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论大旅游格局下的旅游高等教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨卫武 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):8-16
我国已经逐步进入了大旅游时代,大旅游格局对我国旅游高等教育提出了更新要求,探索适合大旅游格局的旅游教育规律是发展旅游高等教育的首要任务之一。高校培养适合大旅游时代的应用型旅游管理人才必须以课程体系为基础,以职业素养为核心,提振专业信心、集中办学精力,明确培养目标、突出专业重点,直面格局内核、创新培养模式,夯实课程基础、提升师资内涵,强化职业素质、树立服务理念。  相似文献   

This paper aims to trigger discourse about the emergence of a new type of social scientific model — Exploratory Models — which draw on Big Data, computer modeling and interdisciplinary research to tackle complex social scientific processes. First, we define Exploratory Models referring to Batty and Morgan and Morrison. We then present changes to the traditional modeling paradigm. We show how Exploratory Models circumvent challenges related to the idiosyncracy, self-reflexivity and acceleration of social phenomena, which limit predictive effectiveness of traditional models. We show that Exploratory Models are better equipped to tackle complex problems due to their capacity to process heterogeneous datasets. Having established that Exploratory Models are predominantly problem- and data-driven, we emphasize that scientific theory is indispensable to their progress. Finally, the development of an integrative platform is suggested as a way of maximizing the benefits of this approach. Discussion concludes by flagging areas for further research.  相似文献   


This paper attempts to address two issues relevant to the sense-making of Big Data. First, it presents a case study for how a large dataset can be transformed into both a visual language and, in effect, a ‘text’ that can be read and interpreted by human beings. The case study comes from direct observation of graduate students at the IIT Institute of Design who investigated task-switching behaviours, as documented by productivity software on a single user’s laptop and a smart phone. Through a series of experiments with the resulting dataset, the team effects a transformation of that data into a catalogue of visual primitives — a kind of iconic alphabet — that allow others to ‘read’ the data as a corpus and, more provocatively, suggest the formation of a personal pattern language. Second, this paper offers a model for human-technical collaboration in the sense-making of data, as demonstrated by this and other teams in the class. Current sense-making models tend to be data- and technology-centric, and increasingly presume data visualization as a primary point of entry of humans into Big Data systems. This alternative model proposes that meaningful interpretation of data emerges from a more elaborate interplay between algorithms, data and human beings.  相似文献   

Crisis narratives surrounding Europe’s 2015 migration influx fuelled demands for new ways of tracking, mapping and predicting human mobility. We explore how market opportunities for technology firms and data analytics start-ups created by the EU’s Global Approach to Migration led to solutionistic approaches to compiling and analysing migration statistics. We show that initiatives such as the rebranding of existing platforms and services as migration prediction systems are consolidating policy conceptualisations of migration as risk. Despite the promise of greater granularity, this “big data approach” cannot offer greater certainty about who is on the move and why. Instead such approaches are ill-suited to understanding the complex dynamics of migration and to offering protection to vulnerable people. The marketisation of migration statistics through big data offers a key case for advancing progressive approaches to both migration statistics and global data justice.  相似文献   

本研究以2004年上海市青浦区为研究范围,基于GIS技术构建格网体系,提取1918年和1978年2份军用地形图中的湖荡面积、河网密度、河流长度等指标,比对两者相关指数的分布状况和变化程度发现1918-1978年本区河网密化最主要的原因在于开挖新渠的同时大量保留地表原有水体。通过本个案研究总结出大河三角洲历史河网面貌的复原方法包括图形资料实测情况判断、实际分辨率分析、误差来源探讨、调校误差、格网体系构建等步骤。  相似文献   

关于新时期历史阶段划分的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着历史的不断发展,新时期的历史逐渐成为史学研究的重点。如何对新时期做出科学的阶段划分,是研究这段历史的一个首要问题。理论界对新时期的概念、新时期的上下限、历史阶段的具体划分等问题存在着不同的认识,架构中国特色的历史分期理论体系,对中国史学乃至中共党史、中华人民共和国史理论的发展都是很有意义的。当然对新时期的历史做出阶段性的划分,只是研究工作的第一步。要把新时期波澜壮阔的历史进程生动展现出来,还要进行认真的、大量的理论和史料准备,进行艰苦的、深入的研究和论证,以推动研究的进一步深入。  相似文献   

于兆兴 《史学月刊》2001,(6):111-115
近代日本教育事业之所以发达,是由于具有多种因素。这些因素是:经济迅速发展,有识之士的倡导和参与,政府高度重视,全民关心和支持。  相似文献   

Diedrich Westermann (1875–1956) was a key figure in the establishment of African studies in Germany and Britain. He was a pioneer German linguist and member of the founding generation of German Africanists (Afrikanistik) who played a significant role in the field. As professor at Berlin University, the co-director of the International Institute of African Languages and Culture (IIALC) in London from 1926 and an adviser to Lord Hailey’s research team for the monumental ‘An African Survey’ (1938), he was central to the promotion of policy research in the African colonial context during the inter-war era. His own work focused on the phonetics and orthography of the Sudanic languages and the methodologies he pioneered were widely adopted in West Africa. As editor of the journals Koloniale Rundschau (Berlin) and Africa (London), with links to Rockefeller research funding, he was able, with Malinowski and J. H. Oldham, to wield considerable influence over the shape of anthropological and linguistic research for more than 20 years. His links to the Colonial Office and the International Missionary Council (IMC) in London and the Berlin Missionary Society (BMS) and the Colonial Department of the Third Reich, meant that he was uniquely placed as an adviser to both governments. This would seem to raise important questions about the similarities and differences in the climates of scientific work in these diverse contexts which has to date not attracted much attention. Westermann’s career provides a portrait of the complex academic inter-war era that Africanists scholars needed to navigate in a world charged with political conflict and the seeds of development debates that were to come to fruition with UNESCO initiatives in the post-war years.  相似文献   

宣传教育对于扩大文化遗产的社会影响力、增强全社会的文化遗产保护意识具有重要作用。近年来我国文化遗产领域宣传教育工作获得长足发展,取得瞩目成绩,但由于相关研究薄弱、队伍力量不足等原因,目前宣传教育整体水平还不够高,需要在深入调查研究的基础上,通过整合力量和合作互动等方式逐步提高。  相似文献   

上海旅游人才供给与旅游高等教育现状分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
本分析了处于快速发展期的上海旅游业人才供给现状,并探讨了目前上海旅游高等教育对旅游人才供给的支撑状况及存在的问题。  相似文献   

试析人民公社化运动中党对农民的思想教育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
“大跃进”时期党对农民进行的思想教育促进了人民公社化运动的迅速展开。人民公社化运动中,党的权威、组织基础以及“大跃进”的全面展开为党对农民进行的思想教育提供了有利的社会条件;广大农民易于接受党的教育,但仍存在着文化水平低等问题;农村基层干部自身也有很大不足,政治热情过高,但工作认真、努力;电影、报纸、有线广播等过热宣传共产主义的即将实现,加上农村开展的社会主义和共产主义教育运动、全民学哲学等,使广大农民打破传统,以前所未有的热情投入到人民公社化运动中。  相似文献   

旅游高职教育发展的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋德利 《旅游科学》2012,26(2):85-94
随着中国旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游业人力资源出现了严重短缺局面,与此同时,旅游高等职业教育发展却受到政策、生源、行业和自身发展水平等制约,步履维艰。为适应旅游业大发展,必须调整职业教育结构,理顺高等职业教育支持政策,提升旅游业就业吸引力,提高旅游高职院校的办学水平。  相似文献   

冯红杰 《神州》2011,(2X):151-153
本文论述了高校体育课程中增设瑜伽内容的意义,分析了开设这一课程的有利因素和制约因素,并指出促进这一课程在高校体育课程中开设的思路与建议。  相似文献   

高校旅游教育发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国全面建设小康社会的现代化进程的加快,以及国际旅游业的蓬勃发展,我国高校旅游教育发展的重要性进一步凸显出来。本文就培养目标的定位、课程设置的确定、科学研究的支撑和高端教育的学科依托等几个当前中国高校旅游教育发展面临的紧迫问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

论文通过对1998年和2019年基于同一问卷但相隔21年两次调研所得数据之比较,结合荷兰国家统计局正式公布的相关统计数据,在荷兰华人社会发展变化的宏观背景下,剖析荷兰中文学校生源构成及学生们学习中文之动因的延续与变化,总结荷兰所代表的中国大陆新移民相对集中之欧洲国家发展中文教育的原生动力和内在规律,思考如何进一步使面向华裔青少年的中文教育能够获得更全面发展,取得更深远实效。  相似文献   

民国时期乡村教育问题研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘克辉 《史学月刊》2007,3(11):107-113
20世纪二三十年代,是乡村教育发展的黄金时期。新中国以来,人们对乡村教育问题的研究,主要集中在乡村教育思潮和乡村教育实验区及其代表人物、乡村私塾与乡村学校的关系、乡村教育经费、乡村教师及其待遇、乡村师范、乡村社会教育等方面。由于资料限制和意识形态的影响,人们对民国时期乡村教育问题研究不够全面和深入,评价有失偏颇,需要做进一步的工作,才能有所创新和突破。  相似文献   

美国会展管理教育及其对我国的启示   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本在对美国和我国会展管理教育状况进行客观分析与比较的基础上,指出了美国会展管理教育中可资借鉴的地方以及我国相关领域中存在的问题,并据此提出了构建我国会展管理教育框架体系的原则性构想。  相似文献   

清末中学教育是随着中国教育近代化的进程不断深入发展的。现代中学产生于资本主义发展最早的欧洲,清末中学教育是在学习和借鉴西方的基础上发展起来的。本文力求在全面搜集史料和理论分析的基础上,全面展示清末中学教育是如何在中国这片古老的大地上出现的。  相似文献   

素质教育是以提高国民素质为宗旨、以培养学生创新精神和实践能力为重点、促使学生全面发展的教育。党的三代领导核心都强调要坚持全面发展的教育培养目标。毛泽东、邓小平从不同角度阐述了“全面发展”的内涵 ,江泽民素质教育思想的特色在于把全面发展型人才的培养视为一个系统工程 ,辩证地阐述了减轻学生过重负担与培养高素质人才的关系 ,把创新精神与实践能力的培养作为素质教育的重点提了出来 ,更加深刻而准确地解释了素质教育的本质 ,丰富和发展了毛泽东、邓小平素质教育思想 ,为我国教育在新世纪的发展指明了方向。  相似文献   


Compared with other North American colonies, little scholarship exists on slave-holding in early Georgia. In this article, the author augments this historiography by examining a remarkable and little-used collection of sources. Data gleaned from analyzing more than 400 wills written by eighteenth-century white settlers reveal that roughly 39 percent of early Georgians owned slaves and that slave distribution was pyramidal, as most slaveholders owned but a few slaves, although some elites held many. While these findings support existing research, data from the wills suggest that early Georgia slaveholders owned, on average, about half as many slaves as other scholars contend. Besides informing an understanding of slavery in the colony, this article provides an overview of the early Georgia wills themselves, which, as sources, are highly accessible and contain a wealth of information for future scholars.  相似文献   

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