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古本《纪年》所载西周穆王以下的都邑“西郑”与“懿王元年天再旦于郑”的“郑”实为一地,郭璞、臣瓒等以其地在今陕西华县一带,通过对存世金文资料的梳理,结合文献记载,笔者认为周王朝中后期的都邑——西郑的地望在今陕西凤翔一带,而非陕西华县。  相似文献   

An analysis of locational factors in the distribution of primary processing industries of the USSR seeks to determine the relative significance of resource location and nonphysical factors such as labor supply, level of industrial development and availability of transportation. Although it is commonly assumed that primary processing industry tends to be oriented toward resource sites, as much as 43 percent of the output of Soviet primary processing originates outside areas of resource extraction. In examining the pull of resource sites, the analysis distinguishes types of spatial processing complexes that are subject to strong, moderate and slight resource orientation. Measures are then developed for the impact of nonphysical factors. Finally, the 129 major civil divisions of the Soviet Union are grouped in a spatial classification of primary processing industry that combines the varying effects of resource location and the nonphysical factors. It is concluded that favorable resource base and favorable nonphysical factors tend to reinforce each other in determining location, but that favorable nonphysical factors may give rise to large-scale primary processing even in absence of a significant resource base.  相似文献   

Central Facilities Location   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This paper investigates the location choice of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Turkey over the period 1996–2003. Using FDI data at the provincial level and negative binomial model, the empirical evidence confirms that agglomeration economies and information costs are the most important determinants of FDI location in Turkey. Specifically, both foreign and domestic agglomerations and in particular urbanization economies strongly affect the location decision of foreign investors. The results also suggest that foreign investors are attracted to provinces with fast growing market, more educated labour force, high density of road network, greater public investment, milder climate, larger area and better quality of life. On the other hand, the empirical findings show that wage, productivity, labour availability, unionization, sea and air transportation, free zones and instability have no significant impacts on the location decision.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to overcome some specific problems which exist with the use of benefit-cost analysis in evaluating the impact of public facilities. The concepts developed explicitly recognize the importance of the spatial distribution of impacts and the fact that tastes can differ substantially among people. By utilizing the concepts of the generalized environment and of place utility, a more general and valuable conceptual model can be developed which may be useful in preventing much current conflict over public investment decisions. The model has an explicit concern with the problem of equity and is thus only a small step in a growing field of inquiry within geography.  相似文献   

The main findings of this analysis of the job location patterns by occupational groups in the Toronto CMA are as follows:
  • 1 The geographical distribution ofjobs of the different occupational groups varied considerably in the Toronto CMA, the principal pattern being relative centralization of white-collar jobs and relative decentralization of blue-collar jobs. Skilled clerical-sales-services workers faced the greatest degree ofjob concentration in the cbd.
  • 2 The jobs of similar occupational groups by collar type were located near one another, so that relatively homogeneous work areas were created. These conclusions, of course, apply specifically to the Toronto CMA in 197 1. But, although the urban structure of the Toronto CMA will have changed to some extent since 1971, the process of structural change is a fairly slow one, even in rapidly growing metropolitan areas. We suggest, therefore, that our findings should be relevant to the Toronto CMA of today.

Zone pricing consists in determining simultaneously several delivered prices together with the zones where these prices apply. A model and algorithm are proposed to determine optimal facility locations, prices, tariff-zones, and market areas in order to maximize the firm's profit under zone pricing. The resulting nonlinear mixed-integer program is tackled by projecting the objective function on the price space, solving repeatedly uncapacitated facility location problems for fixed values of the prices. The implicit profit function so defined is optimized by branch-and-bound. Computational results are reported.  相似文献   

A Threshold-Satisfying Competitive Location Model   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper we consider a location model based on the threshold concept. We find the best location such that the probability of revenue falling short of the threshold is minimized. This objective is appropriate when a firm will not survive if its revenue falls below a known threshold. A new store is to be located. Demand is not deterministic but rather has a statistical distribution. We seek the location at which the probability that the revenue (expressed as market share attracted by the new store) is below a given threshold is minimized. The model is formulated and solved, and computational results are given.  相似文献   

王长丰 《中原文物》2006,8(1):65-68
本文运用殷周甲骨卜辞与殷周金文方国族氏徽文字互证的方法,对殷周时期的“竝”方国进行了综合研究,考证出“竝”方国的地望在今河南固始附近。  相似文献   

The paper identifies six strategies that may be considered by a planner in the location of public facilities over time. All the strategies share the common goal of producing the optimal locational arrangement at the end of a specified planning period, where optimality is defined in terms of cost minimization. However, the paths taken by each toward the optimal arrangement differ markedly. The analysis focuses on two main questions. The first is a comparison at any given point in time of the demand levels that result from implementing the various strategies. The second is a consideration of the relative costs involved in instituting two of the strategies. The appendix supplies the proofs of the main theorems derived for the demand level comparisons.  相似文献   

On the Location Quotient Confidence Interval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The location quotient is a useful tool for comparing area characteristics. It has applications in areas such as health care and economics. Individual location quotient standard deviations play an important role in comparing area characteristics. Using the Delta Method, a closed‐form expression is derived for calculating the standard deviation of the individual location quotient. The performance of the proposed method is assessed by simulation. The application of individual location quotient confidence intervals based on the estimated standard deviations is illustrated using health utilization data.  相似文献   

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