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四川地区所出土的大量汉代画像砖和画像石,其历史的和艺术的价值早已为人们所公认,海内学者已作了大量研究。伴随着画像砖和画像石还出土了一定数量的纪年砖和字砖,它们除了具有考古和历史的意义之外,还有相当的书法艺术价值,这一点,至今还未被人们充分认识。本文即想从书法艺术的角度对这些纪年砖和字砖作一些粗浅的探讨。众所周知,我国的汉字是一种古老而又经过多种演变的文字。在汉代之前,已经历了从夏商时代的甲骨文到周代的金文,战国的竹帛金石文字,再到秦代的小篆这样一个  相似文献   

<正>2013年4月,在山东省邹城峄山镇北龙河村发掘的宋金墓葬中出土了东汉汉安元年(142年)祠堂题记,上有图像和文字,是迄今发现的汉代祠堂题记文字最多的一石,是研究汉代纪年画像石的重要资料[1]。在文字释读上,已考释出580余字,并大致句读出题记的主要内容。但因异体、俗体、方言之辩,或涉丧葬习俗之故,或因风化、字浅之  相似文献   

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庄唯 《中国钱币》2005,(2):24-24
《中国钱币》2003年第2期,《古代中国的钱币》文中提及一枚比较著名的汉代吉语五铢钱,吉语钱文作“宜子门孙”(图1)。由于对“门”字在句中的释义感到困惑尽管有关辞书对门字解释的义项多达20余项,但从句义或语法上考察,没有一项与此句相适应,笔者遂怀疑此字的辨识可能有误。经仔细观察钱币文字并查找相关资料,认为这个字当训作会意字“廾(g彲ng)”。现将理由作如下说明,以就教于方家。廾(有的字典写作),《说文解字》解作“竦手也”。汉代学者杨雄说:“廾从两手(会意)。”宋代徐灏笺:“廾、共古今字,共、拱亦古今字”,意即两手拱和。竦(s彲n…  相似文献   

中国钱币>2003年第2期,<古代中国的钱币>文中提及一枚比较著名的汉代吉语五铢钱,吉语钱文作"宜子门孙"(图1).由于对"门"字在句中的释义感到困惑尽管有关辞书对门字解释的义项多达20余项,但从句义或语法上考察,没有一项与此句相适应,笔者遂怀疑此字的辨识可能有误.经仔细观察钱币文字并查找相关资料,认为这个字当训作会意字"廾(gǒng)".现将理由作如下说明,以就教于方家.  相似文献   

一、释《古玺汇编》0545号玺作基中""字。《古玺文编》。失收.字从言从言字上部一横似与字下部采用借笔的方式构成.从古文字的演变规律看,字与字可能是由一个个形体分化而成的,古音在端纽叶部,在泥纽叶部.两字韵部相同,声皆为音,后世从的字,有的在战国文字中就从""作,如楚简字从作""(信阳2-012),字从""作""(曾候乙墓62).直到汉代,有时还可替代,如王年号"居"之,居延汉简有时就写作.准此,字从言从,显然应该释为。见于《说文》,在玺文中用为人名。二.释《古玺汇编》3946号玺作:基中""字《古玺文编》收入附录六八第十栏…  相似文献   

中国文字博物馆藏有"海内皆臣"12字残砖5块,出土于山西禹王城遗址汉代文化层,历史文献表明汉代禹王城为安邑县所管辖,"安邑宫"铜鼎铭文也证实此砖出自汉初吕后时期的山西禹王古城。  相似文献   

赵芮禾 《收藏家》2022,(12):88-93
北京市大葆台西汉墓曾出土一朱漆书“黄熊桅”的漆床,此带字漆片引起了许多学者的注意,但对此四字的释读长期以来并无实质进展。作者以为“桅”二字皆有不同程度的残缺,发掘报告中推测其为“桅神”无法进行释读,因此对其重新解读为“桅祀”。对此文字的重新解读展现了汉代丧葬思想中对于黄熊祭祀的认识,简述了汉代对楚文化中多神祭祀的继承,并且通过对中国传统社会早期熊龙形象的探讨,探寻以黄熊为主导的玄武神的初始形象。  相似文献   

汉代是崇尚玉器的社会,流传至今的这四片汉代白玉保留着尚未深加工的原状,反映了汉代制玉工艺的高超.玉片上汉代玉工随手写出的墨书文字,展现了当时通用文字书写的本相,也是我们了解汉代玉器制作流程的珍贵资料.  相似文献   

山东嘉祥出土东汉永寿三年画像石题记补考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1980年,山东省嘉祥县满硐乡宋山村北山坡古墓中,出土一批汉代画像石,其中有一块刻有长篇铭记。文字分为左、右两部分,左边10行461字(连重文),右边1行28字。这是现在所见到的画像石题记中文字最长、内容最丰富,而且具有明确纪年的一件。《文物》1982年第5期《山东嘉祥宋山1980年出土的汉画像石》(以下简称简报)一文中已做了释文。李发林同志在《山东汉画像石研究》(以下简称李文)一书中又作了注释。但是一些考释尚有可商榷之处,现提出个人的一些看法,以相切磋。  相似文献   

2013年4月,山东省邹城市峄山镇北龙河村南发现了4座古墓葬(编号M1~M4)。其中,M1、M3、M4均为竖穴土坑石室墓,年代为宋金时期。墓室所用石料多数拆自汉代墓葬,其中有13块画像石,如文通祠堂题记画像石、人物动物画像石、璧纹画像石、击剑画像石、河伯出行画像石等。文通祠堂题记画像石由图像和题记两部分组成,题记文字共606字,可释读580余字,是目前国内汉代画像石题记中文字最多的一石。该题记的发现,对于研究东汉早中期画像石的刻石画像布局、题记内容涉猎范围、山东地区的刻工传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

白鹤梁题刻保护问题及其与水域环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
白鹤梁题刻是三峡库区唯一的国家级文物保护单位,受三峡水库淹没影响。在简单介绍和评价白鹤题刻现有保护方案的基础上,本文旨在探讨白鹤梁题刻及其与水域环境的相互关系,提出在进行白鹤梁题刻保护时,除了应注意保护白鹤梁题刻本身,还应恢复白鹤梁题刻赖以生存的水域环境及其所形成的独特的人文景观。  相似文献   

This study applies a taphonomic analysis to the final Middle Stone Age faunal assemblage from Sibudu Cave, South Africa, by assessing bone surface modifications, breakage patterns and skeletal element abundances. Cut marks, percussion marks, severe fragmentation and the high frequency of burned bone combine to demonstrate that human behaviour was the principal agent in the assemblage's formation. These results are consistent with previous research on earlier occupations of Sibudu during the Middle Stone Age. Moreover, this assemblage is proposed to reflect regular site maintenance and cleaning. This conclusion is consistent with previous research that demonstrates systematic site maintenance during the Middle Stone Age at Sibudu and emphasises this behaviour as being a consistent activity for Middle Stone Age foragers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Archaeological research at the site of Canteen Kopje, Northern Cape Province, South Africa, has focused on the rich Earlier Stone Age assemblages recovered from the Younger Vaal Gravels. This paper presents the results of excavation and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating of the overlying Hutton Sands. We discuss the evidence for colonial period interaction between diamond miners and indigenous groups at the site, as well as the presence of an earlier phase of terminal Middle Stone Age/early Later Stone Age occupation. The OSL analyses demonstrate the potential distortion of OSL ages due to substantial bioturbation and its effect on the dating of archaeological sites situated in unconsolidated sands.  相似文献   

The records of fabulous stones associated with birds are here examined systematically for the first time. Some were purported to be obtained from within the bird and others obtained from the nest. Zahir mora, the Adjutant Bird Stone, was used against snake bite, whilst Alectorius (the Cock Stone), Aetites (the Eagle Stone) and Vulturis (the Vulture Stone) shared a multiplicity of medicinal applications. Quirin (the Hoopoe Stone), Chloritis (the Wagtail Stone) and Corvina (the Crow Stone) supposedly possessed occult powers. The Penguin Stone, Ostrich Stone and Pigeon Stone were probably gastroliths.  相似文献   

Pyrotechnology was important in prehistory and has been a research topic for decades, in particular, the origins of controlled and habitual use of fire. The earliest putative evidence of fire use is from the African sites of Swartkrans (1,500,000–1,000,000 years ago) and Koobi Fora (1,500,000 years ago). In contrast, researchers working with European sites debate whether habitual use of fire occurred before 400,000 years ago. This paper provides a brief introduction to early fire use and then focuses on the African Middle Stone Age. Published evidence on fire use is available for 34 sites in southern Africa. Combustion features yield much evidence about human behavior, not only in regard to technical skills but also concerning social activities. Several activities using fire, symbolic behavior, spatial structuring, and group size in the Middle Stone Age are inferred from bone and lithic data, ash discard, site maintenance, and hearth size. The current status of knowledge on Middle Stone Age pyrotechnology demonstrates the benefits of applying new methodological approaches, facilitates comparisons with earlier and later archaeological periods, and is an important reminder of the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

Current interest in the origins of anatomically modernHomo sapiens has focused attention on early modern human remains and related archaeological materials associated with the southern African Middle Stone Age. While the anatomically modern status and a Last Interglacial or later age for the human fossils enjoy general support, issues related to the definition of the Middle Stone Age, its dating, and the interpretation of human behavior lack consensus. Available evidence suggests that the anatomically modern human skeleton appeared well before many aspects of the subsistence and symbolic behavior that characterize recent foragers and that Middle Stone Age technology persisted longer in southern Africa than its northern hemisphere counterpart.  相似文献   

Livestock remains appear in the South African archaeological record around 2100 years ago. However, the economic importance of domestic animals in Later Stone Age subsistence is debated. This paper adopts an approach rooted in Optimal Foraging Theory to examine if the introduction of livestock is reflected in changing taxonomic diversity of faunal assemblages. Based on the analysis of a database of 300+ faunal assemblages, it is concluded that the economic importance of livestock during the final Later Stone Age of South Africa was relatively limited.  相似文献   

张光英 《人文地理》2010,25(6):36-41
对微观个体行为空间研究已经成为人文地理学空间研究的重要内容。本文以曹雪芹《红楼梦》中核心人物的活动信息和空间信息为资料依据,在国内首次从地理学微观个体行为的视角,在理论和方法论上对小说核心人物行为空间进行思考和研究,尝试将行为地理学研究方法引入文学文本研究领域。研究认为:从地理学视角对小说核心人物的空间信息、活动信息进行统计,以此作为人物微观个体行为空间信息要素是可行的;从地理学行为空间视角思考作者对小说文本内容设计意图,有利于对小说文本进行理性的解读与思考,避免文本被意识形态化。  相似文献   

对汉画像石研究的几点看法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉画像石是汉代中下层人士的遗存,它所反映的是汉代的民风、民俗、民情,其内容主要为墓主生前生活的写照,但也有对死后生活的企盼。汉画像石的产生是由社会长期相对稳定、经济繁荣、思想观念及因地制宜等多种因素决定的,具有鲜明的时代和地域特征。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a series of experiments for the identification and analysis of fire modified rock (FMR). FMR is a common but frequently overlooked artifact type. Experiments were conducted simulating the effects of different hypothetical burning scenarios on rocks similar to those found in a South African Middle Stone Age site. A digital imaging method was then used to quantify FMR color values, designed to limit intra-analyst bias. Statistical tests and a blind test suggest that unburned rocks and experimental FMR can be separated statistically based on physical appearance. Two burning scenario models, based on measured experimental data were applied to archaeological FMR from a South African Middle Stone Age site named Pinnacle Point 5-6 (PP5-6) and show that the archaeological samples are not statistically different from a simulated campfire and possibly a lithic raw material heat-treatment fire.  相似文献   

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