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This paper examines the spatial and potential economic consequences of relaxing the geometrical packing requirement of classical central place theory. Diagrams are used to demonstrate that geometric packing is not necessary to satisfy demand at all discrete points at a given hierarchical level. With unpacked landscapes the same population can be served from fewer, more widely spaced, central places without increasing the length of journey to shop. Consumers have fewer choices in an unpacked landscape, but economies of scale may increase the array of consumer goods and services available. Relaxing the packing requirement allows the development of a range of stable k systems (i.e., further market entry is disallowed). Between the limits of the k = 3 system (Christaller's marketing principle) and the k = 7 system (the sociopolitical or administrative principle), a range of unpacked k systems can develop including a k = 5 and a k = 6 system. Noninteger k systems are also possible as are systems which are stable mixtures of coexisting k principles. In certain instances, it is economically advantageous for two or more entrepreneurs to co-locate in the same central place rather than attempting monopolistic control over a more limited hinterland. Such a result is consistent with both Berry and Garrison's concept of the duplication ratio and with recent trends in retail location.  相似文献   

We develop material to determine whether or not an arbitrary number is Löschian; the procedure embodied in the theorems achieves the desired result more swiftly than do previous solutions to this problem. The correspondence between a partition of the central place lattice and a quadratic form permits the rapid determination of the lattice coordinates of an arbitrary Löschian number and of the exact shape of a single fractal generator used to form an entire central place hierarchy associated with an arbitrary Löschian number. Central place hierarchies may be generated geometrically using a single shape applied initially to a hexagon and subsequently, scaled appropriately, to resultant polygons. Fractional dimensions of arbitrary central place hierarchies, measuring their “space-filling” characteristics, follow naturally from this general procedure.  相似文献   

清代满族的根本地位与角色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为在中原建立诸民族多元一体政权的少数民族之一,满族统治在以切实有效的手段-包括汉人能够认同的儒家化和代表它的汉族官绅-维持统治秩序的同时,为确保本民族作为一个整体在国家政权体系中的主导地位,在政治策略和军事战略的制定与运作中,可谓颇具匠心。  相似文献   

瑞士的达沃斯、中国海南的博鳌、法国的戛纳、意大利的威尼斯…… 无论你有没有去过,对这几个地方都肯定不会陌生。因为每年到了固定的时间节点,它们都会以极高的频率出现在媒体的报道中。达沃斯全球经济论坛、博鳌亚洲论坛、戛纳电影节、威尼斯电影节和艺术双年展……这些政要、富豪、名流、明星和艺术家云集的盛会。总是会吸引全世界人们关注的目光。  相似文献   

河南省郑州市考古出土大量东周陶文"亳"与当地出土商代刻辞,<续汉书>记荥阳薄亭联成乇--亳--薄地名传承链,限定今郑州市区在商至汉代属亳地.郑州市内发现的东周城址因曾属郑地又有成批"亳"字伴出,即<左氏春秋经>襄公十一年及杜预注所记郑地亳城.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes geopolitical themes prevailing in dominant sectors of the Finnish government and society that have shaped Finland's national identity from the early 19th century to the present. The focus is on the ways cardinal markers (compass directions) have become geopolitical and identity markers. Notions of "West," "Between East and West," "Neither West nor East," and "North" have been used both to position Finland on the world political map and to forge a Finnish national identity. The influence of Russia and Karelians are examined at some length as part of the eastern dimension of Finnish identity. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O52, Z13. 1 figure, 1 table, 94 references.  相似文献   

查士丁尼大瘟疫述论   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崔艳红 《史学集刊》2003,28(3):50-55
公元542—543年发生在君士坦丁堡的大瘟疫是一场史无前例的大灾难,它导致了拜占廷帝国乃至整个地中海世界的人口数量锐减和生产力水平的剧降。为了探寻这次大瘟疫的真相,有必要重新研究当时史家对大瘟疫传播情况的记载,对瘟疫的起源和传播路线、瘟疫的症状和传染介质、死亡人数、政府对策及大瘟疫的影响几方面进行深入的探讨。  相似文献   

文章就"淹城""狗泽都"二地名进行探讨。1.在江浙地区常见用来指称洼地的"淹(渰)"作为地理通名,如古代浙江湖州的"无胥淹",江苏宜兴西北的"都山渰"等,常州武进"淹城"所在区域地势较低,故"淹城"之名也是由其处在洼地而来,和西周初年的奄族无关。2.燕国陶文"狗泽都"可读为"狗(句)泽(渎、俞)都(县)","句泽(渎、俞)"即齐国西部要地"句泽(渎、俞)",也就是"谷"(今山东菏泽),"句泽(渎、俞)都(县)"可能为燕国在公元前284—279年的燕齐战争中占领该地后所设,是先秦时期"因军设县"的表现。  相似文献   

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