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中岳汉三阙   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中岳嵩山的三处汉代石阙,是我国现存年代较早的石阙,阙身的画象和镌刻文字为国内外历代金石学家所宝重,一九六一年国务院公布为全国重点文物保护单位(封底)。阙,是建造在城门、宫殿、祠庙、陵墓前的两个对称建筑物。是我国古代劳动人民在建筑工艺上的一项成就。古时“缺”和“阙”通用,两阙之间空缺,作为道路,所以,这种成双矗立的建筑物称为阙。这种建筑形式早在二千七百年前的周代就有了。  相似文献   

高颐阙位于四川省雅安市郊成雅公路侧,距雅安市约7公里处的姚桥,是全国重点文物保护单位。高颐阙为东汉建安十四年(209年)所建,是一对扶壁式的双阙,两阙相距12米。东阙残损严重,主阙斗拱层以上的阙额、阙檐、阙顶和子阙全部散失,不能恢复原貌。西阙现状基本完整,现人们所称的高颐阙,系指西阙而言。高颐阙由32块紫红色中粗粒岩屑长石砂岩,在长2.55米,宽1.65米,高0.45米的船形基石上堆砌成有扶壁的重檐五脊式的石质建筑。主阙13层,子阙7层,由于阙是建筑在未作基础的地面上,加之地震等各种外界因素的影响,造成阙基下沉、阙体倾斜和开  相似文献   

汉阙是汉代建筑中封建皇权的象征,关于出阙问题,关于平阳府君阙、边考先阙、成都出土的王君平阙,以及李业阙的真伪问题,历来为学者所关注。文中对这些问题作了新的探讨。  相似文献   

高颐阙位于四川雅安市郊姚桥乡汉碑村。汉故益州太守高颐墓阙,建于东汉建安十四年(209年),全国重点文物保护单位。 高颐阙现为一保护整体、有墓、兽(圆雕雌雄辟邪一对),阙为双阙,均为子母阙。墓阙相距160余米,两阙相距13.2米。东阙残,只剩座和阙身,阙顶为后世仿制,两阙完整。阙为仿木结构石质建筑,由台基,阙身、阙楼、阙顶四部分组成。母阙砌  相似文献   

阙,是我国古代建造在城门、宫殿、祠庙、陵墓前的两个对称建筑物,两物之间空缺,作为道路,故称之为"阙",古时"缺"和"阙"二字是通用的。阙的建筑形式早在距今二千七百年前的周代就有了,《诗经·郑风》中就有"纵我不往,子宁不来?挑兮达兮!在城阙兮"的记载。阙的用途主要是表示大门。城阙还可以登临瞭望、察看敌情,所以也有把阙称为"观"的。宫阙和城阙多置于皇宫门前和交通要道上,统治阶级还常常把封建王朝的法令、布告悬挂在上面,用以昭示国人。秦始皇统一中国后,曾在东海边上立石,以示秦  相似文献   

"阙"是我国古代王都宫门或者城门之前的装饰建筑形式,是悬挂法令之处。阙最早出现在西周,直至春秋时期,只有周王室与鲁国的城门之前才有这种形式。战国时期,"阙"成为各个诸侯国都城门之前的建筑。战国中期,秦孝公十二年(公元前350年),商鞅按照魏阙的样式"筑冀阙、宫庭于咸阳"。冀,先秦时期指晋南;文中所说的"冀阙"就是立在魏国旧都安邑宫门之前的阙。从此我国古代的"阙"又有"冀阙""魏阙""象魏"之称。  相似文献   

宅第阙是汉代大型宅院的重要建筑前或是宅院大门位置所建的装饰性建筑。本文探讨了宅第阙的隶定、宅第阙的形制结构及时行乐所涉及到的汉代思想意识、社会等级等问题。  相似文献   

1997年和2000年,陕西省考古研究院(所)阳陵考古队先后两次对汉阳陵帝陵陵园南门遗址进行了考古发掘,使我们对该遗址的建筑形式有了较全面的认识。一、南门遗址的建筑形式是阙阙是我国古代一种常见的建筑形式。关于阙的定义,刘熙《释名》云:阙在门两旁,中央  相似文献   

正太室阙,位于河南嵩山太室山南麓中岳庙门前的中轴线上,是庙前的神道阙,分东西两阙。两阙结构相同,皆由阙基、阙身、阙顶三部分组成。阙上刻有铭文及各种人物、动物、树木形象,其中三处铭文皆位于西阙之上(1)(图1)。西阙北面上方是元初五年吕常造石阙铭,即太室阙铭。铭文阴刻隶书,二十七行,  相似文献   

绵阳平阳府君阙维修技术及相关问题曹丹汉平阳府君阙,在绵阳市北郊四公里的芙蓉溪仙人桥畔川陕公路右侧,是建于东汉时期的一对石阙,为全国有名、保护较好的汉代石质建筑物。1961年列为全国重点文物保护单位。现将该阙的建筑结构及其在这次维修复原加固工程中发现的...  相似文献   

中国古代城阙的考古学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代城阙至迟到西周时期就已经出现,根据其平面形制可分单阙、双阙和三出阙三种类型.城阙最初具有防卫功能.随着时间的发展,春秋时期城阙已有等级上的区别,成为标识身份的礼仪象征.  相似文献   

西夏遗民余阙是元代少数民族诗人的杰出代表。受到元代社会背景、文化熏陶以及文人交游等多维度因素影响,余阙在诗歌中表现出对魏晋六朝诗歌强烈的认同感,其诗承继魏晋风骨,规仿六朝风韵,熔炼吸收魏晋六朝诗人的作诗法度,吸纳意象和语言风格,在元代诗坛别具一格。论文详细探讨余阙对于魏晋六朝诗歌的多方面接受,楬橥余阙作为少数民族诗人在元代诗坛的重要意义,希望能为西夏文学研究,构建多民族文学交融的"中华文学史"添砖加瓦。  相似文献   

王家祐 《四川文物》2005,(2):70-71,79
本文对泸县宋墓石棺上的“朱雀”形象进行了深入探讨,认为其与佛教大鹏金翅鸟颇有渊源,是佛教典故普及的表现。  相似文献   

本文用地下出土的《孙子兵法》材料与传世文献记载相印证,探讨了该书的原始及流传情况。从《孙子兵法》、《孙膑兵法》、《吴子》诸书的产生与发展入手,论证我国战国时期曾存在过的,假托圣人、智者与人问答的著书风气。而这种风气的形成,实肇源于兵书的影响。  相似文献   

我国古代杰出的史学评论家 ,无不重视对历史撰述的得失进行批判和总结。作为乾嘉史学名家之一 ,王鸣盛在探讨历史撰述问题时 ,尤其注意考察史书体裁的利弊得失 ,帝纪与人物传记体例的灵活运用 ,以及书志与论赞体例的进一步完善等问题 ;同时他又能够联系具体史事和作者撰述思想来讲体例 ;既重视体例又强调不应为体例所拘 ,反映其朴素辩证的变通思想 ,值得我们深入研究 ,并加以继承和发展。  相似文献   

This article examines how the practice of learning geography, and the arenas in which knowledge-making takes place, can be usefully positioned within changing histories of the discipline. It contends that networks of action – understood through the intersection of social sites, subjects and sources – present a conceptual framework and narrative focus for the re-consideration of specific episodes from geography's past. The interventions made here are informed and illustrated by a 'small story' about the doing of geography. Based on different personal accounts, the story revives a series of events, encounters, dialogues and images dating back to the winter of 1951 at Glenmore Lodge, Scotland. This educational institution in the Cairngorm mountains offered children from urban areas the opportunity to learn field studies and the skills of 'outdoor citizenship'. Initially, the focus falls on Margaret Jack, a 14-year-old field-course participant. Her learning experiences are traced through personal letters, a diary and a field journal dating from that time, and her recent recollections of this event. Margaret's account dovetails with the story of her field studies instructor, Robin Murray. Robin's role is traced through his learning experiences as a geography undergraduate at Aberdeen University, and the recent recollections of Catriona Murray, his wife.  相似文献   

The Knowledge of Debt: Law, Media Technique, and Everyday Experience in Liberal Capitalism. Performing an object such as ‘the economy’ hinges on practices of formatting knowledge. The article proposes to look at such instituting moments in connection with social conflicts over the legitimate rules of exchange. This is exemplified by way of recounting the story of the codification of Swiss bankruptcy law in 1889. In order to homogenize the legal procedures of debt collection and bankruptcy, two subject categories were instituted: ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. These different categories were thought to account for the diverging temporalities and spaces of credit exchange in everyday economic life. The introduction of the commercial register, a media-technical apparatus, enabled a formal distinction between ‘merchants’ and ‘non-merchants’. However, this boundary was contested and proved to be porose.  相似文献   

Shells of two species of freshwater bivalve (Unio willcocksi Bullen Newton and Etheria elliptica Lamarck) from the predynastic Gerzean (Nagada II) Decorated Tomb at Hierakonpolis, Egypt have given dates of 5000±90 bp for the tomb, and 12,900±120 bp for an episode of Nile terrace accumulation (correlated here with the Sahaba-Darau aggradation event). The archaeological and geological significance of these results is discussed, together with an outline of problems associated with radiocarbon dating of shell. Comparisons are made with the few other radiocarbon dates available for the Predynastic period in Egypt and possible reasons for the presence of shells in the tomb are considered.  相似文献   

The later post-glacial history of a valley in the chalk escarpment near Brook, Kent, is described, based on molluscan stratigraphy, archaeological evidence and radio-carbon dating. Differences in size and colour banding, respectively, of fossil and living representatives of two species of land snails, Pomatias elegans (Müller) and Cepaea nemoralis (L.), are correlated with climatic change during the post-glacial period. The problems of the use of fossil shells of these species as samples for radiocarbon dating are discussed.  相似文献   

A Singapore-based economic geographer explores and analyzes the spatially uneven evolution of the Internet industry in China, arguing that the country's immense regional disparity in the provision of Internet services is best explained by the interplay of place- and path-dependence. The author demonstrates how the highly uneven regional endowments in relevant industrial and entrepreneurial resources have led to the substantial and persistent regional imbalance within China's emerging "new economy." His initial survey of the country's 100 leading Internet content providers (firms), identified from a listing of ca. 11,700 commercial websites, is selectively augmented to reflect an increase of over 70 million Internet users in 2007, reaching a total of 253 million in June 2008, and thus overtaking the United States as the world's largest Internet market. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: L10, L86, O30. 6 figures, 1 table, 53 references.  相似文献   

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