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论华文教育的定位及其发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
有关华文教育的定位,历来是一个很有争议的问题。华文教育涉及诸多的学科、政府与民间部门以及复杂多变的国际关系和各国社会状况、教育文化政策等,我们应对以上诸多因素给以全面、充分的重视。本文据此提出,华文教育应分属海外华人的民族文化教育、政府的侨务工作、中国的对外汉语教学以及华侨华人研究等几个领域。同时,华文教育自身的这种复杂性,也决定了其在今后一个时期的发展趋势,主要表现在低龄学生人数增加、华文学校功能进一步扩大、教学中的语言文字更加统一以及华文教育社会化并逐步进入所在国主流教育系统等方面。  相似文献   

The authors review international contacts of Soviet geographers in the last four years and describe a volume of Soviet contributions prepared for the London congress. Soviet Geography, its editor, and David Hooson of the University of British Columbia are criticized for their coverage of the Soviet ideological dispute over the “unified geography” concept. A Soviet proposal for greater timeliness and activity in the work of the IGU is offered.  相似文献   

试论第二次世界大战后国际秩序的建立与发展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
徐蓝 《世界历史》2003,(6):44-56
联合国和布雷顿森林体系主导了第二次世界大战后国际秩序的形成和发展。在 2 1世纪 ,联合国、国际货币基金组织、世界银行和世界贸易组织等最为重要的全球性的国际政治经济组织 ,应该通过不断地自我改革与完善 ,在建立国际新秩序方面发挥重要作用  相似文献   

郑育林 《文博》2010,(1):87-92
虽然以中国、日本、越南为代表的亚洲地区的文化遗产的特殊性受到国际社会的重视,但是作为主导世界文化遗产保护运动主流的欧洲经验与理念,仍然具有普遍意义。本文以研究一系列文化遗产国际准则诞生的社会背景为内容,在追寻国际文化遗产保护理念发展历程的时候,努力探索与之密切相关的社会原因,如经济的、战争的因素等等。每一次大的社会巨变,都有可能对极其脆弱的文化遗产造成这样或者那样的影响,但是随之而来的便是人们对遭受损害的文化遗产的倍加爱护,有时甚至是抢救性的行动;对文化遗产保护的理念就是在一次次的应对社会巨变中发展、丰富的。这对于处在社会巨变中的中国来说,建立起既遵循国际准则精神又具有自己特色的文化遗产理念体系具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

姜龙范《近代中朝日三国对间岛朝鲜人政策研究》全面系统地从法理上、政策上对“问岛朝鲜人”问题进行了深层探讨。具有结构严谨、重点突出。资料翔实、立论可靠。博采众长、富于创见。联系现实、经世致用四个特点。  相似文献   

Uma Kothari 《对极》2005,37(3):425-446
I explore how the increasing professionalisation of international development has enabled the expansion of the neoliberal agenda of development agencies and, at the same time, the co‐optation of so‐called "alternative" approaches onto this agenda. The focus is on the key figure of the development "expert" as an agent involved in consolidating unilinear notions of modernising progress. First, there is an examination of the post‐war production of the development expert and the reproduction of systems of expertise and forms of authority that they articulate. Research with former UK colonial officers who worked in the post‐independence development industry is subsequently drawn upon to exemplify the continuities and divergences from colonial rule to contemporary discourses of development. Then, there is a demonstration of the co‐optation of potentially critical discourses, focusing upon the creation of professionals and the exclusive forms of knowledge that surround the practice of participatory development. Finally, in the conclusion, I argue that increasing professionalisation within the development industry supports the neoliberal development agenda and that there remains a need to identify how critical discourses can be effective within it.  相似文献   

本从2000年国际旅沪市场发展状况的简要回顾,论证上海发展国际旅游业有较大的优势,并以国外发展国际旅游的经验为借鉴,结合上海的实际,提出了推进上海国际旅游的一系列举措。  相似文献   

关于丝绸之路国际旅游线路开发的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕琳  吕仁义 《丝绸之路》2009,(6):117-119
在2000多年的历史长河中,丝绸之路一直起着联结东西方通道和桥梁的作用。它是一条联结欧亚大陆的文化通廊,使世界上不同民族的文化体系相互交流、相互学习。丝绸之路也是一条友谊之路、思古之旅。就广义而言.它应当涵盖历史上所有联结东西方的通道,其中主要包括海上和陆上丝绸之路。组织丝绸之路国际旅游.其经由路线具有突出的广义性和多选性。丝绸之路沿线各个国家、国内各省区应秉着资源共享、市场共享、信息共享、利益共享和风险共担的原则,定立共同遵守的原则并分别签订相互间的合作协议。争取尽快开通一系列国际航线.增加或开辟通往路线中各主要节点城市的国内支线航班,全面改善丝绸之路旅游的交通条件。同时加强古丝绸之路重要节点旅游资源的开发、保护和旅游产品的统一推介。鉴于丝绸之路路线、旅游方式和旅游需求结构的多样性,建议尽快编制丝绸之路国际旅游总体规划。  相似文献   

Jamey Essex 《对极》2008,40(2):229-251
Abstract: This paper examines recent changes at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) regarding the connections between trade liberalization, development, and security. USAID has adopted “trade capacity building” as a framework for development, and, in conjunction with new US national security discourses, now operates under the assumption that underdevelopment is a source of state weakness that produces insecurity. I argue that these changes in how USAID understands and undertakes development constitute the neoliberalization of development. In accordance with these shifts, USAID has redefined critical aspects of its development mission, undergone internal restructuring, and altered its relationship with other US state institutions and capital. The actual prospects for achieving security or development are slim, however, as the agency remains wedded to definitions of both that suggest the only acceptable role for the state lies in facilitating further neoliberalization and promoting the stability of capitalist class relations. An overview of USAID's historical development, and a closer examination of the place of food aid and food security in the agency's development work, demonstrate this.  相似文献   

This article offers a reinterpretation of the origins of the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreements, one that is of particular significance to scholars of international development. Conventional wisdom holds that the Agreements were primarily a product of US–British negotiations between 1942 and 1944, in which little attention was paid to international development issues and the concerns of poorer countries. This article demonstrates that the innovative ‘embedded liberal’ vision of Bretton Woods was in fact first put forward in the context of US–Latin American financial relations in the 1938–42 period, and that this experience influenced the subsequent Bretton Woods negotiations. The analysis highlights that the architects of Bretton Woods did not ignore development issues but rather attempted to pioneer a new model for both North–North and North–South economic relations. If this has been subsequently overlooked by historians, it may be because this latter feature of Bretton Woods was quickly buried by US policy makers in the immediate post‐war years. This historical reinterpretation helps both to explain some important puzzles about the origins of the Bretton Woods Agreements and to shed new light on the place of international development issues in the evolution of the post‐war international economic order.  相似文献   

The failure at Seattle to agree the mandate for a new round of trade negotiations represents a dual crisis, not only for the trade community, but also for those supporting a shift to sustainable development. At the root of the crisis lies the North-South faultline, with an embedded sense of inequity keeping developing countries forever wary of the industrialized countries, not least on linkages between trade and the environment. But Seattle also showed that the South's current non-strategy towards trade and environment-opposing any formal linkage within the WTO, for example-is flawed. As a result, the South is now seen as the global scapegoat for inaction on trade and environment, and has shut itself out of opportunities to shape the direction of the debate. Furthermore, trade and environmental factors are being progressively linked in the marketplace-not because of the WTO, but in spite of it. The challenge for the South is to take a more proactive approach, generating a positive agenda for change based on issues of sustainable livelihoods, environmental justice and sustainable development more broadly. One starting point is to test current policy positions against the alternative visions of the future-for example, through scenario planning-and to develop a robust 'no regrets' programme for engagement. The South has the most to gain from a world structured around the norms of sustainable development, and, as a result, it has the primary responsibility for reorienting the goals of trade away from the limited agenda of 'free trade', towards the more inclusive programme of 'sustainable trade'. Whether this reorientation takes place, and whether the South takes a hand in shaping this process, will be one of the central questions for the years ahead.  相似文献   

This epilogue reflects on the findings of the articles collected in this section and discusses their contributions to the history of international organizations and rural development.  相似文献   

语言资源:一种可以开发利用的旅游资源   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
语言资源是一种可以开发利用的重要旅游资源。方言、古歌谣等语言类资源是人文旅游资源,同时,这类语言资源本身也有可能成为消费性旅游产品。应加大语言资源在旅游资源开发中的权重,充分利用作为文化代码的语言资源来开发旅游产品。  相似文献   

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