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“Theory” is all the rage among religious studies scholars generally. But with the tiniest number of exceptions, this is not true in American religious history. American history in general has not proven receptive to theoretically oriented scholarship, and American religious history may epitomize this aversion; most histories of religion in America follow the classic forms of narrative history. yet the study of religion in modern urban America illustrates the desirability and perhaps even the inevitability of rethinking both religion and modernity. Without rethinking modernity, especially the assumption of its secularity, our histories cannot explain or even adequately describe the remarkable resilience of religion in so seemingly secular a place as Manhattan. And without rethinking religion we may not be able to comprehend its ability to thrive and to embrace uncertainty and spiritual pluralism alike.  相似文献   

最后,这个仙境般的楼宇用一种特别的方式把我们带回了平凡生活:我们被告知要每人支付100Dhs(折合人民币约225元)的参观费用——帆船酒店实在是太特别了,即使我们想要饱一下眼福也需要付出代价……  相似文献   


This paper looks at the development of the bottle glass industry in England. The production of bottles is considered from both a typological perspective and through the chemical composition of the glass used. Samples of bottles and bottle production debris from many different production sites have been analysed to determine their chemical composition. The changes in the social organisation of the industry are discussed in relation to the changing materials and technologies employed in bottle production.  相似文献   

Australia is on the brink of a recession, and we have platinum, palladium and 350,000 ozs of gold locked up in Coronation Hill but we cannot go ahead and mine it because, all of a sudden, it has become a sacred site. It was not a sacred site fifty years ago. Barry Coulter, Treasurer of the Northern Territory, 27/8/86  相似文献   

<正>Tibet Autonomous Region is a place of spectacular scenic beauty.I have had the privilege of visiting it four times.In addition,I have visited quite a few Tibetan areas outside Tibet,including in Qinghai,Sichuan,Gansu,and Yunnan.My visits to the Tibetan areas of China span the years 1985 to 2011.  相似文献   

<正>In retrospect,when I left my hometown 23 years ago,there was a bitter-sweet taste in my heart.Looking around the small and narrow lanes in Lhasa,beggars and homeless dogs were here and there at that time.Beggars would come and ask for food.The wind would blow dust,pieces of paper,plastic,and other things  相似文献   

<正>In 1952,my father,Xia Chuan,followed the march of the 18th Corps of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) into Tibet where he developed a deep friendship with t...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper investigates the extent to which house–price uncertainty affects the transition of renter households into homeownership. Using a 14‐year household panel from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics during the years 1984–1997 and measures of the time‐varying risk and return to owner‐occupied housing, we estimate a Cox proportional hazard model of the effect of house–price volatility on the transition into homeownership. Results indicate that house–price uncertainty has a negative and dramatic impact on transitions into homeownership. In addition, we find that the low‐wealth renters are particularly sensitive to house–price risk.  相似文献   

宗教·建筑·风水美学与环境之管见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述宗教、宗教建筑、宗教建筑环境选择及风水中的美学等问题。  相似文献   

In Tibetan areas, prior to the Democratic Reform (1959-1960), there were over 2,700 monasteries, and the population of monks and nuns totaled about 110,000, accounting for 10 percent of the total Tibetan population (1.2 million).  相似文献   


神话与宗教中理想景观的文化地理透视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁璐  许然  潘秋玲 《人文地理》2005,20(4):106-109
神话与宗教是原始的哲学和宇宙观,理想景观是其中一个重要组成部分。根据文化圈的不同,世界神话与宗教可划分为三种地域类型:中国式、希腊式和希伯莱式。它们各有其不同的理想景观类型。理想景观是人们对于环境的选择和改造,它的形成受自然环境和文化的双重作用,其中自然环境的作用是潜在的、基础性的,而文化的作用是直接的和本质性的。不同的文化通过神话和宗教中的理想景观类型来表达自己的景观理想,又依据这些理想,通过地理回归在现实中使其物化,实现对地理环境的影响。  相似文献   

正Yangdron,a Tibetan female,graduated from the Chinese Department of Beijing University.Having joined the Association of Chinese Writers in 1997,her short stories won the Literary Creation Prize for Chinese Ethnic Minorities.Some of her works have been included by the Collection of Excellent Works of China's Contemporary Tibetan Writers,Tibet New Stories,and Listen to Tibet,and some were translated into English and published in the USA.In 1994,The Sexless Gods,the first novel written by  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):125-133

The demands and effects of warfare have not been one of the traditional concerns of historians of early modern English towns. This essay looks at the way in which the townsmen of York, Hull and Beverley responded to the demands of war. It explores the level of urban involvement in the king's wars, mainly but not exclusively against the Scots, and the way in which the pressure of war acted to transform relations within towns and relations between towns and their neighbours. In a period when towns were experiencing rapid economic, social and religious change, war provided one means of renegotiating power relations and allowed urban elites to expand their authority, through partnership with the Crown, vis-à-vis their fellow citizens and non-urban elites. The balance between profiting from war and being ruined by its demands was a fine one, however, exemplified by the experience of Hull in the 1540s.  相似文献   

城市空间集中与分散的哲学透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
朱喜钢 《人文地理》2004,19(4):45-49
城市空间是一种处在对立统一运动中的矛盾复合体。集中与分散的相互关系作为城市空间中对立统一的两面,构成了城市空间演化的基本矛盾。它们的对立与统一成为城市空间发展的最本质的运动。文章以哲学的方法论透视了集中与分散的概念,讨论了集中与分散的学术论争及其背后城市发展的轨迹,指出了集中与分散的机制特点以及一体化趋势,得出了集中与分散是城市空间演化中的基本表现,是考察城市空间运动的一个基本视角的结论。文章通过深入剖析集中主义与分散主义不同的发展条件与背景,揭示了城市空间内部集中与分散的关系以及空间机理,强调据此有助于从中了解与把握城市空间演化的规律,有利于指导我国城市发展的实践。  相似文献   

苏北地区可持续发展中的资源环境问题研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过苏北与苏南的对比分析、资源环境现状与开发利用潜力评价、以及资源环境与发展关系的定量分析评价,表明苏北资源有较大优势,开发利用潜力大,具有对区域发展的较强支撑能力;资源利用效率不高、承载能力下降过快,环境负荷过重,问题较多,已构成对区域可持续发展的约束与限制;区域发展中的经济增长速度不快,资源-环境-经济大系统不够协调。提出了资源环境系统调控与支撑能力建设的科学对策。  相似文献   

Editor's Note:
In 2002 a special class was established in Minzu University of China. It recruited non-Tibetan high school graduates from the hinterland. After graduation, the students would work on some basic tasks below county level in Tibet Autonomous Region to serve local economic and social development. Upon graduation, these young men were to be sent to places, which were completely unfamiliar to them. How would they face difficulties in work and life? Could they stick to their tasks?  相似文献   

Summary. This paper is on shells which originate in the Indo-Pacific marine province (Red Sea or other waters to the south and east) and are found at sites in the Mediterranean Basin and Europe over 250 km. from their source. The catalogue of over 160 sites yielding these shells ranges in date from the Upper Paleolithic to recent times. Sixteen sites which supposedly produced Indo-Pacific shells are shown to be incorrect identifications.
Many of these exotic shells are seen to come from graves and sanctuary sites. Some shells are unmodified, others made into simple beads, and some finely worked by engraving and incising.  相似文献   

乡村旅游与农村经济互动持续发展模式与对策探析   总被引:62,自引:0,他引:62  
乡村旅游是新世纪我国农村发展和旅游产业发展的重要组成部分,是推动农村经济发展的重要动力。本文分析了乡村旅游发展对我国农村经济发展的意义和乡村旅游与农村经济互动持续发展的基本条件。在此基础上,作者提出了促进两者互动持续发展的模式,并提出不同类型的乡村旅游的发展模式及其与农村经济互动持续发展相应的主要对策。  相似文献   

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