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徽州古民居庭院的理水与空间形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山青水秀、云绕雾罩的皖南,明清以来的民居质朴而典雅、实用而美观;本文着重讨论了徽州民居在庭院的理水与空间布局上的特点,指出建筑与环境的统一、人与自然的和谐是其成功的关键所在。  相似文献   

刘彦军 《华夏考古》2000,(3):98-102
安阳,位于河南省北部.由于是殷墟所在地和安阳古城的存在,1986年被国务院公布为第二批历史文化名城.近几年来,对安阳古城进行改造的呼声越来越高,所以搞清安阳古城的基本情况,为安阳古城改造提供科学依据,并逐步落实历史文化名城保护……  相似文献   

徽州古民居(村落)的风水观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从风水角度,探讨明清时期徽州古民居在村落规划、建筑设计及营造技术方面,利用和借鉴风水理论,在功能、美学和技术上,形成独特的地方性建筑艺术特色。  相似文献   

肖旻 《华夏考古》2005,(1):69-74
文章对现有的理论模式进行反思, 对中国古建筑木构架的几种类型的在历史演进中的关系提出了假说: 从干栏式到地面的穿斗式是木构架自然的发展序列, 具有普遍性。官式建筑的产生和秦汉以来高等级建筑采用井干式与多层木楼阁有关, 并受到穿斗式的影响。抬梁式是官式建筑发展的结果并反过来影响了南北方的民间建筑。  相似文献   

对唐代各个时期河东裴氏家族成员的宅第进行研究,有助于细化对唐长安城官员宅第的认识,并为唐代家族制度的研究提供新的资料。河东裴氏宅第的分布受政治中心变更的影响,又表现出其独具的特色。初唐,裴氏宅第呈现出以大明宫为轴心的分布格局;盛唐,在金光门、春明门大街以南的矩形外郭城中裴氏宅第呈椭圆形散开,表现出住宅区较强的拓展性;中唐,裴氏宅第趋于集中;晚唐,宅第数量减少,分布零星,反映了家族势力的衰落。河东裴氏的建宅特点表现为:政治性、通达性、临水性、聚居性、精神性。  相似文献   

黄卫文  蔡毅 《东南文化》2011,(1):105-112,132
故宫博物院藏有传承自明代宫廷的清官旧藏洪武瓷67件,其制作工艺和装饰既有元代遗风,又有明代官窑瓷器特点,器物风格具有鲜明的由元至明过渡阶段的时代特征.结合景德镇明洪武制瓷历史背景、洪武瓷研究以及其在清宫中的原藏位置,可知清宫旧藏洪武瓷是景德镇洪武官窑受命为宫廷烧造的瓷器,反映了此时景德镇制瓷风格处于由元至明的过渡阶段,...  相似文献   


While teaching the histories of the Ming and Qing dynasties, Meng Sen (1869–1937), developed three textbooks in the 1930s: Lecture Notes on the Ming History (明史讲义 Mingshi jiangyi), Lecture Notes on the Qing History (清史讲义 Qingshi jiangyi), and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State (满洲开国史讲义 Manzhou kaiguo shi jiangyi). In these book titles, the term “history” refers specifically to “standard history.” In tracing Meng Sen’s original intention in producing these textbooks, all three works suggest the author’s desire to write history. He wrote Lecture Notes on the Ming History to prepare a future revision of the History of the Ming (明史 Mingshi); similarly he wrote Lecture Notes on the Qing History and Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State with the intention to revise the Draft History of the Qing (清史稿 Qingshi gao). Meng Sen summarized Sima Guang’s (司马光, 1019–86) view of history as “imitating the good and avoiding the bad,” which he believed represented the “essential meaning of history.” Meng followed Sima Guang’s model in compiling the Lecture Notes on the Ming History and Lecture Notes on the Qing History, as shown in their style and format. By comparison, his writing of the Lecture Notes on the History of the Founding of the Manchu State attempted to merge the traditional annals–biographic style with narrative history from the West, or to pour old wine into a new bottle. Meng Sen presented his innovative efforts at Peking University, introducing young scholars to standards for history writing, and doing his utmost to guide and encourage his students; some of whom became noted scholars in the study of Ming and Qing histories.  相似文献   

《古今图书集成》辑录了省、府、县三级土地数字,上限"原额"大体是明万历清丈后的数据,下限截至康熙二十二年(1683年)。这种基于分县统计资料的全国性大汇总,是明清土地问题研究不可或缺的断面"基准"数据。征引的方志有些现已难以查到了,故而登录的土地数字就愈显得珍贵。可是,《古今图书集成》辑录的土地数字来源于官修方志无论在统计口径,还是在数据单位内涵上均存在着繁简不一、登记纷乱的现象,误差也很大。只有对其资料来源、属性和存在的问题作切实的了解和尽可能详尽的考订,才能发挥其应有的利用价值。本文对《古今图书集成》所载土地数字存在的时间断面、土地类型、统计系统和数字属性等问题进行考证鉴别,旨在厘清土地数字的真实性、可靠性,发挥其应有的价值,达到科学收集和利用历史数据的目的。  相似文献   

明清丝绸之路哈密—吐鲁番段存在一条自哈密西南沙尔湖转西北至鄯善进而抵达吐鲁番的“沙尔湖路”,它与“黑风川道”“小南路”等传统路线均不同。利用《蒙古山水地图》等文献,可对沙尔湖路具体行经进行考证复原。该路沿线地形平坦,有泉水与植被,在明廷与吐鲁番、清廷与准噶尔在哈密的政治和军事对峙阶段曾广泛使用,后因泉湖干涸、气候炎热而中断。  相似文献   

清代河南书院的地域分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洪瑞 《史学月刊》2004,(10):96-105
清代是河南书院发展史上一个重要的时期,伴随着书院的官学化,清代河南书院实现了自己的普及化,先后设置的292所书院已遍布省内各个州县。与明代相比,开封府仍然是书院分布最为集中的地区,其他府州的书院发展则出现了不同程度的变化,完全打破了原有的斜十字状的分布格局,呈现出带状的分布特征。通过对书院数目、分布密度等要素的比较研究,各府州书院发展水平的差异可基本划定,黄河两岸诸府——开封府,河南府、怀庆府、卫辉府等成为清代河南书院较为发达的地区。  相似文献   


It is increasingly recognised that religion was the mainspring of pre-Reformation domestic ritual in royal as well as episcopal and archiepiscopal households. This article sets out to examine the architectural consequences of this. It argues that from the mid-15th century a small group of high-status residential buildings was planned around the need for lavish liturgical display, particularly the introduction of a cloister. The patrons of such buildings were churchmen of the highest rank such as Henry Beaufort and Thomas Wolsey who, it is argued, had special requirements for their principal residences. These requirements subsequently went on to influence the plans of early Tudor royal palaces, culminating in the reconstruction of Whitehall Palace by Henry VIII in the 1540s.  相似文献   

清初《春秋》经学力求杜绝宋元以来《春秋》经解之中的空虚、穿凿,顾炎武提倡、鼓励广辑传注解经,《左传》因产生年代最古,以及详实的叙事,在众多传注中确立了它的学术优先地位。顾炎武将《左传》杜注带入研究视野,其方法影响及乾嘉汉学,但又明显带有清初经学的特点,而顾炎武对《左传》义理的质疑则承袭了历来学者对《左传》义理的不信任,带有普遍共通性。  相似文献   


This article aims to highlight the mechanisms through which institutional arrangements influence the morphology of residential development. By comparing the Netherlands, Flanders and North Rhine-Westphalia, which have quite similar socio-economic and landscape characteristics, it investigates how differences in national institutional environments have contributed to differences in the urban morphology of residential areas. This article fits within a broader institutional “turn” in planning research. While most of these studies focus on how institutions affect the behaviour of actors in the process of planning and development, this article focuses on the physical outcomes of these processes. The institutional analysis of physical outcomes suggests that urban morphology is not only linked to planning systems—the subject of this special issue—but also to housing cultures and property regimes.  相似文献   

大高殿建于明嘉靖二十一年(1542年),是明代皇室、宫官婢女演练道教科仪的场所,也是明清两代皇帝祈祷上天、求雨祈晴的地方。清朝统治者采取儒、道、释并用的政策,注重对大高殿的利用,尤其是雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、光绪等朝,屡次对其进行修缮,以备皇帝亲诣拈香。本文对清代的常修、大修及八国联军对大高殿的破坏等档案史料进行梳理,并进一步阐释了清王朝对之的使用和管理。  相似文献   


The employment of timber pegs in timber structure joints is a widespread technology in the field of timber frame building in the United States, where the Timber Frame Engineering Council has published a special Standard to supplement the National Design Specification for Wood Construction. The authors have been studying the possibility of supplementing the Eurocode 5 design formulas, thought for timber joints with metal connectors, with specifications needed for a reliable design when employing timber pegs. The field of application envisaged is that of restoring timber structures and results obtained until now are quite encouraging. In this step of the research, more attention has been paid to deformation process: fir and chestnut samples have been tested to determine their dowel-bearing behavior with steel and ash timber peg while double-shear plane joints made of the same wood species, and fastened with steel as well as timber pegs, have been analyzed.  相似文献   

手卷是最早出现的中国传统装裱形式,在历经从晋至清的千余年发展后,形成了撞边手卷、套边手卷和转边手卷三种经典样式,其中转边手卷又可分为挖嵌式与镶接式两种工艺。流传至今的清代至民国时期的转边手卷大多为更节省绢料的镶接式装裱工艺,但此工艺复杂繁琐、技术难度较大,到了当代,有所式微,面临失传的境地。本研究主要以上海博物馆藏《明仿米芾行书明道观壁记卷》转边手卷的修复重裱为例,叙述对原装裱用料、配色、镶接工艺等的研究,以及原尺寸恢复其原本镶接式转边手卷的过程,旨在为古人优秀传统技艺的研究、保护和传承提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

长期以来朝贡制度被认为是古代中国与边疆民族及周边国家和地区交往的惟一持久而普遍的关系,但却忽视了这一制度本身的发展特点,尤其忽视了朝贡制度在明清两代的差别。本文认为,清代虽然延续了明代的朝贡制度,但实质已经转化为一种处理与周边国家关系的政治方式,剔除了明代中原王朝与边疆民族之间、中国与西洋诸国之间形成的藩属关系,且朝贡中的贸易性质也远不同于明朝。本文对学术界混淆朝贡体制与朝贡贸易体制的观点进行了批驳,阐述了清代朝贡体制的地位与特点。  相似文献   

徐汝聪 《东南文化》2016,(5):98-105
元代以来,藏传佛教广泛在西藏以外地区传播,带来了独特的宗教理念和宗教艺术。江南地区寺塔林立,在上海佛塔"天宫"、"地宫"出土的佛教文物中,诸多藏传佛教文化元素,从较早的元代一直延续到清代。这些文物是藏传佛教在江南地区传播的实证,对其性质的分析研究,可以了解元明清时期汉藏文化的融合方式和特点。  相似文献   

周尚云 《收藏家》2010,(2):58-64
我国家具的发展有着3000多年的历史,随着时代的发展经历了由简陋到华美,由低到高.由实用到美、用结合的演变过程。时至明清,中国传统家具发展至鼎盛时期,明清家具成为中国传统古典家具的杰出代表,是中华民族传统美学观念、哲学思想和科学技术的高度凝聚,在世界家具体系中独树一帜,占有着重要的地位。  相似文献   

文章对台北故宫博物院所藏清代首任巡台御史黄叔璥所绘《海洋图》的图文进行了考证与研究,对黄叔璥生卒年与其家族——顺天大兴黄氏的发展轨迹及其婚姻圈等问题进行了考察和探讨。研究发现,黄氏家族本为明代辽东世袭武官,在明代后期之后逐渐走上科举入仕之途,而清初对辽东士子的倚重亦为其家族兴盛的重要因素。其婚姻对象以科举世家为主,其中以直隶同乡为多,体现出了清代华北科举世家婚姻的一些特点与取向。  相似文献   

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