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Canadian Urban Landscape Examples   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article reviews evidence and arguments linking the networking behaviour of firms with geographic distance, before examining the spatial relationships of electronics firms in the three major electronics centres in Spain. The focus is on the spatial pattern and extent of different types of inter-firm relations. Based on the analysis of 184 surveyed establishments, displaying different ownership and organization characteristics, the results show that while regional linkages are important, significant extra-regional linkages are also maintained by firms in regional clusters. The spatial extent of linkages depends on the mode of relations; arm's length, network and hierarchy relations show different spatial patterns, as do different types of cooperation. The importance of extra-regional linkages also varies with firm- and plant-specific characteristics. Extra-regional linkages are more common among larger and more R&D-intensive firms, firms with greater presence in the rest of the country and firms with more experience of cooperation and more stable relationships.  相似文献   

Contrary to claims by some neo‐liberalists that international borders are becoming irrelevant, market liberalisation can actually enhance the effect that borders have on the lives of the people living along them. This study examines how the opening of border trade between Laos and Thailand has influenced gender divisions of labour, and definition of women's work along the border zone. Studies were undertaken in two border areas in Lao PDR—Sayaboury province and Kammoune province. In the former, cotton‐weaving activities were studied and in the latter, sticky rice box production. The production and trading of these commodities brought crucial cash income to the women studied and their households. How the women benefited from these activities in terms of income and status depends on how other members of the family perceived these activities. However, the formalisation of the border trade has changed women's ‘sense of space’ and their relations with men and other women.  相似文献   

雷发林 《旅游》2005,(11):16-24
地球上很少有这样美丽的地方,几千里连绵不断的雪峰,数不清的冰川和瀑布,在它们中间点缀着无数或奶蓝色或翠绿色的冰湖,森林中草甸里还出没着大量的棕熊、黑熊、驯鹿、糜鹿、山羊、大角羊、草原狼……这就是坐落在加拿大境内的洛矶山(Canadian Rockies)。虽然每年有五百多万游客慕名前来度假游览,虽然这里修建了高速公路和很多酒店,但因为保护措施得当,这片土地依然保留了它本身的面貌,人与自然仍旧可以和谐的共存。  相似文献   

H. J. Rose 《Folklore》2013,124(2):124-131

雷发林 《旅游》2005,(12):16-24
地球上很少有这样美丽的地方,几千里连绵不断的雪峰,数不清的冰川和瀑布,在它们中间点缀着无数或奶蓝色或翠绿色的冰湖,森林中草甸里还出没着大量的棕熊、黑熊、驯鹿、糜鹿、山羊、大角羊、草原狼……这就是坐落在加拿大境内的洛矶山(Canadian Rockies)。虽然每年有五百多万游客慕名前来度假游览,虽然这里修建了高速公路和很多酒店,但因为保护措施得当,这片土地依然保留了它本身的面貌,人与自然仍旧可以和谐的共存。  相似文献   

<正>不经意间,冬去春来,春天步姿婀娜地来到我们身边。阳春时节,大洋彼岸,加拿大正慢慢从积雪中苏醒,绿意悄然爬上枝头,早春的各色花朵亭亭玉立。加国的春景向来迷人,各处的春色各有千秋,很难以用一两个词语去笼统概括。辽阔的地域,各异的地貌,造就了缤纷多彩的加拿大之春。  相似文献   

The flat topography of the Red River Valley reflects the morphology of underlying bedrock covered with late Quaternary glacial and glaciolacustrine sediments. The meandering Red River occupies a shallow stream‐cut valley that became incised into the Red River Valley plain following the final recession of glacial Lake Agassiz. Extreme flows carried by the river overtop the sides of the stream‐cut valley and spread laterally up to several tens of kilometres across the plain. An array of flood protection infrastructure has been constructed in the landscape to mitigate the flood hazard.  相似文献   

Richard W. Brislin, Walter J. Lonner and Robert M. Thorndike. Cross‐Cultural Research Methods. New York John Wiley & Sons, 1973. v + 351 pp. Tables, charts, bibliography, and index. $16.95.

Harry C. Triandis, in association with Vasso Vassiliou Yasumasa Tanaka and A. V. Shanmugam. The Analysis of Subjective Culture. A Volume in Comparative Studies in Behavioral Science: A Wiley Series, edited by Robert T. Holt and John E. Turner. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1972. v + 382 pp. Tables, charts, and index. $16.95.  相似文献   

<正>不经意间,冬去春来,春天步姿婀娜地来到我们身边。阳春时节,大洋彼岸,加拿大正慢慢从积雪中苏醒,绿意悄然爬上枝头,早春的各色花朵亭亭玉立。加国的春景向来迷人,各处的春色各有千秋,很难以用一两个词语去笼统概括。辽阔的地域,各异的地貌,造就了缤纷多彩的加拿大之春。  相似文献   


Canada and the United States are two democracies on the North American continent sharing a common border, common British heritage, and for the most part a common language. At the same time, the two political systems abound with structural differences. Canadians, unlike voters in the U.S., cannot split their votes among various parties and candidates, and the single house Parliamentary system with tight party discipline renders an individual back-bench MP relatively powerless. The questions addressed by this article concern similarities and differences of Canadian and U.S. urban voters as they make electoral selections in these similar cultures and dissimilar, yet democratic, political systems. First, do social factors such as class, ethnicity, and religion provide similar bases for cleavage in Canada and the U.S.? Canadian society supposedly has a more easily defined class structure than the U.S. Does this difference carry over into the area of electoral choice? Do ethnicity and religion, as reported, differentiate party support in both countries? Second, individual factors such as the voter's party identification and impression of the party leaders (or presidential candidates) have been shown in the U.S. to be of dominant importance in predicting an individual's vote. What is the relative importance of these factors in determining voting choice in the two countries? The three-party Canadian context renders difficult any clear-cut comparisons to the two-party U.S., but useful avenues of speculation emerge. The NDP has a working-class base, but cannot attract the poor. Class does not significantly distinguish PC's and Liberals, the dominant parties, and on ethnicity and religion PC and NDP supporters bear a strong resemblance to each other. In the U.S. the expected associations obtain between Democratic vote and working class, Catholic religion, and foreign-born parentage. Party identification and attractiveness of the party leader, long recognized as important influences on voters in the U.S., seem from these data to play a similar role in Canada. Consequently, the individual electoral decision is dominated by more similarities than might be suggested from observing the differences in electoral and decision-making structures. Perhaps culture rather than political structure is dominant (within certain limits) in a voter's electoral decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we initiate a discussion of zoos as cultural landscapes, using the example of the Assiniboine Park Zoo in Winnipeg, Manitoba. We start from the notion that zoos are cultural institutions that do not reflect nature itself but are created landscapes inscribed with social and cultural messages conveyed through the presentation of wild animals. We examine the development of this zoo in the context of the stages through which it has passed in its over a hundred years of existence on the basis of historical accounts as well as Assiniboine Park Zoo master plan and annual report documents. We argue for examining zoos as cultural landscapes that reflect the changing relations between humans and animals and with 'nature' more generally.  相似文献   

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