ in the period since the late nineteenth century looms large in popular consciousness, and has received increasing attention from historians in recent years. There is no doubt that demolitions did occur on a large scale, especially in the middle years of the twentieth century, but it is arguable that most research has placed too much emphasis on the economic problems faced by estates arising from the great Agricultural Depression: the narrative so far, that is, has had too rural a focus. This article examines the phenomenon in Lancashire, a county characterized by industrialization, demographic expansion, and rapid urbanization. This regional perspective suggests reasons for country house losses that are subtly but significantly different from those pertaining in the more rural counties of England, which have been the primary focus of previous studies.  相似文献   

日军侵占南京期间,美国基督复临安息日会在南京高门楼20号、句容桥头镇等地部分财产遭到日伪的破坏与侵占,为此,美国传教士奈特、李博克、哈特维尔等人先后与美国驻南京外交官和驻上海总领事等反映损失情况。为处理此事,美国外交机构之间也文牍往还,相关函件部分还原了事实真相。这些文件再次证明,侵华日军不仅给中国人民造成了巨大伤害,而且损害了第三国在华利益。尤其是在南京及周边地区,美国侨民的财产损失严重,这受到美国驻华外交机构的关注,并与日方进行交涉。相关函件藏于美国国家档案馆,RG 84,Records of Foreign Service Posts,Consular Posts,Shanghai,China,Volume 2754,函件标题为译者拟定。  相似文献   

海河水系以"清"为名的大清河其实只是相对于位居其南、其北著名浊流滹沱河与永定河而言的"清"河。历史时期,随着上游水土流失的日益加剧,大清河南系各河含沙量不断增高,干流段决徙逐渐频繁。本文利用历史文献,对先秦以来在自然与人类活动共同影响下的大清河南系的变迁进行了探讨,揭示和总结了两千余年来水系格局变动的基本过程及主要特点。大清河南系又是白洋淀湖群地表径流补给最大的水源,上述研究结论还将是理解和分析这一著名湖群演变不可忽视的重要基础。  相似文献   


The earthquakes striking Northridge, California in 1994 and Kobe, Japan just a year later highlighted the vulnerability of modern cities to natural hazards. The Northridge quake affected a suburban area, consisting of a mixture of residential and commercial districts but having no industrial plants of any great size. In Kobe, by contrast, the entire urban area, having a high concentration of population and buildings in the city centre, major industrial plants, and a large port area, was hit. This fact, and the higher price levels in Japan, explain why the extent of the losses in Kobe was significantly higher. The Kobe tremor demonstrated that much more attention must be paid in future to reinforcing important older buildings or buildings that are especially at risk. The fact that many modern high rise buildings survived intact showed that it is possible to design earthquake resistant structures, although the safety of steel frame structures, hitherto thought to be good, is now more questionable. Theories predicting that a similar event in a conurbation such as San Francisco or Tokyo–Yokohama could affect the entire world economy must now be viewed as having greater credibility.  相似文献   

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