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Bennie Keel’s 1972 work at Upper Sauratown was the opening salvo of the Research Laboratories of Archaeology’s 30-year Siouan Project, which continues under the guise of the ongoing Catawba Project. Keel’s early work at the protohistoric Hardins and early historic era Belk Farm sites in the Catawba River Valley continues to inform the current phase of Piedmont Siouan research. This study compares and contrasts Keel’s Hardins and Belk Farm ceramic assemblages with those from the later Catawba sites of Nassaw Town, Old Town, and New Town to achieve a diachronic view of Catawba ceramic development. This comparison reveals a long span of stylistic and technological continuity abruptly terminated by rapid emergence of the modern Catawba ceramic tradition between 1760 and 1770.  相似文献   

黄河中下游地区史前人口性别构成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口统计学研究并不是单纯从生物学角度研究人口的自然属性,而主要是从社会学角度研究人口的性别构成及其对社会的影响。一般来说,自然界各种生物的两性比例是平衡的,这是生物发展的一般规律,也是物种繁衍发展的需要。人作为自然物种的一支,其两性比例亦应受到这种自然规律的制约。但由于人类具有特有的社会属性,因而在一定时期又存在性比失衡的现象。这种现象直接关系到结婚率和妇女生育率,从而决定人口出生率以及人口再生产速  相似文献   

Summary. The soil micromorphological analysis of buried soils and probable 'midden' deposits buried beneath alluvium from six sites in the lower Welland valley between Maxey and Etton (Cambridgeshire) has revealed a deforested early Neolithic landscape which quickly became subject to seasonal alluviation. This paper suggests that the Neolithic/Bronze Age use of this landscape is directly related to its interpretation as an alluviated floodplain rather than an alluviated, former dry-land landscape.  相似文献   

A capital city is, or should be, symbolic of its country. In light of this, two approaches are used to structure an analysis of Ottawa-Hull - an integration and a separation model. The policies of the Canadian federal government and those operating at provincial and city levels are seen to create a complex of forces simultaneously pulling Canada's capital in several quite different directions. It is clear that the national capital fully encapsulates the constitutional stresses and the two-language richness that are characteristic of the country as a whole.
Une capitate symbolise, ou devrait symboliser, son pays. Dans cette optique, on peut analyser Ottawa-Hull sous deux angles différent: un modèle ďintégration et un modèle de séparation. La politique du gouvernment fédéral canadien et celles déterminées au niveau provincial et municipal, créent un ensemble de forces qui entrainent simultanément la capitale du Canada dans plusieurs directions fondamentalement opposées. Il est évident que la capitale canadienne englobe à la fois les tensions constitutionnelles et la richesse des deux langues qui caractérisent ce pays dans son ensemble.  相似文献   

In the present paper the author makes an attempt to generalize and analyze the fi nds of the late Neolithic and Paleometal Periods from the Middle and Lower Yangtze. The presence of stable contacts (including ethnologically signifi cant traits) is traced between the ancient cultures of this region and the Indochina Peninsula, inhabited by representatives of Austroasiatic peoples (the Viet, the Khmers). Based on comparisons, the Bronze and Iron Age inhabitants of the major part of South China are concluded to be Austroasian. Particular attention is paid to the Wucheng culture and its complex social structure.  相似文献   

淮河流域战争多发的动因与战略地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鲁峰 《人文地理》2000,15(4):50-54
古代的淮河流域是我国经济开发较早的地区之一,也是各种政治力量交汇,战争多发的地区之一。战争是一种文化现象,引发战争的动因是多方面的,本文仅从地理学和战略地位的角度来进行剖析,归纳出战争多发的六大动因。  相似文献   

During the Late Woodland subperiod between A.D. 400 to 1200, six major multimound centers in eastern Texas and the Lower Mississippi Valley were established on a consistent latitude of 31.6 degrees north. The six sites comprising the pattern include, from west to east: George C. Davis and Washington Square in eastern Texas; Troyville, the Elkhorn/Frogmore/Churupa three-mound cluster, and Deprato in Louisiana; and Emerald Mound in Mississippi. Troyville, a major population center during the Baytown period from A.D. 400 to 700, is the earliest of the constituent sites. Emerald, among the latest sites, was apparently founded at the end of the Late Woodland or shortly thereafter. Several lines of evidence suggest the site distribution is not random. Rather, the pattern may reflect an emphasis on cardinal directions as a significant organizing principle in the layout of settlements, structures, burials, and other features in Caddo and Lower Mississippi Valley societies. This principle has rarely been noted on a macro-regional scale. I propose a hypothetical model of the sequence and processes by which the pattern formed. The model postulates that the same organizational principles operating at the site level also operated at the intersite and interregional level as mound centers were abandoned and new ones were established on socially sanctioned axes.  相似文献   

正In 2014,I participated in the filming of a documentary entitled River at the Skyend produced by CCTV.The general director was Qi Kejun,a well-known Chinese celebrity.While visiting Chongye County situated in the middle of the Tibet Autonomous Region and standing at the peak of Mt.Mura overlooking the gorgeous and fascinating tombs,  相似文献   

A mong traditional Tibetan architectural designs, the Seven Royal Emblems pattern is a relatively common design. Because of its symbolic meaning, this pattern is not as widely used as the Eight Auspicious signs design. The Seven Royal Emblems include Precious Wheel, Precious Jewel, Precious Queen, Precious Minister, Precious Elephant, Precious Horse and Precious General. This pattern reflects a peaceful and mighty ancient India during the reign of King of the Turning Wheel. When this pattern is used as a symbol in daily life,  相似文献   

New evidence, both theoretical and observational, is presented to show that Horton's Laws of Stream Numbers and Mean Stream Lengths represent the geomorphic application of abstract mathematical relationships. The laws follow automatically from the definition of order and must apply equally well to any branching system. The value of each of the coefficients Rb (bifurcation ratio) and Rl (ratio of mean stream lengths) is at least partly controlled by geomorphic factors, and an attempt has been made to describe the operation of these factors.  相似文献   

这幅作品的成功之处在于作者对四姑娘山婉约美的诠释。一幅优秀的风光摄影作品,不是简单地对自然界进行克隆,艺术美是对自然美的再造,它体现了一个人的思想境界及对人生的思考。  相似文献   

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