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Rope and other patterns on pottery unearthed from the Karub cultural sites, dating back some 5,000 years, are considered to be the earliest examples of painting art known so far. Rock paintings believed to have come later constitute the embryo of Tibetan painting art.Tangka painting is closely related to frescoes in terms of painting art. Tangka is created to reproduce what is painted in the fresco. Cultures prevalent in China's hinterland, India and Nepal exerted deep influence on Tibetan painting art.Both Princess Wencheng and Princess Jincheng brought the Han Chinese culture into Tibet, which proved to be a boon for the development of Tibetan painting art. With construction of the Potala Palace, Jokhang, Qamzhub and other monasteries, Tibetan painting art developed apace. Frescoes in Jokhang Monastery, Qamzhub Monastery and Potala Palace, still visible today, feature a simple nature, with rich colors and concise lines, while figures were painted in an  相似文献   

Tibetan painting art finds expression in two: murals and tangka paintings. The two vary in painting styles and materials used. Tangka paintings show the unique feature of Tibetan fine arts.However, in the face of refined tangka, how one should enjoy it? Do you know how to paint it? How to mount it? Anything special in this regard?Mounting MethodIn Tibet, when a tangka has been created, it would be mounted. The brocade for mounting, called Gyishamo in Tibetan, always has the same dimension: Gyishamo below the tangka amounts to half that of  相似文献   

Tangka (a Tibetan word meaning"silk, satin or cloth painting scroll")have been in vogue in Tibet for centuries, but no one knows when andwhere they evolved. Archaeologistswho found pottery bearing patternsin the Karub Site dating back some5,000 years came to the conclusionthey were the embryo of the Tibetanpainting art.FRESCOES. In Tibetan, "tang"means "unfolding" or "displaying".Tangka is created with the intentionof showing the painting art to thepublic. This shows the importance offre…  相似文献   

<正>Whoever pays attention to Tibetan Thangkapainting art knows the name Manlha Dondrup,which belongs to the great painting master who brought forth many creative ideas with Thangka-painting during the 15th century.He was born in today's Mantang Village of the town of Karpo at Lhozhag in Lhoka Prefecture.Even today,thevillage still keeps the great master's remains in a special pagoda.In line  相似文献   

Regung art is a particularwonder of Tibetan Bud-dhism art, blending blendsreligious and folk art in away that is treasured byTibetan Buddhists as well as becomingwell known in the world.Art Flower in Golden ValleyRegung is the Tibetan name of areasin Tongren County and Zeku County inQinghai Province with the meaning of"golden valley".The Regung area as the birthplace of"Regung art" has an abundance of tangka,duishiu, sculptures and religious architec-tural structures. Several villages, …  相似文献   

<正>The Art of Tibetan Painting The author Yang Huiling is a member of the Tibetan Branch of the Chinese Association of Writers.He has 28 years experience in the military since 1969.This book broadly introduces the advancement,evolution,genre and styles of Tibetan painting in order to reveal the enduring charming of Tibetan fresco and Thangka's eternal vitality.  相似文献   

In this article, through the studies on the statues of brag-lha-klu-phug in Lhasa, combining with Chinese and Tibetan documents, the author makes a further exploration into its date, artistic styly and the relations with the Buddhist art of the neighbourhood. Apart from the influence of the art of grottos in Hexi Area, the traditional cultural relations between Tubo and Nepal, India also should be considered. The styles of statues, the Grotto of Tubo dynasty is closer to that of the Buddhist art of Nepal.  相似文献   

The art of Tibetan masks forms an essential element of traditional Tibetan culture. The masks are famous for their unique style, diversity of shapes and characteristically simple, unsophisticated and primeval beauty. Tibetan masks are therefore an important area for research. This article intends to give a brief introduction to the masks in order to offer readers a basic overview of this art.  相似文献   

The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

朱明 《东南文化》2003,(12):50-53
Calendar painting results from the popularity of business art movement between the late 19th century and the early 20th century with abundant louches of various topics, which was extremely favored with its special artistic displaying means and taste and was the best portrait of the civilian ordinary art.  相似文献   

Studies of Historical Archives Written in Tibetan The historical archives in Tibetan language,particularly historical records, have a long history and are abundant.In accordance with the method of recording, the form of an archive varies in its use of characters,illustrations,language,and the art of engraving.By focusing on historical archives in Tibetan,Hua Lin(the author)  相似文献   

Keeping Abreast with Religious Advancement
The chapel in the Tashilhunpo Monastery for the stupa of the 10th Panchen Lama was built in 1993. I found the woodcarving art was my newly discovered complex art. When and where from does Tibetan woodcarving originates? I have not yet to make any conclusions from all my research. Notwithstanding, academic circles generally conclude that the origin and advancement of Tibetan woodcarving art was keeping abreast with the dissemination and development of Buddhism in Tibet. That is to say woodcarving was included when Songtsen Gampo built the Tubo Kingdom in the 7^th Century.  相似文献   

Tibetan opera is an ethnic and unique theatrical genre in the system of Chinese operas. All the ethnic operas in China are directly or indirectly akin to Han operas, so is Tibetan opera. As a member of the big family, Tibetan opera necessarily absorbs some artistic nutrition from other Chinese operas. As a result, it acquires the common style and some common formal characteristics of Chinese national operas as a whole. The generality just lies on the level of cultural genre and overall flavor, however. As for the entity of the theatrical art itself, Tibetan opera is basically and independently derived from Tibetan culture and art except for some indirect influences from Han operas. During Emperor Qiaulong's reign, some leaders of the Qing troops stationed in Tibet used to organize soldiers from Shaanxi and Gansu to perform Shaanxi opera in the army In the period of the Republic of China, the office of Commission on Mongolian and Tibetan affairs in Lhasa promoted opera performance to celebrate victory in the Anti-Japanese War, New Year's celebrations,  相似文献   

"Sunflower" is a Tibetan woman (real name Rinehen Drolma) who is a famous dancer and a national-level choreographer. She is now a choreographer in the Music and Dance Troupe of TibetAutonomous Region (TAR). Since she engaged herself in the art of dance, Sunflower has won many first and second prizesin the dancing competitions of TAR. Her masterworks include Hormu Sisi, Tibetan Myth, Spring Maid, Spiritual Talk, Paean to the Holy Land, and Resama. She has given performances with her troupe in many countries and regions, including Austria, Germany, and Spain.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: The Chongqing Publishing House has published a set of eight books under the general title of Series Books on Folk Art in Tibet, covering clay molding art, mask art, garments, tangka painting, weaving, building and decoration, Mani stone carving, and sculpturing. They contain some 20,000 illustrations to enhance reader interest.  相似文献   

正The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,  相似文献   

正It was not that long ago that Buddhist grotto art upon the Tibetan Plateau was relatively unheard of within Buddhist art circles. Recent archaeological discoveries of and studies on art found in grottos within the Dungkar and Piyang areas of Sengye Tsangpo located in the Tibet Autonomous Region's Ngari Prefecture have filled in such blanks quite thoroughly, with the findings actually having become an important  相似文献   

In October of 2006,"Treasures of the Chinese Nation,an Exhibition of Tibetan Culture"was held exclusively at the Capital Museum in Beijing.Over 200 exquisite Tibetan cultural relics and 100-odd Tibetan folklore images unveiled in the exhibition hall attracted endless lines of visitors.While monks were busy making Mandala,a painter was sketching Thangka in the hall.In conjunction with the traditional art show in the exhibition (?) the visitors were profoundly inspired by such unique demonstrations of Tibetan culture. (?)Tibetan man glimpsed in a corner,wearing Tibetan robe,magnetically (?)gged on a small carpet and boning up on drawing (?)ecious flowers and clouds on the (?)seten Namgyal.  相似文献   

Shalu Monastery is one of the most famous Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and is seated in Gyatso Shong Township of Shigatse Municipality in the Tibet Autonomous Region.The monastery is rich in murals that total over a thousand square meters in wall space,putting on display a fine example of Tibetan Buddhist mural art from the Yuan dynasty.  相似文献   

In October of 2006,“Treasures of the Chinese Nation,an Exhibition of Tibetan Culture“was held exclusively at the Capital Museum in Beijing.Over 200 exquisite Tibetan cultural relics and 100-odd Tibetan folklore images unveiled in the exhibition hall attracted endless lines of visitors.While monks were busy making Mandala,a painter was sketching Thangka in the hall.In conjunction with the traditional art show in the exhibition (?) the visitors were profoundly inspired by such unique demonstrations of Tibe...  相似文献   

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