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武汉博物馆文物保存环境研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为全面了解武汉博物馆的文物保存环境现状,科学评价该馆文物库房环境达标试点工程的成效,总结实践经验,服务我国馆藏文物保存环境改善工作,采用相关检测设施和仪器分析手段,针对该馆的改造新文物库房、未改造老库房、文物储藏柜、包装囊盒、陈列展厅、文物展柜内的环境质量,检测了其中的温度、相对湿度、甲醛浓度、板材的木材含水率、可见光照度以及紫外辐照强度等指标,并对环境中的酸性气体和VOC浓度进行了采样分析。检测研究结果表明,武汉博物馆达标改造工程对库房温湿度和光照水平的控制成效明显,基本达到了文物保护要求;增添使用的文物储藏柜、包装囊盒、活性炭吸附材料等具有一定的微环境调控效果。由于装饰材料和橱柜材料等散发污染物的影响、恒温恒湿系统的间歇式运转模式、部分老库房和展厅采用无防护自然采光设计等原因,现文物保存环境中还存在主要污染气体浓度普遍偏高、湿度呈现短周期性波动、局部光照水平偏高等情况。对此,给出了一些建议。  相似文献   

为了解海昏侯墓椁室木材及随葬漆木器木材种类,进而分析其用材特点,分别对木材取样进行种属鉴定。鉴定结果表明:海昏侯墓椁木为樟科(Lauraceae)桢楠属(Phoebe)桢楠(Phoebe zhennan),椁室木门为柏科(Cupressaceae)柏木属(Cupressus)柏木(Cupressus funebris),比较文献资料,推测汉代椁室常用木材即为楠,反映了汉代椁木用材的专门化;受检的随葬漆木器材种均为樟科,包含檫木属(Sassafras)檫木(Sassafras tzumu)、黄肉楠属(Actinodaphne)、琼楠属(Beilschmiedia)等,反映出随葬漆木器用材具有地域性,可能均为本地生产。  相似文献   

蚌器是一种以蚌壳为材料制作的器具,其主要是用作生产工具、生活用具或装饰品等,在辽西地区兴隆洼文化中蚌器发现数量颇多。以兴隆洼文化出土的蚌器为主要研究对象,将其分为装饰类、人面类、臂钏类和工具类四类,进行类型和功能的分析,进而讨论蚌器与石器中同类器之间相互模仿、相互影响的互动关系。  相似文献   

High resolution vertical wind measurements of the upper and lower thermosphere were made at Poker Flat, Alaska, using a scanning Fabry-Perot spectrometer (FPS). Observations of the λ558 and λ630 nm emissions of atomic oxygen were made on 21 nights and allowed for the simultaneous determination of wind and temperature at altitudes of about 130 and 240 km, respectively. On two occasions, significant upwelling events were measured which lasted between 15 and 25 min. Peak velocities were up to 42 m/s at 130 km and 138 m/s at 240 km. Auroral activity was monitored using a meridian scanning photometer (MSP). On both occasions, the region of upwelling was located on the poleward side of the auroral oval during geomagnetically active conditions. A schematic model is used to describe an event from which the horizontal scale of the upwelling region is estimated to be less than 320 km in the lower thermosphere and less than 800 km in the upper thermosphere.  相似文献   

丁山 《收藏家》2009,(6):3-10
这个命题看起来就很刺激,也注定会很伤众。但笔者认定:至少元朝景德镇比较精细的器物中不会出现汉族人物故事图案。这个命题最早是西北大学周晓陆教授提出的。大约本世纪初笔者赴西安,应邀与周晓陆教授一同去耀州窑(黄堡窑),看了陕西省考古工作站发掘采集的耀州窑五代标本,回来后发了篇报道,并掀起了关于研究柴窑的一组文章。  相似文献   

徐健 《史学集刊》2021,(3):96-110
浪漫主义运动发生于18世纪末至19世纪30年代,是一场构建民族精神特质的思想塑造运动。柏林的宗教氛围、普鲁士君主制传统,特别是作为其“血脉”的等级制度在法国革命冲击后依然完好无损地保留,使浪漫主义者得以将普鲁士作为政治实验场开展活动。亚当·米勒和斯泰因是两位改革时期的浪漫派代表,一个从观念出发,将君主制、等级制“浪漫化”,用于指导改革;而另一个则从历史经验出发,在实践中尝试将君主制和等级制做出顺应时代的改变。他们的思想和实践对普鲁士的改革进程产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

双墩遗址黑陶渗炭工艺初探   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
双墩遗址是淮河流域新石器时代中期的一个重要遗址。该遗址出土了相当数量的黑陶,黑陶的制作工艺有多种,为探明双墩遗址黑陶的制作工艺,采用了XRD、喇曼光谱、重烧试验、显微、岩相、SEM和EDS探针等技术,对双墩遗址出土黑陶和局部发黑陶器进行了综合的测试分析。结果指出,陶器整个表层的黑色物质是炭黑。碳元素沿剖面的分布为:内外表层高而中间低,而内外表层0.6mm范围内炭含量的分布不甚均匀,存在明显的高低起伏,表明双墩遗址主要采用渗炭工艺制作黑陶。  相似文献   

梅兰芳成功地进行了一系列京剧艺术的改革,为整个戏剧文化的改革发展提供了榜样,对今天戏剧文化的发展具有重要的提示意义。  相似文献   

吴海涛 《安徽史学》2012,(4):111-116,128
元明清时期,京杭大运河的开通,便利了北方政治中心与南方经济中心之间的联系。特别是在明清时期,大运河漕运事关国计。当时政府的诸多治河措施是为确保漕运畅通,加之明代保陵的需要,更使黄河、淮河、运河之间的关系复杂化。封建政府的决策行为使本自独流入海的淮河改道主要由长江入海,使淮河流域成为十年九灾之区。  相似文献   


Spectroscopic provenance analysis of Hungarian amber artifacts has shown that nearly all of them are of Baltic amber or succinite, which occurs naturally only in northern Europe. The present paper explores the question whether these beads were made in northern Europe and imported into Hungary as finished products, or were made in Hungary from imported raw material.

To this end, 659 extant amber beads of the Bronze Age of Hungary are divided into 17 types by shape and dimensions. The significance of the typology is borne out by striking diachronical patterns: e.g., flattened globular beads (Group III) are virtually limited to the Middle Bronze Age, while truncated bi-conical beads (Group IX) are essentially exclusive to the Late Bronze Age. By comparing Hungarian bead forms of a given period with those of countries to the north, including Denmark and the Baltic States, the classification offers a means by which imported beads may be distinguished from locally made beads.  相似文献   

作者认为国内外对“十七条协议”之“附件”的描述与实际情况不符。“十七条协议”共有两个“附件”,附件一和附件二首次向社会公开的时间分别是1991年和1995年。西藏和平解放期间达赖喇嘛居住地问题(去留问题)与人民解放军能否进军西藏密切相关,也是“附件”产生的直接原因。制定“附件”的目的是为了达成和平进军西藏的“十七条协议”。“附件二”的内容比起“协议”的第四条更能体现中央政府对达赖的最大诚意、宽容和忍耐。“附件”的制定有效促进了“十七条协议”的签订。  相似文献   

考古出土实物研究表明,商周青铜器铭文制作,通常是先雕刻正阴字铭文模,然后翻制反阳字铭文活块泥芯,镶嵌于主体泥芯合适位置组成复合泥芯,最后在浇铸青铜器时一并铸成于器物内壁上。复制具有151字铭文的西周晚期青铜颂鼎,整体采用失蜡铸造工艺,铭文制作借鉴商周青铜器陶范铸造的相关工艺,多次翻制制作一块铭文蜡片,嵌入模具型腔后翻制整体硅橡胶泥芯,获得了理想的效果。  相似文献   

This study is based on the SEM-EDS and LA-ICP-AES analyses of a sample of twenty-nine Tang sancai sherds unearthed from the Liquanfang site, Xi'an city. The results indicate that ceramics with yellowish bodies are calcareous and those with red bodies were made of ferruginous clays. The use of calcareous clay in Tang sancai bodies is otherwise unknown in Chinese history, which suggests that the technique of Tang sancai making at this site might have been influenced by ceramic technology from the Near East or Central Asia. The paper therefore argues that the traditional approach of treating calcareous clay as the main characteristic of pottery made in the ancient Near East or Central Asia is not necessarily accurate. It is likely that some calcareous Tang sancai ceramics were made in the capital city of the Tang dynasty.  相似文献   


The millstone grit of the Peak District provided the greatest supply of millstones made of native rock in Britain over many centuries, including the first half of the twentieth. The paper describes and lists the quarries and working areas as completely as possible. It describes the types of millstone made over the centuries and deduces from the archaeological remains the process by which they were made. Ancillary topics such as tools, smithies, transport and mason's marks are briefly touched upon, and the Bole Hill Quarry Railway and its possible connections with the millstone industry is briefly described.  相似文献   

近代,中国资产阶对妇女解放的道路纷纷作出了选择,其中,妇女教育作为妇女解放思想的重要内容之一,获得了重大发展。女子教育的发展是众多要素合力的结果,梁启超和孙中山为此做出了重要的贡献。两人的女子教育思想也有很大不同,主要体现在兴女学原因、教育宗旨及内容等方面,通过对此学习,可加深对二人的了解,有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

中国原始社会出土的耳饰是新石器时代之后才出现的。由于新石器时代还没有成熟的冶金工艺,因此,此时出土的耳饰大多是以玉石材质为主,也有少量的陶、煤精、牙骨等质地。耳饰形制主要是以玉石质的玦为主,以及少量的耳珰和耳坠为辅。其佩戴方式主要有夹戴(如玦),直接塞入耳部穿孔(如玦、耳珰),或穿绳系挂于耳部(如玦、耳坠)等。  相似文献   

赵辉兵 《史学集刊》2006,6(1):88-96
从研究方法的角度看,国外主要是美国学界关于进步运动的研究大体可分为专题研究、综合研究与比较研究。特别是在20世纪70年代以来,进步运动研究超越民族国家范畴,在跨国比较研究方面取得了重大进展。从构成进步运动的主体看,19世纪末20世纪初的美国进步运动是由复杂多样的改革运动组成的,得到不同的变革力量的倡导与支持。作为改革的进步派不能简单地以阶级或阶层划线,他们因不同的问题忽而协同作战,转而又互为敌寇或各自为战。尽管进步运动具有多样性,但并不排斥其一致性或共性的存在。从进步运动的目标与内容看,它是一场新的历史条件下重建民主与资本主义的社会政治运动,而作为支持进步运动的意识形态,即进步主义,究其实质,是属于自由主义范畴的。作为全国范围内的首次变革运动,进步运动奠定了现代美国政治、经济与文化的基础。  相似文献   

陈亮 《中原文物》2003,(6):42-48
周原遗址历年来出土青铜削刀近百件,以其柄首的异同,可分为五个类型。周原削刀主要分布在遗址中心部位的西周制骨、冶铜作坊遗址区和建筑基址区内,可见,当时它的一个重要用途是用于制骨、冶铜。这些削刀多为本地铸造,其铸造方法有单范和双合范法两种,个别还使用了错红铜镶嵌工艺,反映了西周社会经济和冶铜工艺的进步与发展。  相似文献   

汪勃 《考古》2012,(3):85-96
中国唐代中晚期至五代之际的遗址或墓葬中出土有西亚伊斯兰孔雀蓝釉陶器,迄今已知有福州、扬州、广州、宁波、广西等地的考古资料。这种孔雀蓝釉陶器在非洲东海岸、西亚至中国的一些海港乃至日本都有出土,相关简报多附有研究,顾风、马文宽等曾对这类器物进行综合研究,三上次男就南亚、东南亚地区出土的这种釉陶器也做过综  相似文献   


A curious aspect of the First Opium War was the circulation among Chinese officials of two claims made about British soldiers, instigated by Commissioner Lin Zexu: their uniforms were so tight that if they were to stumble they would not be able to get up again; and, the men were “like fish,” thus able to function well at sea, but not to fight on land because they had become so used to the pitching and rolling of their ships. This article examines the extent to which these notions took on the quality of wartime rumors, and how they spread beyond generals and officials and into the general population. It considers the way in which the rumors functioned in different ways and at different levels of society, taking on different constructions of meaning in multiple social and political domains.  相似文献   

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