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东魏北齐侵梁夺地及北齐欲在建康建立傀儡政权,是一种积极进取精神的体现。大体说来,可以乾明元年(560)为界,将东魏北齐历史分为二期,此前为积极进取的时期,此后为维持现状及衰亡的时期。  相似文献   

党超 《史学月刊》2008,(5):114-120
在中国传统思想中,尊重自然规律、珍爱生命、倡导天人和谐的生态观念源远流长;而两汉时期正是中国古代生态思想总结定型的关键阶段.两汉时期的生态思想不仅倡导生态和谐和生态保护,而且更为鲜明的是强化生态伦理.生态和谐、生态伦理和生态保护思想三者相互联系、相互渗透、密不可分,这正是两汉时期生态思想的核心内容和基本特点.  相似文献   


The article concentrates on the role of European Union (EU) structural funds in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The analysis presented in this paper is based on the results of computer-assisted telephone interviews conducted with 394 representatives of enterprises localized in three Polish Voivodships: the Podkarpackie, the Lubelskie and the Podlaskie. The entire EU structural funds are based on the assumption that by additionally financing the development of SMEs, they influence regional development indirectly. Even though EU structural funds are not the only factor influencing economic growth and the creation of Gross Domestic Product, they affect the development potential of enterprises indirectly. However, from the perspective of the representatives of researched SMEs, EU structural funds are not so significant for commitment to investment. Actually, for SMEs in Eastern Poland, they have no effect on future investment plans. This bottom-up perspective researched in one of the poorest areas of the EU puts the assumption of the positive relation between the EU structural funds and regional development into doubt.  相似文献   

Exotic as the very notion of an Eastern Orthodox political theology at times seems to be, a fair share of attention has been recently directed to the possibility of it through a number of conferences, workshops and publications. In this Review Essay, I am discussing three recent edited volumes on Orthodox political theology, broadly conceived. These exhibit a certain continuity between them and, as edited volumes should, are characterized by a hermeneutic framework, in the context of which particular contributions/chapters appear. Apart from presenting the books and their content, I will be discussing their framework and rationale. Focusing on the books’ treatment of contemporary Greek political theology, I argue that an observable trend in these recent attempts consists in forcing valuable individual contributions into a grand, yet narrow, narrative that is limiting the project’s scope rather than the other way around – and this, in spite of the important contribution that these volumes without question constitute. Liberated from such objectives and frameworks, as well as of certain by now obsolete schematizations of intellectual currents in mainly Orthodox countries by taking into account more recent research, the quest for exploring the possibilities of an Orthodox political theology could prove to be considerably more fecund.  相似文献   

Heinrich Himmler is mostly seen as the all-powerful organizer who coordinated the police apparatus that reigned over occupied Europe and who supervised personally the concentration camp system. But Himmler was also a thinker or, at least, he perceived himself as such, and he was especially concerned with moral issues. This article examines the role of ethics in Himmler's thinking. More specifically, it considers what sort of ethics it was and how the Reichsführer SS could rely on moral notions to legitimize his endeavors and to make sense of extreme events in which he participated. From a normative viewpoint any claim to philosophical validity for this type of approach may be called into question, for the nihilism and denial of otherness were paramount in the instrumentalization of humans that led to genocide.  相似文献   

两汉时期新疆的经济开发   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文依据历史文献和考古资料,对两汉时期西域诸城郭国人口、城镇和经济状况的发展变化,以及两汉政权一系列开发西域具体措施的论述,揭示这一时期新疆经济开发的概貌和成就,并认为这是新疆历史上第一次开发高潮。  相似文献   

试论东周王城的城郭布局及其演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过系统梳理东周王城的相关考古发掘资料,对东周王城城郭的认识有较大的突破。东周王城不仅存在内城外郭,而且在其晚期又于郭城之外的西南部形成一座小城,从而形成内城外郭和小城与大城南北并立的复杂形制。东周王城城郭的形成同时也有其历史背景。  相似文献   

一般认为律体律调定型于初唐,但并不意味之后的诗歌活动都无须关注声律。盛唐集贤院群体性诗歌活动,群体性除创作实践外,还表征于人才汇聚、诗文评议和文艺书籍修撰等方面。在这层意义上,可以说"二张"和他们领导的集贤院学士一起推动了唐诗声律从定型走向成熟。  相似文献   

The articles published in this section of JMIS were given at a symposium held early in 2001 on the role of Pope Pius XII in the rescue of Jews in Italy during the Holocaust. The discussion focuses on recent books on the subject by Susan Zuccotti and Ronald J. Rychlak. In the articles published here the authors and the panelists discuss the historical record (sources, facts and interpretations) and the nature of the obligations of the Papacy and the Catholic Church in the circumstances of the Second World War and the German occupation of Italy after the fall of Fascism.  相似文献   

19世纪中期有关中印边界东段的协定文本及形成这些协定的背景、进程、结果表明,在英属印度入主阿萨姆前,存在着一条沿着布拉马普特拉河谷平原边缘,或喜马拉雅山南侧坡脚行走的传统习惯线.这条线在一些山口地带的两属状况及不完全按照属地原则的管辖情况正体现了传统习惯线不同于近现代国际边界的特征.英属印度入主阿萨姆后,通过这些协定的订立承袭了传统习惯线,并以有利于它的方式解决了两属及不完全按照属地原则管辖的状况,但并未改变传统习惯线的基本走向,也未将管辖扩大到山地部落地区.  相似文献   

肖燕  春夏 《华夏考古》2001,(3):36-51
近年来,随着皖北、豫东地区大汶口文化材料的丰富以及山东南部大汶口文化的新发现和新认识,对皖北、豫东地区的大汶口文化进行深入研究已具备了条件。本文就该地区大汶口文化的分期与性质等有关问题作初步探讨,望方家给予指正。一 本文的皖北地区是指安徽北部淮河以北,包括今淮北市、亳州市、宿州市全部和阜阳市一部分。(图一)皖北地区大汶口文化遗存的发现要追溯到20世纪50年代①,20世纪60年代发掘萧县花甲寺遗址②时,就发现大汶口文化时期的地层堆积和遗物(曾被归入龙山文化),在山东地区确认了大汶口文化后,随即把花…  相似文献   

三晋东周铜器墓分布于河北、河南、山西境内的26个墓地,资料较全的墓葬有149座.本文将三晋东周铜器墓分为六大期,以墓葬的年代和等级为基础,着力探讨了三晋东周铜器墓的墓地位置、在各自墓地内的分布情况、墓葬的形制、殉与牲、葬具以及随葬品等方面,同时还探讨了铜器对子墓在墓地内的男女墓位安排以及早晚变化.  相似文献   

敦煌、吐鲁番出土了一批东晋、南朝时期的文献,它们大多为佛经,也有道经,以及儒家典籍、书札,其中佛道写经的发愿文题记均有纪年,且含有丰富的历史信息,学术价值极高。从发愿文题记可知,这些东晋、南朝文献大多抄写于南方,通过当时东南与西北之间的交通渠道,最终流入到敦煌、吐鲁番等西北地区。这一情况证实:在东晋十六国南北朝时期,西...  相似文献   

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